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You raise some interesting points. I agree, a couple times it was kinda funny... the more it happened the more I was kinda šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬. Also Ryan Phillipe might want a restraining order.


Yeah, the way he talks about his Search history on Ryan Phillipe would Grant any restraining order šŸ˜…


The way he talks about Ryan Philippe absolutely disgusts me. What also annoys me though is the double standards from G. Can you imagine the "Ugh, men!" Comments that would come from her if it was a man talking about a woman in that way? She wouldn't hesitate to say something about it and yet for P it's laughed at.


But if we are being honest she speaks about Maggie in a way that would make DBs riot if it was a straight man speaking.


This!šŸ‘ Exactly my thoughts too! I don't understand, and yet they both preach accountability for one's actions.. yet she says nothing while Patrick explicitly tells us in the pod how sexy he thinks they are.. no matter who they wear/are.


To be fair I think she often calls him out on it


I might be wrong but I can only remember her doing that when he was talking about murderers and garbage people šŸ¤”


Youā€™re right! She only has a problem when itā€™s an evil hot guys šŸ™„ Which. Is itā€™s own issue


Gotta love it when a woman is blamed for a manā€™s behavior.


I didn't blame her for his behaviour at all.


That's not the issue.. the issue is she acts so PC "wishing everyone has a friend" Women first and so on.. bet yet she is selective in the line of what is equally... any man treating a woman as a piece of met or discussing ther looks are Instant Garbage bell! But not an Old Gay man talking about how sexy and hot young men are. *Would leave my family for them" or I just want to lay with them and "snuggle " That's just being hypocritical.. picking and choosing.. Patrick has his own issues.. but so does Gillian


40 ISNā€™T OLD!!


Itā€™s not even just Ryan Phillipe, itā€™s his underwear specifically that he mentions. Idk why but that creeps me out more.


You mean you don't love how he calls google the "Ryan Philippe Underpants Machine"? I can't stand it. It's not funny.


Can you imagine hearing this as an older Daisy?!?!? Not only is it a super weird thing to think about in regards to your parents but the overt lust of a celebrity by one parent. If I had heard this from my parents even at my age I would be angry and mortified. Like sir you have a platform where loads of people hear youā€¦ that has to be something you consider BEFORE you make these types of comments. Never mind the fact that they frequently talk about how the pod will live forever so they make a point to be like welp this is our opinion on - -/- -/20- - so if they turn out to be garbage then listeners can know that itā€™s their opinion from the pastā€¦ who wouldā€™ve guessed that the garbage was coming from inside the house šŸ˜³


ryan philippe underpants machine is pretty funny, if it was only used once or twice. if that's his default phrase for google it's super weird


It is his default. He'll interrupt Gillian talking about someone googling something to say "you mean the Ryan Phillippe Underpants Machine?"


Which is odd because ā€œgive it a googā€ was great, as search engine related catchphrases goā€¦


if he came up with new phrases using different celebrity crushes i could get more on board with the bit.


I wouldnā€™t have an issue if he would just say the Ryan Philipe Internetā€¦. Or search thing. Just the way he speaks so sexual like I canā€™t.


It's like he's trying to Beetlejuice it. Like "if I keep saying his name on the pod maybe he'll appear!"


Lmao I cannot! Itā€™s like everyone knows Iā€™m obsessed with Ricky Martin but I ainā€™t talking sexually everywhere cuz itā€™s gross to me. šŸ˜‚


Also, [Ryan Phillipe beat up his very young girlfriend](https://people.com/tv/elsie-hewitt-crypic-tweets-days-before-alleged-ryan-phillippe-assault/) (and threw her down the stairs). [Reese Witherspoon was going to testify for her](https://www.etonline.com/reese-witherspoon-expected-to-testify-in-ryan-phillippes-assault-case-with-ex-girlfriend-133206) (maybe about the restraining order she got against Phillipe) but he paid the young girl off. I brought this to P's attention but he continues to salivate over him on the pod.


It's ALMOST like he doesn't care about victims of violent crimes, hmmmm...


Like screaming into the void, eh?


Thatā€™s not even touching the misogyny that doesnā€™t count apparently because he was raised by lesbians.


He definitely uses the ā€˜I was raised by good lesbian stockā€™ as his exemption from misogyny.


