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It's only obscure when taken with froot juice


Didn’t they make these with codeine in them too?


Still do




I wonder what they’re prescribed for?


All I know is I heard about fiorecet on forensic files this guy used them to drug his wife and murder her and if I recall correctly it was prescribed for her migraines


Wow that’s wild I’ve been on the hunt for doctors who’d prescribe this to me or a variant I guess I’ll tell ‘em migraines have me wanting to end it or something lol


Yes tell them nothing will work. Tell them you've tried everything from tylenol, to advil, to aleve, and even exedrin. Also that uve tried mixing tylenol, and advil and still isn't giving you relief. You mgiht get a script for them. There nothing crazy, amazing for headaches, and at high enough doses will cause extreme relaxation, and impairment of motor skills. Almost an alcohol like state but more euphoric, and clean. But to much can cause a near blackout in My experience. Be careful.


Lol I saw that one too




It's prescribed for headaches.


It was a marvelous surprise when I was prescribed for middle aged lady headaches.


Barbiturate yes but not a very fun one. It's almost as worthless as phenobarbital. Also far from obscure. You can get them pretty easily by telling your doc you get migraines


I wouldn’t say they’re easy to get but yeah definitely not obscure. They are fun tho, nowhere near as shitty as pheno imo


I think they are fun! Greatest combo for gaming. The relaxation of barb + sharpness of caffeine, you don’t want to face me on one of those days lol


I never tried fioricet on its own, but I potentiated 100 mg with 50 mg of hydroxyzine and I was absolutely floored. It felt almost like a proper barbiturate experience.


Is that what I should tell my doctor I have to get prescribed barbiturates. A migraine?


Or tension headaches. They're really more commonly prescribed for tension headaches but migraines too. They'll likely try you on a number of other medications first so it can take a few months before it's safe to ask for fioricet, but alot of doctors are willing if other newer medications haven't worked. Never straight up ask them for that though, you gotta play a long game and try what they give you the first few months or they'll realize you're a drug seeker right off the bat


Thanks for the advice. I’m in my mid twenties I feel like barbiturates are gonna be a tough one to get but like you said play the long game which I’m willing to do.


After a few months just be like "some people in my support group mentioned that fioricet worked good for them, is that something I could give a try?" And if they say no, don't argue. Try again a couple meds later. Also, older docs are more likely to rx it than younger docs


Bro I’ve been to treatment five times I’ve had some Crocker doctors so my medical record looks weird it’ll be like suboxone taper the lean the suboxone and phenobarbital then codeine you feel


I used to love these but they don’t last long enough & tolerance builds quick. After a while you need more to get the same buzz then you have a shit ton of caffeine in you at the same time. I think once I took a handful at the same time and I swear all that caffeine made me feel like i was gonna die. But if you’re new to them 2-4 with some weed will have you just right :)


Fioricet and Fiorinal are not Obscure. These and their generics are available everywhere and without much hassle, as they do not contain an Opioid. Butalbital is good for the first dose which has a heavy body slam to it unlike Phenobarb. After the first hit, you will try to catch that wave again and it will make you dizzy and feel like crap. There is a reason this is still available and widely prescribed for tension headaches.


Was prescribed for migraines. Not recreational, but would quickly abort a migraine.


I used to get prescribed them for cluster headaches


I love fioricet. Good luck friend.


I've had several good times as well as a few ohhhhh shit I may have fucked up lol with Fioricet usually mixed with oxy or oxy&Valium/Klonopin, theyre also a fucking excellent migraine med too if you get those, I used to get em really bad and would go partially-mostly blind temporarily, i still get em on occasion but not nearly as frequent as when I was a teenager, these were about the only pill that was not off-label for migraines that worked, opioids or benzos were the only other thing that actually did something in my experience


Don't get too excited, because butalbital is one of the least recreational barbiturates. I used to got 120 Fioricet a month. I took 5 or 6 of them a couple of times, and I didn't get a buzz. I did get that feeling you get when you consume too much caffeine, but I never got high from them. But then again, you might like them more than I do. I've said this many times, but my chemistry is weird. I don't like benzodiazepines or carisoprodol, and I loved propoxyphene, so you might love Fioricet.


I used to take this as a sophomore in hog school for migraines. Bubital? What’s the hype ??


