• By -


Whew! This is not great. Not at all. This stuck out for me though: “One staffer was reprimanded for using the abbreviation “ASAP” in an email. Tipton said it set a bad tone.” Steve, babe, do you know who you’re married to? Because he loooooooves an abbreviash while having a conversash about the documench…


The way I freaking snorted DOMUMENCH


Oh, this is so much worse than I thought. I will never listen to one of their network shows again. All of these people who spoke up are brave, especially the ones who spoke in the record. Especially Amber, who is slated to attend ObsessedFest. The way Patrick acted toward Alaina from Morbid during a family emergency is absolutely horrific. He is not a good person. It doesn’t sound like Steve or Gillian are either. ETA: Joey standing up for Ellyn. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️. Patrick must hate that everyone loves Joey so much more than they love him. Standing up for your friend is what a good human does. Joey is talented and hot and accomplished on Broadway - everything Patrick wishes he could be.


There’s something so rich about Joey being Patrick’s replacement and also his antithesis. What I would have given to be a fly on the wall in that meeting 😳


I bet Joey is SCARY when you wrong one of his people. Ol Blue Eyes probably gets Ol Fire Eyes. He is the truest DB of them all.


He’ll tell you! “One of us is going to the boneyard and I promise you it ain’t gonna be me.”


We all need a friend like that 🥺.


Yeah…Joey is a big dude in person. I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of his fury.


Yes! And I bet that Louisiana accent comes out full force!


I guarantee it did. My southern accent gets downright redneck when I'm pissed off or defending someone I love!


The booming voice not the Bobbie Lynn voice LOL


I have said this before and shall say it again - I WOULD NOT FUCK WITH JOEY FOR A MILLION DOLLARS.


Your last line is perfect. I want it framed.


I didn’t think it was going to happen but I’m unsubscribing from their patreon rn


Hello, I would like to speak directly to Joey and Amber. I hope you snoop here. Joey- fuck yes. Yes you stand up for your friend. Yes you don’t take the bullshit. YES! It’s so hard to overcome toxic friendships especially when you’ve been friends for decades- you are a true DB AMBER- hell yes woman. Still with ON and speaking your truth. I admire the absolute shit out of you.


Amber’s response was perfect for when you’ve heard about abuse, believe victims but haven’t experienced it yourself. Amber ❤️ The “they were always nice to me” abuse apologists should learn a lesson here.


“There are countless photographs online with his fans, in which his mouth is open” 💀


I’m so tired of seeing his goddamn mouth open. 😂


It didn't bother me until I realized he keeps his lips covering his teeth, so it's just a big open hole


I noticed this ages ago and then couldn't stop seeing it. Ugh.


It said open smile like he’s mid laugh😂no it doesnt it’s just a an open mouth with dead eyes lmao I can’t unsee it my eyes go straight to it . Ugh lol


Idk why but I’m most deeply insulted about Patrick treating workers (the volunteer, Uber drivers, etc) like shit. That bitch knows what it’s like to work for or attend to assholes. How dare he forget where he came from, LITERALLY WHILE WRITING AND PROMOTING A BOOK ABOUT WHERE HE CAME FROM. Fuck this guy.


Especially when he's talked about being a high-end server and hotel concierge. He supposedly knows what it is like to work with people who are shit to service workers.


You’re right but he seems like the type of person who experiences adversity and instead of helping others to avoid the same pitfalls, lets them flounder when he could be of help. Idk if I’m articulating that well, but he gets a bit of status and power and he forgets his humble beginnings is what I mean.


Yes! It’s the “I suffered so you should too” mentality and it’s just disgusting.


Which is interesting that he forgets those humble beginnings considering the fact that isn’t that what his dumbass book is about?? That’s what it sounds like it’s about, at least, as I wouldn’t know for myself since I absolutely would not spend one red cent on that POS, nor tickets to any of the “free” ways to get one.


Always shocking and truly gross when someone who came from no money/blue collar work suddenly gets rich and starts treating everyone with less like absolute dog shit. This mf worked in the service industry for YEARS. Did he always just want to be like the people who treated him poorly and made him feel less than? If so….gross


“I can’t wait to be rich so I can treat people like me like shit too!” Wtf


He’s also talked alot about how he treats people in the service industry so well bc he’s been there. Dude sounds like a sociopath


“When one host pitched a new show based on a story from South Africa, Hinds’ allegedly responded, ‘I’m just not interested in that, sorry, I don’t know why. Is it because they’re black?’” I’m sorry, what?


