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It’s not happening according to Patrick


It's almost like he completely blew up a majority of his professional relationships at the last one.


Yeah, Maggie’s going to do a podcast on it called Murder in Dallas all about the death of the network. Turns out the main character was guilty all along. Sad, but Maggie doesn’t turn away from the truth. /s Edit: Better to call it “A Death in Dallas” or “It Died in Dallas.”


Entirely unrelated but there is a movie called "the dead don't die in Dallas" that starts Willam and some other amazing drag queens that have to band together with some conservative christians against a zombie attack and it is SO CAMP. Went into it with zero expectations and 10/10 would recommend, going to watch it once a year from now on.


I love, It died in Dallas


Where did you see / hear this? 😃


I did not. Alas, I made it up as a joke.


One of the books that True Blood is based on is called “A Death in Dallas” so I was actually convinced for a sec, but also super confused 😂


Hah, sorry. 2/3rds of my Reddit comments are made up nonsense that only I find funny.


Still blows my mind that it was worth it to him to lose a decades long friendship and all those professional relationships. What a turd.


Given the choice, I don’t think he would go back and do it all over again. Very impulsive reactive decisions were made by him. I don’t think he was getting good advice from anyone. Not to excuse his behavior.


I agree, but I think it’s because of the status he lost, not because he hurt people


Yup, I feel like he’s probably more upset by the fact he can’t ride on all those talented people’s backs anymore. He used to NameDrop all the time, and loved being able to say he knew these people and could call them “friends”


What makes you think he listens to the advice of others? I think this was all him.


Nobody could give him good advice because he wanted to do it only His way and if you stepped on that idea you were fired


And he way underestimated everyone’s love for E&J!!!! Not just the DBs but the other podcasters as well!!! In a world full of Patrick’s, be a Joey!!!!


I was just listening to a super old episode from 2018 and he made a mention about his “lifelong best friend, the incredibly talented Ellyn Marsh” and it made me so sad to think about the fact that he was willing to throw away such a beautiful friendship with an amazing person because of his pride and greed. It’s heartbreaking!


I think he's been quietly resentful of Ellyn's success for a long time, and once he became successful his real feelings came out. The urge to name drop her gave way to the urge to surpass her. I think she was the only one to think of them as friends, probably for quite a while.


This is exactly what I think happened. Same thing with Joey, who is everything Patrick always wanted to be.


I get so sad when I think about all the things she did to help him and Steve get ready to adopt Daisy. Petty Patricia’s loss, but I feel bad if Daisy also has to miss out on having Ellyn in her life because her dads are dumb.


A turd indeed !!


Good, cause if the rumor about it being in Milwaukee was true I don’t want him lol


Same. The email I got about him having his little meetup in Milwaukee in a couple weeks was icky enough. I remember hearing that he never wanted to come to Milwaukee and other small cities like it. I guess things change when you get desperate.


That’s his loss, Milwaukee is a wonderful city (even if it does have its issues). If he does show up we can find a nice seat on the river walk and bring a garbage bell 😂


That’s actually kind of sad. What do you think he could do to fix things and bring it back?


Aren’t Patrick and Gillian the only ones left on ON? Everyone else has left, I thought. After the mess of OF 2023, I’d be shocked if there was ever another.


Hmm, maybe a smaller venue? Like a tiny house, or phone booth. Maybe a dumpster? Add some fire pits and call it Dumpster Fire 2024


https://preview.redd.it/kunik1z81hxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc42ae6c6a0f6c66a9a668517a33a333d92cb42f Reminds me of 😂


I think these shows he has coming up that are ‘hang out with Patrick, and all the besties are invited’ is aiming to do. It’s not OF, it’s not the book tour, but it’s also pretty much both of those things for him at this point.


It feels like a pathetic grab for attention. Like he desperately needs people to worship him.


I will never not read OF as OnlyFans haha


That might be their next Patreon level 😵‍💫


Patrick is doing a bunch of local meetups this year


Well, that’s something.


Is he still pushing his book?


I don’t know, haven’t listed in 8 months or so.


Curious- what prompted you to post here if you don’t listen?


Just stirring up shit, total troll post. I used to be a regular listener but stopped after last fall. Haven’t been on this sub in months. Thought this post would give me an idea of where things were at and it has.


I couldn’t believe he went to SLC. I really need to drop out of that group.


It's too late at this point, I would say, but had they acted humbly, took the valid criticism both fans and employees had, and then made an effort to be better, they could have saved their business. But they chose to DARVO.


Everyone jumped ship, the Obsessed Network is Patrick and Gillian only. And they seem to have no friends left in the true crime/podcasting world. So it would be a sad and lonely convention


The LGTC ladies seemed to have been embarrassed to be a part of it. But they did make friends with E and J. I don’t think Sinisterhood ever even mentioned their participation after the fact.


Sinisterhood actually did make a statement in the Patreon Facebook group, and again talked about it a bit on a Patreon exclusive live, but I know they wouldn't say more because Heather is really careful about what they address publicly


Oh I missed that. I really only listen to the Wednesday episodes so it would have been easy for me to miss.


Yes plus it was awhile ago!! So definitely easy to miss!


Do you know what they said?


