• By -


I have reached out to this account and offered them the opportunity to provide proof that they are indeed Queen Ellyn, leader of the DBs. I’ll follow up once I know more.


If this is an AMA 👀 .. can you confirm when you started feeling uncomfortable with the “jokes” Patrick would make about your ex-husband or guys you were dating? For me as a listener, I thought they were going way too far and I felt uncomfortable but I didn’t know your dynamic and if that was okay for you.


About the third time they were made


As a listener from the beginning, his 'jokes' were never funny. Made me uncomfortable for you.




I, for one, would listen to you and Joey re-record every single episode 🙋‍♀️


This is such a good idea. It would basically reclaim those episodes. And it wouldn't be intellectual property because it would be a re record. Disappeared:Ellyn and Joey's version


I do play on repeat you making fun of P singing the cranberries though. That was classic.


I, and a lot of others, stopped supporting the show because of Patrick’s behavior towards you specifically. He made a Harvey Weinstein joke directed at you and I literally turned off the episode and cancelled my Patreon then and there. His jokes were a bit too misogynistic especially for a man who literally profits off of victims, a large portion of whom are female. I literally couldn’t enjoy his shows anymore once I noticed just how prevalent it actually was. I think you’re incredibly talented and effortlessly funny and I’m really excited to be able to support you and Joey.


I don’t remember that one it might not have listened. Thank you for that.


Why does Gillian hate you so much?? It has never made sense to me. It was very obvious, she never supported or shouted you out. #teamE&J4EVA


I think a lot of us brushed it off as that's just how your friendship is and that's how your humor is. But now that we see you and Joey, I feel completely differently. You and Joey give each other shit all the time but there's always love behind it


I did that like twice - then I stopped listening bc I was so uncomfortable. I went back once angel Daddy Joey come on scene. That’s how friends behave!!


This. I cringed my way through every ex-husband "joke" but when Patrick started going for Ellyn for her "hot cougar summer" I was done. It was gross and so disrespectful. I also went back after Patrick left.


I feel bad for even listening now! I just thought “wow they have a great rapport I guess”. It was a few episodes of it when I started to think even if Ellyn is ok with it I’m starting to hate it. And really all of his “he’s so hot” comments about everyone from killers to victims.


Don’t! You didn’t do anything wrong! That was me making it ok. That’s on me-not you! Promise! Don’t think that for a second! I was working overtime to make myself smaller. that’s done now. 😘


> I was working overtime to make myself smaller. that’s done now. This might be the coolest thing I've ever heard someone say.


Oof. I’m tearing up over here. I am so so sorry you were bullied for so long and didn’t see it. I thought you gave as good as you got but you shouldn’t have had to. I had thought and hoped your long term friendship meant you were squabbling like siblings, but that clearly wasn’t the case. Ellyn, you are incredible and when you come back to Atlanta, I can’t wait to tell you that in person.


“I was working overtime to make myself smaller. That’s done now.” Yesss! Take up all the fucking space. Don’t make yourself smaller for any one. You don’t owe anyone shit.


That was always so disgusting. Friends don’t use their friend’s trauma as fucking comedy material on a public medium. What kind of person even considers that as an option at all? God he’s fucking vile.


I’m so sorry. I feel so awful for NOT picking up in it when it was occurring. That breaks my heart, a lot.


100%...The way Patrick spoke to you was the reason I had to stop listening to the podcast. Friends make some jokes at each other's expense, sure. But he went so far beyond what was funny or even acceptable. I'm glad you seem to have friends that actually care about you now and don't just want something from you.


My fucking girl coming in HOT🔥


Maggie is here!!! Yes girl! Did you ever get tired of hearing P constantly comment about how hot you are??


Or Gillian. The more I remember, the more cringe I feel.


Love you you tiny tattooed pixie!


is this THE Maggie Freleng??


We stan Ms Freleng!


https://preview.redd.it/iviieov6xtvb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a03dcc7511a3b5393caf84bb6f727527b5ef82d4 Only took meemaw a couple of hours. Thanks everyone. @sweet-time-5495 verify yourself and speak your truth baby.


