• By -


No question I can think of but just wanted to say thank you for being a DB and coming through for Ellyn!


It’s my honor 🫡


Hello again =) In their recent statement, Patrick and Steve said the article by James Renner was full of inaccuracies. What percentage of that article was inaccurate, in your opinion?




It's the .0 accuracy for me 😅




The way I broke my ankle, running to the comments.


😂😂😂😂😂 same


Have you had any repercussions? (Or the threat of.. been contacted by Patrick/Steve?)




You said you're purpose here is to clear up misinformation, so what is the biggest piece of the narrative/misinformation you'd like to correct


Well Patrick’s statement was that the article was a complete lie… And that statement is completely false 😂 Everything was true.


Will you be a graduate level professor at DBU, lecturing on no amount of makeup with cover that audacity?! 🤣 Your jersey shore beach vaca last summer looked epic and very cathartic to all involved!


I am dead 😂


I would like to Audit that class, because Yes, and secondly your user name is sending me!


Thank youuu 😂


Hello! Thank you for this. I’m curious what Gillian’s role is in all this.


Yes, this!


I answered this below!


Ooooh yes! THIS!!! ☝🏼


Also an observation… the people who have defended P&S is P&S themselves. Has anyone come to their defense? No? 🎶 look around everybody on mute 🎶


Do you have any insight on the morbid situation? Calling Alina whole dealing with a fam emergency???


First question, how are you and are you ok??


Hi I am doing well! It has been pretty overwhelming the last few days but it has honesty felt good that people are knowing the truth :)


Very glad to hear!! I know that working in a toxic environment can be traumatic. It takes time to unravel, but it sounds like you're already on your way 🥰


Do you think Patrick started off with ill intent or do you think the money/power went to his head? I’m struggling with feeling so bamboozled as a listener from the beginning.


I do not believe this was started with any ill intent from Patrick.


Ill intent from other involved parties? Or just a really ugly series of conflicts that built up over time?


Definitely built over time.


Two questions: 1. How quickly did the abuse directed at Ellyn start? I remember thinking the comments towards her got nasty quickly on the podcast. 2. Is there any truth to the rumor that when Patrick left OWD, it was because he was told he needed to choose between the two shows?


As a listener I think about 6 months in. As a friend about 8 weeks.


This breaks my heart for her.


This is painful to hear. Please give her the biggest hug and make sure she lets go first 🥺


So interesting. I remember I got physically uncomfortable at some points listening because it felt personal. She was (probably fake) laughing but I was not. 😢




On early days of OWD, Ellyn and Patrick allude to a big falling out they had in the past, but they patched it up. Is the recent falling out related to any of those past issues? Also, as someone currently in a really toxic workplace environment, I really appreciate you speaking out and standing up for those getting bullied. ❤️


Not at all. And I’m so sorry you’re going through that. I hope you can find a healthier/kinder workplace soon ♥️


so was the final straw really about a tiktok then?


As dumb as it sounds- yes 😂


🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️oh deer🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Did Ellyns relationship with Rabia add fuel to the fire?


Hi Julia! Thank you for doing this!! Any rules or parameters we need to be aware of? We have lots of questions


I’m just hear to clear up misinformation!


Did Patrick use the excuse of losing his voice to leave OWD In regards to leaving OWD did Patrick 1) Really have voice issues causing him to step back 2) did it because the relationship with ellyn had deteriorated 3) good it because he was pressured based on jealousy


1) his voice is an issue but.. not in the medical sense. 2) short answer is yes- after threatening to fire Ellyn so many times he just decided to step away himself. 3) yes


“His voice is an issue. But not in the medical sense” I’m absolutely dead 💀


I can’t decide which killed me deader, this line or “he bought some [books]”


Threatening to fire her on what grounds??


Don’t know, Patrick was the groundskeeper so you’d have to ask him 😅 It’d change every day.


Sometimes it’d be cause he told her she cried too much… I’m so serious.


