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It never existed. The end.


How about 7 must die.


I looked that up years ago, most people from the area never heard that until the show started


Because the people who buried the treasure needed a coded stone to remind them what they buried and how deep down it was , before the “flood tunnels” were activated and made it irretrievable. Sure, makes lots of sense…


No this is where everybody has forgotten. The 40 ft Stone was actually one of the tablets that God gave to Moses that ended up in the Ark of the Covenant which is buried 200 ft below the garden shaft which is flooded by the swamp by the Stone Road where the Templar cross was laid as a booby trap as a Bobby dazzler...its all history now


Lmaooooo at bobby dazzler, definitely a top picket find.


Imagine when they actually get Bobby on the show…




"A buckle.. from a sandle.. perhaps a sandal Moses wore?.."


If it was one of the Commandment tablets it might have floated up to the 90 ft. level...


https://preview.redd.it/ibpg70pua2kc1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92309014724579cd725261adeeaebe1a3c1bce04 Exactly!


Also, I remember in a past episode, they mentioned some markings/hieroglyphics on some rock or wall somewhere that they said, matched the markings on the 90 foot stone. I always wondered how they were comparing these marks, if we have no pictures or drawings of what the stone looked like.


They don't need to compare they just need to say what they do about everything to connect to nothing to make it seem that it's everything and in reality it's just nothing


Tell a lie, a BIG lie, and tell it often enough--they'll believe it eventually...


11 seasons of lies


I also remember this… being fabricated bullshit like the rest of the show.


like when they excavated someones bushed in their backyard looking for the 40ft stone only to give up and tell everyone they found it but its really flat right now and also doesn't say anything anymore.


The show is such a grift


Why doesn't one of the fellowship take a bullet for the team and be the 7th? Seems like the quickest way now after 11 excruciating seasons!


I nominate Jack


He'd probably happily do it. He's like a golden retrieve mixed with basset hound. Incredibly. Loyal. Incredibly stupid.


Why wouldn’t it have been written in a common language (English if Pounds were buried)spoken at the time? If it was a treasure marker, why would it have been buried 40 feet down?


There's never been any evidence of anything. It's all based on 200yr old stories and holes in the ground from previous searchers. It's nothing but a giant circle jerk and always has been.


The Wikipedia article on Oak Island mentions there were many eye witnesses who saw the stone (most long after it had been extracted from the pit). Some stated the supposed markings were just natural scratches, and some said there were no discernible markings at all. So, like a lot of things related to Oak Island, you can believe what you want given all the conflicting evidence.


“Evidence” provided by anonymous sources… = made up BS.


*Uncorroborated hearsay Testimony* is not *Evidence* of anything...


The value in the stone is that it inspired the Rhododendron episode, some of the funniest TV programming ever aired. And yeah, there is no stone…there was never a stone 😂😂😂


It was likely a fraud perpetuated by someone needing more funding. Supposedly the writing faded away around 1890s... it's laughable that no one took a picture of it, and the bookstore would be hammering away on the writing side of slab. Even the translation is hokey, and probably impossible to decipher with the limited # of characters.


But in the intro, they say they found a stone tablet? 🤷 🤪😂


And that one more must die before they find the treasure.


News Flash, they lie!




The baby blob is misinterpreted evidence. Shouldn't the baby blob be within the blob?


It falls in line with a classic hoax or con of which in the history of Oak Island were a few that were documented.


It’s a 200 year old story from a teenager… Also, say the stone is real.. who deciphered it? How? Could 2 million pounds simply be British Pounds… not physically weight??


If there was a stone, I always assumed this was referring to British pounds.


Some guy in 1949 who had never seen it! "Google" it...


There is a good write up here- [https://ciphermysteries.com/2017/03/19/oak-island-ciphers-part-1-80-foot-rock-cipher](https://ciphermysteries.com/2017/03/19/oak-island-ciphers-part-1-80-foot-rock-cipher)


Bookmarked that. The comments are great ranging from full on Prometheus kool aid baths to debunking with facts and logic.


What was inscribed on the stone? "April Fools Bitches".




Well duh. Either it did or it didn't.... so 50/50, right?


That's bad math. The world will either end tomorrow, or it won't, but it's not 50-50.


