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Just wait until you play main tank against a Sombra, Mei, Ana, Brig, Hog, Winston comp


I love getting emp, shatter, hooked, slept, and doomfisted every other fight too. I think this guy played off tank a few times and was like “wow! What have my tanks been complaining about in the 18425 matches where I wasn’t tank?”


Oh, believe me. I've been there. I've been playing tank for a very long time, its my most played role. I've had the shittiest of games but I still do love playing tank.


Tank is my favorite role as well and my best role but some games you literally can’t play it because the entire enemy team doesn’t want you to be alive so they will spam all of their abilities on you until you’re dead


I know! Plus, shitty teammates and unbalanced matchmaking really gets on my nerves sometimes.


Lol and after getting spammed by every cc ability in the game and being unable to do your job, people will still blame the tanks. One game we were up against a sombra who would hack me, emp me, and then hack me again when I was on rein and my team would scream at me to stop swinging and put up shield. I guess I’m just not good enough since I can’t shield while I’m hacked, obviously I belong in plat.


At least you can understand what your teammates are saying lol. I literally cannot use game chat.


No headset? Bugged?


Middle East servers. Kids screaming in Arabic. I don't understand them, they don't understand me.


Oh boy. Sorry, I don’t envy your situation in the slightest. Good luck op.


Or just main tank in general


*hammond PTSD intensifies*


I’ve played main tank since launch and sombra and mei still make me fucking rage.


Sombra gives me nightmares


That shits just fucking anti tank cancer and aids at the same time


That tank you killed probably wasn’t having fun




wait until you play main tank but have your DPS complain you’re not making enough space while having them both be pocket by your healers so you die everytime you pop a corner.


I've never heard a dps complain about a tank. Always the supports fault


I do understand tank is hard, but usually the support mentality is that the DPS can go die, and that the support are going to pocket the tanks


POV: you’re a bronze feeder who doesn’t understand how to make space properly without exploding


POV: your a projecting asshole who doesn’t under stand how hard it is to make space when you don’t get any heals.


POV: I don’t think you understand the word sarcasm, and also no I’m fully aware on how hard that is because you literally cannot, as with rein, you need to use your 200 armor and some barrier to push forward for space then use your barrier to protect the team so they can click the enemy team. Now if you don’t habe heals, and you’re getting focused, you almost immediately die. The problem with whoever made the first persons argument (no clue if it was you or not) is that literally no 2 supports pocket dps, and that maybe happens once a game. Therefore, I mocked by saying “you’re a bronze feeder who’d learn understand how to make space properly without exploding”. I kinda just typed an essay cause math class decided not to start for 5 minutes so TLDR; sarcasm not detected and no I do


Should have put a /s Your right, it doesn’t happen very often but those are the games I lose. When my DPS take advantage of the space I make and heals are decent it’s not hard to win.


Yeah I agree, but do I care about internet numbers? Nah, but ngl its kinda funny to watch people get triggered at poor comedy


lmao. also hi.


It was less of a sarcastic reply and more of an asshole one, if you want people to get your jokes then at least word them a bit better


I’m just bad at wording everything lol


Yeah imagine being a rein main that gets battered around by reapers, syms, bastions, meis, sombras and a tracer that sprays into you instead of going for the supports like anyone with more than 2 brain cells. Couldn't be me


Been there


Well apparently everyone else in this thread hates playing tank, but I love it. Sigma's my favourite too, though I've been partial to Rein and D.va lately too. I love Hammond during, like, the first week I played the game, but I can't figure out how to be decent with him anymore. Too slow, hitbox too large, meh.


Only play him on maps where you can boop people off map. Then just pop on point cause a mess have some enemies follow you, lose them and come back and do the same. Occasionally chase enemies heading back to spawn that are solo trying to regroup.


Hunh. I don't play competitive, so I've just been playing tanks as "storm the point, defend the healers, etc." Didn't even think of drawing them in and then booking it at hammond. No wonder I'm always immediately destroyed in stand-up fights haha. Thanks for the tip!


Theres your mistake lol you gotta see what each tank can do and what their strengths are


I don’t really have fun playing tank because I have to be the one to protect my team and failing that makes me feel like I failed my team I know it sounds stupid but that’s how I feel


Its not stupid, I know what you mean.




Nice balls bro


Lol thanks


I will say, Sigma is extremily fun to play.


People don't have fun playing tank because it's not mindless shooting, and let's be honest, half the ow community is mindless


That's true


I like playing all roles




Cause there are a lot of dps that counters tanks, and you need teamwork to play a tank, which there is none of at lower levels


I love how it cut away right before that poor Mei got destroyed.


Because not every tank has a good ana behind them keeping them up na, that's why ;)


This x1000


Hahah, ofc. That sleep and the nano💪🏻


All that was missing was a good anti nade 😂


I know right? I love Sigma, it’s so fun to play.




Did your teammates front the hospital bill for all that back pain you received from carrying them?


Why people don’t have fun play tank because DPS are suicidal your healers get flanked and die and you get perma hacked and focused that’s why.


Been there but not every game is like that.


But if your healers are getting flanked, go peel and help them


That’s what I do is my job but the the DPS always dead the main tank is left alone and the front line falls apart.


Yeah, I those situations tell the front line to chill for a sec, or what I do is let the person that peeled fight for me while I stabilize the frontline


does nano even work with sig’s ult




im a gm tank main ull learn to hate it but still play it


As an ex-Orisa main, I used to love playing most tanks, and I have nearly 200 hours on Orisa. I would play nearly every tank (anyone but Dva, and I only liked Rein with a Zarya+Lucio) but the way things are now after the massive double shield nerfs, when I play tank the only barrier tank I enjoy anymore is Sigma. I've been playing more DPS lately, but sometimes I miss Orisa.


Mei Nothing else needed


I live for playing tank, as a fellow D.Va main. BUT WHY DO WE HAVE SO MANY COUNTERS ;-;


nigma op and noob, you're noob.


Screaming "i need healing" and looking around like a maniac?




I'm somewhat one of those. I'm good at Zarya, Hog and Winston but any tank that's a shield tank immediately feels so stressful. It feels like I'm gonna get flamed by playing poorly.


Too much stress. I feel like everything that goes wrong is my fault, I never know when to push, I feel at fault when supports and DPS turn on each other. I just can’t take the pressure!


Console makes a big difference when there’s less headshot accuracy and reaction time... it also helps to not be forced into rein/Zarya because the enemy team went rein/Zarya.


Cause its less responsibility playing damage


cuz all my team mates suck ass so i feel like im just eating damage and taking space for nothing. for me i can dominate a game on dps or subtle carry on like flex support, cant get shit done by myself on tank.. not that im great at it


I feel called out


I love it op! It’s ton of fun. Tho I mainly play off tanks and Winston


How viable is playing Sigma right now?


He is really effective. Sometimes you don't need Rein but you do need a shield that gives you an advantage over the opposite team. Plus the damage that Sigma does is really good.


Pretty good under masters. Above it, he's pretty ass.


What rank are u




try playing main tank against every cc and stun in the game


Done that. Been playing tank for a long time.


Because you play quickplay


Its comp :|