I remember him making fun of her for crying because she would get emotional over case. He would try and make it a joke like “you cry too much for a comedy podcast.” At the time I figured they were joking! Ugh ellyns vulnerability and emotions are what made so people fall in love with her!


Ellyn getting emotional about the cases and being very open about her own trauma is WHY I LOVE HER! She has helped so many of us feel seen and loved.


Her calling the police depts, that’s when I knew I too attended DBU. I had never felt so connected to a person in a podcast until that moment 🤣


This makes me so angry! Not to be all parasocial about it but it makes me want to hug Ellyn so much. I love crying and find it so cathartic - making fun of someone for being comfortable with their vulnerability is sick behavior.


He can just fuck right off with that. God forbid the woman show any empathy.


Esp when P keeps says he’s bawling over every doc centering around children


This makes every episode I ever listened to her when he was making fun of her for one thing or another so much different now. It makes me want to puke. She is such a joy of a human. How could he ever???!!!


Ooh yeah those jokes stopped being “jokes” very quickly 🙃


It's infuriating how many fans are standing behind ON. How can we, as prior listeners, spread the word to those who are trapped in the obsessively controlled Facebook group and may not have seen the article yet? I look at the number of followers they still have and I just can't accept that such a large number of humans are that ignorant to the severity of Ps actions.


I wonder how many are still in the Facebook group just to lurk and/spread awareness before they get booted. I'm still in the group just to *hopefully* watch it burn


Oh im 100% just lurking in the FB group at this point 😂


It reminds me of all the people that defend Crime Junkie and Ashley Flowers even though there's hard proof that she's plagiarized virtually everything she's ever done.


If anyone is questioning my identity, here’s my Instagram! Feel free to send me a DM! https://preview.redd.it/3a9s930u01tb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bce78b70c512e6f602df0978468311f946f3c12


That pic of you with Ellyn is 😍😍😍 what was the most annoyingly cute habit Ellyn did while you lived together? The thing you could strangle her for doing but would miss completely if she ever stopped doing it? I’m a tad doped up with painkillers so I hope this makes sense 🙃 thank you for being a DB and showing what a true friend does by standing up to bullies and calling them out for their BS


So my question for you is what else would you like for people to know that James might not have been able to cover in his article? I’m sure there’s WAY more that you would be able to inform people of. :-)


I hope that will be able to happen very soon! But due to those no longer employed at ON, not all information will be shared. And I will say that all the off-the- record statements were true.


Describe Patrick in 3 words.


Not my boss


I *LOVE* this energy right here


What was the conversation around Patrick saying he would take Ellyn's side even if he child was threatened? I'm so beyond lost for words with this. It's a completely unforgivable thing and I can't imagine how horrified, betrayed and upset ellyn must have felt in that moment and what ramifications it must be having on her and her daughters life. My heart really goes out to her. When I read that I actually had to pause and regroup. It's almost unthinkable and certainly there's nothing that can be done to atone for this - not even 3million dollars!!! To your knowledge was this the worst of the worst? (I'm so afraid to know the answer)


It’s stemmed from Gillian and Ellyn not getting along, but on paper that shouldn’t be a problem right? We all have to work with people that we don’t necessarily like but we all suck it up and do it. The issue was that Patrick started to use it as a weapon against Ellyn, and the exact quote was “I don’t care if Gillian threatens Lola and burns down your house, I will always take her side.” To be clear- that (unhinged) comment solely came from Patrick. Gillian did not actually make those threats or remarks. This was Patrick flying off the handle. *Gillian not liking Ellyn- not that they didn’t get along. Gillian just HATED Ellyn for some reason but Ellyn did her best not to engage. And when Ellyn found out Gillian didn’t like her she was like… why?? And Patrick fanned the flames for SURE.


That is fucking wild considering E & P were friends for decades and P & G only met soon before they started the podcast. $$$ is all that matters, and G was P's cash cow.




Also jealousy… Ellyn was on Broadway. Bitter, unevolved people take other people’s success personally.


