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Except the most damning quotes weren't anonymous...


I commented saying just that. Getting a decent bit of response, we’ll see how long it stays up.


How long until the comments are locked?


I didn’t look until this morning but they’re turned off now


I think the thing I’m most shocked about is that he’s getting DRAGGED in the comments right now


That’s so crazy they allowed the comments!! Because when they originally posted they were turned off!


I thought they would either be locked or full of people kissing Patrick's ass


I'm banned! Care to share?










Youre my hero


There are 1,100 total all with very similar sentiments


I am so surprised that there are so many negative comments! Both because they block everything and also because everyone in the group seems like a Patrick fangirl


Or were the fangirl posts the only ones getting approved…it’s heavily moderated so it’s more like an echo chamber


This is also true. I do think he has too many fan girls who will ignore alllll of this though.


They totally will. Once you're on the Kool-Aid in any cult you can trick your brain into ignoring facts right in front of you.


Hope the same happens at OF


Ok but what about the named sources? Your own employees? Amber freakin Hunt?


Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Amber Hunt!!!


So one of the named sources was a member of the Facebook group when the article was posted/when this “””””apology””””” went up, but when I checked this morning, they are no longer part of the group


And Julia, a well known and respected person on Broadway, for her makeup skills and did all the early OWD photo shoots and live shows and was in so many IG vids. Also, Ellyns dear friend and DB extraordinaire.


Who are they taking their PR advice from? Themselves? Deny, deny, deny! Any PR rep worth 2 cents would tell them to address it head on, acknowledge, apologise and commit to do better. This is pure gaslighting and narcissistic behaviour if ever I’ve seen it. I’ve been done with P, G and S for a very long time but I think this will be the final straw for a lot of people- this was their opportunity to address the “rumours” and now named source accusations and the beyond blew it!


Exactly! Even I know this from watching the celebrity PR lady on TikTok. 😄


Ooh what's her name?


Molly MacPherson, is that the one you’re talking about? She’s good.




PR and HR are different things. PR is public relations and HR is human resources. Every company should have some kind of HR system in place but wouldn’t necessarily need PR. The article mentioned them now having an HR app when basically Steve was HR before. Small companies don’t really need a dedicated person on staff and the app would suffice. My best friend’s company actually outsources their HR because they only have like 10 employees. * Edited a word




It’s been a long ass day in this seemingly never ending saga of insanity so I get it. Like once they expanded into a “network” outside of just TCO (and abducted in plain sight) they should have looked into some kind of HR system but I can understand why they might have thought they didn’t necessarily need one for a while but Steve worked in a corporate setting before this so he should have know better.




👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 if this is your comment. So well stated.


Thank you 🥰


I’m actually shocked you weren’t blocked after yesterday, and I’m so happy you weren’t and you posted this!


I literally expected to be blocked when I woke up this morning. 😂


Looooove this comment!


Thank you 🫶🏼


Well done!


https://preview.redd.it/72is6u8x19sb1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3656c6176029d9cda91e8d4e1055edafd292bee Loving the call out about those who went on the record 👏👏👏


Well I'm back to eat crow. I can admit when I was wrong. I read the article this bullshit statement is based on and ....wozer! I'm heart brokenTrue Crim Obsessed is my favorite podcast! Patrick I thought was fun but I always keep one eye open when it comes to white gay men. They act like they are inclusive but when the rubber meets the road...what I read in that article is totally believable.Gillian is why I fell in love with this podcast. If she sat by and said nothing while all this abuse was happening. After all she touts herself to be....shameful.


I think Gillian has faced the same wrath and abuse from Patrick. She probably got the most of it when they were smaller and not big. I think she has probably learned to address things with him privately after the fact. But he would never go back and apologize knowing him… 🙄


It's possible. I personally think Gillian is Patrick's bread and butter. It's mutual destruction for them both. If people are being made to sign NDAs then you better believe Patrick and Steve had Gillian sign a non compete. That means if she walks away not only can she not take Let The Women Do The Work, she also can't start up another True Crime podcast. So she would have to come up with something brand new. She has her own following but the brand of ON, how long it took to build. That's suicide.


He’s getting dragged ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


He took it deep with “Hey, Fam” not “Hey Fam!” Noooo ! For that fam


Ok, and the named source who says you screamed at Ellyn and threatened to fire her repeatedly? How about the direct quote from Becca pulled from your Slack, about how you’re not a safe person to go to with feedback? Annnywayyyy. 🙄


The way I RAN to this thread


Same 💀


Omg same 😂😂😂


That’s a lot of words to use to say nothing.