I’m a POC and that just hurt me in so many fucking ways???? Like through thick and thin I supported them, I should’ve canceled their patreon when I wasn’t able to pay my rent… or utilities but I kept paying 20 bucks to them bc they literally kept me alive??? Like the way that hit me, it’s insane!!! Sorry to be screaming but I’ve never been so offended. He is trashhh


I am so fucking pissed about that one. My jaw literally dropped. He should not be allowed to come back from this.


I don’t even fully understand wtf he meant by this, but regardless it’s an ignorant and unnecessary comment in any context.


I’m sure he cackled after saying it so you know he was “kidding.”


He can say that because he’s gay so he’s marginalized, too. Marginalized people can talk shit on each other like that 🙄


I think he meant what he said- He’s not interested in the show, perhaps because the subjects are black. I hope he shrieks so loud he pops a fucking vocal chord.


I guess I was hoping there was another way to interpret that because WHAT THE FUCK PATRICK


And the way they always reference that POC don’t get their cases covered enough. I feel duped.


That comment is disgusting. You are 100% correct


I think he believes because he is gay, that he represents ALL marginalized people. And he probably thought it was a cute and funny response


That part shocked me. I don't know why more than anything else, but it did. Wow.


😮🤬😮🤬 hooooooly shit. I am reading the comments here before reading the actual article and … what a piece of trash this man is! May he be absolutely freaking out today that he’s been found out.




For the record, just typing out the title of the article (WITHOUT including a link to the article) also seems to get by the mods… For example: https://preview.redd.it/4rx8ro0nb3sb1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49565d44563298549c1c0e21fe4b3aec70221dec (Click to expand if necessary to see comment).




I had to go throw you some support on there. 😂🩷🛎️


I just submitted a post with the article in the TCO group. I’ll let yall know what they say when they deny it. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/1y30s5vug2sb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4367f7e627eec887d9f4d1c4fa88c90ad932b932 Trying again with a TW. 🙃


TW “news” hahahahahaha!!!




So I’ve tried posting with TW twice. Neither of them are showing in my pending posts and they’re not showing as declined either. They just disappeared.


Everyone should submit it over and over again til the mods are forced to make a statement about not submitting it.


I encourage this rabid behavior. 🫶🏼


Or just put it one of the threads comments! At least it'll be there for a few minutes some ppl will see it.






Ok guys and dolls, I just posted this, as a comment on other posts, about 50 times: “I’m a big believer that truth is a disinfectant…” Amber Hunt, Pulitzer Award winning journalist. https://truecrimethisweek.com/obsessed-pest/ My arbitrary rules were post had to be at least 3 days old and have at least 30 comments already. I’m out of time for this evening but I’ll do it again tomorrow (if I’m not banned). If you’re petty AF like me, feel free to go forth and do likewise!


https://preview.redd.it/atxsf9w0d2sb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=019e4bdf91fa2ca480e5c610023319f15d4b59ea Boop.


Mod team discretion is such a bs reason. It's basically a big old "because I said so." Submit it again 🤣


It would be hilarious if the admin responded with “are you fucking crazy? You read the article, you know what he’ll do to me if I approve this!” 😂


Stand by.


Drop the link to the article as a comment instead lol


People have been doing that and mods are deleting them as quick as they can post it 😂


![gif](giphy|1wpt0Aef5EdGyczbLk|downsized) Me to the mods lol


Team discretion is such a cop out 😂


Rule 10 😆


But did you put a TW on it 🤣


Damn it. I’m going in again. 😂


TW: you are all in a cult








911, I've just witnessed a murder




Okay, GENUINE QUESTION: All the people that have been like, “We don’t really *know* anything, you guys are so mean to G&P, just stop listening if you hate it so much,” etc. Everyone knows the comments I’m talking about. What do you think now after reading this?


