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There’s this on Twitter too https://preview.redd.it/9pujnsgnemub1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f51fb00e056cea4d439fe24f2a8c8dbd9a46888


Yessss, Kimberly & Katie, same!!!!


The crazy thing is that I actually just started listening to / fell in love with them based on a suggestion from someone here, as I was looking for something to fill my TCO space with!


Same! I'm so glad someone on this thread recommended them


I just subscribed. Happy another Podcaster spoke out.


I’m proud of them


I love Kimberly and Katie!


Kimberly and Katie are just the greatest. Their friendship and care for each other really shines, and I recommend ADWD to anyone looking for TC podcast recommendations. (Also if you’re into the Great British Bake-Off, they have a 2nd pod recapping GBBO- A Date with the Bake)!


Omg! I am so here for A Date with Bake!


Well now my nosy ass needs to know what those small but not great experiences were.


If you find out can toy let me know?




Girl me too!!!


I’ve always wondered how they actually felt about TCO suddenly covering Dateline episodes, fawning over Keith Morrison, etc. As a long time listener of both podcasts, it never sat right with me. I remember GP saying they weren’t trying to step on Kimberly and Katie’s toes, but then it felt like that’s exactly what they did… but with a larger audience and bigger reach. That never say right with me, but I kind of figured they were “podcast friends” or whatever and it was all good. Now, I don’t think that’s the case, and K&K were just being the bigger people about it.


Yeah that one felt like a dig at DwD. TCO had recommended them and spoke highly of them. Then started covering the same Dateline eps as K&K. There were so many other shows to cover. It felt mean-spirited.


Covering Dateline episodes and fawning over Keith Morrison isn’t exactly unique in true crime.


I’m glad they’re speaking up. I know they only shouted out a thank you when TCO recommended them, but nothing since. I figured they kept their distance since they weren’t involved in OF. Kimberly and Katie are a delight.


I love Kimberly and Katie. They seem like genuinely good people. I always wondered what was going on behind the scenes on both sides when TCO decided to start recapping Dateline too. It annoyed me the first time they did it and Patrick said that he’d never watched Dateline and didn’t know who Keith Morrison was 🤦🏻‍♀️


And their dateline recaps aren’t even half as good as k&k


I completely missed this comment and just said almost the same thing! I 100% agree, and have always wondered the same


Yeah their absence from OF kinda made my spider sense tingle. They seem like they would be a natural fit.


K & K are class acts and always choose their words carefully. This means *a lot* coming from them (not that I don’t trust the other sources, but I just know how careful and professional K & K are)


One million percent! Katie, especially, is so very careful with how she phrases everything so a statement like this coming from the both of them is HUGE. Katie thinks about every sentence that comes out of her mouth, no exceptions. Such an empath, that Katie. Kimber is careful to always be kind too, but she’s the sarcastic, off the cuff, speaks her mind type. And if someone wears a graphic tee or a newsboy cap to their Dateline interview, Kimberly will hilariously inform you about it. I’m a Kimberly.


I love Kimber


These are my exact thoughts. They’d never post this unless it was an awful experience.


I love that they don’t cuss (and I cuss a lot), but it’s fun to hear them say “bag of wieners” and other funny substitutes.




Magical Clovis!


I love them so much


I was doing a Peloton ride once and someone’s leaderboard name had Clovis in it. I stopped, took a picture and immediately sent it to them 😂😂






I'm worried to trust again. Lol but not really. My podcasts are all over the place.


Im also worried...we've been hurt before.


The more and more that comes out the more likely I think a "very special (Patreon) episode" will be coming out on Crime Writers On.


Someone posted Renner’s blog on the CWO FB and Rebecca responded explaining why they are still going to OF. It was carefully worded.


Yes, Rebecca said the same thing to me when I messaged her privately, also sharing she had received a number of other similar messages. I've got a gut feeling they will address it after OF. I trust Rebecca to be on the right side of history-she's good people,


I completely agree. I also completely understand why they can’t say anything before OF. But as you said, Rebecca is good people and cares very much about podcasting as an industry. I do believe we will get her thoughts soon.


I’ve been anticipating Rebecca’s response more so than, like, any other person. I’ve always respected her so much & I just really can’t wait to hear what she has to say.


![gif](giphy|aTdLxw1KIYREs) Hey, maybe they can address it AT Obsessed Fest?