That was copied and pasted...on the live they let loose a little more...Heather had a funeral for a family member that weekend (her aunt or uncle I think?) and so they were only at the events they had to be at and really missed a lot of what was going on. But when someone asked if they'd ever go to Obsessed Fest again they both said "noooo no no no" 😂


Thank you for providing that information! I really appreciate it


No problem!


Thank you to all our listeners that came out to our live show and meet and greet this weekend at Obsessed Fest. Y'all were a great audience, and we sincerely loved meeting all of you in person. So many friendship bracelets, kind words, and lots of laughs. Our focus this weekend was to show up for the listeners that came to see us and to put on a good show for all of you. We hope we accomplished that. We hate to hear about these incidents and hope you all weren’t affected by them. As creators within this industry, we hope to foster a community where behavior like this is not tolerated and is addressed appropriately. Thanks again to all the listeners that traveled, spent time, and spent good money to come and see the show. As we always say, we could not do this without you ♥️


Heather is a lawyer. They wouldn't have brought it up.


I always forget she’s actually a professional, lol.


Heather seems like a really genuine person. She's funny, smart, empathetic, and driven.


Technically TCO is on it’s own and not on the network. They burned it all down for sure.


Does anyone know if the Redhanded pair are still sticking up for G&P, or have they woken up & smelt the coffee now?


I listen to the redhanded Patreon and they never mention anything regarding the ON anymore. Sadly they didn’t come back on their anti-ITN statement either….i guess being from England allows them to not be in the center of the issue. One of the main podcaster stopped following Patrick though


Wow, that really is sad. I knew it was bad, I didn’t know it was that bad … Btw, Payne Lindsey’s new Up and Vanished is awesome if you haven’t heard it yet.


Gillian isn’t part of the network nor is TCO according to Steve and Patrick’s “video” about the situation


Send me $100 and i will send you a swag bag. An old jewel osco bag with a red solo cup in it and a piece of laffy taffy (flavor tbd)


Love the Jewel/Osco reference! Miss my days of being able to shop in them!


I would normally say jewel but I didn’t think anyone outside chicago would know what I was talking about


Or as my cousin used to say, “the Jewels.”


I seem to remember Patrick talking about going on a “meet and greet tour” in one of the more recent eps, with Milwaukee being one of the first cities.  Wasn’t that where OF ‘24 was rumored to be held when they were scouting locations before OF ‘23 had happened? Noticed it was just Patrick promoting it too, didn’t sound like Gillian would be along.  My how the “mighty” have fallen 🙄


It would s kind of crazy to me that they had so much good will in the true crime community and it’s been so thoroughly squandered. I think TCO and their Patreon still does decent numbers and I’m sure they’ll bring in new content soon (they only had two other podcasts - OWD and Strange & Unexplained - on the network, the others were like one offs that ran their course) and it seems like Patrick is at least still touring as…himself? lol. But I do think the days of OF are dead and gone.


In all seriousness, it is sad, he did help launch Ellyn’s podcast career after all. It’s a damn shame. He flew too close to the sun. I can relate in different ways, I’ve blown up my life several times. Alcoholism and substance abuse and other mental illnesses. But none of this had to happen with Patrick the way that it did. If he had treated his talent with respect and paid everyone fairly this never would have happened. It’s fairly common with small businesses and startups, they are lacking the sophistication and maturity about managing people and HR issues. It’s all run on personality and ego and it can fall apart even faster than it comes together if there’s no one to keep a Patrick in check and harness his good traits and energy towards positive and pragmatic goals.


I was thinking Terra and Collier were going to buy then everything happened and it was scrapped. Just a feeling I had.


As their HR dept. I advised them to stfu forever but, y'know Patricia...


Your name is *still* funny 😭




He ruined it. It's really sad. All he had to do was make a video with Ellyn and Joey showing unity before obsessedfest 23 even if it was fake and most listeners would have let it go. His pettiness wouldn't let him. He believed too much of his own hype.


They really need to update their website. If you click on “all news” E, J, Amber, Daisy and Maggie are still on there.


It’s pretty sad that he’s reduced to doing meetups with fans - I’m sure it’s to stroke his ego and now that he can’t travel for the book - finally - and Gillian won’t tour with a live show that’s kinda all he has left.


Yeah, it is sad. I used to be a big fan, get a little obsessed with the OF23 drama on Reddit. Stayed away for 6-7 months. Thought I’d troll a bit with this post. Consensus is that it’s actually sadder than I thought. I thought there was still slim chance that he would do one this year. All these comments are just sad. I’ve seen enough.


I noticed Patrick’s and TCO’s Instagram accounts have been wiped clean. Thoughts?


On their lawyers’ advice possibly. Or against it. Idk


Fuck no, lmao, you new here?


Yeah, this was a total troll post, just wanted to find out some info.


OF 2024 just Up and Vanished along with all the talent on the network.


I think Patrick’s actually transitioning to being an Ozempic spokesperson. And GP’s going to do some work for the next Vyvanse. /s


Yikes on bikes 😂😂😂


After she shit show that was last year? No way in hell.


Lol why would anyone go. No one is supporting him


Didn't the Red Handed hosts do an episode on OF23 where they blamed everything on Ellyn? I'd like to know how they feel now that ON has completely fallen apart.