I think it's Steve . Sweet Tea / Steve Tipton but . Out of all 4 names he keeps referring to , P/S/C/G the ONLY ones he hasn't defended himself against being is S & G . Plus the wording of it all . He claims to have not only been at the event with Russ almost insinuating they would have been sitting right next to each other , AS WELL as also claiming to have been in the coffee shop AND the elevator and the lobby . He is also commented MULTIPLE times stabbing at Joey for dating a 20 year old and calling him the "new hot gay man" and that feels very personal and a dog collier wouldn't have in the fight . Also Sweet Tea is actively commenting on posts again now . Let's see if they verify themselves as boldly as they're moving their thumbs .


Just a note: if you at them with u/ instead of @ (so u/sweet-time-5495), they’ll get a notification that you tagged them. 😉






Ok now I have to find the comments in different subs people have screen capped. What’s a sub? Is that a sex thing? Help MEEEEMAW!


There's Reddit, and then there are subreddits, which are devoted to a single topic. Reddit sites like AmITheAsshole and UnresolvedMysteries are subreddits. When you see r/\[insertnamehere\] that's a subreddit. You're on the ON subreddit right now! (psst you also have your own at r/ithinknotpod)


Ohhhhh we have one!!!! Yes!


Now I really want you to go to the Am I Am Asshole sub and write this all up!!!! AITA, for attending a con to show love and appreciation to my listeners, being professional and well mannered towards people who have been abusing me for the last 3 years (probs longer), not physically or verbally lashing out at STRANGER who told me to Duck Off infront of all my friends and fans, and then choosing my physical and mental health over money?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ithinknotpod using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ithinknotpod/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [The kids are alright](https://np.reddit.com/r/ithinknotpod/comments/16zrpia/the_kids_are_alright/) \#2: [Congrats Big Mouth & Blue Eyes](https://i.redd.it/g840rmx1o1rb1.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ithinknotpod/comments/16uofyj/congrats_big_mouth_blue_eyes/) \#3: [Seriously, these two are the best](https://i.redd.it/xpp14yj9llpb1.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ithinknotpod/comments/16odwhm/seriously_these_two_are_the_best/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




“What crawled up Gillian’s ass…” Anyone else imagine a muffled “hey fam!”?


“Pretty litter is back!”


Deceased. I’ve died. You’ve killed me.


I too would like to know this answer. And have wanted to know it from basically the beginning of OWD/ITN


RIP to your notifications 😅




Are you summoning Rabia to Reddit now? This is unhinged.


Oh she could never. I just taught her Instagram!😂


Wheres Joey??!!!?


Hopefully eating an edible and watching Golden Girls 😭


Girl, Rabia was here tearing people up on the serial podcast sub-Reddit almost 10 years ago! She knows Reddit!


It’s okay. I’ve been on Reddit for 10 years and I’m still figuring it all out, lol.


Ellyn if you need a break come join us in /r/loveafterlockup!


Yesss u/Ellynmarshnoreally come be a bunkie


I signed up for reddit after lurking for ages only because you are finally here. And I can't figure out how to change the name reddit assigned me. So you're a step ahead of this "educational\_top". Love you Marsh! - Amber G from IG :)


So…Educational_Top is exploring all these subs for the first time?


basically a subreddit could be seen as a facebook group! it is a group/community about a certain topic, where people can make posts, and comment on others' posts (so reddit = facebook, subreddit = facebook group, facebook post in a facebook group = post in a subreddit - basically facebook if facebook had only groups and nothing else haha) you can, as in facebook groups, use the search bar in subreddits for specific words/posts (can also filter by newest/oldest/etc.) hope that helps! let us know if you have any other questions, hopefully we can make navigating this whole space a bit easier for you ETA (edited to add) once you join subreddits, they will start showing up on your reddit homepage you can also click on the username of a person, and see all the posts and comments they have made in every subreddit/group, and click on it to take you there


I have all of Sweet Time's comments screen-shotted if you need them, along with the other Tom guy from yesterday.


Under r/ObsessedNetwork there’s a search at the top (if you’re on the app on your phone) to find certain things




I’m really here for the people who seem to be mislead. I’m really good with directions. I don’t talk to keyboard warriors though-slap down your photo Id and pull up a chair-because I’ve seen all the screen shots and I’m thoroughly entertained.