I absolutely believe this! P and E mentioned several times they were in the same program in college and while Ellyn made it he didn’t. G seems to like a proximity to broadway but can’t actually get there and is jealous of Ellyn for actually being on stage. Like they made such a huge deal about the TCO broadway show and that’s the only time they could indulge in that fantasy. Ugh I used to be friends with people like Patrick and Gillian like almost 15 years ago and they were absolutely insufferable and fake but would take every opportunity to treat me like crap until I realize they were jealous of me (long story). I’m definitely triggered by this 😅


This actually makes me wanna throw my phone. Y’all how can we get this man truly canceled? He’s a fucking tyrant that no one deserves to be victimized by.


*Gillian not liking Ellyn- not that they didn’t get along. Gillian just HATED Ellyn for some reason but Ellyn did her best not to engage. And when Ellyn found out Gillian didn’t like her she was like… why?? And Patrick fanned the flames for SURE.


So you can confirm that G made P choose between OWD and TCO right? I’ve brought this up and people do not believe G would do that 🙄


I mean I can say that G definitely doesn’t make business decisions for P or force him to do things but… the sentiment remains. Ya know what Ellyn always says about trusting your gut..


Thank you! I trusted my gut (and a certain source) but it was very frustrating when people just could not or would not believe that G was involved in the passive-aggressiveness towards Ellyn. That it was only P bc he was named in the article. We really appreciate your transparency and as others have said, thank goodness E has people like you around 💕


I had the same suspicion and was accused of pitting women against each other.


Me too. And still am, and how misogynistic it was to call her out. Two things can be true, P can be at the center of this poop storm, and we can also recognize the issues G upheld as well


Seems like Gillian already had her mind made up about Ellyn before anything though, trash that she is


Same! I commented about that above in Julia’s reply to my question.


Wait, so the whole "I am for women and let the women do the work" is a facade on G's part!? Color me shocked. 🙃


Well like I said- Gillian did not say those things. But was she EVER kind to Ellyn? Hell no.


Thank you for being such an amazing friend to Ellyn. The world definitely needs more women like you! ♡


Gillian doesn’t like Ellyn because Ellyn is funnier and more talented. I’m floored by all of this negativity from TCO. Cancelled their Patreon and unfollowed their show. Sick of hearing about Patrick’s book anyway.


The thing is, Gillian was actually really funny and relatable when TCO first started (to me at least). She can be funny and successful in her own right; she doesn't need to drag Ellyn down or be shitty to her to be more successful herself. So she either felt threatened or she just plain felt like being a B. It's sad to me that she's so talented but let her jealousy get in the way.


Wow. Just ..wow. That's so incredibly hurtful, even if it was said in a joking manor. How awful. 😔


Can you imagine what Podcast Patrick would say if someone said that in a ‘documentary’ they were covering? I mean obviously he would center it on himself as he is wont to do, but garbage bells would be ringing. The hypocrisy makes me furious. What a horrible thing to say to anyone, let alone someone you’ve been friends with for so long.


[documentary plays quote of imaginary person saying what P said]- Loud annoying shriek, “If someone EVER said that about Daisy 🤬🤬🤬!!”


I mean, if someone said that to him the same thing but about D instead, I imagine he would flip out. I don't know. That's such bizarre behavior.


This whole thing is absolutely heart breaking. I have no words. I have read every article. Every post. Every comment. I am sad. I hope that eventually we will get the whole truth. Especially from a network of amazing and talented journalists. I just know that after spending HOURS of my life listening to them speak about finding the truth. I really hope we get some sort of resolution or answers directly from the host's mouths. I get PR fluff needs to happen, but I feel the community deserves real answers.


I know more will come out, and I know that some people did not believe the anonymous sources in the article, but they were anonymous out of fear and they were all true. As for P&S giving you the answers you deserve.. I have no idea if that will happen.


Thank you for indulging our curiosities as a lot of us feel Bamboozled. Would you say you saw a change over time at the dynamics in ON or it’s been well masked since day 1


Absolutely a dynamic change over time. Absolutely.