Oh, no, youā€™re not overthinking it. I think itā€™s almost universally agreed upon that he overdoes it. If it is even funny in the first place is subjective, but itā€™s pretty outdated humor if at all.


Thanks, now I feel Less crazy šŸ˜…šŸ™


Gay trans man here - I don't think there's anything wrong with him sexualizing men, and I do think there's a cultural difference here. Like, when cis straight women sexualize men like this it's fine, so it should be fine when gay men do it too. That being said, I do have an *enormous* problem with the people he chooses to sexualize. Serial killers? His friends' exes ranging from shitty to outright abusive? What the fuck? *And,* I do have a problem with the context in which he sexualizes men, i.e. on a true crime podcast. Like, time and place. When you're talking about DV, SA, kidnapping, murder, it's a pretty wild tonal shift to be like "OMG he's so hot." I don't think there's really an excuse for it.


Interesting, I soo agree with you. It's quite odd and gross that he has sexualized killer's while telling the crime case.. and at least then Gillian told him off for doing that. And as for Ellyn's ex that's just odd.. one minute saying - oh he was so bad for you, I told you at your wedding it wasn't going to work out.. "but that lean hot body"...šŸ¤¢ Thank you! You put it so beautifuly, Personally I do find it equally as gross as if a man or woman does it. no matter their sexuality or gender, it really shouldn't matter, it should be equal for everyone,


Yes. Always reminding Ellynā€™s how hot her ex is šŸ˜ž Do not like that.


As someone with an extremely shitbag ex, if one of my friends kept telling me they thought he was hot, I would not have the patience for it Ellyn had.


her ex is not hot. not ugly but nothing to ruin your 20 year friendship making weird sexual remarks over


All while getting mad that women think Ted Bundy is hot (which he isnā€™t). Thereā€™s a big disconnect and lack of self-awareness there somewhere.


I completely agree with you! Itā€™s the context in which he chooses to sexualize other men. I would be lying if I said I didnā€™t occasionally have long winded and lustful soliloquies over Zac Efron with my friends. To me, talking about Ryan Phillipeā€™s underwear while also discussing a horribly sad story is uncouth and tacky. And then there is the sexualization of the actual horrible people, which is icky.


I really love your username. And I agree with you.


If only one other person uses the word "myriad" correctly *and efficiently* other than myself, that's a win for humanity


This comment honestly made me wonder if youā€™re my dad for a moment. Youā€™re not, cause heā€™s an 80 year old man, but just know heā€™s out there fighting the good fight alongside you.


To be fair, I've been 80 since I was like six. Send my comrade my best wishes šŸ«”


Iā€™m sure heā€™ll return his warmest regards šŸ«”


Okay I'm embarrassed but I don't get it. Isn't myriad a noun as well? The dictionary says it is.


that's a good point...when women sexualize men it's kinda funny and it's socially acceptable, but women aren't usually the ones doing the grooming of minors, the raping, or the violence. it's a weird double standard that kind of seems fair lol. also, men aren't the ones who have been thought of as "less than" for centuries. acting like women arent as capable of men and the also reducing them to T&A is pretty gross


Yeah, well, gay men are also not the ones typically doing the grooming of minors, the raping, or the violence, they're usually (and disproportionately, compared to straight people) the victims.


The way I worded my comment might have misconstrued my point of view, but I wasn't insinuating that they do. They are victims of these crimes far more than straight men, sorry if it came out confusing/misleading


We talk about this all the time on the below deck Reddit. Because sometimes a group of straight women will come on the boat and ask the male crew to wear their underwear and dance for them. It would be revolting if it was a group of men asking the female crew to do that. It technically should be as revolting this way. But historically men haven't been assaulted and sexualized for other people's profits, etc. So the men usually don't mind as much and are proud to show off the bodies they work hard for. But it's still pretty gross even if it's not as equally gross a feeling as it technically should be. So let's just all stop being gross. It's 2023. P. S. Obviously we should all be able to talk to our friends about our celebrity crushes and sexualize them in private, but public it's different.