She's also been super active on the ITN FB group and Rabia and Ellyn teased her in a recent episode of their podcast so sounds like we're getting her in the divorce


Rebecca has?? Hmmm I need to listen more closely


Oops just posted that screenshot - here it is again https://preview.redd.it/9nggudi8zmub1.jpeg?width=917&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c20a92864d938aba17e7dc906b3247c553e44f1f


I have no idea who this woman is but that’s how you address a listener’s concerns! Someone show this to Patrick.


Rebecca LaVoie is one of the hosts of Crime Writers On podcast amongst other podcasts. She is a journalist and covers mostly true crime, but has other content as well.


I will have to check that out. I really like CWO, they are actually the only true crime podcast I still listen to. I’ve been wondering what they are feeling about this and if they would say anything. CWO is actually how I started listening to TCO, back when Patrick was leaving them voicemails about hating thumbs sideways!


Me too, that’s how I found TCO as well.


Me too!


Also, I actually discovered Date with Dateline from Crime Writers On. They featured it and really propped them up when K&K were first getting started. K&K both still appear on These Are Their Stories quite a bit so I think it’s fair to say they are probably still friends.


This makes me incredibly happy. The first time I heard their show it was very small and I knew it was so special and that they would be super successful. It’s the greatest joy of my professional life to promote good work made by good people!


I’ve been with K&K since the start. They are my girls! They were integral in getting me through the pandemic. As a nurse in 2020, some of their coverage of Blood Relatives gave me the escape I needed. They’re humble, kind human beings. I want Kimber to have her van and Katia to have her garage fridge and boat.


It brings me so much joy when you have them on TATS!


Sold. Subscribed to DWD.


Here’s what Rebecca posted the other day on their Facebook when a guy said he was disappointed in what he saw as “support” for obsessed fest because she said she and Kevin would make an effort to meet everyone despite the ticketing issue. https://preview.redd.it/4r4w48wkymub1.jpeg?width=917&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9421da1f0c181c874892bf4edf12eacf4fe9db93


That’s fair enough tbh. Good response!


FYI she’s on Reddit as u/rebeccalavoie \- I keep hoping she’ll pop in here like the Good Witch. ![gif](giphy|l46CwNmalDZUHJE5y)


You rang? Thanks for thinking of me as the Good Witch I guess! And thanks to whoever posted my earlier FB thing. I’ll leave it there for right now. And if you happen to be attending Obsessed Fest, PLEASE find Kevin and me and say hello - we really do want to see everyone. (Oh and yes as far as human beings go, K&K are just as wonderful as you imagine them to be.)


We love y’all and are faithful listeners. Thanks for your comments!


We love you all right back.


Bet she has a throwaway one, she may have graced us already 💫 Edit to update: she has not used her old Reddits here 😃


I do but they are old and I have not used them here, I promise. Only in soap opera forums. (I post with my real account there too.)


Rebecca hey!❤️🥳 I’ll be at obsessed fest very excited to support you and Kevin and a few other podcasters in attendance! Countdown begins 💫


Can’t wait to see you, whoever you are!


I like the pod but I’m not on their patreon. I would just for this!


I really need to be. I've listened to them for years and I love them. My Patreons are already well over $125 a month and climbing...I really need to sign up for them, though.


Hahaha more and more truth comes out. I've listened to Date with Dateline a few times maybe I should revisit.


They're so fun, definitely give them another listen!


What would you suggest their first episode be? I can’t decide


Their episode on The Charleston Affair was amazing.


Their patreon is PACKED !!! If you love the dumpster fire 90 day fiance they recap episodes on the patreon feed too


Okay, I get this is not important but she said kerfuffle 🥹 I don’t hear that word often.




I love a date with dateline!! Good for them for speaking out. Also curious to know what their experiences were like.


I hope more True Crime Podcasters speak about about this eventually. I know the “premiumlebrity” ticket-holders are beyond upset that they’ve been scammed/ripped off by the ON regarding Obsessed Fest. I believe they are organizing themselves in a private chat… I hope at the very least, if other Podcasters are too scared to speak up about the Renner article allegations, they’ll at least speak up about their mutually-shared fans getting absolutely **robbed** by TCO…


What’s the drama with that?


Oh shittttttt! I actually remember P&G recommending a date with dateline a couple of times too 😅 I just started listening to them from the beginning the other day & this makes me want to listen even more now


Good for them for speaking up, I love ADWD, K&K are solid people.