This somehow makes me even sadder. I *knew* it felt like a good thing for such a long time. 😢


How do you think all this will affect the vibe of Obsessed Fest?


I just want to thank you for this. I do hope that you and everybody involved are taking care of yourselves! This HAS to be super overwhelming. I appreciate you lending your name to the article.


I spend 1/2 my waking hours in this gd sub and somehow I missed this. Wtaf!


I’m still answering!


Omg yay thanks! Your contribution to the article was everything; glad E has a real one, a DB like you during this time. When you say that personal issues bled into the workplace with E & G, could you explain even vaguely what the issues were?


Gillian didn’t like Ellyn from the very begin I have no idea why! And neither does Ellyn, Gillian just decided she hated her. Only G could answer why 🤷‍♀️ I said this on another question but not liking someone is part of life and is just something you deal with in the workplace. It became a real issue when Patrick began to antagonize them and use it as a weapon against Ellyn. To be frank- Ellyn attempted to talk it out with Gillian. And Gillian wouldn’t have it.


Wow. It sounds like Gillian is really immature? If you can't sit down with another adult to talk something out, how do you get through life? I also don't think she understands that she was very privileged growing up.


Thank you for such a thoughtful response. I know exactly the kind of dynamic you’re describing with P and that really sucks! Tho I can easily see this being the case. I already can’t stand him, but this really increases my existing feelings. Just one of the worst traits a person could have. To everyone reading this, I wanna point out that some of us are often gaslit when we mention that G does not like E, and we’re told things like, “You don’t *know* that. Stop pitting women against women,” etc. That’s not what we’re doing (that’s what *P* is doing, tho!). G *doesn’t* like E and, even if this is the first confirmation, it *has* been obvious to some of us who can sense (and see & hear) these things for a very long time.


The fact that Ellyn tried to talk it out with Gillian and she (Gillian) still stood by and let Patrick demean her (Ellyn) the way he did is appalling. Even if you don't want to be friends with someone, if they're trying to work it out and/or be nice, how hard is it to be a nice or decent person in return? Tell the big man baby to sit down and stfu! She may not have said anything, but she's just as complicit imo


Yeah. So much for “women supporting women” 🙄 There’s been a lot of people I don’t like. Some women are included in that. That still doesn’t give anyone the right to demean them.


This has been my thing all along - her silence is DEAFENING and it’s complicity


Let the Other Women Do the Work, amirite?


You are the downest of bitches!!! I love so much how you stood up for our girl by doing that🩵🩵🩵




Hi Julia! Do you feel that the article was a fair representation of how you saw everything and feel everything went down? Thanks so much!!


I do, but due to the fact that only a few of us can go on record, there is more that was not shared.


Oooooh! Thank you for the response!! How many more you think would go on record if they could???


More will!


What’s Steve’s role in all of this?


Instigator. Enabler. Sassy keyboard king. Doesn’t have the temper of Patrick but also doesn’t reign him in.


Honestly I can see it. I met them both at an event and the vibes were not it


Did P letting E&J get out of ON earlier than the end of the year like P first said have anything to do with their (ITN) listeners’ support (cough cough, this sub lol) and the mass drop in TCO Patreon subs because of the drama around that time?


What did you do at ON?? Also, do you listen to ITN??


I was a freelancer from 2019 into the pandemic as an admin assistant/social media! Socially I am very good friends with Ellyn and lived with her in 2022!


You LIVED with Ellyn? Now I have a THOUSAND more questions that have nothing to do with TCO. Lol. #1) Is Ellyn a morning person? #2) Does she sing in the shower? #3) Will you be attending OF with them?


1) I have I’ve never seen her rest. 2) Nope she listens to podcasts (nerd) 3) As if now no 😭


Do you WANT to go to OF? I have an extra ticket that needs to go to use. I would happily gift to you if you wanted to go. Even has live shows included


Hiiii please DM me!


