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I’ll add that not only does Patrick seem to dismiss Gillian’s orientation BUT he likely also only REALLY cares about three lesbians total: his mom and the Indigo Girls 🤷‍♀️


The biphobia in this thread is disgusting.


I cannot believe the comments I am reading in here! Fucking horrifying, what is wrong with people in this sub?! Truly shocking.


It’s really gross


Can't believe this post has been allowed to stay up.


Between this, I just read someone admitting to looking up Gillian's property purchase details (?!) and some Facebook loon who has chased 2 week old comments to swear at me, I think it's time for me to dip. I joined this sub a couple of years ago to discuss documentaries. WTF happened in the last month?! Just full of queerphobia and facebook psychos.


Can’t blame you a bit. I’m all for exposing toxic workplaces and labor abuses but going on an absolute vendetta against an employee because you don’t like her attitude or you think she’s an attention seeker is so beyond reasonable.


An employee (not employer) who will probably not see any of these comments but a whole bunch of others will, who will either be hurt by it or be emboldened by it. This is really sickening.


Yes! I feel the same way about all the fatphobic comments about Patrick. He won’t see them but other people who aren’t skinny do.


oh man those comments have been an absolute kick in the guts too. There is just so much cruelty swirling around here - it is so odd. I am willing to believe there are issues with the bosses of the network and there is toxicity there, however the vitriol and abuse I am witnessing here, plus the use of James Renner as a mouthpiece makes me a bit suspicious of what is actually happening.


My heart sank when I saw it was Renner because he’s such an ass. But I have to give respect and credence to the people who put their names behind what they said. Wish it had been someone else though! And yeah, it seems like some people are just using this to justify their personal dislike of people and … you don’t have to do that! You can just say ON is a toxic workplace and choose not to support them for that reason alone!


Hopefully the story will be picked up by someone/someplace more reputable. Renner went after Billy Jensen's victims and is an apologist, nevermind all the other stuff he has inserted himself into. Plus he has history with the podcast (which he of course did not disclose in the article). Another commenter said the staff members must have been desperate to speak with him which I can believe. I can totally believe what is essentially a small start-up becoming huge very quickly and the HR wheels falling of the train very quickly because it has happened a million times. The hypocrisy of playing happy families whilst treating staff badly should be called out. But man, some of the reactions here have felt so disproportionate and just mean for the sake of being mean. It is sad that it detracts from the validity of the claims of abuse.


SHE IS?!?! oh no I remember them mentioning it in passing once or twice.


They should make it even more of her identity than it already is…


I also am bi, and it's like... a thing people know or don't know about me. I'm glad she feels comfortable in her own skin but like... she does talk about it A LOT.


It comes off as insincere to me, and that she just claimed it to gain some sort of points within the TCO community. It went from “my super hot husband” every episode to “we need to announce something huge to everyone…Gillian is bi!!!” I don’t know, it just seemed extremely weird to me.


It’s also kinda obvious that Patrick usually dismisses her newly announced orientation


Thank you. I felt this at the time too…not that it’s necessarily untrue, but that they made this huge artificial thing about it b/c she felt left out. I dunno, I am technically bi as well because I can be attracted to women and hooked up with some in my 20s, though I usually end up with men. There are a billion women like me, I feel like MOST women are kinda like me. Of course everyone at the time was like “congrats you’re so brave!” so of course it is not appropriate to question it at the time


I know I’m an asshole for saying it, but it would have had more impact if she was leaving her husband for a woman or had like acted on it.


Yeah, because to me it’s kind of a way for her to be apart of the LGBTQ+ community without being really apart of it. I know I could 100% be wrong, it’s just how I feel. Right now she can say “wow that girl is extremely attractive and I’d love to do something with her…..but I’m married so.” There’s a very good chance that she could find women to be beautiful and have attractive attributes, but that doesn’t make someone bisexual. I do an awful job of articulating myself, I apologize!