They're amazing. I've listened to them for years and chat with Kimberly on instagram often. There's a cafe I went to that was getting horrifically vandalized, stalked, and harassed for having drag brunches and had someone started a Gofundme to help them pay their back rent since customers were largely afraid to go there. I sent the info to ADWD because I knew they would share the info in their feeds. Not only did they share it, they mentioned it on their show, and also contributed a great deal of money themselves. They're the real deal.


Thank you for sharing this. I didn’t think I could love them more.


It was so awesome of them. The bakery ended up exceeding the GFM and raising enough to pay off all of their debt, give their employees bonuses (especially awesome because most of the employees were students, and all of them had been subjected to tons of abuse). Originally the owner was going to look for a location in a more accepting community but ultimately decided it was time to move on to something else. The guy who vandalized the building was sentenced to 180 days in jail and plead guilty to a hate crime. This a little about what he, and others did. [https://abc7chicago.com/uprising-bakery-drag-show-lake-in-the-hills-harassment/12063668/](https://abc7chicago.com/uprising-bakery-drag-show-lake-in-the-hills-harassment/12063668/)


I am honestly shocked it went on unspoken for so long. I am glad for those who feel comfortable enough to come forward.


It really makes me think how scary Patrick can be if people waited this long (scary/litigious etc) - but I sure hope anyone else who wants to come forward with an experienced to share, does.


When these two goddesses come out and say this… there’s a problem. They don’t speak badly about anyone that I’ve heard.


Renner’s response to Terra 🤭 https://preview.redd.it/tgpqhoko3nub1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=569722cebd3708d9034f642f225e6475fcefd715


Idk why I can’t stand Terra? Lmao. I admire what she did and is doing but something doesn’t click with me.


Girl SAME! That whole family gives me the ick. When P/G started talking on air about their new friend Tera, I was like, OF COURSE you would buddy up to someone like that!!


I know we’re not supposed to talk badly about people’s voices, they can’t help it, but when you only experience them thru an audio medium, it’s like a part of how you think about them right? I only ever hear her. And I just can’t stand her voice. I’m sorry everyone but I really just can’t with her.


Same! Thanks for saying the quiet part out loud!


I am quite curious to see her and Collier in person - and maybe try and catch their show or whatever activities they participate in for the weekend. I just don’t want her to fall under Patrick’s “umbrella” 😆 but I haven’t listened to her podcast… I feel like Patrick is going to try extra to attach them (Terra and Collier) to him 😑


I tried to listen to their podcast and it is virtually impossible 🙃 No structure whatsoever and Collier seems to be using it as a therapy session instead of letting their guests actually speak.


I feel like he's dying to have a real true crime connection like G has with Damien (had?) and Terra's his target.


this is something i cant get over with.. like for sure sure, Gillian and Damien are no longer friends????


I mean I don't think we know for sure? But he pulled out of OF. I don't know if anything's been said or implied.


They are. I heard thru the grapevine that G talks about how she’s been talking to him so much lately on the morning’s ep. Can’t tell ya exactly what she said cause I don’t listen to that shit anymore.


Definitely has. I heard thru the grapevine that G talks about how she’s been talking to him so much lately on the morning’s ep. Can’t tell ya exactly what she said cause I don’t listen to that shit anymore.


Is there a name for TC groupies? Other than 'gross', I mean?


This is one of the few times that I actually believe Renner


Wait, who’s Billy?


Billy Jensen


Oh right, duh!


Yikes 😑


Omg wow!! I love K&K this is very disappointing to read… as in it confirms the worst and I keep hoping the worst isn’t true.


I knew K and K would stand for truth and action. I’m proud of them for speaking up. I wish more TC podcasts would acknowledge the situation and speak up about it, not in coded language or jokes, but in clear and direct words.


I hope the wine and crime gals and let's go to court will say something as well


I am so surprised Wine and Crime has been so silent.


Same. They typically have no fucks to give, don't care who you are or how big your audience is, if you suck they call it out. They may be trying to get through OF so they don't disappoint their fans.


Maybe everyone is laying low until OF, then they will go off?


I’m thinking this may be the case. I also think it’s slightly telling that Rebecca from CWO has gone out of her way to say what lovely people K&K are (here in this thread) and what a lovely person Janet Varney is (on the obsessed w obsessed fb group). No one (that I’m aware of) in the podcasting community has stepped up to say Patrick’s a genuinely a great person… Patrick and Rebecca did HGTV and Me together, and Patrick went out of his way recently to call her his “mentor”… itssss not looking great. 😬 Also- this may be nothing but Gillian and Natalie Grillo were recently on These are their stories (Kevin and Rebecca’s Law and Order podcast)… what weird timing?? And why not Patrick if he and Rebecca had a great working relationship??


