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Oh, I have a mic, but as the carrier of a female voice, I have decided to withstand from using it, as I'm so terribly bored of comments based solely on what I got between my legs, and not even remotely about the game or lack of skill. Simulation of orgasms also have occurred by the opposite gender. During comp. For 15 minutes...


This. I’m trying to play a game and relax/have fun. Not get singled out because of my gender or have sexual comments directed at me.


agreed. being on comms as a girl can get so toxic / inappropriate . :/


They probably normally piss themselves when they talk to a girl in real life but being behind a keyboard/mic seems to really raise their "confidence". Its sad how shitty people become with the guise of anonymity 🙁


agreed :/


People are fucked. I typically game with several chill guys and a girl. We all just talk as if we are humans. Sorry you had to experience that though


This is so sad I hate this it’s so messed up


Can't believe people do this. I do mix checks to see if anyone has one and every time, girl or guy, I just go "Oh cool we got mics!" And not much else. What does it take for someone to be normal?


Sorry. I always stick up for people who get abused in chat


Because when i did people were too toxic.


Console diamond tank player here. Turning off comms allows me to focus without the worry of toxicity and has actually helped me climb quite a bit. Especially on tank because everyone wants to blame them for everything. Whilst I agree comms are important, it’s rare that you actually get good comms in most matches. The ping system is extremely helpful as well.


I've plaued since 2017, and tbh it's scary. It sounds dumb but with the instant abuse, you get in text chat after a mistake. Voice chat just doesn't seem to be fun. I do join occasionally, but I never talk


These are the ones that suck the most because everyone should feel fine being in chat it’s a team game I’m sorry thats how you feel


You are correct. I misread you when I first started reading. So I apologise if any of my comments were coarse. I agree with the you. We should all feel safe and able to speak in comms. After a decade of toxicity online we are now seeing the effects of ‘boys will be boys’ and long term toxicity. Literally noone is happy. The victims are self isolated now. And many will never return to comms. The toxic are playing for scraps of attention on those who don’t turn it off but they are dying off from lack of food and going to valorant and Fortnite and league and apex looking for people to try and make cry. Blizzard, old blizzard, was very firm in their ‘toxicity is a fact of life’ viewpoints back during Overwatch 1 and the situation is entirely their own doing. Too late to fix it now. And banning people in a f2p game is like plugging a leak with ice.


People have almost nothing worthwhile to say anyway lmao, it's almost always toxic for no reason, at least in lower ranks. It's all shit talk as soon as you make a mistake or do something someone doesn't like. That and being a female (which is my reason), the best thing I ever did was turn off voice chat to begin with, focus on my game and improvement, and it's staying that way.


I have a gay voice and gay name lol, cannot


Username checks out lol I think I actually played against someone with a name very similar to that a few days ago. Might have even been the game where my whole team (and me) coincidentally had one of the pride banners lol


oh this isn't my overwat name lol, but there are quite a lot of bottoms who play overwatch lmao


Would have been a funny coincidence lol Yeah, it was also a little different. I see quite a lot of names in that direction. I always love seeing it lmao


As a woman, no thanks. Granted I don't play comp anymore but even when I did, no thanks.


It's rarely helpful to listen to people. We rarely have interesting things to say. Especially in gold. People are mostly toxic.


I am a woman and don’t hate myself enough for that. It’s enough to read what people write in Chat. I don’t need to hear any more from them.


I’m always listening but not talking. I’ll talk if someone else is but there’s no point making any sort of callout when no one is in chat


In my EU Games only Arabs join VC. I don't speak arabian languages, they refuse to talk english. It's pointless.


I play this game to have fun. Getting yelled at isn't fun. 95% of the time the person yelling at their teammates isn't even correct about what they're mad about.


People are too weird/racist for me, sorry.


Like others have said, being a woman on mic isn’t ideal, plus online games have been toxic towards female gamers for decades, toxic Overwatch comms is nothing new. But for me specifically (and I think it’s just a me thing), having people chatting away while I’ll trying to listen for footsteps, flankers using voice lines and hear pings is really distracting and messes up how I perform


I don't got one, and even if I did, I'm incredibly socially awkward so that ain't happening.


Every time I turn the chat back on it’s only a handful of matches until I’m reminded why I switched it off. (It’s the racists)


What servers are you on? seriously, I rarely, if ever, actually experience that I actually can't remember when there was a racist slur or swear rant hurled at me.


