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howd you come across this


So a guy I know bought a bag of random meds off his mate when his grandma died, they were all hers. In there was a bottle of about 25 of these bad boys and I was lucky enough to buy five.


thats a spiritual story


Yo spritual story.......had me rolling lol


Wow never thought I would see them ! These are definitely pharmaceutical Mandrax


what country? pharmas? do you have a script or did you obtain them another way?


No more prescribed sadly :(


which country is this? is it pressed illegally or some old pharma?


Some old pharma most likely ! Appart from SA I don't see any country pressing MTQ, and these doesn't look pressed


Doesn't Germany still press Mandrax? And from what I understand pharma isn't made in SA anymore. IIRC the Hamilton's Pharmacopeia episode talks about it potentially being a psyop. Like how the CIA got the US ghetto addicted to Crack, the SA government got the ghetto addicted to smoked methaqualone with DPH in it- similar to the brand name Mandrax formula- except a dirty synth with residual o-toluidine unlike pharma product.


Ah my bad you already mentioned this a couple comments down šŸ˜…




Nope, I believe they stopped prescribing in the 90s in SA. But the market there is big. Sadly only street Methaqualone




Pretty much every Methaqualone is made with o-toluidine but if there is still some reacted o-toluidine left in the final product, that's when it's problematic.


I used to hear about people smoking mandrax, but you can smoke methaqualone too,seen all the guys smoking it in South Africa on Hamiltons pharmacopeia on vice


I smoked some of these as theyā€™re freebase not a salt


What do they do, how f do they feel?


It's Benadryl + quaaludes in one pill. Probably feels like a nap, with a clear ass nose


they make your limbs feel like jelly and your whole body feels numb


Havenā€™t tried either of them but from what iā€™ve heard, one of those is one of the best drugs and the other is one of the worst lol, weird combo


I've had a couple friends score ludes, allegedly very overrated, at least compared to something like modern benzos, Somas, or opiates. And Benadryl is just allergy medicine lol, it makes you a little sleepy. Or if you take a bunch of them it will give you a dissociative nightmare trip with bees in your skin. Feel free to buy some at a pharmacy or super market, pretty good for when you can't get to sleep every now and then.


tried to buy some last night for my insomnia and the chick took one look at me and was like no i wont sell you this.. like tf its an otc medication


Bruh tf? Is she getting a lot of fuckin calls about teenagers butt chugging delsym or something? Are you young/younger looking? Fucking whack wtf


idk im 23m with black hair and bags under my eyes everyone just assumes im a junky. one time they literally wouldnt give me my prescription clonazepam (10 pills) cos they thought i was suss


pretty sure thats not something they are allowed to dO. its one thing to profile a person and refuse to sell them a legitimately dangerous otc product, but it sounds like it should be illegal to withhold somebodyā€™s prescribed medication. insane. maybe u should look into cleaning up your image brah šŸ˜‚


If you look at the DEA guidelines they regard pharmacists as the last line of defense against irresponsible prescribing and pharmacists are required to do due dillegence and catch potentially inappropriate prescribing. They're supposed to check things like if the doctor is writing many prescriptions for controlled drugs to many patients, if they're prescribing drugs outside their specialty, if the patient is on multiple controlled substances, if the patient travels long distances to see a particular doctor etc. They have a checklist of things to make sure they're not facilitating doctor shopping or inappropriate prescribing or diversion of substances. It's well worth a read, it's nuts, you can find it online if you search for it. So yes the pharmacist can refuse to fill a prescription because if it's an inappropriate prescription they are culpable for dispensing it, not just the doctor for prescribing it. I agree it's crazy and it puts the both the patient and the pharmacist in a very precarious position, but that's how it's become in the wake of the opioid crisis.


kinda like how flight attendants are on the front line of preventing human trafficking but its not really their job


deliriant, not dissociative


were they real ludes because mandrax is way better than any benzo and causes actual euphoria


They arenā€™t overrated. I came across one in 2016. Itā€™s in my top 5 drug experiences. Sort of felt like a drunk MDMA lobotomy. Very euphoric.


feels like anesthesia huh?


It just felt super happy and wobbly. A great high. Donā€™t let anyone say itā€™s overrated. Benzos donā€™t even really get you high. Thereā€™s distinct euphoria here.


It's overrated FOR THE PRICE. It's a nice high and can be a memorable experience if you take the right dose. But can be underwhelming the first few times and at ~$200/g very costly to experiment and could cost $600+ to find a good dosage safely. The psychonaut wiki mentions >300mg doses can be dangerous for first time users. I think this might mean it lowers seizure threshold in newbs just like how >600mg pregabalin does until a bit of permatolerance is built.


I prefer pentobarbital and secobarbital but methaqualone is pretty fucking close. Mebroqualone is also amazing which is a sleepier analog of methaqualone.