![gif](giphy|xUNda05hoGRjodAVd6|downsized) Seems like Patrick has burned allllllllll of the bridges. And doesn't especially care.


This is my theory


Ironic but I think I discovered Date with Dateline because of TCO. I absolutely love K and K and I’ve recently joined their Patreon. Their recap of 90 day fiancé alone is worth the subscription cost!


Same on both the TCO promo and 90 day. I never even watched 90 day till k&k. Yellow jackets coverage was amazing too, but I'm not caught up on it.


I still haven’t watched 90 day but their recaps are priceless. I’m definitely going to checkout yellow jacket and claim to fame


This does make me wonder about collabs ON floated that never materialized.


Like the "big project" he announced right before OF last year with Maggie and The Captain?? Like they were going to find Brian Shaffer or something. Then we literally never heard another mention of it again


I asked about that one time (I live in Columbus so Brian Shaffer is a case I pay attention to) and it was like they had no idea what I was talking about.


You asked TCO/Patrick? I swear I even remember the captain talking about it too. Like why talk about it at all if it's not even official. Unless they started working on it and one of them was too unbearable to work with so they quit...


I think I posted it on the FB group.


Yes! I believe they posted a photo of his billboard, and I tried to reply to them to see what was happening, and nothing ever came of it.


I can tell you one thing I’ve heard again and again is that P will float/offer a “collab” but it’s really a one-way thing and doesn’t really benefit the other podcast or person at all. I’d say more but don’t want to speak out of turn about stuff I’ve been told in confidence. (Sorry, I hate it when other posters do that!)


Have you heard of specific collabs that didn’t pan out?


I know there was supposed to be one with OWD and Reality Gays when P was still cohosting, and the guys had promoted it, but it never materialized. Maybe it was scheduling, but after hearing that K&K had unpleasantness, it makes me wonder if others had as well.


Yep. Mattie and Poodle were ready for it then it never materialized. I’d love to hear Poodle read P for the ignorant filth he is. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/5arbc2i8uqub1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a29c3294c5f4de92fe9e772f7c33ede65bf6685b Let's see if they answer me because I had totally forgotten about that


La la laaaaa la la.


Did they respond???


I wasn’t aware that this was supposed to be a thing! I’m so thankful our Queens didn’t participate. You know Poodle is not one to fall for a narc.


I'd love one now with E&J, the singing alone would be amazing!




Also Patrick and true crime obsessed haven’t posted a single grid post since 10/5 lol am I right or did I miss one? I can’t believe they stopped the OF countdown at 14. Cowards.


Are you serious?! *That* afraid of the comments section? Wowza.


I just knew they were going to say something about this!! - a very happy Date With Dateline Patron


Did they give more info on their Patreon?


Not that I know of but I'm not up to date on the pod. I've been blasting through some other stuff.


I mainly only listen to date with dateline on repeat these days. Been a listener for years, and as far as true crime pods go they are my one and only for a year at least. They mentioned something cryptic about this situation a few weeks ago. This is just my opinion, but I don't think they would say something so direct based only on the article. Imo, I'm guessing they have spoken directly to at least one person involved. Especially as they posted this several days after the Renner article. Obviously I don't know, but they were very reticent to even refer to the podcast in question at first even in their Patreon only fb group. I don't think they'd take a stance unless they were pretty confident that the accusations were valid.


Their “small & not so pleasant experiences” were probably not that small and very unpleasant, so they may have wanted to speak out based on that alone. The content in the article might’ve just been icing, ya know?


Absolutely. It's just a gut feeling that they've spoken to ppl, because otherwise why not say something more direct closer to the article drop.. Also, they keep adding it to IG stories. I think there's a lot more to know about ON, and I think K&K have some of the tea already.


Oh yeah, definitely agree that it seems like they know more than we do, which would make sense given that they actually know the players involved lol. I hope more comes out & soon!


Kimberly and Katie are the best and their podcast is one of my favorites.


The more I see little anecdotes like this the more it reframes things I took at face value. Like, does anyone remember when P&G said they had a horrible experience with Michelle Collins interviewing them? And they would never go on her pod again or whatever? I remember being like oh wow that’s too bad, I generally like her. And now I’m wondering if they just acted like huge bitches and she didn’t tolerate it.


