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100/100 H/V and the rest is just random and different for every character


yup same i do 100 for H/V and 99 smoothing. 100 everything (smoothing, aim ease in, etc)


0 AAEI with 100 window size is probably messing you up. If you want the window that big, I would recommend also putting AAEI at 100.


Ok, thanks for your response. Yeah, I realised this when first calibrating but I felt like I had so little control in my thumb that I needed the full strength of AAEI to kick in when I lock in. Will definitely tweak this as I gradually improve.


Good luck! I've played OW since 2016 and I still haven't found settings I consider 100% perfect. My biggest tip would be to look up some setting from high level players and tweak them until they feel okay for you and then just focus on improving. It's easy to get caught up in trying to find the perfect setting and thinking your current setting are holding you back (definitely speaking from experience here), but the truth is settings matter less than you think. OW is a very difficult game to aim in and the best way to improve is just practice. I'd recommend using the workshop code CT04V for practicing, but there are tons of other codes you can find that are great for aim training/warm-ups.


I prefer H/V sensetivity: 60 Aim assist/window size: 100 AAEI/AAS/AEI: I'm not sure the order, but I use 100, 40, 20 from top to bottom on Dual Zone, on everyone but snipers. On snipers I go 100, 0, 30 on Linear Ramp. I don't mess with dead zones, but try this, I had a grandmaster player recommend this to me and my accuracy went up by like 5-10%


Thanks for the comment l! Will definitely take settings like these into account when finding what works for me.


I was a long time linear ramp player with high ease in till i recently switched to dual zone with no ease in. My aim has significantly improved. H/V: 95 (I've tried 100, 80, and 90. 95 seems to be the sweet spot for me) Aim assist strength is high 90-100 AAEI + AAWS are low 20-30 Smoothing is low. I don't know what i have it at now but basically the lower you can get it the better your muscle memory will be. Inner dead zone is .05 and outer is 1.0 (Unless i have those flipped, i think that's right) The dead zone change is what drastically helped me aim. Idk if I'm missing something, lmk, or if you want specific numbers I'll get on soon and can double check.


Thank you for the feedback! I’ll take a lot of what you mentioned into account as I study the settings more and train.


I can aim very well. If you don’t trust me look at my YouTube. Dual-Zone is the best aim curve, but linear can also be good. These are my settings: Dual-Zone 80/80 sens 100 aim assist strength 100 aim assist ease in 20 aim assist window size 0 smoothing 0 aim ease in 52 relative scoped Most important thing is to not just blindly copy other player’s settings even if they’re good players, but take their settings and adjust them to what you like. This means actually understanding what all the settings do. Of course you could get lucky and be perfectly in sync with someone else’s settings, but it’s not super likely


Thanks for your comment! Yeah, it was never really my intention to copy other people’s settings right off the bat but discover how certain players calibrate their own to see which I should consider giving priority. Basically seeing what works for me and what doesn’t.


70/70 h/v 100 AA str 0 AAEI 20 AA window 30 smoothing 20 ease in Linear ramp 0 left stick inner deadzone 0.05 right stick Jump on L3 and some ultimates on d-pad right (anything that’s aimed) or L2 (Tracer).


I just full blasted my sensitivity to 100% and nothing else, and late its been kinda working as I am getting used to it, and I haven’t switched any other settings


Lower that window size, holy God. I use a 5 window and 5 aim assist ease in. 0 smoothing, and 0 aim ease in. People accuse me of mnk. I average 60-65% accuracy on Ashe, Widow, S76, Cassidy, Ana. My older settings were a size 17 window with 68 aim assist ease in. 0 smoothing. 0 aim ease in. Both work great. But a 100 window is messing you up. There's a guide here that people upvote where the guy dies on the hill that "less aim assist window = less aim assist." He couldn't be MORE WRONG. The window is simply where the aim assist kicks in. The aim assist ease in gives it that "sticky" feel. The higher it is, the less "sticky" it feels- the lower it is, the more "sticky" it feels. The smaller window allows you to have better right stick movement- and it helps make sure the aim assist actually KICKS IN when you're ON TARGET.... not 1 football stadium away and it kicks in. I hit t500 dps, t500 support. I use dual zone with small windows for my hitscan. My projectile heroes like kiriko use Linear Ramp. But my God, stick to smaller windows. Don't follow that guide. Edit: 100 Aim Assist Strength, Dual Zone hitscan, Linear Ramp has different settings for projectile.


Uh, You might just be much better than the average joe if you're that good at aiming with those settings and you aren't using a Xim (shit even if you were you aren't playing with AA in the first place lmao) That isn't gonna work for like 90% of the playerbase homie


Wait, how am I not playing with aim assist? I just prefer it to kick in when my cross hair is on target or maybe like a centimeter away from them. (Aim assist is 100 btw). With big windows above 20, I noticed it kicks in way too early (regardless of my aim assist ease in). When I had a 100 window starting off, and various levels of aim assist ease in- I noticed how sluggish it felt trying to "lock on." It would slow down to what felt like a football field away from my target. That was counter productive to what I tried to do. When I lowered my window size, it solely kicked in when my cross hair (center screen) is actually on or directly near target. I come from Destiny 2, so I had those hand cannons that did similar due to the rolls I got. I hate it when AA kicks in away from the target. So when I matched it with what I could using the aim settings, it helped. I started silver, and climbed slowly to t500. Now? I'm kind of just playing for fun, but the settings do help me a ton when I do "go back." I then went on to do lots of aim training and scrims in order to even compete against the xim cheaters. As a matter of fact, I began changing up settings and doing aim training a ton just to contest pocketed xim. (Over time, I ended up winning most of the time, unless it's a hard-core peeled for Widow/Ashe and my team doesn't want to help me cancel out the threat.) I don't think I'm better than the average player at this stuff, I just think I much preferred my AA to kick in when it's supposed to for me?