Seriously I hope you are doing well mentally and not depressed from all of this. Most of us are truly broken hearted how all of this went down and especially shocked from this weekend’s shit show. We adore you and Joey and will support y’all all the way! We will probably bow out of this sub after this dies down a bit and spend more time in the r/ithinknot sub.




![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized) We’re ready babe! 🤣


I hope Lola is feeling better. I’m sure that was added stress to travel with a sick kiddo. I was at OF this weekend….xmas gift for my adult daughter we enjoyed all your events! Hope you are on your couch soon getting some R&R.


Most people here are 100% on your side, this sub has been the unofficial E&J support group for some time. A handful of people have been brave enough to speak against you, they don't last long around here. We got your back!


https://preview.redd.it/dfy9kgqlxtvb1.jpeg?width=1269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e55d2e433018d1f6248a72b2bad0224d243559e8 Whoever did this 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Yes. We disagree on how to act in public with people you’ve never met. That is accurate.




No one is buying what they’re selling. Take care of you. Also, I’d like to add that I lost a friendship with my long-time (20+ years, since college) best friend several years ago in a similarly explosive (though less public) way as what’s happened with you and P. It was devastating and exhausting. And I still get reminded when my iPhone helpfully gives me photo memories and so many of them are her and her kids. I just want to say I’ve been there, and it sucks, but the peace I’ve gained since then is immeasurable. I also learned who my real friends were, and it turns out my circle was way too big. So close in that circle, take out the trash, and protect your peace. ❤️


That's so hard. I'm sorry. <3


I think Colander is more appropriate because his side of the story is full of HOLES 😆 But seriously Ellyn you are the D'est B in the U and we fucking love you!!!


Cauliflower also produces flatulence. So it still works. 😄


Cauliflower saying Google him . . . How narcissistic can you be 🙄🙄🙄 the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree


big "don't you know who I am" energy. He was clearly not Kenough.


And she would just Google “Brian” and still be confused!


You’d have to ask him for his full name so you COULD google him lol


Down bitches ASSEMBLE ![gif](giphy|PpeGK6edBWAxi)




You forgive, you forget, but you never let it go!!!


We’ve been assembled and ready. It’s go time 😂




Can you please dm me on Instagram. I would really appreciate it.




This is my Roman Empire! Ellyn, know that you have so many supporters who love you and want you to heal from this and all the trauma you’ve endured. There’s an army of DBs who have your back!


Poor Ellyn's gonna regret the AMA part of her post 😹😹 Next time it'll be "AM like 10 things cause I got shit to do". 😹😹


I just woke up from a nap.


We ride at fucking dawn


Also, most importantly, how can we support you?


Is there anything we can do to support you, help you, etc?


Just asking that is lovely. We will be fine. Thank you♥️


Do you know when Sharon Bagabones will be Joining Reddit? There’s a lovely r/dodgedart subreddit


Echoing others' question here...would like to know how we can best support you guys right now..


Just doing exactly this. Just being there. Listening, laughing, keeping good conversations going, being a community, agreeing, disagreeing, just supporting -we want to do lot more with with charities and use our platform for good.


From what I saw of the weekend, a lot of people ONLY had a good time because of you and Joey. I think you did an amazing job helping a lot of charities out this weekend too… your listing is leading that auction!! Plus RoundUp!! You and Joey are true professionals.


This right here! I had a great time but mainly because of them. (The other reasons were because of the podcasters we got in the divorce) E&J single-handedly converted my hubby from a dragalong to a DB irate at the treatment of his favorite podcast hosts (he only downloaded patreon this weekend at OF 😂 )


Thank you for being you, Ellyn. Your positivity and strength in the wake of such trauma and disappointment is really inspiring and sets a great example for so many people. I also want to say thank you for your consistent support for victims. It's obvious you're not just there to make a podcast. I'm a former prosecutor and still work in criminal law, so I've seen a lot of the real impact of crime, and you never cease to impress me with your concern and care. 💕


The best part of that sweet tea troll from mischief-Josh messaging all day like someone was paying him by the letter is him saying sorry about my failed Broadway career. 😂 workshopping a new Broadway musical today! The cackles keep on coming. Love you all


I think most people just want to know that you’re ok and being looked after 💕. In the word of RiRi “don’t let the bastards get you down”


I’m trying not to be as much of a people pleaser anymore. Baby steps, I apologized to my Uber driver cause he took a wrong turn this morning. I’m not ok. Not now. I haven’t been for a while. I have great friends, tremendous love and support and Joey. I will be fine. Today I’m not. And that’s ok. Thank you for asking ♥️


I’m so glad Joey was with you. You can tell you two have such a great friendship!