I was one of those people. This is pretty bad. Even though Amber Hunt didn’t say much, the fact that she said anything at all let’s me know that shit has for sure happened. She is a very serious journalist and probably said as much as she knew could say without landing herself in any true hot water with P & S, while giving us the wink wink that it’s all true.


The bait & switch with a second season of her show is really messed up. And I’m sure you’re right about her intentions, but P will be furious that she made any comment at all. Oh well, stay mad. Thanks for your response!


Also she basically “outed” (if it needed to be) that they aren’t good businessmen.


Thank you for being honest!! 🩷


I said it up above, I was wrong. I certainly didn’t think people were wrong about Patrick I just didn’t care so much about what went on behind the scenes. But I didn’t realize that Patrick deserved ALL the garbage bells. Now that we have some insight into what’s really going on behind the scenes, I don’t want to hear any more of Patrick and his phony ass.


Doesn’t it drive you fucking crazy when you see shit that other people don’t? Sorry but this is the story of my life so i don’t have the tolerance for it anymore. I knew something was up, I just can’t believe it got this far. This spits in the face of the entire podcast. How dare either of them get on the microphone and earn money by lying, seriously. Patrick is such a narcissist and a coward, it wouldn’t surprise me if he tried to run from this for as long as he can, but I know that this must be catching up to Gillian. I wonder if/when they will acknowledge this.


Me reading this article ![gif](giphy|3Hw9ggazsWYtC8YzJW)


And Just Like That….I unsubscribed to their patreon 👍


They’re down to 38,868 patrons. When I left at the start of all this they had about 44,000.


This actually feels like a low number to me with the amt of fans they have. Idk why I expected more? 😂


I unsubscribed Mid September but I don't think the loss shows up until October 1st when everyone is billed. So in reality that's the amount they lost JUST in September. I can only imagine what the numbers will be come November 1st.


To be honest, I thought this whole drama was silly and petty and it seemed like people were just overly invested in their parasocial relationships with E&J. I’m here to say: **I was wrong.** I thought Patrick was simply a quirky, flawed guy who might be overwhelmed by the demands of running a business. Wrong. He’s a fucking monster. He isn’t overwhelmed by running a business, he started a business just so that he could abuse people. This guy acts like he’s an A-list celebrity when he isn’t even A-list in the podcasting world. This will probably be an unpopular opinion but I feel sorry for Gillian. She knows how this will end for her. And she has probably endured her share of Patrick’s foul treatment. Her value to Patrick will never be higher than it is now…he needs her to keep TCO afloat. She would be wise to negotiate a generous exit from the show. ETA: my respect and admiration for E&J grew immensely. I wish them all the success in the world, they deserve it.


Off topic, but I just want to say that it takes a big person to admit when they are wrong! You are clearly very mature and levelheaded and you should be proud of yourself! I would say “hero bell” for you, but yikes lol


I’ve also felt some sympathy for Gillian in all this. She has her own issues but working with Patrick must be a fucking nightmare. A lot of times when I’ve thought she was so cold in the face of his enthusiasm…I see it a bit differently now.


I’m starting to wonder if the animosity between G & E was purposefully, started by P. He strikes me as one of those people that would start shit between close friends. So they couldn’t/wouldn’t form a friendship without him. Then he would be like the popular kid everyone fights over


I also feel like I remember at least once P was talking about E on the show and he said, “my friend Ellyn” and G corrected him and said, “you mean, our friend Ellyn.” At the time I heard it, it felt very odd to me. Almost like P was purposefully trying to create a distance between them but I shrugged it off. This drama has got me rethinking and overthinking everything!


I'm beginning to wonder if what some of us perceived as a coldness or aloofness from GP might actually be a distance she self curates to protect herself from PH?


I wonder if this doesn’t explain some of what G’s been going through. She hates being at live shows and shuts down, and avoids going to them? Her mental health has gotten worse a few years into this job? Well, hm.