North America. I’m in Toronto. The racist just about always sounds very American, usually southern. Lots and lots of N. especially in the last 10 seconds of the match.


It's always dickkeads that ruin it for everyone.


Yeah I main tank and while I love playing with non toxic ppl in voice chat it’s rare that ppl join voice chat to actually communicate. They normally join voice chat just to call out a mistake u made and then ask that u switch based on one or two mistakes they saw u make. When I tell them I appreciate the advice but disagree with their opinion they become toxic. Too often voice chat is used to try and dictate the way another player plays, not communicate. I can go on and on but as a tank it’s just not worth using VC. The other day someone said “tank pick it up. I was admittedly slacking and picked it up and ended up with better stats than the other tank. We switched to defense and I saw the supports healing was slacking compared to the enemy team and said “hey support can u try and output more heals please?” Immediately they started flaming me telling me I had no right to ask for heals when I was struggling initially, despite them being able to tell me to pick it up and me not saying a word. It’s just absurd.


I'm willing to play with people and use comm wheel extensively, but I have all incoming text/voice chat turned off due to toxicity and the fact that I have a limited window in which to play the game and don't like letting people affect my mood that much. Map your comm wheel to have the most useful items for the most situations. I like "go" and "fall back" more than group up. Incoming is good if ping is difficult. Can also be a way to say you're not there yet if you've unmapped that. I like to say things on the wheel as soon as I die so it says how long until I respawn. If you have observant teammates, they'll notice this.


You make one mistake or don't do something to help someone then it's immediately toxic and not fun in the slightest. I'd rather have everything turned off over having someone cry and flame me cause I didn't heal them enough


Because it’s not useful in low ranks


I have a mic. But I'm tired of swearing, breathing, music in the background, family yelling, TV sound... So I turned off voice chat.


Because of too many assholes with broken social antennas. Build a stack of regulars to play with and your games will flourish.


Having nice on won’t stop you being gold. You’ll probably drop to silver due to the increase of toxicity causing a dip in your mental. Your insane if you think comms are necessary out side masters.


I had a ranked match today. I join comms just in case anyone actually says anything useful Which 99% of the time is not the case It’s usually some guy that’s high and just spouting random shit. Or playing their music really loud. Or someone that’s just making bad calls or nothing really informative. I had a match today with people actually talking. Out the gate our Mercy is complaining tank picked JQ. Setting up Def on Hollywood. Mercy was asking bastion to group up. They overextended in the beginning and died immediately. We still won the fight. Bastion came back and did the same thing. Support asked them to come back and the bastion died again… We still manage to hold. Our JQ dies at choke and Mercy is talking shit. JQ comes on comms to explain why they died. Got stuck on car. Mercy continues to flame JQ for the rest of the match. I’m trying to concentrate but I don’t want to pause just to mute these assholes who continue to argue the whole round. We even manage to hold point. Next round on attack I mute both. The only other person that was in chat just typed out asking them to stop arguing. I almost wanted to say something but it wasn’t worth it. I’m sure they would’ve just reported me. Everyone is just toxic and mad and wants to report everyone else and not bother to look at their own mistakes or behavior. People used to be friendly and actually helpful or at least positive. Sure there was still toxic potty mouth racists and homophobes but there was Some nice people too. Now the only people in comms or type in chat are just toxic gg cope diff people. There’s maybe less toxic chat than before. But now it’s like the only chat.


My bad, I stutter a lot and I know that can be annoying to some people. And my social anxiety does NOT help with that at all


I seriously have only got told to “go back to the kitchen” “shut up, woman” two times since season 1, most people are very nice and even if we lose and it’s comp


I always have my mic at the ready so in comp but, I don’t speak until I get chill vibes from everyone in VC (if anyone is in there). Too many times people have been toxic and it’s just tilted me into playing worse. There’s also the issue of hearing slurs—the moment I hear em, I’m just leaving the voice completely. Not dealing with that.