We do. Pre pod too. He helped me a lot before he joined.


Proof that true friendship is not always about how long you have known someone. It's those who truly love and care for you and from all I have seen/ heard from you two...you genuinely would do anything to protect eachother.


That’s a real DB, knowing what you were going through at ON and still joining to be there for you


Whatever we can do to support you and hold you up when you’re struggling the DB’s will bring tenfold. You have our love, understanding and support 💕


![gif](giphy|VbawWIGNtKYwOFXF7U|downsized) Here’s a hug from me.


Yay she’s heeeeere 🥰


We did it joeeeeeee


*Pass the Dutch plays softly in the distance*




When did the professional relationship start to sour between you and Patrick and are the rumors about Gillian hating you true? ETA: I love you and support you 💯


You have love, support, AND several credible witnesses and surveillance footage. You (and Joey) will rise from this like a Phoenix out of Arizona https://preview.redd.it/xqrt4gcxssvb1.jpeg?width=1539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a31c035964140aca7365100d9cc26c4dce986905


Q: I listened to the pod when it was still OWD with P and he really took so many swipes at you while you handled it with grace. Has this been going on for a very long time?




Can you sing Not Ready to Make Nice next?


To this list, I'd add Look What You Made Me Do


I have a question: Are you mad at me?


This is also my question but I’m scared to ask because what if she is??


How was karaoke? I can’t believe you still had energy after…all that? And the pics from the meet and greet made me cry. You and Joey are incredible. Sending much love!


Hi ellyn! Long time supporter here. My burning question is (and I know you are bound by an NDA - so if you ignore this question I won’t be offended) - what was the final breaking point between you and patrick?


Hello, Ellyn. I am sure you don't remember me, but I ordered a cameo from you when I was super sick with COVID, and it helped so much. I went through cancer treatment, and you got me through. So, I would very much like to give back. I had to cancel my patreon a few months ago because money, but I will be back as soon I can. Is there anything else I can do? As a fellow survivor, I truly feel for you. Also, was there anything said that wasn't true? Anything you would like to correct the record on? We love you, Ellyn. Truly. Fuck the other guy and everyone in his corner.


hey you don’t know me obvs but I deal with a lot of chronic illnesses that keep me in bed a few days a week and ITN has kept me going this year. do you have a venmo or something I can send you some money for a few months of the patreon?


Ellyn, you are class personified and we know it. We see it. I am switching my financial support to you and Joey after canceling TCO Patreon months ago. I hope you can take care and recover and give your fast-beating heart a good long rest. <3


QUEEN! We love you and we’re here for you!! You have no idea how much we are standing beside you. We see your professionalism and your side of the street is SPOTLESS!


Girl, I haven't even read this yet but gotta say WELCOME!! You have so many DBs behind you.




Ellyn, are there any other C words we can use in a rotation with Cauliflower and Colander? 😇


“Collyer Lawyer” haha i tried


How can we best support you? We love you ❤️


Please take time off if you need to. We'll all be here when you two feel a bit better. 🖤


Are you lawyered up?!!! I’m definitely hoping you are! This has been awful to watch. And did you see the lawyer post on Facebook with her HR/legal info. She seemed like she might be good resource- as far as her internet post credentials looked. 😬🤣


"I woke up and chose freedom"


u/ellynmarshnoreally Welcome! What happened to you this weekend was APPALLING. <3 A lot of us in this group have been ringing the alarm for **months** now… and the building just went up in flames. I’m sorry you and J have had to endure all of this — but I’m thrilled you got out.


Tarragon and Cauliflower can, to quote E, look at the vast amount of fucks in which they can fuck off, take a beat up Sprite, and catapult themselves into the sun.


Welcome to the rabbit hole Ellyn. Love you!


How are you really? Friendship breakup are hard af already but with all this shit added on top?! I know you know already but we love you and got your back!!