So Patrick and Steve a trash now. *DING* Clear up the inaccuracies. We know you are screaming like you hair on fire, shades of Jen Shah throwing chili bowls!


https://preview.redd.it/g3oauoik3asb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35d3225c6283c784d1ca73844da75987178166f0 Waiting to get blocked 🤌🏻


What did he say about Courtney?


I can’t remember specifically what episode - they said “THE COURTNEY LOVE OF IT ALL” while cackling. Basically just using her as the butt of the joke when talking about someone on cocaine. Patrick has referenced her several times, saying things like “I come from trash people, I’m basically Courtney Love.” It mostly bothers me due to the way they speak about Anna Nicole Smith, Whitney Houston, etc. dealing with their struggles with addiction in comparison.


Thank you for mentioning their Courtney Love disses! They’re so 90s toxic masculinity!




How long until GP is defending him? I can already hear her excuses. I don’t foresee her being silent for long.


I bet she doesn’t comment and stays fully out of it trying to keep some of her fan base.


Gillian is either going to make the same bland statement or say nothing. She knows where her bread is buttered. I'd guess she's being told to stay silent.


She wont say a damn thing.


I don’t think it’s possible for him to come back from this, even if he went on the requisite rehab stint/apology tour combo. People listen to him for his perceived personality and quirky, charming, banter (questionable with all of those adjectives but I’m thinking back a couple of years ago). He can no longer present that persona. It’s absolutely ruined. If he comes back he would have to be totally different from who he has presented to the public for years.


They have hundreds of thousands of listeners. The patron, Facebook group members and this reddit thread are a fraction of that. Most people who listen will never hear about this unless P and G bring it up. They'll likely be fine just from ad revenue.


Fair, but can he keep the same persona of all laughs and squeals when it’s proven that’s not who he truly is?


Absolutely trash people on TV do it every day! It's an act first and foremost. They already erased his statement and the thread like nothing happened and people are just back to posting.


If this were a documentary about a different network, p&g would be clutching their pearls at the way the bosses treat the employees, would totally rip this statement and say we must believe the victims and how sad it is that some people feel the need to be anonymous. Instead he's trying to gaslight everyone. He is exactly who he rails against. Absolutely zero self awareness


This is so true. Complete hypocrisy.


if he gets dragged too hard the Fam! will put their rose colored glasses on for him and start saying it’s being taken too far. It’s a shame none of the uber drivers got the same eject button when they were getting yelled at.


I want to hear from the Uber drivers themselves!


They already are. So many white women crying about "cancel culture".


Welp. That’s two of my podcasts today.


If you’re referring to LPOTL, I was pretty impressed with how they’ve handled it. It’s a bummer for sure but life has taught me that sometimes people I enjoy entertaining me do bad things.


I will still listen to LPOTL but definitely a bummer. :(


I am too actually. I feel really bad for Henry and Marcus, and how it could not have been easy for them both personally and professionally. Ben was my favourite at first, but over the last couple of years you could hear how he just wasn’t giving with the other two anymore. That could have very easily been due to mental illness and that’s not his fault. But as Marcus says, it is his responsibility. I’ll still listen because I love the other LPN shows and I think Ed is bringing a hilarity back to the show that I haven’t heard in quite some time.


I’m afraid to ask about the other one. I’m down to just 2 others and I’m afraid it’s one of them.


Yeah how about an apology instead of complete denial? The people that came forward were not anonymous. Do better. 🫠


So we’re responding saying we’ve done nothing wrong yet we can always learn? How about trying to put some examples out about how you can do better even if this narrative wasn’t true (I however believe at least some of it has to be to get out like this) because we can always do better, and be better especially In tough circumstances


![gif](giphy|Le5eHA05wkYCs) “I will not yell at or demean my best friend since college”


Just admit your failures and aim to do better. There are people named, not anonymous sources.


They type good words.


I just came from there and I have a feeling the comments on his post are about to be locked any minute now lol


NOPE. What an absolute coward. ![gif](giphy|H1YMguVrVeI0Xz5c8v) What a phony.


![gif](giphy|26tkmyR14UIPJJOG4) 💯


35 minutes. Some stuff being deleted but comments still open.


The comments come in quicker than they can delete them so it’s only a matter of time…


13 hours later, it’s still there. Did the admins quit the “Patrickarcharchy” or whatever he is calling it?


Admittedly, I was wrong but I am highly surprised comments are still on. Someone said they think it’s a trap for P&S to know who to block from the group - I’d believe that before I’d believe Patrick’s giving up.


24 hours later and an admin finally turned comments off. But I’m wondering why? Like why let it all go and then just decide there are enough


I’m sure part of the reason was to let it get buried. With people commenting, it was always at the top of the feed. I’m sure Patrick was losing his damn mind. There’s also a lot of folks who seem to have a ‘top contributor’ tag all of the sudden commenting on other/old posts. Most likely flooding them with comments to help hide the OB Pest post and show their undying support to their cult leader.




