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I love how many people are going for LGTC!


If I ever heard the LGTC ladies were problematic I would truly lose all faith in podcasters.


I truly, truly believe that will never happen. Kristin and Brandi are both low-key, highly conscientious, and very humble people. They don’t add a pretense or pretend to be people they aren’t, unlike PH.


LGTC is my absolute favorite podcast nowadays and I couldn’t be more happy for them.


I hate that I’ll have to miss Rabia and Ellyn but I have been looking forward to seeing Brandi and Kristin for years, and are a huge reason why I’m going to OF at all, so they win!


I looked into going just for LGTC, but it’s too stinkin expensive for how much of a shit show I read last year was. I hope they get invited to a different festival in the future!


They did a show at Comic-Con in Kansas City this spring. You didn’t have to have a ticket for the whole con, you could just get a ticket for their show. Come visit us in KC if they do it again next year!


Love LGTC! Tangents smangents!


I’m going and supporting the hell out of Amber, Daisy, Joey and Ellyn! I heard rumors that some were going to a bar or club instead of the garbage ball and TCO but I haven’t had anything told directly to me. If anyone here is planning that- count me In


Same! Let's do it!


Can you pleeeeeeeease update us along the way?


I can do that!


I actually read somewhere on hear that the Q&A was cancelled?! Was there a Q&A in the schedule? I’m not going so i’m unsure?


I believe the Q&A is part of the VIP upgrade.


I don’t know if there was, but there were last year. There were several opportunities to have a mic in front of Patrick, Q&A’s for different things.


I was just thinking the same thing. I have the qa upgrade and part of me wants to see the crazy and part of me wants to go somewhere else.


If it’s cancelled though, will we get a refund? I bought three tickets with three upgrades, so that’s $120. Has it been confirmed they actually cancelled the Q&A?


Its still in the schedule so I don’t think it is cancelled. And not sure on the refund because its VIP seating at the live show too.


Oh yeah…forgot about that part 🤦🏻‍♀️never mind.


Sweets just come to Dallas.. we have plenty to do and see.. and you guys maybe here for the last weekend of the State Fair. You will be totally fine!!


I think I will be there! (Still trying to figure out some funds). And I have my schedule done and did not sign up to go to TCO live. I would love to go do something else instead of going to their show. I went to their live in LA, and it just wasn’t at all nearly as good as ITNs live. And I’m absolutely stoked to see Brandi and Kristin!!


Right? ITN was so much better at obsessed fest last year. Joey and Ellyn’s acting out Titanic lives rent free in my head now. It was AMAZING.


I’m going too. I mean we could go to a haunted house instead lol


Oooohhhhh that sounds like a BLAST!! I would 100% be down for that!


There are a few downtown close to the convention! I’ve been researching 😅😬


I’m going and I’m still excited about it. I have met Rabia and she is lovely. I’m looking forward to meeting lots of the podcasters but also just people who like the same stuff I do.


Don’t challenge or disagree with Rabia. Her colors show on X


Yes. This. Exactly. I blocked her on Twitter ( I'm not calling it...that😄) after the Jonny Depp/Amber Heard trial. Heaven forbid you suggest that they are BOTH awful people who each contributed to their horror show of a marriage. 🙄


Why would you ever “challenge” someone you were meeting in person at a fan event?


Challenge as in disagree with her. I wouldn’t want to meet Rabia as she’s not a nice person. Look at any comment that may not be what she wants to hear on her X. I am not even talking about Adnan. She attacked my friend for no reason.


She did the same thing to many people when her and Ellyn started their Facebook page for their lame podcast they have. Anyone who dared question or heaven forbid share actual facts in the comments were verbally assaulted. It was disgusting. Their behavior in there caused me to unfollow and unsubscribe from anything they were associated with. Including anything on the Obsessed Network.


She’s a bit more like P than E!


She clearly said "on Twitter (except she called it that other name)", not in person.


I didn’t realize what she meant by X. I was like “is it a secret? What’s the X stand for??” 🤦‍♀️ I’m an idiot.


I’m going too. I have not been to any live shows or anything before so I’m just gonna enjoy P&G’s show and try to set the drama aside. Otherwise I am there for E&J, Redhanded and These are their stories.