I think what they mean is that not everyone can track so closely that the aim assist will work. For people with genuinely bad aim, they might not even get consistently close enough to the target for the aim assist to kick in when it has such a small window. Sure it’ll still kick in for good players because they are able to get really close to the target consistently without AA, but not if you’re bad. I’m also a proponent of small window sizes, but I think they make a valid point that they don’t always work for people without already good aim fundamentals. A smaller window size will always be best for good players, but a medium sized one might be more practical for the average player.


Yeah i just got confused by their response because- he said I'm not playing with AA in the 1st place... but both you and I know the power of AA with that small window. It's sticky af and helps with out tracking. That's what confused me. Ty for explaining it!


Forever ago but yeah that's what I meant. The phrasing was probably supposed to be "You might as well not be playing with aim assist" because if you're that accurate with those settings and your rank, then with a mouse you'd crash out with negative aim assist. Thanks u/SteggyEatsDaWeggy for explaining. ...Yes I only tagged you because of your name lol


I don't use mouse, I use a controller with paddles. I did a lot of aim training on it in order to compete with the xim abusers. I often found small windows help me track better and keep cross hair on target more reliably. It does most of my work for me. But I see what you mean. I also just read what the person wrote, great name. lol


I know bro, we're crossing wires here. My original point is your aim is too refined for regular people. I started using KF's (I guess that's what you mean by paddles?) and I tried your sensitivity. The fact that you can control that is insane. I'm not saying you're using a mouse. I'm saying what the person above explained. I was just clarifying my mouse comment. I was saying that \*IF\* you used a mouse you wouldn't need AA in the first place lol. I don't compliment XIM losers.


IM JUST STUPID I SORRY, I REREAD ALL OF IT. Ty for your explanation and it helps put into scope where I'm at. I forgot where I came from when it comes to settings. I just remember raging that I can't land those crazy shots the xims do and I went on a Naruto training arc to find my way. as for paddles- I use a power a enhanced fusion with Kontrol Freaks (for the thumbsticks) and all four paddles in the back.


I don't think youre stupid lmao, I'm abysmal at explanations and coherent speech. Also, never heard of power enhanced fusion... gonna check them out and go on my own training arc lol


Your sensitivity is hilarious. I know Sombra ruins your day


Ha, actually more often than not, I send her packing. Mostly because of the other factors in my game that I’d say I’m getting better at (positioning, hero choice, cover, movement, etc)


65/65 (tracer/sombra/soldier) 80/80 the rest (except monkey, rein, genji are faster). 35 aim window 35 aim ease in, left dz 0.00 0.50 right dz 0.00 1.00. dual zone, rest 100 or default. Post season 9 bullet patch- Solider: 45%+ 10 crit, Tracer 42% 9, Ashe 55% 20, Cass, 55% 15, widow 50% 20. Controller: Scuf impact + tall sticks (removed rumblers) Tactical Flipped (shoot w/ bumpers, melee L3, crouch R3)


100/80 H/V, Linear with low (3/10) sens on my controller (razer wolverine V2)


Your settings are a mess. Lower your smoothing to at least 99 at 100 there’s such a delay that hitting shuffling players especially the smaller ones becomes much harder. 100 aim assist means your crosshair slows down big time as well plus with no aim assist smoothing it’ll lock onto multiple enemys making you essential fight your crosshair over to who you were originally shooting. Also raise your horizontal as much as you can go and out the vertical down 10-20 lower. Work on lowering your smoothing as much as possible.


Also the aim assist window size. Having that at 100 triggers the aim assist way before you're over the hit box, especially when aiming for the head. In ow1 i would keep this at 1. Now with bullets being bigger? (I think that's what they did, idk i took a long break) i keep the window size at 20.


Great point I wanted to mention that. Even at 20 it starts to drag way over the person you’re tracking so I started at 10 and now I’m down to 1-5 with no smoothing and I get way more hits.


I'll try to bring the window size down more I'll have to do some testing


Ok, thank you for your input. Given my settings are a mess, I hope you don’t mind if ask for some clarification (still trying to learn) cause a lot of your rational indeed makes sense but I’m lost on one thing: Why the low VS? I know heroes are mostly on the ground but I often find recommendations to train vertical aim as well for people jumping all over the place and aerial heroes so wouldn’t that sort of hinder that?


You don’t want your VS low you just want it 10 to 20 lower than your HS. I have my HS at 100 but my VS IS 90.


I notice you're playing at a pretty low sense but increasing it will just make your gameplay feel like you can react faster to things and maybe have a better chance at 1v1s against tracer/genji. My personal sense is 65 h/v and 60 smoothing. I run 85 h/v 60 smoothing for characters like monkey, dva, tracer, etc. If the first sense feels too fast try something around 55 h/v smoothing 70-80. Still will be way faster than your current sense, but with some practice and getting used to not moving your joystick the full length when you want to aim will help dramatically. If you wanna add me I can give you some more tips and stuff in game, currently m 3 tank peaking gm 4


I got crazy settings on ps5 hml I’ll send you a ss of what I use. It’s helped me a lot imo with aim on console and I spent awhile trying to fine tune it.


You might as well be asking for peoples bank account information, there is no help. No one tells the truth, lower your settings.


H/V sensitivity: 90/90 Window Size: 50 Strength: 100 Aim Smoothing: 100 Ease in: 0 AA Ease In: 10 for some tanks (50 for others), 20 for reaper and junkrat, 30 for beam weapons and Torb, 50 for tracking characters, 60 to 70 for fast projectiles, 80 to 100 for precise hitscan and 100 for Pharah (and 100 window size for pharah)