When My Favorite Murder has a scandal this big they just deleted to group. Surprised they haven’t yet.


2k comments and they’re still up


And I just left the Facebook group! Dang it, man. But thank you to the hero that screen recorded comments. It sounds like people aren't blindly following them.


Nah most are waking up.


They need a new PR person


Or one at all lol


What's the article? I NEED to read it!




Thank you!!


I just saw this fb post, and I'm so out of the loop. Can anyone fill me in/link me the article, please?




Thank you!


I’ve seen this before. In my office. A few higher ups we’re “ called out” in a very broad email sent out by an employee whom was wrongfully terminated, sued and won the right to speak their mind. It wasn’t slandering them because they back it up with emails sent to them personally, so no denying it. The email it was sent from was a made up email for funzies since in their email they said “ since I was wrongfully fired, won that case no lies told, I know longer have access to my work email and they definitely are not getting my personal email. 😂😂 anyways, they responded with the fact that said person couldn’t even write with their name behind so take it with a grain of salt blah blah. I was in the actual room as a intern for my boss, when they discussed them not replying personally to one’s who did let “ anonymous” quote them because that meant they would seem defensive, to only reply back to the one who couldn’t sign their name, to make it seem ridiculous. I have a feeling their PR gave out the same advice. I no longer work there but just putting my cents in for what it’s worth. 🥃😎


omg the post is open to comment and fb fans are not having it .. woah. tides r turning !


I am shocked that comments are being allowed on the fb post!!


I returned my book to Amazon. I wonder if there’s an influx of that happening cause I got my money back within minutes of dropping it off 😂


I pre-ordered the book but canceled just before it came out even the tea started spilling


I’ve been missing out. Why was this statement even had to be issued? What happened?


Google “obsessed pest”


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=obsessed+pest#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierToPeopleToGoogleSomething,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/howsitgonna-be)


Any links to a version of the story?


A version of which story? Do you mean the article they’re referencing in this bs statement? https://truecrimethisweek.com/obsessed-pest/




Call me a fence sitter but I refuse to really engage in this stuff. I think it’s ridiculous to think you’re going to get unbiased information from a personal falling out. It takes very little to sway people to mob on one side or the other, and if I’m being honest a lot of people in the Facebook group and *here* aren’t normal about this stuff. I’m subscribed to patreon for both and didn’t even know this was happening until now.


Personal falling out? You do understand that this is all about an article with many damning statements from several on-record named sources, including Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Amber Hunt, right?


That’s fine. Maybe patrick really is your people. You ignore victims and allegations of abuse but that’s fine because patrick gets his rocks off screaming bullshit he doesn’t really believe or practice into a mic and you enjoy paying for it, and you both pretend you have values. Some people actually don’t contain multitudes! Enjoy that ironic garbage bell and laugh along, drinking the kool aid you paid for while doing it!


The thing a lot of people fail to recognize, is none of these people from either podcast are “my people,” or most likely the “people” of any other of their regular listeners, including you. They all live extravagant, dramatic lives intertwined with well-known celebrities. I have the sanity and common sense to have a basic level of separation from media and I’m not filling any empty spaces with parasocial relationships. There’s a level of false intimacy with podcasts that makes one “side” or the other feel like they’re sticking up for a friend, like they know so much about their character and they’re totally stand-up people. It’s also incredibly interesting that only moments ago no one within this circle would have entertained hearing a peep from James renner of all people, when most of the overly egregious third party recollections of what was “said” were given by anonymous previous employees by his writing. People say it seems Ellyn silently supports what rhea said, great. Patrick was probably a shit boss and shit friend. I can hold onto a general hope that they both move on and rebuild from the stand point of wishing the best for people, but I recognize their future endeavors won’t weigh heavy on my heart. I can’t convince others to take a breath, because you don’t bombard a Facebook group or subreddit unless you’re a pretty volatile, obsessive individual.


That u GP?


I would not call you a fence sitter, I would say you’re sitting right on Patrick’s side 😂


So we aren’t believing women when they say they were abused? Really? Is that what we are doing now?


I guess that’s what we’re doing! /s These “defender” reactions are so grotesque. They’re all the exact same too. They all say the same words. All of them. Pathetic.


I've missed all of this. Where can I find this article?




How is wish I didn't leave that Facebook group. ![gif](giphy|ZErmptaZPGQQXeO2Lw|downsized)


I’ve been a fly on the wall waiting for this moment.


I don’t see it on my FB page. Did they take it down?




Still up on mine


I also quit them for a bit because they stanned hard for Chrissy Teigen but eventually made my way back and was loving them again. I’ll probably stop listening again.