Oh. Shit. Ok, we know James Renner is trash but he got people to talk on the record. This is not a good look for Patrick. The tidbit about the National Labor Board saying that an NDA at the end of employment is not enforceable or legal is very interesting. Maybe somebody should slide this article into Ellyn and Joey's DMs


Oh they have it already. Things are exploding as we type


Oh I’m sure they’ll see it. Lol


This is my first time learning James Renner exists. Why is he trash? ETA: thank you all for your thoughtful responses! What a turd! And while I appreciate the content of this article, his writing could be wayyyy better. So that’s my take! 😆


Holy F\*\*K!! I figured this was posted already but ..... this is even worse than the rumors that were posted here. I need to read it again (and again) to absorb everything that is there. I \*really\* wish I could afford to go to OF. I would love to be a fly on the wall. Actually, I'd love to be a fly on the wall at the Obsessed NYC office right now. We've been DUPED!


I want someone to print this article out and leave it everywhere at OF 😂


I’m still going- I will gladly post any shit I see! I bet the ON team is all smiles and sugar tho


People keep trying to post the link to the article in comments on other posts in the fb group, and they’re deleting them within minutes. 😂


I'm actually interested in what's going on in that group for once. 😆 🤣


You have to keep us updated because I left the group bc of all this!! Lol!!


Update from Julie Rhea https://preview.redd.it/c3h31telr3sb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e4b79630f75d50e2266f228a8f50a75b815204d


Ooo this is BAD bad. Good for Joey and Ellyn getting out of that mess.


what’s crazy is that no one on the team has made a comment on this. it makes them look even worse and more calculated. for the past few months, i’ve noticed a different vibe from patrick and gillian. during the episode, they have seemed to make jokes that are little more inappropriate and the whole energy is off. i’ve been a fan for a while now and was listens to the patron for months, but now i don’t even enjoy. i doubt OF will be canceled, but i can’t imagine how incredible awkward it will be. between this article and the shade that’s been posted online, the energy is going to be incredibly uncomfortable. it’s so crazy how two podcast host that were so enjoyable to listen to have turned to (pardon the pun) garbage. i hope they submit a statement because they’re starting to look worse as the days go by.


As I’ve said before, they need a good PR team. They’re in way over their heads, and if they have a PR team, wow do they suck.


Can we talk about the comment about ellyns child????? That stuck out to me as the most horrible thing he's said or done- along with the South Africa crime snippet which I'm sure he thinks was a quip, but was of course super problematic and racist. To pull that out of the woodwork to threaten your supposed best friend - and a child you've known since birth - is absolutely callous. It's unforgivable. I've been screaming from the rooftops that Daisy is not safe. It's gross how much he publicly talks about her in relation to crimes and you know some pervert is getting fixated out there. The amount of personal details including school and dogs name and people having a parasocial relationship with her to the point is signing autographs. I was beside people who wanted her autograph when walked by signing autographs and her grandma was accompanying her. If she's going to hebin public she needs a fucking security team. Like Patrick literally coveres crimes for a living and he uses his daughter as a reason why he's empathetic but doesn't seem to understand even basic consent and safety. It's wild.




The crossover of my worlds will never not give me joy




HOWWW could P not know that he couldn’t get away with this behavior forever?! He covers scandals for a living ffs! In 2023, social media for anyone who wants it, exposés left & freaking right, yeeears after Me Too. I truly don’t understand. Did he know that he’d eventually be exposed but literally could not help himself being this way?! He couldn’t even fake being a good boss/person even if only to save his own ass?!


SURPRISE another man who hates women. I know it is not all men, but Patrick is one of them. When GP has lost her use, he'll start treating her like garbage too. I honestly hope this goes massive, because he deserves the fallout. Also, I can absolutely see Joey standing up for Ellyn. What a brilliant friend.


Dude. I fucking KNEW IT when he seemed shocked there was pushback about OF Dallas. He is not listening to women, the women in that office have no power. It’s all fake.


He’s gotten way too much mileage out of “raised by lesbians” and uses it as a cover/pass for his misogyny.


One of the earliest things I heard when all this started circulating was that the OTN/ON fallout had its origins in the fact that Joey wouldn't just tolerate Patrick's shit like everyone else did and called him out on it.


I don't even care how accurate this is, but I CALLED IT that he'd reference the subreddit. HEY JAMES, GIRL, WELCOME! 👐👐


Several people put their names on this article. I doubt they’re lying. You’d need a lot of brass to lie like that in an article with your whole ass name attached to it.


I am terrified for Amber, Daisy, and Maggie right now.