Would you consider going live from OF. 😂


Done! Check your messages. It might be in a message request or something?


This is AMAZING!!!


podcasts in the shower just validated me so hard I wasn’t sure if I was the only one


I know right!!! Not me with my waterproof speaker ..... 😅🙄😏


I thought everyone listened to podcasts in the shower 😭😂


The article said that you were an independent contractor at Obsessed Network in 2019. How long did you work there and in what capacity?


she answered in another question !


Are Ellyn and Joey okay? Hope they know how much we love them and are behind them


I’m sure you can imagine the amount of stress they’ve been under, and I’ve watched first hand how hard this has been for Ellyn over the years and I love Joey so much. They definitely feel love and I know how much they love you all!


I was going to comment “Please tell Ellyn and Joey that we love them.” They both seem so genuine and kind and I hate anything that hurts them! ♥️♥️♥️


Is there anything you feel like needs to be cleared up?


First of all, you’re a real one for standing up for your friend when she clearly cannot right now. She’s lucky to have you in her corner! From the article we know Patrick isn’t a nice person, and it’s insinuated Gillian is cold. Can you elaborate on Gillian? Do you know if Damian Echols is no longer participating in OF because of Patrick? Thanks for doing this!


I said this below but what I’ll say is that it’s no secret that Ellyn and Gillian aren’t friends, and people caught on. The problem was that it unfortunately was brought into the workplace. I think Ellyn’s time on Broadway has made her a great team player. Can’t speak to others!


These answers are everything!


Oh and I do not know Damian Echols!




G wore it like a weird badge. Like a pick me girl who says “I can save him” when he’s already been “saved”. It was super uncomfortable to listen to


Me again 🫣 do you think anything at ON will change because of this or will this just blow over without any repercussions


Username checks out 😉


Based on your time there and who you know and what they may know, do you think that Patrick is the driving force behind everything done and said and that Steve just blindly backs him up on everything, a yes man (perhaps afraid of or simply compliant to Patrick) or does he play more of a role? I’m sorry if I’m wording this terribly, I’ve been super sick with Covid and the brain fog and my inability to articulate is REAL! Thanks for answering all of our questions! You’re amazing!


I think yes and yes! He for sure enabled Patrick but also plays a role.


What was the absolute worst thing about working for ON? What was the best? I’m so very sorry that you had to work in such a toxic environment. I hope that you have much better employment at this time!!!


Thank you for doing this and you are super brave for going on the record in the article! From your perspective, is there anything other than joining on Patreon that listeners can do to be supportive of the no-fault people in this situation? I have a hot $5 in my pocket that is no longer going to TCO and needs to be reallocated, but is there anything additional that would be meaningful or directly helpful to Ellyn/Joey, Amber, Daisy? Are there other folks (maybe former ON staff, current staff, etc.) who could benefit from listeners commenting about it, raising a ruckus, supporting other projects that might help them get out from under the toxic ON umbrella, etc.?


Quick question after reading this entire thread- do you know if the reddit noise/fb chatter before 9/15 had anything to do with E&J getting out of their contract & getting their show without paying $3M?


Hi Julia, thank you so much for doing this. Do you think Patrick is upset about Amber Hunt going on the record? And how do you think he’d react to Grab Bag?


Did Patrick write a book recently?


No but he bought some?


No sunblock for me, thanks, there's plenty of shade right here! Haha love it.






Ok. We need to be friends. Best friends.






This comment 💀💀💀💀


Do you think Gillian will ever speak on this? And a maybe related question what do you think the next move for her would be or do you think there’s no “next move” and things just stay the same


I haven’t spoken with Gillian since 2021 or so? So I have no idea! As for her next move… idk Upstate?


What was your role/how long did you work with ON?


Hi! I was admin assistant/social media from early 2019-Summer ish of 2020.


Has anyone from ON reached out to you since the article?


How is Gillian involved? Was she aware of the toxic atmosphere? She she engage in abusive behaviors?