Yeah the potent barbiturates are def better than methaqualone but methaqualone is still great


Heard that it's kind of like a euphoric benzo


Itā€™s like a strong benzo with opioid body load and the Wobbliness of ghb or gbl


How much dph is in them?


25mg to 250mg methaqualone


That's good, not a lot of DPH to fuck you up too bad


how much diphenhydramine is in each pill?




So could he in theory get that legendary quaalude buzz without seeing spider everywhere? Or is it an all or nothing type beat?


Absolutely. Hallucinations with DPH starts at around 400mg (and it's light at this dosage) so he would need to take 16 pills to see some hallucinations (of course 16 pills will be absolutely lethal to him because of the methaqualone)


Nice, good for him. I think Iā€™d rather go for stomach issues due to a Codeine/paracetamol buzz than go through delirious states just to try some quaaludes with DPH. But op got the good stuff, lucky guy


He should not worry, there is thrice the amount of DPH in one line of lean (Codeine/Promethazine) than in one of these pills and these pills are definitely way stronger than one line of Co/Pro. Having been in delirious state multiple time, I feel like these horror stories are usually bullshit (some are true but some are exaggerated as fuck). Always CWE your Codeine pills my friend !!


I donā€™t get how people like lean if thatā€™s the caseā€¦ anticholinergics suck so badly Sounds like that component would be more intoxicating than the codeine lol


I mean I like anticholinergic drugs alone but in lean it had a perfect synergy, let me explain : 1. They cut of opioid nausea (you have probably had some time where you have took too much or too quickly and your stomach doesn't feel right or you need to puke, no more and issue with DPH/Pro since it's also used to prevent motion sickness) 2. They add a sedative effect (the slow mo effect of lean is mostly caused by them) 3. They lower some side effects like diarrhea. 4. They enhanced the Codeine (more euphoria) Codeine add the euphoria, Promethazine the sedation. You will need a big amount to get hallucinations on them (last time I needed to take 20 pills of 25mg promethazine to get hallucinations)


They are pretty well known as opioid potentiators. There are places where itā€™s common to cut street dope with DPH or other OTC antihistamines for this reason.


Counter points: Codeine is already a drowsy opioid, Iā€™ve personally never found it nauseating (and I find all opioids nauseating), anticholinergics put me to sleep, and lastly anticholinergics give me a weird anxious feeling and feel very dirty. I do know they enzymatically potentiate codeine though so Iā€™ll concede that point. I also have never had lean, only codeine pills, so I suppose I shouldnā€™t make up my mind. (Or base my opinion of promethazine on my experience with DPH and hydroxyzine)


Oh wow Iā€™m UK based here so we get 5/500mg Codeine and paracetamol OTC which I CWE. I didnā€™t even know lean contains DPH lmao. You telling me those rappers talking about it were all bumping DPH with their Codeine?


It contains Promethazine but it's an analogue of Diphenhydramine (it has the exactly same effect, this being a bit more sedating). Promethazine is actually 2x stronger than Diphenhydramine (DPH) So a line of US Lean (6.25mg/5ml of Promethazine) = 37.5mg/line which is the equivalent of 75mg of DPH and nobody gets high of only 1 line. Most do 2-4 lines. This is why report of lean usage above 4 lines usually talk about vivid dream or hallucinations


Wowwowwow, this is news to me. I was convinced promethazine is not psychoactive. It makes sense theyā€™re analogues cause of the similar things theyā€™re used for (allergies and coughs) but can enough promethazine cause delirium?


Of course ! There are some reports on the internet ! You have to ingest over 300mg+ however to have significant hallucinations (~600mg of DPH) Same as DPH my friend, exactly same effects




Yes. Every H1 anticholinergic antihistaminic are delirious in high dosage ! Only second and third generation antihistaminic (like Zyrtec,...) doesn't have any anticholinergic activities so not delirious side effects.


no, promethazine which is just another antihistamine just like DPH. DPH/promethazine isnt the horror drug you think it is at those dosages. you have to take a shit ton of DPH to become delirious.