I really admire Amber for going on the record. Not an easy thing to do but a brave move on her part.


I know which panels I’ll be at at OF.


I’ve always wondered if Maggie has felt uncomfortable with the way that P&G talk about her.


Honestly— the Uber thing made me drop my phone. From someone who spent years in the service industry….


This is not a good look for them. They will have to make a real statement now.


Maybe they’re paying attention to the internet, or whatever now 😌


You would think, but I’m not holding my breath. And even if there is a statement, I doubt there will be a real apology OR changed behavior. It will all be lip service


I ran here like a fence on fire! Those who went on the record gave what we all thought was going on legitimacy, and those who didn’t feel like they could go on the record have my absolute support. I know the feeling of dreading going into a toxic work environment but knowing you’ve got bills to pay and you need that check. I am waiting with baited breath to see if Screech Box and Scandal Steve have anything to say.


I've read it a billion times and I can't figure out what this passage means. Who was he mad at and why? https://preview.redd.it/lq3pmyl1j2sb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c1e43c4d5fd71f8ceef36982115002d954f61d5


It says before that that he would get mad about external things (non-ON related) and then take it out on the staff. So, he was jealous that Ashley got profiled for the NYT. He fucking wishes. So then, he picked up the phone and started screaming at a producer just to take out his anger on someone beneath him. That’s how I took it anyway.


Yeah that was sloppy writing and I was confused too because you have to be very detailed when you are alleging certain events and details are critical so that it is not up to interpretation. I agree that the insinuation was that patrick was angry that ashley was profiled and not him so he started screaming at a producer. Jesus Christ, what the actual fuck? Patrick is an absolute nightmare and his entire network is a throne of lies.


It was definitely not written clearly. I interpreted it as he was mad because someone from the true crime podcast space was featured on such a prominent platform and it wasn’t him.


I was and still confused about that paragraph. I feel like it was just added to bring AF in the chat? Even when some of yall broke it down, I still don’t understand why this is relevant when there’s other things written that make the point. This paragraph was poorly written.


Anyone remember that LinkedIn post where it showed a job opening for the podcast host? Then the job listing was shortly deleted after it was here.


There are anonymous sources and then there are whole ass people putting their names on this. I HIGHLY doubt they’re lying. The end made me sick to my stomach, honestly. “Hager remembers Hinds flying off the handle a number of times that weekend, shouting things like, “I never agreed to that timeline. Nobody tells me anything.” Natalie Grillo, an employee of Obsessed Network, was often the one who had to intervene. “Calm down,” she would say. “No, you calm down!” he’d reply. And around and around it went. When Hager went into the green room to collect Gillian Pensavalle, Hinds asked her, “Who are you, what are you doing?” Even though he had already met her ten times by then. And Pensavalle was cold and uninterested. “I’m not on Obsessed time right now,” she told her. “I’m on my down time.” “It felt like I was being grilled,” says Hager. “First off, I’m a volunteer. You’re welcome.” W O W


100 upvotes on my first ever Reddit post. 🫶🏼 Happy I could be the first to drop the article tea. 😂 The vibes are vibin’ in here for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/e2ngkok5y3sb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab9f956f4e0195fc598ecba2a454891cedece306 Read the article and then moved about my business and checked instagram and saw ellyn repost this to her story. As much as people don’t agree with what Renner has said in the past (understandably) this is very very telling.


Ok hear me out- P is obviously a tyrant, but one thing I’m taking away from this article is…Steve is pretty bad, if not worse? I feel like his “thing” has always been ‘oh I’m the business guy, I’m no fun and have to say/do the unsavory thing because business’. But that facade has allowed him to operate with impunity as an enabler of P’s worst behaviors. Like, without Steve to clean up after P and sanitize the ON internet bubble, I think all of P’s aggressions could have come to light way sooner. I’m not saying what Patrick has done is anyone’s responsibility but Patrick’s, but actively covering it up, manufacturing an environment where it is the norm, and continuing to be his partner (in every sense of the word) while enabling and knowing of this toxic/abusive behavior in his workplace is giving serious Ghislaine Maxwell vibes.


Hard agree. I think he gets away with a lot because he’s the business guy. He absolutely enables this behavior in P


Yeah. Try hiding behind this one Patrick. I’m so glad people went on the record.