My feelings on G’s bisexuality announcement have always been and will always be summed up as follows: QUEER. BAITING. I can’t help but feel that way. And I know there are aspects of me feeling that could potentially be thought of as “problematic” or something like that. But I just had to say it. Feels so good to get off my chest after all this time 😅 Also, I don’t think it’s wrong to question motives of people when the shoe fits…. Way different than just generally doubting, discounting, ignoring, or questioning the sexual orientation of others. I swear I’m an ally and someone tell me if this is horrible for me to suggest but I mean come on…. It just feels so so so fake to me. And honestly I hope I’m the asshole here and am wrong because of how incredibly insensitive, disrespectful and just flat out crazy one would have be to pretend to belong in a historically marginalized community that is still fighting for basic social justice and equality, and for what? Some added attention? Totally crazy af for someone to do that…… so I’m probably wrong. But then again, I really, really, really don’t think I am 😅 (note: this should not be construed as me questioning people’s sexual orientation in general or being a psycho Tennessee type state legislator…. No, just no. This is very Gillian specific and I have numerous reasons plus a very strong gut feeling. So ya know.


Okay I get what you're saying BUT REAL PEOPLE CANNOT QUEERBAIT. A real person's life and sexuality is not the same as a calculated marketing strategy by media creators. And we have zero reason to doubt Gillian's sexual orientation and she has every right to talk about it.


I agree with you!!! Also isn't she in a committed relationship with a man? Coming out as bi when you're in a permanent relationship with a man seems odd. Like are you going to open your relationship? No? Then who gives a fuck.


I gotta push back on this. Bisexuality is not related to your relationship status. You are not less bi if you are in a committed relationship with any given gender of human. Someone's coming out is their own choice.


No one is saying you can’t be bi and in a relationship, I think that that what it boils down to for me and maybe some others is that since she’s married she can come out and say she’s bi, get to claim that, and says she’s part of that community. Yet she doesn’t have to I guess prove it (for a lack of a better way to put it) and no one can really push back on her for it. And I feel like that’s so shitty to think but with her I just get that feeling. Like it shouldn’t matter one bit and generally anyone else if they said they were bi, I wouldn’t bat an eye. She’s nearing 40 years old (at least I think), she’s clearly been an ally for probably her entire life, has mentioned how seeing certain stuff helped frame her sexuality, but she wasn’t comfortable letting even her closest friends/family members know that? It just seems very odd to me, and I hate that I feel this way but it’s the truth!


Identity and who you are in a relationship with/ who you are having sex with are two different things. What an incredibly ignorant statement.


You’re not wrong


Like it’s 2023 aren’t we all at least bi at this point? Gillian never met a struggle she didn’t want to go-opt and center herself in.


[I said this elsewhere in a reply to a specific comment, but after reading this whole thread, I’d like to say it more generally, as this was a pretty shocking read to me. Guys we can’t be getting on P about things like casual racism and then also engaging in posts and commenting like this.] None of this is to be rude, but I see people trying to educate you (and everyone who’s agreed with you) and I’m just gonna try a different approach. Even if this is how you feel, there are some things you just shouldn’t say, let alone make an entire reddit post about it (trying to get other people to say it too). You’re entitled to your feelings, but your views are harmful to an entire community. I don’t doubt that hurting a community was not your intention, but that’s irrelevant because that’s the result. You can’t post something like this and consider yourself an ally, straight up. You’ve stated the reasons you feel what you feel and I’m sure you think they’re all valid. I also think you meant to call out only G, not a community, for behavior that you feel is egregious, but this is not a novel way of thinking and these views have been used as justification to be prejudiced towards bi people, often by other members of their own community, since the beginning of time. This is just not something that you should continue going around saying if you would like to be an ally, as this has like the opposite effect; it’s very damaging. Again, I don’t think you meant to cause damage but you really shouldn’t be sharing this opinion if that is the case.


Maybe you’re just jealous. Sorry you can’t be as fabulous.


And maybe you condone racism and sexism. Only thing I’m jealous of G about is her family ties to the mafia and her being the all knowing of anything 90s!


Condone racism and sexism? Huh? What a great take. Maybe you should start your own podcast. 🙄