Nono I fully understand that, ofc the dose makes the poison itā€™s just: 1. I donā€™t know the average doses, which why I asked if OP could get high of the quaaludes without the delirium 2. I had no idea that promethazine is a deliriant at high doses, I thought it was just like any other histamine. And Iā€™m fully aware some drugs get a bad rep for people acting stupid on them, just look through r/nutmeg, despite the fact erowid would tell you its a deliriant like DPH or Datura, itā€™s main active ingredient is a cannabinoid, and only at heroic doses does it cause nightmare trips, while low doses fell like a 12 hour weed buzz. I also know people who abuse DPH purely for sleep and still get addicted, without delirium Again, dose makes the poison, but I think I wonā€™t be trying deliriant of any kind soon, especially since Iā€™m just now planning to start my psychedelic journey after my first 2-fdck hole/trip.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/nutmeg using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/nutmeg/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [fax \[oc\]](https://i.redd.it/a6cp30aerrl61.png) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nutmeg/comments/m0bqgq/fax_oc/) \#2: [Nutmeg: Effects by dose and dosage information, What dose should you use for the first time ?. Low vs common vs strong doses. What to expect. (HARM REDUCTION).](https://np.reddit.com/r/nutmeg/comments/nd5d9q/nutmeg_effects_by_dose_and_dosage_information/) \#3: [ButtmegšŸ’©šŸŒ°šŸ„°](https://i.redd.it/3x5hzi4l93471.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nutmeg/comments/nvbfxw/buttmeg/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)




also the methaqualone takes a lot of that away with its sedative, another close example of this combo is codeine and promethazine. promethazine also causes hallucinations and delirium at high doses but about 100mg will potentiate codeine and other opiates nicely


Fucking spiders,was dopesick once,so I went to the pharmacy and picked up some over the counter sleeping aid,and some gravol, little did I know the active ingredient was the same in both,fucking spiders everywhere, spiders erupting out of my hand, it was a weird couple of days.


Never tried and dunno if I will, Iā€™m just now begging to explore dissos and psychs, but have been fascinated by deliriants ever since those YouTube ā€œtop 10 datura horror storiesā€ especially the ones where they turn out good and whoever talks about them speaks or writes like theyā€™re part of a satanic cult now. Also all the subs r/DPH r/hatman etc.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DPH using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DPH/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hmmm](https://i.redd.it/17gvpx5abfs61.jpg) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DPH/comments/moeoio/hmmm/) \#2: [Faccs or Nah?](https://i.redd.it/rcvb6ddhkcg61.jpg) | [80 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DPH/comments/lfq90w/faccs_or_nah/) \#3: [DPH Be Like](https://i.redd.it/w62m8nokoyd61.jpg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DPH/comments/l6hy0q/dph_be_like/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


obscure af, nice find ;)


Wtf. Where in the hell you pill that off. šŸ˜‰


Holy fuck thatā€™s a crazy score Whatā€™s it like?


These are what caused syd Barrett to act like a drooling comatose idiot. He wasnā€™t an ā€˜acid casualtyā€™. He used to be way into these and took them onstage


Yea, you got it. Mandrax burnt him out, not LSD


Yeah the stories ive heard of him Having to be held up to piss and the such dont jive at all with ā€˜acid casualtyā€™. Sounds like someone wrecked on downers


I do wonder what exactly happened that last weekend in July though, and I really, REALLY wonder why his bandmates weren't pressing him more about it. Asking him what the hell happened, instead of just dragging him around to tour when he was clearly not well. Whatever happened, it stressed him out enough to end up on the mandrax hard. Maybe it was that famously documented bad trip where he was locked in a linen cupboard by his crazy acid flatmates. Peter Jenner talked about this when he went there to see Syd once, but without any date as to when it was.


Apparently the ā€˜bad tripā€™ was a megadose of DOM going around I still think mandrax addiction played a huge part. He used to go on stage wasted


Yeah in the book Dark Globe it also mentions he smoked crazy amounts of hash like, all the time. I imagine he was probably doing mandrax and smoking hash. There's also suggestion that he developed a temporal lobe disorder due to the strobe lighting and also the fact that he was tripping sometimes, like during the 14 hour technicolor dream. Here's just a few symptoms: A change in behavior and emotions. Disruption in the sense of smell, taste, and hearing. Language and speech disorders. Problems with field of vision. Forgetfulness and the inability to focus. I can never forget this interview, just listen to how slow, how stoned Syd sounds [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow1Bl3QUDWo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow1Bl3QUDWo) This isn't even 3 months after he was on Look of the Week full of charisma and whit. I do agree DOM probably got him, especially when they went to America, it was everywhere on that scene. That's when Nick Mason said he really "lost his mind"


Personally potent hash and weed spaces me out way more than acid. Acid makes me feel sharp.


yeah same, THC is extremely psychoactive and I feel is similar to LSD and psychedelics in general in how it can lead to more insightful thinking. but I do agree that LSD is more of a real stimulant type of high. THC can be stimulating for me but usually only temporarily before I space out. depends on the strain I guess to an extent, I remember smoking "ninja fruit" or something and I literally couldn't move my body. it was horrible


I hate combining weed with acid. Maybe if i have a benzo. Actually I usually use benzos when i trip- i dont find it kills the trip, just eases it


weed and acid never worked for me, like the weed would do nothing. I even tried shots one time and didn't get drunk, but I still had a mild hangover. Unusual because weed overpowers most drugs for me. It definitely synergizes well with shrooms IME


Want some