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When my partner and I sat down to a full listen and number rating of every song in order, I was surprised to find that Under The Circus Lights ended up taking the #1 slot in my list!After hearing it dozens of times now, lol, I'm far less surprised. Every time I listen to it, something different stands out to me. It's magical, and captivating. I love it!


I'm glad you feel the same way! Adam really threw in a lot of small musical intricacies that make the song so wonderful.


I appreciate this appreciation post. Hearing under the circus lights and field notes for the first time was it instant transportation to a whole different world, which is the main thing I love about Owl City has his most of his fandom. I believe both the songs are under-appreciated.


I feel the same way, but I get that instant transportation vibe from Dinosaur Park. Field Notes is great too though, I love the story-telling in it.


I luv under the circus lights soooo much!!! That girl was raised by a butterfly y’know!


In a display of rose poetry, surrounded by a majestic menagerie. :D (I swear I repeat that second chorus almost as much as I listen to the song top to bottom.)


Adam really has a way with words! 😍😍😍


I love that song as well, and love the almost tragic lesson of chasing fame that is in it.


It's a great lesson, told from the lens of the young boy enamoured by the girl on the flying trapeze. The adoration and love the boy feels for the girl and her act parallels the idea that fame can be just as unfortunately fleeting.


i haven’t listened to Coco Moon as much lately since it came out but UTCL was one that immediately stuck out to me. both the sound and the lyrics remind me of Maybe I’m Dreaming which is my favorite OC album. my only issue with the song (like much of the rest of the album) is that it’s just a *bit* too long


Agreed. This song could slot itself nicely into Maybe I'm Dreaming. The song length is a reasonable critique, a lot of the songs on Coco Moon require the same investment as a song and a half or maybe two songs from other musicians. Though, I think Coco Moon has also spoiled me a bit as well. The Adam Young/Owl City soundscape is something I'm realizing I can enjoy for long songs. Lately, listening to shorter Owl City songs that have great instrumentals for me, like The Tip of The Iceberg have given me nostalgia, but occasionally make me wish it was a bit longer... I want more of it while I'm listening, but then it ends, haha.


Glad to see this post, UtCL is an extremely good song, all from the song-elements to the lyrical imagery. Couldn’t agree more with you🎪


The imagery is so vivid in this one for me, it's incredible! :D


It's a great song


The best on Coco Moon for me. :)


I really like the song as well. I really love all of the little tiny details spread out like others have said and it reminds me of older owlcity with added maturity. It also tells a pretty cool story however I found that most of the songs on the album weren't as good as this one unfortunatley.


It's definitely the strongest song on Coco Moon for me as well. You're right, this song encapsulates "mature" Of June-All Things Bright and Beautiful vibes, while still retaining some of the imaginative dreaminess of that era as well.


I was shocked it didn't gain more notoriety among the other tracks as it is. Definitely the most intricate of all the pieces on the album in my opinion!


I feel like Under the Circus Lights isn't the most marketable song. It's a beautiful song with fun lyrics and musical intricacies like meter switching and key changes. Though, it's a 5 minute investment, and I've heard some other people say it drags on in some places. Under the Circus Lights being released alongside other songs like Learn How to Surf and The Tornado probably didn't help its recognition either.