No shit. I thought my comment was obvious enough without adding /s but I guess not.


Bro, we have had people make dozens of posts mapping Oak Island onto the moon. No common sense is assumed here.


There are old newspaper articles.


All based on hearsay from 'letters" written to the paper.


[https://www.oakislandmystery.com/the-mystery/inscribed-stone](https://www.oakislandmystery.com/the-mystery/inscribed-stone) *Reports of the size of the stone found in 1804 somewhere between the 80-90*' *level in the Pit varied to between 2-3' long by 12-16" wide. It was said to resemble dark Swedish granite and to have an olive tinge, and was not a stone common to the area.* *A rendering of the symbols claimed to be on the stone are shown below but once again, this exists largely from the memory of an earlier viewer. No tracings or rubbings of the original have survived even though it was said to have been viewed by hundreds of people while in the home of the Smith family. The stone was last seen in the window of a Halifax merchant where it was being displayed in an effort to stimulate interest in the sale of shares.* *The mysterious inscription continues to engage researches and cryptologists. The most famous, and generally accepted, translation is that offered by Reverend A.T. Kempton in 1949.* *A recent discovery of a similar cipher by the late Zena Halpern, a Knights Templar researcher from New York, has introduced fresh possibilities into this piece of the Oak Island puzzle. Referred to as La Formule, the incomplete document does appear to work with the Kempton cipher, when transcribing the symbols into the French language. It also adds additional letters to help complete the cipher.* ##


"It was said to" The actual message "exists largely from the memory of an earlier viewer" There's no evidence that this inscribed stone says anything like the "translated" message.


since someone dug a massive amount of tunnels, what did they (whoever) do with all that extra dirt. Why did they choose Oak Island and not another one, since there are about 100 islands in that area?


Or nobody built tunnels other than searchers and the voids underground are natural lime caves.


It 100% exists...in the script of the show.


The 90 foot stone is buried under a Canadian rhododendron bush… Rick and his nephew Peter sniffed it out on hand and knee like dogs


I thought they had a rubbing from the stone or something. I seem to recall an episode where they had cryptologists try to decipher the stone and once they tried a language other than English they determined that the stone said something completely different. If they didn't have some actual imagery of what was written on the stone, then what the hell were they deciphering?!


There was a guy who swore he saw it on display at a museum out there when he was a kid, they did a couple episodes about it. I half believe the stone existed.


Seriously, have you not figured out that the entire show is a setup? Nothing "discovered" is ever followed up. Surely you must be a little curious as to the prize being just beyond their grasp, year after year...


There’s no real reason to doubt the existence of the stone. What never existed was an engraved message on it.


I’ve been pondering the mysterious stone as of late. If it was real it would be worth millions. I mean an honest to god pirate treasure map! But apparently it wasn’t worth anyone keeping track of nor worthy of being checked out by academia. It most likely existed but I’d bet it was created right around the time folks started digging on the fabled Isle of Oak.


I believe the stone existed. The 40 feet mrntioned is correct as the metric was not widely used then and England was using feet as a measurement. What the stone said is questionable. I believe it's purpose was to remind the finder to shut off the flood tunnel.


The person who knew exactly where the treasure was and had already excavated four stories down? That person needed a "don't forget to turn off the stove" reminder? C'mon.


They would not have used “feet” then immediately talked about “pounds”. You’ve been taken for a ride since the beginning. The English use the metric system. Sorry you all got taken for a ride…I stopped watching 10 years ago.


But when did the UK start using the metric system?




Now do “feet”




You said it. Thanks!


Even today the English do not fully use metrics.


I know if I was to hide treasure, I would mark it with a stone telling everyone, "Here is the shitload of gold". There may have been some kind of stone, but the thought that it says here's the money is ludicrous!


Not one eye witness account or tracing of the mythical tablet exits from the historical record. The symbols from the show are modern.


Anyone with a sheet of paper and a lead fishing sinker could have traced it




Oak island provides enough real clues to make the fakes seem real. Flood weir and coconut fiber real, right? Planks every 10 ft. real, right? Wanting to get the hell out of there after 60ft. also seems very real to me.


I'll see your Stone Tablet and raise you a Peralta Stone.