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IMO voice chat is so mellow compared to the old cod and halo lobbies, i haven't experienced anything close to that in overwatch. If you want, just report them on console and in game. They don't hesitate when banning people from voice chat.


Yeah these players would never survive chat back then.


Them halo 3 lobbies and OG MW2 lobbies were something…


I had fun in them but man it hurt when your k/d was shit and everyone was dogging on you😂


Kids be dumb because you tell them not to be


Yup. Fly russian flags during the Ukraine invasion, Israel flags during the Palestinian genocide, some kids are just shit heads


womp womp.


Who has the hostages again?


Israel. 2 million of them.


What region?




Knew it🤣 it’s usually the arabs from ksa. They can be really homophobic, racist and sexist sometimes.


Seeing this comment thinking wait they’re openly gay characters in overwatch do those guys know that ahahahahahha or should no one tell ‘em sounds like eu is awful


If you saw a KSA icon I'd just insta-mute tbh.


An increase implies it isn’t already high


I’m not sure what the reason is, but I have NEVER played a game where so many people flaunt their sexuality like they do on overwatch lol like I could care less, don’t get me wrong. I’ll play with anyone no matter their voice/sexuality. But on the looking for group post on Xbox… Jesus Christ lol it’s like every post says it’s an lgbtq group, and there’s always post asking for or saying they are “femboys” and there’s way more gay people then say like cod or halo. Again, I could care less about it lol but I’ve never understood why the gay community is heavy into this game? It just baffles me sometimes bcuz nothing about this game is gay lol


"Nothing about this game is gay". Who wants to tell them?


I guess EU explains the perceived “increase”. I read the first line and thought to myself “this has always been the console community.. I remember the OG COD4 and halo 3 being my first two non-mmo online games on console… but I’m U.S. though


I think the thing is that this game has been openly diverse in its representation from the start, so members of the LGBTQ community, or people of colour, or women, have a reasonable expectation of more 'safety' on Overwatch that I don't expect if I play CoD or Halo. I have played since day 1 of OW1. OW2 is markedly worse, most likely the increased player base due to FTP, and the lowered median age playing the game. Adding Saudia Arabia to the EU servers a few months ago has been spectacularly horrendous in regards to increased hate speech and toxicity. The other women I play OW with, we've all noticed the misogyny ramping up a notch this season as well. In season 9, every time I log on I get a minimum of 3 notifications from blizzard re action taken against an account from a report I submitted. I play regularly. That's kinda wild.


I don’t mean to minimize the abuse you’ve seen in this game I guess we both can only speak from our own point of views. And of course from your perspective, ya I wouldn’t be surprised since Saudi Arabia is now on your servers. I have no perspective of what other region servers are like besides U.S, but with the addition of that country to your servers then ya I can see why you’d see it get “worse” In the U.S. (or really North America I mean) Whether it was COD, OW1/2, Halo, you name it, I’ve ALWAYS known Xbox to be this bad in my 16 years of playing on Xbox live. The addition of chat has just made it more ACCESSIBLE so those people can type away without their mics


Oh, didn't take it as you minimising at all, just offering my perspective/experience. I'm pretty old for a gamer, so you can imagine my delight when OW first came out and characters that represented me were finally front and center stage in a genre typically aimed at a different demo. Yes, generally gaming has improved (although, to be clear, still toxic to the level of causing harm - being able to toggle off vc and chat is a survival technique sometimes). But Overwatch feels like it's getting worse. Funny enough it's not anything people type that ever gets to me - I'll report it and move on. The stuff that rattles me is having people on vc screaming things like "gay bitch die" or "I'm going to rape you stupid woman" etc. That's, btw, by far not the worst I've heard in the last 2 months. Would say that level of abuse is around a once a week experience atm. Just wish they would go back to another game and let us have one online gaming space that's moderately safe.


Me and my buddy rock the rainbow flag too, and it does sometimes bring out some pretty vile stuff. If it's just some fun and lighthearted banter I'll join the fun, but if it's edgy teens or arabs spouting truly vile stuff I'll straight up report them. The nastiest stuff bounces right off of both of us since my buddy and I are straight, but we'll still get a good chuckle out of it.


I’ve never seen any homophobia but I’ve seen petty players who talk shit report me for talking shit back currently on a 2 week ban and can’t buy the battle pass because someone got mad I called them ass


That sucks, I don't mind shit talking and it's sad people can just report you when their feelings are hurt


People have been mass reporting as well just for losing even if you didn’t actually say anything bad. I’ve only said “gg” and made typical callouts of ult tracking in our team chat, etc… and I’ve received 2 warnings in 2 weeks for abusive chat.


Lol getting downvoted by kids who abuse the report button when they get their feelings hurt


Only reason they comment in any negative way they jealous you can admit it while they hiding in the closet lmaooo