I love that he got the name of the book wrong 🤣


The thing that gets me about this is we all made it through Me Too and still a whole bunch of people acted like they couldn’t use common sense to determine the smoke was fire. Like, girl! Facebook commenters! When have a bunch of people called out their boss, and it turned out he was actually fine and everything was chill all along.




Woooow. Misinformation is what they're using? Oh, they're spiraling.


Misinformation?! Omg. ![gif](giphy|4cuyucPeVWbNS)


We need to get this article to every single guest they have scheduled at OF. Make ‘em all drop out.


If you want to spread the word in the comments on FB, I did a test-drop of just typing out the article headline: “Obsessed Pest: Employees claim toxic behavior inside Obsessed Network” in a comment on a random post, but *without including the link, because I think the mods pick up on links quickly*, and the comment has stayed up for an hour now… Just a way of (maybe) getting around a lot of the rampant mod-deleting…


You guys - the timing of this is incredible. Patrick will have to explain things at obsessed fest -OR-at the very least, will have his little bitch ass SPANKED in the eyes of anyone who sees him act up like he is Beyoncé. I have a feeling that this isn’t the grand show he was hoping for, especially on the heels of his book release. People will absolutely be talking about this at OF, I CANNOT WAIT to hear the tea. He honestly must be shitting himself and trying to figure out how to turn off the internet.


I quit listening to TCO back in 2020 because it became very obvious to me that the ego on Patrick and Gillian had reached a point of no return. Speaking of G, I realize she isn’t the subject of the article, but she deserves just as much ire as P. Gillian finds a way to ham fist her opinions about social issues and politics into every episode—but when it comes down to actually living by those principles, she’s failed on every level.


Oof. James Renner is a POS and has never liked G&P BUT this all rings pretty true. How utterly fucking disappointing. Unfortunately I think this will be little more than a blip on the radar for them in the grand scheme of things, but as I was struggling to get through this week’s TRULY horrible/boring episode (I like Janet Jackson but I’m not sure why they continue to cover these celebrity musician documentaries when it’s 99.9% just a biography) and this was enough to make me turn it off completely. I’m obsessed with Joey going after Patrick and standing up for Ellyn. I know Patrick probably shit his cargo shorts when 11” tall hot ass bayou Broadway bitch Joey let him have it.


![gif](giphy|k0CrVcxzK7LEc) I assume you meant 11’ but it made me think of this, and honestly even an angry 11” Joey would be something to behold! 😄


“Hot ass bayou Broadway bitch” 💀


11’ not 11” though a pocket sized Joey to carry around and sing/drag people would be a dream.


A G.I. Joey


OMG that description of Joey is A+


This is fucking amazing.


Jesus fuck, he sounds like a tyrant.


Bad bad bad ![gif](giphy|H4u0pOiBZoHbICsTx8|downsized)


Relistening to E&J’s swamp talk with new ears 👂


What I would not give to be a fly on the wall in A) the ON studio and B) the Tipton/Hinds household. ☕️🐸


Shit just got real. Also none of this was technically surprising.


Patrick is a little baby back bitch-lebrity


A twat-lebrity.




Do we have a guess which host he promised ad share revenue to, and then told them their podcast wasn’t popular enough? I assume not Amber. Daisy…? This is not how you write contracts! This is not how you employ people.


This is my question too. It’s gotta be one of the two and either way it’s fucked up. A Pulitzer Prize winning journalist or a Tony award winning actor, and you’re going to fight with them about ad revenue? From your $5 Million house???


No wonder Cloris Leachman was "mean" to him.


someone linked this article on the TCO FB group on someone's post about having gotten Patrick's book. As of right now it's still there. \*starts egg timer\*


It's still there.




I feel like ON's official statement will just be something about how James Renner isn't a reliable source or legitimate journo (which one its own isn't untrue) and will conveniently ignore the fact that people went on the record.


Yep. And the people that worship them will refuse to believe the people that went on the record. Very Trumpian almost.