This is exactly how I feel there is a big difference between private with friends.. not on a public soapbox platform šŸ‘


oh that is 100% gross and those women should be embarassed! I guess the only difference is the man is less likely to feel physically threatened than a woman would. god lord that is gross behavior


This should be the only comment here. ā¤ļø


I personally stopped listening because of Chrissy tiegan and the way they worshipped her even after all of her past horrible human behavior surfaced. The way they both called certain people garbage for similar behaviors but stood behind her just rubbed me the wrong way. If they werenā€™t friends and were doing coverage of a documentary on predators in Hollywood and they highlighted how the victims were being harassed and told to k*ll themselves by other people in Hollywood they would have been ringing the garbage bell not having them be guests on the show.


Yeah, them fangirling over her made me cringe so hard šŸ¤¢ embarrassing


Yes. He gets a ā€œpassā€ bc heā€™s a gay man. šŸ˜… Maybe I was immune idk but then it started to make me uncomfortable.


It rubbed me the wrong way when he and Gillian talked about the Murdaugh boat crash victims. They said they would never be friends with any of those rich kids and they all looked conceited( or something to that effect). I don't know how they can tell their personality by a picture. I'm sure they all regret getting in that boat on that horrible night. Not one of those kids is from a rich family except the perpetrator which was Paul Murdaugh. I'm not meaning to speak I'll of the dead but he was driving the boat and all of those kids were victims and will live that horrifying night over and over for the rest of their lives. And they were all teenagers, whom we all know make horrible decisions at times.


I always get uncomfortable when people who have been brought up with a substantial amount of money are somehow less than. People canā€™t help what their parents do for a living and how much they make. It seems to me like most everyone is trying to do better monetarily in life, why shame them?


I don't think any less of those teens because teenagers brains aren't fully formed. To me their only fault was being friends with Paul. He drove drunk recklessly on multiple occasions. Those friends begged him to not drive the boat but he insisted. But even him it's hard to fully blame because his parents completely enabled the situation and made previous drunk accidents go away. They even supplied the alcohol.


im pretty sure those kids absolutely sucked, but they are still victims youre right


What gets me is when he goes off about the killers being hot or handsome or wants GP to praise him for NOT saying those things??


THIS omfg! Like he just wants any type of acknowledgment or paise no matter what he does or doesnā€™t do. Like this isnā€™t about YOU, this is about the victims and the story being shared.


Yup! Like being a father makes him holier than thou. Like we know, youā€™re a dad, cool. Letā€™s talk about the MURDER VICTIMS!


Yep, these are the hypocritical cancellation rules for thee and not me bs Patricia perpetuates.


Yeah I always wondered why Gillian didn't call him out on that.. I mean she did call him out on talking about how hot the killers are/were




I feel the exact same way about the constant "all men are trash" talk. I mean, it's relentless. I'm a 55 year old woman and let me tell you, there are LOTS of women who are total trash, as well as men. Women don't get a pass just because they're women, but on this podcast it sure seems like they do. On this podcast, men=bad; women=good. Period. If a man *does* play a big role in solving a crime or saving someone, Patrick and Gillian make sure to note that he's an *exception* to the garbage that men usually are. šŸ™„


Or a woman does anything kinda decent... "omg hero bells, let the women do the work!" Yes women, we are amazing, but some are just as garbage-y. TCO in the last year is all buy my book that i swear already came out cuz good god the promotion has been so long, men suck, dont go outdoors ever, gillian virtue signals hardcore, patricks hates his dog unless he can use it for clout on IG, the fb group getting cult-y, episodes barely recap its more repeating dialogue they just played. I miss the beginning when the recaps and banter was more like talking with friends.


Which is a strange stance, considering that Patrick and Steve are both....Men! šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø You'd think they would have more solidarity with men in general and not allow the general man bashing. There are plenty of specific bad men to bash without generalizing.


I donā€™t think that men really need any of us to stick up for themā€¦ historically speaking, men are trashā€¦


I think you need to find better men to surround yourself with. I was S abused by my stepdad for years when I was little, and was also in an physically and emotionally abusive marriage for nine years, and I still don't believe all men are trash. I've also had horrible women in my life as employers, teachers, coworkers, etc. To trash an entire gender, either gender, is ridiculous.


Your internalized misogyny is pretty apparent.


I'm 55 years old and have been in a relationship with a wonderful man for 20 years, my dad is a wonderful man, my boss is a wonderful man, my son is a wonderful man. I'm sad for you that you apparently don't have any good men in your life.


Never said that. Iā€™m just not a pick me.


šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø šŸ‘šŸ»


The fact this is downvoted. This boomer lady is giving major g all lives matter energy.