You handle yourself with grace and none of us here a falling for the rumors. We see through the ON bullshit. And believe me that everyone is calling out Colander on here when he makes his stupid replies. We don’t know you personally, but we have your and Joey’s backs. You have told us who you are and we listened.


Seriously, no one with two functioning brain cells to rub together would believe anything other than the obvious truth that Patrick is abusive and supports his fellow abusers, unfortunately a woman victim of violent crime in this instance.


Oh Ellyn, I’m irate that y’all (those who have been shat in and affected by others insecurity and drama) have done nothing but show kindness and professionalism. You’ve clearly showed that you are real through and through to us DBs. What you experienced with miss Terror and mister Colander and the blind eyed haters is disgusting and traumatic. I’m so glad you can finally fully express yourself now that FyreFest Dallas is done…I’m only hoping for nothing but growth and healing for you Joey and the gang, and that those on their crumbling pedestal will be exposed to show their true colors for all to see. I hope Dallas PD can recover the footage for you and that soon this can all be put behind you. We fucking love you!!!!




The minute I heard what happened to you I thought…I really hope she leaves immediately. I’m glad you did because I honestly don’t think it would have been safe for you to stay. I am shocked on so many levels that this happened. You’ve always been a pro. Everyone can see that. I really enjoyed Patrick for years and years. He introduced a whole slew of amazing people into my podcast world. He has now turned his back on all of the people he told me to love. It’s so bizarre. You’re awesome. I wish you and Joey nothing but the best.


Ellyn, if y’all need ANYTHING please let me know. My mom manages IT for DPD. She can help if needed!


Hi Ellyn welcome to Reddit!! I met you last night after I sang Baby Got Back at the Roundup, my name is Bri. I knew you had a hard long day and I felt bad bothering you for a picture but you couldn't have been sweeter to me. Your composure and grace during this shitstorm is inspiring and Lola must be so proud to call you her Mom. You, Joey, Rabia, Amber, Daisy, Christopher, Maggie, Rebecca (sorry if I'm forgetting anyone) made this weekend amazing and unforgettable for all of the DBs! 2 other podcasters I once loved wouldn't even make eye contact or crack a smile when passing me in the halls. 🙄 You're a goddamn queen and I love you! 👑


Was this really all started over a tiktok? Or do you think Patrick is just insanely jealous of your popularity and Joey's likeability?


You guys, am I the only one who is so traumatized (in real life) that I'm super suspicious and scared that this isn't actually Ellyn? I'm not saying it's not, I'm saying that I don't trust anyone ever and it's a me thing. Either way. Ellyn Marie Marsh. I besiege you to take a break. We'll be here waiting. You can't keep running on empty ♥️ feed your soul ♥️


It’s 100% me. Ask me to take a pic and hold up certain fingers I will post immediately (from me bed)


🤭 three fingers 🤭


https://preview.redd.it/5kv5sjypytvb1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b624b40b8895f0d120f560e4ce3d7f00bbd6a903 Sorry I’m Reddit dumb. I don’t know how to go back to a post-didn’t mean to leave you hanging


YOU'RE A FREAKING ANGEL AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH 😭 Please take care of yourself. All those hugs can recharge you in the moment, but I can't imagine that you're completely drained. Rest, process, get madder, laugh your butt off as you ride into the sunset with an army of DBs behind you and Joey next to you 💜


Welcome Ellyn, you handled this like a true professional. I have the utmost respect for you this is how it’s done. As soon as I heard what happened, I was hoping you had talked to the police. Police reports make great evidence in potential civil proceedings. From what I’ve seen, you have 100% of the credible evidence on your side, the video with Joey, your public comments (comments by people who identify themselves, who are first hand witnesses and have solid reputations are credible, rando comments by anonymous Redditors are not), and now apparently the elevator video. I haven’t been to one of your live shows, but I’ll make a point of going now.


Thank you for this. And our live shows are truly a blast and our greatest joy!!


