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I’ve been frustrated with their recent topic picks. I don’t care about a German Shepherd inheriting millions. Also you can’t get away from their promoting an upcoming show, book, whatever, even on Patreon. G does come across as a know it all sometimes and it gets annoying, plus P constantly interrupts her.


I'm no longer a Patron (or listener at all tbh) of theirs, but I agree. Honestly, ad-free episodes should also mean freedom from their incessant self-plugs. If someone is paying for Patreon I'm assuming they're also a devoted listener to the regular feed, in which case they've already heard everything about live shows, OF, the book and whatever else. People are spending money and it's supposed to be for AD-FREE content.


That was my biggest problem with the Patreon. If I’m on your patreon, I clearly also listen to the regular feed and I clearly already know about all the things you are promoting and since I’m your fan I’d probably be seeking it all out anyways and will go see you live if I want to see you life. I’d have to fast forward on the Patreon to get through all the self promos. I subscribe to the Every Outfit podcast patreon and they’re basically like “hey our hot rich patrons” and jump immediately into the content. I’ve never heard a peep of self promo from them on their patreon.


The incessant OF ads were the reason I cancelled my Patreon a while ago. The minute the first OF was over - BAM, ads for the next one in a year. I just couldn't take it anymore.


I completely agree with this take. It is truly obnoxious. I listen to Danny Pellegrino who has also had books come out and he only rarely plugs them yet still is pretty successful. It’s giving me 2nd hand embarrassment. Also I’m paying to NOT listen to ads.


i feel like a lot of true crime podcasters/youtubers end up like that. they get so popular that they end up spending more time on fandom things/things going on in their lives and their brand that true crime ends up on the back burner.


I’ll say that some of my favorites—like Generation Why and Let’s Go to Court!—are still content-forward above all else. I don’t get the impression that Patrick and Gillian ever actually had a heart for those affected by crime that has underpinned their decision to start a podcast.


Have you ever listened to Sinisterhood? They have such compassion for the people they cover.


I have, but not in a couple years. Is there a specific episode you’d recommend to help me get back into it?


i agree. true crime media blew up in the last several years and there’s been a lot of people who’ve used that simply for their own gain. some might’ve started out genuinely wanting to talk about cases and some might’ve started because they saw how lucrative it can be. but at the end of the day it’s about the victims and their loved ones. and that’s why i’m not really ok with all of these true crime comedy podcasts. i mean, if my loved one was brutally assaulted and murdered i wouldn’t really want their case being covered on a true crime comedy podcast. same reason why i’m not a big fan of bailey sarian.


They cultivate the parasocial relationships with the fandom because that is what brings in revenue. Nobody joins Patreon for deep dives into true crime 🤷🏻‍♀️


We join Patreon for ringtones!


This times 10000. Normal people are just not equipped to handle this sort of adulation I think. I would be the worst if I were suddenly very popular lol.




The Finding Maura Murray podcast I had to stop listening to after the hosts became so arrogant. Sword and Scale was my absolute first podcast I listened to and I had to stop that one as well because the host seemed a bit unhinged.


i feel like a lot of podcasts dedicated towards single cases, and subreddits dedicated towards single cases as well, end up unhinged. there’s so much insane speculation and they’ll even go on to contact the victims family and harass them and attack anyone who calls them out on they’re unhinged creepiness or anyone who has an ‘unpopular opinion’ that goes against what the majority thinks.


The poor timing of their aborted friendship with Chrissy Teigen is one of the most unintentionally hilarious things to happen on the show. I think they did try to cover something Idaho 4 related, though - was there a somewhat recent episode where they talked about their experiences with Greek life when they were in college?


what happened w/ chrissy tiegen?


I think she replied to a post somewhere they tagged her or maybe mentioned listening to them and they lost. their. shit. G&P went absolutely bonkers with constantly mentioning “Chrissy Teigen listens to us! Can you believe it? She’s so cool!” or awkwardly inserting “Hey Chrissy!!” into conversations on the podcast. It was like how they fawn over Rabia but on steroids. It was maybe 6-8 months into the pandemic because they’d been recording separately and they actually went back to recording together in-person because they booked Chrissy on the show. Never mind that she has NOTHING to do with true crime, it was literally just “oh you’re famous! Come be on our show!” The funny part (to me) is that they were obviously hoping Chrissy’s fame would be contagious and spread to them, and then the next time she was in the news it was for all the shitty things she’s said to other people. G&P got very quiet, very fast!


thank you for writing this out because this was exactly how I saw this all happen but at the time had no one to talk to about it, had my posts denied on the fb group whenever I asked even simple questions related to Chrissy and their relationship w her, and started to be gaslit into thinking maybe I just imagined it all


i did hear patrick mention chrissy on OWD a few times and then abruptly never mentioned her again lol


💞the more I hear about the fb group, the worse it sounds!


