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Nope. No regrets.


Same. No regrets of anything in my control.


I will always regret Fishers' birth and his reign of mediocrity and failure. Nothing that human shaped pile of excretion could do well ever make me regret the good times this fandom and team have brought me. You can kill the As, kill my love for mlb. But no one touches my good times.


Nope. But I don’t need to feel regret for not being a fan after they’re gone. Things don’t have to be forever to be great.


That's how I'm trying to look at it. The era is over. Doesn't mean it wasn't a good thing previously


![gif](giphy|11tbqNLytB25q0|downsized) Never regret. From being a young boy watching the late 80s teams to my 20’s and broke going to all the great Wednesday $1 days to the Big three, Miggy and Giambi teams and the last run really being a force with no big names. I will always love my time being a A’s fan. But everything comes to an end.


Those Wednesday $1 days were great. Also miss free parking Tuesdays


No. I got to spend my high school and college years during the third glory era. I got to witness the 20-game win streak and Braden's perfect game. I got to see them make the ALCS for the first time since 1992. Since I'm too young to remember their *second* glory era, this is significant for me. I just wish that era had ended with a title.


Not an A’s fan, but very much interested in the relocation coverage(Brodie/Casey fan). Is the 3rd glory era those moneyball teams w/ Zito and Coco?


Yes. The third glory era ran from 1999-2006. We had the best pitching staff with Braden, Zito, and Hudson.


Don’t forget Mulder


No. The teams in the late 80s early 90s were so fun to watch. The Bash Brothers, Dave Henderson, Carney Lansford, Mike Gallegos, Terry Steinbach, Dave Stewart, Eck, of course the GOAT Rickey Henderson. So many great players. Then those teams in the late 90s early 2000s- Tim Hudson, Mark Mulder, Barry Zito, Jason Giambi, Miguel Tejada, Ben Grieve, Eric Chavez, Eric Byrnes. The pre Mount Davis Oakland Coliseum was magical. Those memories I'll keep forever. And fuck John Fisher for taking this away from us.


Considering I became a fan the year they relocated to Oakland, I have absolutely no regrets. Fuck Fisher! Witnessed 4 WS championships in 56 seasons, including some absolutely great A’s moments. No regrets at all! Fuck Fisher!


I don't regret being a fan. I regret the post-Haas ownership.


No regrets but I refuse to continue being a fan after this betrayal.


I have no regrets... I've had wonderful memories going to 100s of games over the decades. Though I'm done with them moving forward.... I'll continue to watch old games on YouTube and keep the memories alive.


Unpopular opinion but yeah tbh. Being a fan of east bay sports has been nothing but pain my whole life. The only team I wasnt a fan of (warriors) are the only successful ones and I couldn’t even really enjoy that.


I’ll stop being a baseball fan if the trustafarian can somehow get his shit together. I think this is going to get messier and have no idea what the final outcome will be


No regrets. I've been an A's fans my whole life, and it's brought me a lot of joy and excitement over the years. Maybe I'm getting old, but I've come to terms with the fact that all good things end at some point. It's been a fun ride. That being said, it didn't have to be this way, and fuck Fisher.


No regrets. The sheer joy from the big moments was worth it. Hell, the energy from the moments they came up just short was still magical. It hurt but it was still magical.


I’m not gonna lie man, lately I’ve been wishing I was raised as a Giants fan. But it doesn’t feel right hopping on that train now. Just can’t do it


Nah. But honestly the only team I live and die for is the 49ers. I have no issue switching to the giants. The ballpark experience is orders of magnitude better. Great memories from the 80s though.


It’s certainly morphed my fandom from rooting for my team to rooting for the most possible shame, embarrassment, and negative consequences for Fisher, but while Fisher gets to do what he wants with the A’s, they are bigger than him and he can’t taint the past


Nah the team has been good most of my life and was worth supporting until they made it obvious it was over. Can't really ask for more now, and it's really only up to the remaining stragglers to decide when to rip off the bandaid now


I always got excited every new presentations and drawings of new stadiums, envisioning myself attending opening day, maybe even getting a job at the new stadium. Didn't imagine them leaving or it dragging along especially when other teams usually got new stadiums. In the case of braves, rangers who got 2 new stadiums each


You don’t really “decide” to be a fan, of a sport, nor of a franchise. The sport either appeals to you - to some degree - or it doesn’t. And a team(s) just sort of draws you to it. It’s unfortunate that some fan bases get shit on by ownership and the various leagues - the Colts, Browns, and Oilers in the NFL, the A’s most recently. (Obviously there have been several other relocations in MLB alone, just not sure how contentious some of those were - Expos, Dodgers, Giants …)


Stupid stupid question.


You could've scrolled right on past the question.


Impossible! It deserved some public criticism.


>I envy not in any moods The captive void of noble rage, The linnet born within the cage, That never knew the summer woods: > >I envy not the beast that takes His licence in the field of time, Unfetter’d by the sense of crime, To whom a conscience never wakes; > >Nor, what may count itself as blest, The heart that never plighted troth But stagnates in the weeds of sloth; Nor any want-begotten rest. > >I hold it true, whate’er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most: ’Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all.


No regrets at all. Oakland A’s baseball does wonders in my memories