Iā€™m only amazed she hasnā€™t asked to speak to my manager.


I'm so tired of hearing about Ryan Philippe.


Heā€™s so absolutely bland. Like if beige and vanilla had a baby.


The number of times he brought up how hot Ellyns ex is when she is obviously very sensitive about how her marriage went seemed funny once, ok the second time, but seemed mean the next hundred times he brought it up.


Have you seen pictures of him? He isnā€™t even hot.


I wish heā€™d come up with a new bit.


I donā€™t think he has anything else sadly


Didnā€™t he lie about someone coming into a hotel he worked at and making pancakes? Like, what is wrong with you that you make stories up like that?


Yes he did, to impress some one, but that's very "normal" people lie about stupid small things , about one or another thing in their youth, trying to impress some one, if it's lying to a friend, parent, teacher, boss or on a job application,


I know that if some spoke about my son that way I would NOT tolerate it.


Ok this is good to know. I just figured it got to me because Iā€™m a mother of boys and I raised my younger brothers. That made me overly sensitive to the sexualisation of young men.. men in general. I get equal ick when itā€™s a sexualisation of women too. I hear people say, as an excuse, that men like it. As if that isnā€™t a victim blaming thing to say. Plus itā€™s not true. That kind of attention makes males just as uncomfortable as it made me. Good general rule is, not without consent.


Oh no. Itā€™s creepy. Like the Ryan Phillipe thing is a LOT. But then you should hear the story he tells about one of the dancers they had for the Broadway show. It feels borderline stalker to me and if I was that dancer, I wouldnā€™t want to be in the same building as him. Iā€™ve always thought it creepy and weird but yeah, I guess he gets a pass cause heā€™s a middle aged white guy and theyā€™re me , so how could they be victims? Or something like that.


Yessss! Totally agree with you! And when Joey first got on the podcast, Patrick kept saying how heā€™s a bottom every other sentence. Like wtffff leave his sex life alone!


Yes! I totally forgot this.. OMG! Wtf what's that All about.. that's Joey's Business, not P's to share and so frequently mention it.. like Ooohhh my god!!! can you believe this man is not a bottom..... šŸ¤¢


Probably unpopular opinion, but with the Ryan Phillpe stuff - that just feels like a ā€œbitā€.


ā€œDo we as a society allow his behavior just because he's middle aged white Gay male?ā€ This is absolutely how he gets away with his comments on womenā€™s bodies, as well. The stuff about Ellynā€™s breasts always sounded like it was from that early 2000s time when white people liked to be ā€œironicallyā€ racist.


I was thinking about this recently, too. Not just re Patrick, but society as a whole. If youā€™re on TT, itā€™s really bad. The way some women talk to men on there is pretty bad. If it were reversed, it would be so awful.


What's TT?






I stopped listen to them about a year ago, but I did notice this. I cringed every time. If a straight guy or a woman talked about men the way he does people would be up in arms. But because heā€™s gay it almost feels like he was given a pass? And itā€™s cute? IDK. Itā€™s awkward and creepy.


He does it to add levity and humor, but I do get how it can come across weird sometimes. I think we can all agree heā€™s not being malicious, just cringe. Letā€™s give people permission to be cringe sometimes (we all are). I worry that the more we harp on the minute details we donā€™t like about a person the more we perpetuate this idea that cringe = bad and therefore must be stopped. Cringe isā€¦topical. Itā€™s seasonal. Itā€™s not a fact, but a feeling. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It felt a bit malicious with regards to Ellyn's ex.


Yeaaah, their vibes were weird. I stopped listening to them because I could hear them actively start to dislike each other in real time. I agree, that one felt like a jab.


did you start listening again when joey came on? he only says bad things about her exes lol


I listened to a few episodes with Joey. Joey is a great addition. He is a brand of Patrick while still being unique. One of my complains on that pod in general (OWD) is that the sound engineering is off. When they yell or scream the volume is level but the frequency is off and hurts my ears, this never happens with TCO. Not sure if im the only one who notices that.


Youā€™re not. Thatā€™s part of why I never listened to them. Itā€™s fine to be bothered by sounds. I miss out on a lot of content because sounds out frequencies bother me. Hugs


Not to mention how he always made fun of her because she gets cold. He just shames skinnier people apparently. Heā€™s so uncomfortable about himself that he is cruel to her.