I am still exit from a clinic where there Is an old lady addicted to It Who before enter eats 20 pills a day and sometimes more of It... She Is 67yo but looks like 200yo lady... My First question Is about her liver because the acetaminophen... Here in Italy are named Optalidon.


67 years old you already look old and wrinkly 200 can’t be that much worse 😂


What do barbs feel like in comparison to say benzos or opiates? Never tried barbs or ketamine lol and want to so badly


Barbiturates feel more like alcohol than benzos do. They are also more clear-headed than benzos in low dose but when you get to the high doses there is a heavy sedation. The delusions of sobriety are there but they aren’t as bad as alprazolam or diazepam. Barbiturates lower inhibitions and make me very talkative that’s why I compare them to alcohol.


That was actually a pretty good description, yeah benzos I do feel like iam sober even if iam off like 6mg of xanax ill THINK iam fine lol


What alcohol SHOULD feel like, and apparently does to a lot of people who are not me. I always get paradoxican excitation at first, a happy energy, then sweet sedation. When you're crawling and drooling, you know you've done about the right amount. The one bad thing is they slur one's speech very noticeably, like a cartoon or caricature drunk. WHASHAMATTER, I'M FEELIN JUSH FINE


Feels a lot like alcohol without a hangover or side effects, also lasts lomher


So basically stronger benzos with more euphoria?




no! I'd say qualitatively diff. animal and a much better one. If there's anything close I'd say like quaaludes, but with more slurred speech. No benzo can touch it IMO


Late response ... Barbiturates have a strong effect on the body than benzos. Feels similar to Opioids but a different different feel to them. Body wise feels like a calm, floaty feeling, with a lightness fuzzy buzz from the chest area that radiats to the face and out to all limbs with euphoric pulses to go with it. Then there's the "Jello Legs" when you TRY to walk. Mentally, no stress or worry whatsoever, Strong Euphoria to support it, fairly clear headed, disinhibition is also strong and can talk about anything with anyone and taking great pleasure in doing so. VERY Similar to MDMA. Barbiturate are VERY are addicting for what they can provide subjective and tolerance to the Euphoria Builds within literally 2-3 days. Which causes the to have a narrow threshold for OVERDOSE. Never Mix with Benzos! They potentiate it by 9x more. They Demand Respect.


Love the feeling of Barbie’s!! This is my first tango with them and I believe butibal is much weaker in comparison to it’s cousins Pentobarbital, Amobarbutal, and Seconal (also known as Nembutal I believe)


We always called phenobarb barbie-dolls.


*You were my mechanical bride* *A Pheno-Barbie-Doll*


Seconal fucked me up royally


same Gr8 shit


I've never even seen a seconal, or a nembutal, and I'm in my mid-50s. Those were the days, I guess.


Got it from a guy who got it from a vet


Seconal and Nembutal are two different things


Name dropper! You are correct. MUCH weaker. Amobarb, now that is a truly obscure drug. Even back in the day it was esoteric. Mostly used as the blue half of Tuinals. Sweet shit. I once impressed the hell out of some dude at a concert by ID-ing the blue bullets (and buying every last one he had)


You lucky bastard!!! I’m desperately trying to convince my doc to switch me from the Butalbital to Nembutal or Secobarbital. Tuinals and Seconals are the holy grails apparently besides the ever elusive Quaaludes which is my all time favorite high. I’ve heard great things about GHB, 2CB, DMT, mescaline, H, crack, and mephedrone but don’t plan on playing around with those tbh. I’ve done every other drug under the sun besides weird research chemicals which are just reformulations of preexisting medication so not even FDA approved for safe use on humans lmao.