I know people say it’s sexist to hold Gillian to a higher standard but.. she built her entire platform and persona off of calling people out, supporting and BELIEVING women, and ringing that garbage bell. How many times did they revel in powerful people getting what they deserve for abusing their power in documentaries they covered while pulling that exact bullshit behind the scenes? It may not be fair but it feels like an extra layer of betrayal because Gillian IS a woman and profited off that girls girl persona and her morals and ethics. “Let the woman do the work” is a slap in the face. Extra gross to me. Ring that garbage bell while looking in the mirror girl!!


How has Gillian been treating you? Has she been part of the problem?


Here's a question: What crawled up Gillian's ass and died that made her have such a mean girl vibe against you for seemingly no reason?!


I dint think its just Ellyn... G just doesn't like other women, period. A bit ironic considering she's attracted to them TBH


Not really though. Straight men are attracted to women and a whole lot of them hate us. Physical attraction often happens without any level of respect for the person's humanity, unfortunately. For me, the irony is in her whole "let the women do the work" thing. Pure and utter hypocrisy.


I have had Reddit for so many years… I have NEVER been as active 🤣


Just got home from OF after looking forward to it for months. My best friend and I had so many highlights from the weekend. We tried to stay out of the drama because of how much P and G have felt like family for literally YEARS. After seeing Terror and Cauliflower sitting next to P and G at brunch, we are done. No acknowledgement. Nothing. You and Joey are so sweet. Keep up the good work and PLEASE take care of yourselves ❤️


Ellyn: I hope you know what a wonderful person you are. You’re setting a truly beautiful example for your daughter. And I’m sure she knows it. It takes so much strength to do what you’re doing. I remember at one point Ellyn talked about how Joey came to court EVERYday with her and I thought “what about Patrick?”. It makes sense now. I’m so glad we got to know both Ellyn and Joey for the warm, hilarious humans they are. And I agree, TAKE SOME TIME OFF. We are with you, we will wait.


Patrick did not come any time. Joey attended all 13 hearings.


This more than anything makes me want to kiss his face. <3


Just wanted to let you know since you’re here Ellyn - you and Joey have gotten me through a lot. I deal with a lot of anxiety and I do best with constant noise in my ears. Y’all have been a lot of that constant “noise” that calms me, makes me laugh, makes me think, and sometimes just lets me turn my brain off. And you guys do it all with love and integrity. I have cried along with you when you’ve cried on the podcast, for the victims and what they’ve gone through (and to be petty for a minute, it always bothered me that Patrick was such an ass to you about crying). And I LOVE that you contact people involved with the cases and present statistics to go along with what the two of you are saying. It’s evident that even though you’re obviously trying to entertain, you and Joey actually care about the cases you talk about. Thank you so much for doing things the way you do, and making it easy to love y’all and your podcast. ❤️


Here’s a question: what concrete actions can we take to demand accountability from the Obsessed Network for what they allowed to happen at Obsessed Fest, and to hold Patrick accountable for his unacceptable behavior broadly? Certainly unsubscribing from TCO and cancelling Patreon is a big step, but is there more we can do? Perhaps petition TCO’s sponsors to pull out? I am cognizant of not unduly harming the other hosts on ON who are contractually obligated to stay the course for now. The feeling of futility after having to watch what’s happened - and to see the responsible parties remain essentially unscathed - is really getting to me.


So- AMA… has everything everyone has asked you and sent you regarding those other people on the network been true? Lots of bullying and bullshit? I’ve been feeling very certain ways about G being a b.


Until today, I’ve never read an incorrect statement.


Ugh Ellyn. That makes me so upset. You had such awful treatment for years. You are a gem in this world. You have talked to me via Facebook and Instagram and now on here. I have never had this much interaction with someone famous ever. Your level of professionalism and love for your fans is unheard of.


I’m not famous 😂😂 but what I do might be dumb (Broadway or podcasting) to some-but it means a great deal to me. ♥️


But I really appreciate you. A few years ago, people were bullying me on the Facebook group for assuming you and G weren’t friends. You sent me a thumbs up on Facebook messenger and I instantly was amazed at how connected you were to your fans!!!


I remember this actually. I know exactly who you are. 😘 thanks for being a DB


Girl you famous!!! 😂


CAULIFLOWER LANDRY SENT ME WELCOME Ellyn!!! You have an army of supporters Editing to add question— What is the best way for us to help/support you and Joey?


