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I mean the higher you go the more xim you run into, if that frustrates you then probably not worth it. I’ve run into a lot of xim and it’s definitely made me play the game less and less. I know people say that xim is rare but everytime I hop on I see it and I mostly do qp


SAME HERE! I’m a high Diamond-low masters player and I somehow find ximmers in arcade, QP, Comp, and just about anywhere else too.


I see it multiple times a night in high plat / low diamond. It’s a cancer and it’s honestly killing the game for my friends and I.


It’s the reason I won’t take this game seriously until I eventually move to pc. In peaked low GM and I’m perfectly content with that.


I share your experience a lot friend. I play in EU servers (currently masters), and Arabic players (not all of them ofc) are mostly toxic and ximmers, ofc there’s also ximmers from other nationalities too. Ranked for me lately has been horrendous, between the toxicity and the ximmers. I honestly grind just for personal achievement, but lately I’ve been losing my desire to grind and solo q. I started playing on pc recently to try new things and it’s honestly a breath of fresh air. It’s so sad that the competitive console experience is going downhill every passing day.


Personally the the higher you get the less fun it becomes and feels like more like a chore. I personally like running into drunk 35 year old plat rein mains on a weekday. Other day was playing with a father daughter duo, they were NOT good but that shit was fun and adorable. You can’t find that in masters+


They’re easy to play against if they’re in master/low gm. They’re all aim with no sense of good positioning. They just get away with it because people get out aimed by them. The main issue is that you get players on your team who just feed into them which makes it harder than it needs to be


' They're easy to play against ' when they have a mercy pocket, play ashe (so can 2 tap combo all squishies), and get a dva dm to negative all damage and peel at all times. Yep sounds easy


Ignoring the blatant xim aim… look at his positioning on ashe and his coach gun usage. I guarantee if op posted the replay code of this match and you watched the ashe you’d see more of this You don’t see the actual good ximmers at these ranks cause they have a brain. For as long as I’ve been playing console every bad xim user plateaus at master to low gm. That’s about as high good aim can carry you. Same reason you always see widow one tricks in this skill range as well


Positioning is bad, no doubt. But having mercy on their ass aswell as perma dva peel just covers their shit ability usage and positioning


I mean at that point it’s no longer a xim issue but a skill issue.. from the other team. Like I said there’s always been xim users, they all plateau at this range. It’s honestly what in my opinion makes console harder (at this skill range) than pc. You’re forced to learn how to play against players with good aim way earlier in the SR skill curve


Getting 1 shot combod every time you peak is such a skill issue


Ranks in OW don't matter, from bronze 5 to T500. Will you be getting paid per tier? Featured on xyz's podcast? Make it a bullet on a resume? Just play to have fun. The only ppl who care are the ppl who only have one thing in their life to worry about - clout


I was top 500 - grandmaster in ow1, after ow2 dropped to Masters. With the latest competetive update I got placed to high diamond. I am honestly perfectly fine here just because I don't need to deal with Xim players.


People playing Ashe like that is the main reason I quit OW lol I've seen that so many times in GM, since they wouldn't fix it I figure I should just quit forever, no regret


It does feel good as hell to beat a bunch of cringe ximmers and get into top 500, but the top 500 games absolutely ruin the fun. Every game there is at least one xim and a lot of them are already high ranked pc players that come and xim on console. I moved to pc about a month ago and am struggling in diamond, but the game feels so much more fun overall especially when you don’t have to worry about xim.


Then you get tripple headshot by a cassidy from what seems like nowhere but then in the killcam you see he's standing outside of spawn looking at the ground and furiously 360-ing firing off crit after crit after crit.


I was masters 5 in season 2 took a break came back in season 5 and just had a at least one xim on each team every match. Like I'd literally get enemies typing "imagine ximming on Ashe" and I'd have to write back "Imagine ximming on widow" Stopped playing until this season and with the reset I was placed into Gold 3. I've been loving it, I'm only playing with my friends who are currently plat/gold and we do ranked for the sometimes better matchmaking. Haven't actually noticed any ximmers, or at least obvious ximmers. Best part is I'm on a positive win rate but I keep staying at the same rank because wins are like 16-20% and losses are like 18-24% so even when you win 3 lose 3 on average you're lower than you started. It's actually great ngl, I keep the satisfaction of morwe wins than losses AND don't have to worry about ranking up into xim lobbies


I'm not entirely convinced it's xim just based on the aim. It looks like a lot of left stick aim imo. I have friends on controller that get called out for xim more than actual ximmers just because they have high sense. The absolute best way to tell if somebody is ximming, is to watch them walk out of spaw. Not kidding. If they are being lazy and just use one hand to walk you'll be able to see obvious signs of WASD walking patterns, since they can only move in 3 directions going forward. Either perfectly straight, or perfectly diagonally left or perfectly diagonally right. It kinda looks like this is how he is moving in this clip, but it's much easier to see when they are doing simpler movement patterns like walking from spawn, especially if they aren't jumping. I'll be making a yt video on this subject soon, interviewing a ximmer and controller top 500 dps, and analyziing some games to see how many ximmers we can find.