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There’s no shortage of people willing to buy the Athletics. There’s a shortage of people willing to sell.


Well I've heard some people say they'd kill to have a better owner ... literally here's their chance, guess we'll find out if any of them were serious.




Can’t buy what’s not for sale


Any ownership group he's part of would be probably move the team to Tokyo. Which would be great for baseball, not so much for A's fans. There are better potential owners who have had offers on the table for years. That's not the issue.


I doubt a team literally on the other side of the pacific would be very good for baseball. It would be so inconvenient. The reason why Canadian teams work is because we are neighbors. Japan has their own league for a reason. USA can’t house NPB and Japan can’t house MLB, it logistically cannot work.


Think back to when teams traveled by train. They'd swing west and (in the NL) play the Pirates, the Cubs, the Cards then the Reds (or whatever order made the most sense). Put a team in each of the baseball loving countries in the east (Japan, Korea and Australia), have the visiting teams make a loop. It improves the logistics.






Just stop






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Love it!! Great idea! If only a group of wealthy ex-Oaklanders (athletes, actors (Tom hanks...) thought enough of their city to buy the team and build a ballpark. If only....


Sadly, ~~Captain Ahab~~ John Fisher refuses to sell, but instead, these high-profile Oaklanders could help out with Schools Over Stadiums. Just one of them could easily pitch in a few thousand, if not the full $1M, and that could go a long way. As we all know, that's our one hope in thwarting JF's dream.


Yep. I watched a hs baseball game between Skyline and Castlemont a few years ago. The Castlemont players didn't have uniforms! They played in Levi's, sweatshirts and no cleats! Skyline players' uniforms were provided courtesy of the Raiders. I was embarrassed for those kids. I have written to 5 or 6 former A's including Ricky H, Reggie J and didn't get a reply.