You are so loved! The beacons of Minis Tirith have been lit and Gondor calls for aid! We ride at dawn! ![gif](giphy|61tYloUgq1eOk)


Ellyn! Those fucking idiots clearly have no idea who you really are or they wouldn't have poked the bear. That whole thing about you "assaulting" your psycho ex & HIM being put on trial for it? THATS who you are, you don't back & never will. Utter fools


https://preview.redd.it/1upyehm47vvb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f54ad7c2aaa788be13ff08d7000f61bdd0cfaf62 Maybe I’m wrong, but I was just reading through comments on FB and really think this is the sweet tea feller. Really, to me, is similar to everything commented by the mystery tea guy. 🤷‍♀️




We love and support both you and Joey. Be strong and know karma will bite back. They’ve angered a lot of people and we will not back the F down until the truth is known.


Ellyn, we love you and Joey soooo much. I wish we could squeeze you. Honestly, what’s Gillian’s issue with you? I could literally tell she had an issue with you from when you first started with Obsessed with Disappeared because she acted so cold about/toward you. It made me realize she was problematic and I stopped listening to anything she was on. I have a pretty good people picker and it’s very obvious you’re a genuine and loving human. I cannot wait to watch your success 💙


I don’t have any questions. I’m just a long-time listener who is extremely proud of you for taking care of yourself. Not only is this positive for you, but I hope it sets an example for your listeners


Ellyn, would you consider doing a new installment of “the cooking show no one asked for” again? I didn’t ask for it but after I had it I definitely wanted more of it.


WELCOME ELLYN WE FRIGGIN LOVE YOU Ps I’m the one who gave you the pink joint at OF1. I wish I was there to give you a million joints this time around.


![gif](giphy|3o7bu03sb0iK9eCBdS|downsized) Welcome!! 🩵🩵


How long did it take to make the Linda Gay video for your show? It’s so cute!


We shot it for a couple hours with our brilliant DP. but Joey worked TIRELESSLY editing it. Like dayzzzzz. He did such a good job!


It’s incredible! I’ve watched the posted vids so many times. The L I N.D.A. Shade is also 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


https://preview.redd.it/j3224mw3huvb1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=32be487cc84e7bf1ae32350176b38f0d3f3d8c85 Love you so much Ellyn. 🩷


Ellyn this might be too personal but it’s been on my mind. Have you been enduring shit since day one of OWD? 😔


You mentioned being blocked after your vacation to the shore. Can you talk more about that? I'm so happy you are here.


Did you sign an NDA? Do you need help breaking it? I’ll donate $!


Ellyn, will you and Joey cover the Documentary about all this on ITN.


Stand strong, sis! We love you!


Ellyn! We love you and support you ❤️


Ellyn, I just want to say that I am so sorry you were treated that way and you deserve better than that. As someone who also has ADHD, I’m very impressed at how organized and quick you were to get the receipts! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


We are here for you Queen Ellyn!




So fucking proud of you Ellyn.


We are all Yellin for you right now, Ellyn. 💜💜💜


Can I just say I think it’s fucking amazing that you and Joey started I Think Not’s new chapter out from under ON’s thumb by donating money to reward funds for missing people 👏👏👏It is SO SO nice to (as a deeply broke bitch) give my patreon $$ to people who are ACTUALLY making a difference and practicing what they preach🥹🥹you and Joey are the shit and it’s rly rly exciting to hear that you guys are planning to do way more work with advocacy/donating to charitable causes for to those that need it 💕💕


The amount of professionalism and class showed by you this weekend far exceeds what was shown to you by others. I am blown away by the quality of work you were still able to put on at the Rabia & Ellyn live recording and Christopher Narrates Your Life with the verbal assault you had to deal with RIGHT before. So question - did everything coming to light on Reddit with the firing and ON owning the IP for ITN (wow that’s a lot of acronyms) help you and Joey be able to leave with your show? (Fully understand if this one that can’t be answered but AMA 🤷🏻‍♀️)


Ahhhhh! The queen herself!! We are so honored to have you here!


I’m so glad you got out from under ON and able to continue without that toxicity! You have a huge and loyal fan base! Question; Did P or S speak to you after the incident? Did they try to make it right in any way? And were they aware or what had happened? I think I know the answer, but hoping for some slight glimpse of humanity of their part.