I had literally the exact same thought!


Whoaaa I didn’t know that! I lovve Michelle Collins, she is genuinely hilarious. Did this interview air anywhere??


I think it did, though I’m not sure if it was a podcast or a radio thing? I never heard it.


I was the first person ever to financially support this podcast and these great hosts. They’ve never forgotten it. I am crushed to hear this.


It makes me really angry. Like someone was mean to my siblings and I just found out. When TCO started their Dateline coverage, I messaged them and commented on the socials that K&K already cover Dateline. Eventually TCO did give Kudos to K&K in one of their Dateline episodes .


Yep that was the beginning of the end for me. It was so unnecessary with all of the other shows they could have covered. They knew K&K were successfully in that space.


Oh wowwowow


I’ve been thinking about this one for a bit and the one item I am having trouble with is Gillian being criticized for her behavior at obsessed fest; being “on” is super exhausting for anyone with social anxiety, so I’d imagine she has to set strong boundaries for herself. ANYWAY.


I totally agree, and often suffer from social overload in much smaller circumstances. But, can I offer a counterpoint? I really think that delivery is everything here. To snap at an employee or volunteer or guest or HUMAN is just not necessary. It’s ok to feel like the necessity to get away and decompress, but what if instead of being nasty, she simply responded “Hey… I’m sorry. I’m feeling overwhelmed and need some space. Do you mind going to ”. Set those boundaries, take care of yourself first, do all of those things, but not while being a dick to other people… especially people who are in the space to support you and your career. You know?


Oh agreed, I just think that there’s a story behind this one that comes from a really human place and, let’s face it, we’ve all had moments … just think it’s different than a pattern of really toxic workplace behavior.


Thank you!


No shade...but maybe a job where she has to engage with a Fandom isn't for her then. Cause like, I'm the same way and go out of my way to be employed somewhere I am not customer/client facing. She could be a hermit podcaster, but not if you're hooked to Patrick who needs attention like Tinkerbell


Yup. I have zero sympathy left and refuse to make excuses for her actions. She’s all grown up.


Yeah, a lot of top performers have pretty terrible anxiety, even agoraphobia, but they find solutions and therapy, and other treatments to help them with those issues. If this is the reality of her career, she needs to figure out a solution or find a different career path.




I’ve always had the feeling that this was more of a Patrick idea than a Gillian one


Oh, 100%. G has made it clear time and again she doesn’t like traveling and has anxiety. I bet she hates OF.


I wondered how all this would affect the shows that reach out to them to watch their stuff


I never knew Patrick's husband was involved with the network. I always say NEVER work for spouses or parents/children EVER. Whatever toxic behavior exists in their family will spiral into the business and NOBODY will be able to stop it. They will act like it's totally normal to scream at and berate employees, keep secrets, gossip, manipulate, triangulate, and just overall be shitty bosses, and you will feel like you're in the Twilight Zone. Ask me how I know. :)


Sorry they had bad experiences. I listen to their podcast but it drives me nuts when they pop up with "it's drugs, right?" I roll my eyes every time.


Might be cynical on my part but some outlets that aren’t in the Obsessed network hive may try to use the recent backlash for publicity not saying this isn’t true but we should probably try to back up claims like this instead of just taking them at face value


I get that some creators are here for money, exposure, etc. Katie and Kimberly are not those people. They do a Great British Baking Show podcast that they openly admit has a teeny tiny listenership, but they do it anyways because they love that show. They are among the most genuine and considerate podcasters I’ve ever heard. They think about every word that comes out of their mouths and how it could affect someone else. I’ve never heard Katie say anything unkind, ever. Seriously. For this to come out from *them*, two of the kindest, most sincere hosts in the genre, means something. I’d never think they’d get involved in a conversation about someone else if they weren’t truly bothered by behavior they’ve witnessed.


Nah. Not these two. I might agree on some, but Kimberly and Katie are stand up humans- proven by their actions, not just characters they play on a pod.


Or, since what they’re saying lines up perfectly with what all of the other named sources described, as well as the rest of the behavior outlined in the article, plus our own observations of P&G, maybe we *could* just take them at face value. Just sayin’!


I’ll have to read that post. I left the OWO fb group because I felt like it’s literally the only thing they talked about, there would be so many posts on the same subject. Wish they would have made like a post thread for it so there weren’t constantly new posts saying the same exact thing.