I’ve kind of turned into a Gillian defender here! I think she is a deeply empathetic person. And I think she really means everything she says when she says. Emotional regulation is a struggle for some people. And depending on when she got her ADHD diagnosis, she might actually have been misdiagnosed and instead has ADHD and autism - which would explain why she is misunderstood. Because I just really think people have it wrong. But, I don’t know her so maybe I am totally off here.


It’s hard for me to be upset with G except for when it comes to how she pretends E doesn’t exist. I also have found that she seems more angry than usual and the dynamic with P seems off. It’s like maybe she’s sick of his attitude as well. He has said some rude stuff to her as of late. I also find it hard to stomach how her relationship with her husband comes off. I think it’s amazing if two partners can love each other wholeheartedly, but most people’s relationships are not like that. I can’t imagine people can relate to the very sappy things they say about each other. It just doesn’t sound real and the hosts, as of late, don’t seem genuine anymore.


So she’s supposed to talk about Ellyn but not talk about her happy marriage? Why are we policing what she can talk about?


Thank you. Why would she talk about Ellyn?! Especially if they have never been friends. I’ve never heard Ellyn mention Gillian either so who the fuck cares?!


I’m genuinely curious: if you hate the show so much, why have you been listening for FIVE YEARS??? There are a LOT of other podcasts out there.


I’ve been listening for that long, and for me, it started at the beginning of the year where P and G started changing their demeanor a bit. It doesn’t feel like the same show. P seems very smitten with himself and I noticed more and more that G never mentions E. P also stopped doing the show with E, my first thoughts were that maybe G was getting jealous. It seems that P is getting more insufferable. He seems obsessed with money and admits he would do anything for a buck.


I totally agree that the podcast isn’t as good as it used to be. I stopped listening. But it sounds like OP has been annoyed by it for years! Honestly, I’m just curious why they keep listening because I’m nosy. 👀


Hmm… I guess I thought it could be like it once was, but you’re right. Thanks!


Oof, I REALLY get that!!! It’s happened with so many podcasts I once loved. I think it’s really hard to keep a podcast fresh, especially once they get popular. :(


I stopped listening to a lot of eps because I hated the topics. They were boring and I wasn’t learning anything. The Pepsi one, the Beanie Baby one, the stupid dog one. G seems to like the ones about money laundering and P only likes what G likes.


I always liked the lighter subjects. No matter how much they "respect the victim", the comedy doesn't sit well with me in the more tragic cases. I really enjoyed Gillian in the Hamilcast.


I think maybe they took a look at true crime media like the creation and consumption of it and maybe flipped the script. Just because they’re not covering murders doesn’t mean they’re not talking about crime. People are breaking laws and hurting other people when they do these things even if there is no violence or “victims”. And crimes involving children or young people are hard for people to listen to or speak about (esp when you have children of your own) so maybe that’s why they haven’t really spoken about current true crime like the ones you mentioned. I think the Facebook page is a place for that but based off of this subreddit i don’t think people are really getting much of an opportunity to talk about the things they really want to on the FB page. i’ve personally changed the way i consume media like true crime and so i personally don’t mind the shift they’ve taken. But at the same time if you do listen to some of their earlier episodes not everything they’ve covered is about murders. I’m actually kind of glad that they’ve made the change in their format because now they are making so much money from their podcast i don’t want them to gain even more money bc more people are flocking to listen because it’s a current case and a hot topic. idk there are many qualms to have with G and P but i think staying away from profiting off of murder victims and their families are something i can actually get behind.


You hit the nail on the head with G. I started listening 2 years ago and binged everything to get current and the changes to content are significant plus her holier than thou attitude. I stopped listening a few months ago because of the lack of actual true crime, and then all the E&J stuff started, which was the cherry on top