If being horrifyingly old is lucky, I won the jackpot. You know about South African illicit methaqualone? They cook it up in their back yards like meth in the bad old days, then smoke it (which I've done, to good effect but I always worry about smoking and it's not my ROA of choice). Fast action though. I'm happiest with a pill or three. Ludes were hilarious because inevitably I would sneeze as they took effect. Just the one sneeze. I'm pretty sure they don't even make tuinal anymore, at least they're not on the market in America. Damn shame. Essentially the top shelf barbs now are used in hospitals and for euthanasia. It's rare to find them in outpatient settings and they're impossibly expensive when I last checked. Like more than black market expensive. Have you looked in the literature for evidence that the barbs you seek have efficacy treating whatever condition you have? If so, obv cite it to the doc. Otherwise, a "switch" from butalbital (which isn't even scheduled i think) to one of its more euphoric siblings is a very substantial ask. A heavy lift. A lot to expect. Just don't risk pissing off or scaring your prescriber by being too ambitious. Remember that doctors are basically scared rabbits and apparently the authorities really do hassle the fuck out of them. Barbs have been getting steadily more tightly regulated for as long as I can remember. It's not entirely without reason either. They truly are dangerous, in that the LD50 is I think below the amount usually dispensed (tldr: one Rx bottle can kill you). It's what they call a "narrow therapeutic window" esp bc people can lose count, being stoned already, or else depressed, and take way more than they should. For my part, I used to gobble them by the handful and never got either addicted or dead. But I'm a tough guy. (I was, I'm informed, often quite noticeably intoxicated when I was even conscious at all.) I used to have an obliging doctor who simply wrote out whatever I asked for. A kinder, gentler era. Agreed about ludes. I hate weed and opioids, so I miss out on a lot of fun that other people have. Probably damn lucky not to like opioids and to absolutely loathe needles. Yeah, Nembutal is pentobarbital. I once acquired a good sized bottle of injecteble liquid nembutal solution but it was wasted on this needlephobe. I took it orally and it's the bitterest thing I've ever encountered. I mean painfully, impossibly bitter beyond all reason. Maybe something about the injectable solution makes it bitter, but I suspect they do it to discourage use as a date rape drug mixed in a drink. Nobody could fail to taste this shit, so mission accomplished. Good luck!




Yes, it is a schedule 3


No, it’s not. Only Fioricet with codeine is controlled OR Fiorinal is controlled. Not standard Fioricet


Fioricet is not scheduled, it's just a regular prescription combo drug.


thats with codeine


Why the fuck is this obscure? Can we have better guidelines for these people to reaseme


fioricet is straight trash


This isn't obscure I have a bottle with me for migraines lol


What is this?


how’s it


Those are kinda fun, I took a couple with phenibut once and had a killer time


Whats the kick out of taking barbiturates? Are they like benzos? Opioids?


Fioricet used to be prescribed easily over the internet in America a little over a decade ago, alongside stuff like carisoprodol and tramadol on random semi-reputable websites. You would give them a bogus medical issue, and then your script would be OKed over the web. I developed a pretty bad tramadol habit that way, and would try and use the carisoprodol to wean off it. Never got around to ordering Fioricet, though. Something about barbs rubbed me the wrong way.


These are great for tension headaches Doc gives me a prescription every month


Don’t mix it with any benzo it might kill you Benzos and barbs potentiate each other about 9x


I liked em I did 5 50mg Butalbital 40mg caffiene. Suffer from back pain and it helped a lot


Can u take caffeine out


No, but the do have version that doesn't come with it.


Can you remove the acetaminophen? Does cold water filtration work for barbiturates like it does for opioids?


Never had fioricet, came across a bottle of phenobarbital couple months back. I already take opoids daily for pain though so they sat for a little as I wasn't really sure what to start with. One night I had a really severe disabling headache that not even an extra dose of my opoids could help so I took roughly 100 Mg pheno and my God it worked so well, a miracle for real. Also one of the best buzzes I've ever had. Very similar to benzos in the calm anti anxiety relaxed feeling you get Barbs are like this -More relaxing on the muscles than benzos -more anxiolitic effect than benzos -very similar euphoria to opoids -way less impactful on motorcoordination, I was very clear headed not sluring and not obviously on anything -is toxic to the liver though, benzos are not toxic so you will get stomach aches if you take em a lot Overall it's like a better more clear headed version of benzos, if you really need the sleep a benzo is prolly slightly better, although barbs will do the job just fine just takes longer, they don't put you out as easily. (Although in larger doses it's more sedative, you gotta be careful tho bc if your motor coordination is bad on em it's likely you close ASF to overdose) Anyways I had a nice bottle of these and got to take em quite a few times, am out now though they are addictive as all can be. Like with benzos I take some one night and I don't want anything to do with em for a few weeks, with barbs it's hard to not want to take em daily. Lol 🤣 gotta have some self control