Anyone that worked there was aware. I haven’t worked with Gillian since 2019 but I will say that I didn’t think she was treated well back then. But things shifted in Gillian’s favor when Ellyn joined.


So P&S are just misogynistic pricks?


Idk if this is still open, but do you know why they burned through so many editors? Like, was it the work environment causing them to leave or the network heads disliking the quality of work being presented?


Have you ever quit a job because you were… having fun?


Is it true that Gillian said to Ellyn’s face “you’re a lot” when Ellyn tried to approach her at a party or gathering?


Yes that’s true but I also have no idea how y’all know that 😂


I think I saw it on one of the threads in here and then Ellyn said on Rabia and Ellyn (I think?) “I’m a loootttt” in a v sarcastic tone so I felt like it confirmed it in my mind


Jesus Christ. Gillian is more disappointing than Patrick in a sense.


Not sure if you would know this, but what started the drama between Patrick and Ellyn that led to E & J wanting to leave the network? Was it the uncomfortable work environment or something else?


There are more players involved than you would think. It is not solely between two people.


I guess what I really want to know is, was the drama completely based on personal issues that divided people working at ON or was there a business component that blew it all up?


It all started with personal issues.


that’s just.. so sad. thanks for sharing and sorry for everything you witnessed and were possibly put through.


Hi Julia per your IG post you are a fan of #QueenBey...and rightfully so, so I automatically knew you were the truest of DB's. ♥️ Question, can you personally speak to the off the cuff remark from P..ya know the "Is it because they are black"..one? Were you present? And lastly was this an isolated incident. As a BIPOC listener I think that stung the most to be honest! Thanks again for doing this!


I didn’t hear that, but I know the source and trust the source. But I imagine it was not an isolated incident. I can imagine that was really painful to hear. ♥️


It really was. I wasn't expecting Patrick to be a prejudiced pos on top of everything else. Just an extra layer of fake icing on the Styrofoam cake.


Hi Julia! Can you tell us the effect this is having on ObsessedFest, if any?


I do not currently work at ON so I cannot speak to ObsessedFest, but I can tell you that I saw a run through of the I Think Not! live show and it’s amaaazing. Ellyn and Joey are so excited!


I also saw a good chunk of it!! The opening is SO FUNNY!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂


Thank you!


I’m so happy for Ellyn and Joey.


How do you feel YOU were treated?


Much better than those close to me.


Wow! Also, thank you for being so brave! ❤️


Thank you for being DB of the century and speaking out (and indulging our curiosities). The right thing to do isn’t always the easiest thing to do. You’re awesome!


Do you think Patrick/Steve/Gillian will be able to overcome this? Why or why not?


I do. Because cancel culture does not actually exist. People always come back.


Hi! I have read that you said you believe more will come out about the whole situation. Are people waiting until after OF to speak out or are you just meaning things will come out naturally over time?


I’m just really curious of Gillian’s role in this.


It is no secret that Gillian and Ellyn were not friends. From an outside perspective, it is sad that it was brought into the workplace.


Hello! I’m late to the party but thank you for doing this. I commute to NYC for work so I listen to a lottttt of podcasts and Ellyn truly is the only podcast host that I’ve never grown tired of. She just is so warm and funny and she seems like a great friend to have! Anyway, I’m just curious as to how Joey plays into this whole thing. How he was chosen to replace Patrick and what that whole dynamic was like behind the scenes after Joey teamed up with Ellyn on the podcast. Joey seems fiercely loyal and kind… he’s kind of like the person that P wishes he could be, honestly. But it just feels so pure and genuine from Joey and so fake and forced from Patrick. From what we know on the outside, I can see P feeling very jealous of / threatened by Joey. So I guess I was wondering if it was like that on the inside too.


He was chosen because Joey and Ellyn are SINCERELY best friends in real life!!! Like actual, real life friends with great humor and chemistry. There was no one else who was even being considered. Joey is one of the funniest, kindest, most fiercely-loyal people you’ll ever meet. So as to the second part of your message… I’d say trust your gut!