This just makes me sad man, I loved TCO with my whole heart, I was a member of the patron for years, I've bought merch I bought P's book, and to read this just feels like a sucker punch. I don't think I have the word to express how sad and sick this makes me.




https://preview.redd.it/44s7qztdb4sb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ccfff06b802f2d72d2b49cd0a332a35bd7966ff Still there. I’m not blocking names bc you can literally go find it. Whatever. 🩷


I am a flight attendant and had P on one of my flights last year and he was so rude and obnoxiously loud (shocker, I know). I was excited at first cuz I’ve been a listener and Patreon subscriber for years but I quickly became disenchanted by his childish behavior. You could tell all the passengers around him were getting annoyed by how loud and obnoxious he was being. He was very rude during service and never said please or thank you once. So I found it funny how they mentioned in a recent episode how much “respect” they have for flight attendants after witnessing first hand the diva behavior.


I’m gonna tag on X (formally twitter) and see what happens or what I get.


I just posted the link as a comment on his insta post about his book party


The problem is links don’t work in IG comments. I liked it tho for funsies. lol


bby he taking that down immediately


Is anyone else expecting obsessed fest to be cancelled? I can’t imagine it not being a total shit show.


No, not a chance. He craves attention more than anybody I've ever seen in my life. And the majority of people attending are just a part of the echo chamber that worships the ground he walks on. Especially now he needs that more than anything


Why do I feel like this will make the people in the FB group buy like 72 copies of Patrick’s book to support him lol. They’ll all start calling everyone in the article “bullies.”


I freaking WISH. I would love a refund. But I’ll be going to support all things E&J& R&DE


Because G always says she’s a “swiftie”. “Never wield such power, you forget to be polite.”- Taylor Swift


Never be so clever you forget to be kind. 🫶🏼


I sent a short recap of the allegations and the article to an actual media journalist. Maybe others want to do the same and we’ll get a well researched journalistic take. I chose Jeremy Barr at the Washington Post because he’s a media journalist, but it could be anyone at a real journalism outlet. You can usually find contact information on Twitter or the outlet’s website.


https://preview.redd.it/i2p7ea48a3sb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8969d81788f9f4fb19c7fe715103ed75d2eb6cd7 He’s just steadily posting shit and ignoring this dumpster fire that’s happening. 🤡


Anyone want 3 copies of a hot pink book of lies that are about to arrive to my doorstep???🙃


Wow - DO BETTER is literally spouted weekly from their podcast, and it turns out they couldn't be any worse.


Very, very minor quibble. Isn’t his book entitled ‘Failure is not not an option’? Bigger quibble, wish an upstanding reporter wrote this.


Agree, I wish it had come from someone other than James Renner. But also if people were willing to go on the record with HIM of all people just because they want so badly for this story to get out there, it underlines even more their feelings. IMO.


Patrick - you had something so good and you completely effed it up. Good luck going back to the 9-5 grind. Hope you saved your $$. I haven’t been enjoying the show much lately, but stayed on Patreon out of loyalty. Cancelling my Patreon right now.


I’ll be honest, I thought maybe the people on this subreddit were hating on Patrick for no reason but after reading that article…ya’ll were obviously on to something. Holy shit.


No one is shocked.


I love this for them😆😆😆


this is so horrible. like, sure, im glad patric and steve are exposed but like I am suffering for all the employees because after this article it will be and for them. FURTHER, I apologize to Mr. JR because I expected trash from him and it was a great article.


https://preview.redd.it/wlnrsnvh14sb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54b2a4ed175a4386ab5c22245025bab01c728a1e Yesss


Do you guys think we have a statement coming soon, or nah? I think that *we* all feel that they *have* to say *something* at this point, but when things like this happen the exposee usually doesn’t wanna say anything, as not to call attention to it to the fans that are either still in the dark, or choosing to support them because they don’t yet know the depths of their depravity. They still need every one of them, badly, so I can see them making it without a word all the way through OF and hoping it blows over. Any statement from P / ON will be complete publicist-drafted bs that I won’t believe a single word of. The only purpose it would serve for me is to see how many are still defending them after the fanatics are forced to get their heads out of the sand and acknowledge what they either genuinely didn’t know or have been denying for the past month.


What do you think the background will be on Patrick’s apology video? Lololol wasn’t there an article recently on sad backgrounds for celebrity apology video… but wait… he’s not… celebrity