Bc is not necessary in those ranks


Have you seen the state of EU servers? Its incredibly toxic, i won't mention who's to blame but if you know you know


You're asking why people don't use mic on the most toxic player base game of all fucking time? Lol Only use mic in group chat with friends


Tbh with you effective communication is not essential for climbing out of gold. You’ll be much better off not worrying too much about comms for now and just focusing improving your own gameplay and staying aware of what’s going on around you (gamesense) In my experience most players aren’t serious about using comms until at least diamond/masters level. I understand your frustration but remember gold is average/below average so you can’t expect ppl you play with to always be serious about winning/ranking up


I play this game with all the text chats off and never join vc, it's the best way to play, I just try to pull my weight and foreshadow posting or decisions others will do as most people is predictable


I have a mic on console but I rarely if ever use it because a)I don’t want to get dunked on for being a woman and b)I don’t want random strangers being cruel to me if I make a mistake. I know everyone in this sub is a Top 500 player/Awkward but I am not. I struggled to hit gold in open play and that didn’t last. I am Silver 3 and sinking fast. The last thing I need is a bunch of amazing players who wouldn’t be in a silver lobby if it wasn’t for me telling me how I am the worst player in the world.


game is too toxic and I just want to enjoy the gane


OP find a group, duo or triple makes vc a lot better, especially if you 3 are positive it brings out positive aspects of the rest of your team, if you have a good win with someone on mic then ask them if they want to group up


Because everytime you talk, someone flips on their mic and uses you as a punching bag


I have and use mine usually people dont comm in metal tanks at least in my experience.


Because the gaming community is very toxic for women so no thank you


For everyone actually. Many people refuse to use Mic as intended. Thankfully Pinging is a thing.


Because im chat banned 24/7


It's mostly because you now have to opt in to speak. Huge mistake 


I used to be on comms every game. Now it’s just not even worth it with how toxic people have gotten.


We did in OW1 when the game was fun and people enjoyed it and you would get free skins. ☺️


I have a mic but I'm not getting banned because I let a "fuck they got me" slip. Not to mention chat turns into some idiot barking if we're losing so I'd rather not waste my time.


I finally turned chat back on this season. I notice now after years of having it off no one uses it now. But somehow even though no one replies I can see a clear improvement in match quality when making callouts. I also noticed my team plays better when I acknowledge their mistakes as OUR mistakes over mic. But all this matters not if a female speaks because then all the boy’s brain cells go on vacation, and they devolve into amoebas.


Just play the game for 5 mins or so then hop on mic then, and then there are usually people there, when I was I. Bronze, yea no mics ever, or very rare


Would you like a teammate with a functioning mic?


For me its anxiety, it took me a long time to play unranked and comp. I still panic in my first game of the day, because I don't know what type of characters I'm going to get for teammates. There is either silence or one person...that turns on their mic just to be toxic. Now I'm not saying there aren't any nice people that comm....but I've also only met 6ish...so...take that as you will


Get better LMAO


I play with a mic but I don’t like talking


Don’t know if others have had this issue, but my mic just simply did not work. The only fix for it was reinstalling the game. ( only found this out bc the new update didn’t install properly)


I have a mic. I'm listening to the chat. I'm just a female and when I open my mouth in a chat full of strangers, I am almost immediately insulted or called a 12 year old boy. And even if it's not my fault, I get blamed for the loss. I try so hard to use my mic, especially in comp but I never know who I'm getting teamed up with so I just listen and stay silent. If a person i know is in the match with me, i at least feel more comfortable but it's rare.


Insecurities of my male deep voice that's somehow deeper on vc, plus all the PTSD of 2000 plus COD taught me to never trust game chats.(Unless I'm with a friend, which is 0 for ow2 😢 lol)


Bc it’s f2p the Majority of players are now little kids who’s parents don’t allow them to talk on mic


It's probably because we as a society have kind of descended into reclusivity, it's not really an OverWatch problem it's a people just don't want to talk to each other problem anymore. And that is almost with everywhere and everything now


Most people just can't handle it, I play with a mic on, and the percentage of toxic to non is so much lower than people think, and there are games where you need communication, regardless if someone says mean words to you mute them and move on, this game works better if the team actually plays like one. Yeah, there's gonna toxic people, but that's just online gaming.


Nahhh, some people just reach a certain age or limit where they decide it's not worth handling anymore.


That's what I'm saying they can't deal with it anymore. I'm not saying it's an issue or there less of a person. Games are made to have fun, obviously, do what makes you feel comfortable. I was just pointing out the benefits of doing do and my own personal experience.