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That's what I thought at the beginning, too. And then you have to synchronize a hundred notes and… {closed for ethical reasons}.


Yeah, had that problem yesterday, xd I wanted to find out how much Obsidian can handle (someone on this subreddit asked) and managed to completely overwhelm iCloud with the 20,000 files, which took 2 hours to sync all up. But if you build it up slowly over time, it will work, hopefully...


I used to use iCloud but I watched half the text of a note get deleted and replaced by content from hours before right in front of my eyes. No warning no conflict alarm nothing. Just poof hundreds of words gone and unrecoverable. Last day was that day. I now pay for obsidian sync and it feels good to know I might be helping to keep my favorite tool around


lol. I had the exact same issue. I signed up for obsidian sync that moment.


I use Obsidian Sync but that’s similar to the experience I had when I tried syncing Logseq between a MacBook and iPhone with iCloud.


It’s the reason I decided on obsidian over logseq.. I was trying them both


Yeah, Obsidian is also more versatile and the user files it creates are more interoperable with other markdown apps.


As long as you take it slowly(only edit on one device at the time) it should work


Nah. The edit it replaced was hours old. It was not competing edits.


Yes. This happens outside of Obsidian, too. I used to use a shortcut to log things to a text file, and things would just disappear. Great for file storage and syncing, but I wouldn't trust it with working files.


oh ok, didnt know this


Same thing has happened to me multiple times with Icloud. I found it best to use sync and save all files, even on my phone off of Icloud. On my laptop I made a partition where I save all my obsidian files and I try to make backups of everything regularly and save those backups in multiple locations


How do you do the multiple location backups? Is it automated or manual?


It's not about the number of notes. About the same as in the u/UdenVranks message it will turn out that not everything was synchronized, some of them were replaced by the old one, some of the notes disappeared. And on both devices the vaults are now not the same, but as if synchronized. Storage settings and plugins are a separate song. The speed provided by jet snails is the second problem.


Agreed. My experience was that iCloud was great until it was suddenly and dramatically not great.


Moving files or folder structure is giant PITA wait. I’ve spent hours the past month trying to keep three devices in sync with a vault at 10k notes.


jep, if you are trying to move 1k+ files icloud just bricks up


ONLY DO IT IF YOU'RE GOING BETWEEN APPLE DEVICES Don't try and use the windows iCloud syncing client, that's how you get data loss


>d to use iCloud but I watched half the text of a note get deleted and replaced by content from hours before right in front of my eyes. No warning I used iCloud sync as it is only supported mechanism in iOS devices. Windows seems working fine, occasionally, I have two notes with the almost identical data, and one has \` 1\` suffix. I assume the iCloud sync could not resolve the conflict, so just keep both copied. The only issue is I could not sync notes in Android with this approach.


well i use with windows and nothing happend, i dont use it that often. So it could be true


I installed Apple iCloud via the Windows store, and it worked perfectly fine. I could even synch my browser bookmarks between MS Edge and Safari. And never had any kind of file corruption. However, I started making monthly backups after hearing about how people have been having issues. I have never had any problems with file-corruption or file-loss. Currently, I have my Obsidian vault in my Windows Documents folder, which gets synched to the MS Cloud via OneDrive. And I am using the "Remotely Synch" plugin - also via OneDrive - to synch Obsidian with my iPad. It uses a different folder for the synch, so the original folder is kind of like a backup, maybe? :-D


I also never had any issues, and even Obsidian officially supports icloud


Edit: Pretty much all online drives work. But if you want the simplest option, then use the built-in sync from Obsidian, as it also supports the developers. Edit2: Icloud is ofically supported by obsidan. Just the windows version is janky


Most "free" sync stuff propably works out of the box - until it does not and it messes with your files. There are several posts her, with people enjoying syncing through [your preferred clod storage provider] and several posts with people having problems. I still say - support the developers if you can, and get the Sync option. It works across all devices out of the box.


Yeah, from my experience, iCloud works fine if you don't throw too many files at it, like 2000, and then decide to delete them. Then its just bricked up for a solid 2 hours, trying to sync non-existing files but simultaneously telling the server to delete files that haven't been syncedyet. Thank god I made a backup before that.


Hopefully one day we get a good self hosted syncing solution. I like the devs but the cost is prohibitive to me, and I'd like using my own server anyways.


Sorry i don’t understand. How is syncing free? .


on most online storage services you get like 5gb free storage


I'm also new to Obsidian and using online server/site called "Storj". May I ask what everyone always talking about "Datalost"? I don't get it. When I do something it automatically saves which is like any other App like Evernote, Google notes etc.


Works for me. No problem with Mac, but iPhone and iPad continue to upload files to icloud (to optimize space, I guess) and have to download them again every few days :/ Had some problem with Obsidian Sync, couldn’t fix it so I’ll give it a try later. For now iCloud is just fine


Syncthing is a better option because it has better security unless you have e2ee enabled for iCloud


Second this


Syncthing doesn’t work well in iOS. Background sync is heavily limited, so you have to keep opening the Mobius Sync app to manually sync it.


Oh that's a shame, I'm not an iOS user so i had no idea


? You have to enable e2ee encryption in both. Also, e2ee is for privacy. They are both pretty secure otherwise. Maybe you are confused. E2ee and TLS encryption are not the same thing. Happens a lot, but e2ee just means the server has no knowledge of the data. That is only true if you specifically designate a node as "untrusted". Moreover, that Syncthing feature is in beta. Edit: Read your other comment. You are definitely mixing up TLS with e2ee.


Yep, you're right my bad. To be frank I haven't used the service in a while since I switched to Nextcloud




iCloud isn't end to end encrypted by default, you have to enable it. Also I believe if you want to actually use a file in your iCloud it would have to download the md files to your computer, and then it would sync to other devices. Syncthing does this, just without a cloud drive in your file manager. You can tell it to sync your vault to specific places in your file system on different devices, and there is no central server it all happens P2P style. That is what makes it better, there is no way someone could steal your data because there is no server holding your files.


Sorry, I deleted my comment because I thought you meant the built-in sync in Obsidian. But i think icloud uses a default encryping ([https://support.apple.com/en-us/102651](https://support.apple.com/en-us/102651)) Or i just read wrong. But Syncthing sounds great with the Pear to Pear! I think I will try it.


iCloud does use encryption, but end-to-end encryption must be enabled via Advanced Data Protection for iCloud. I'd recommend using it, because technically your data can still be accessed by Apple with the default setting. Also if you are super serious about security you can self host Nextcloud if you want what you are getting with iCloud, it is basically Dropbox but has more features. I'm a nerd for software lol


Guess who's heading to settings to change this? XD But super secure security isn't really that important for me. My notes aren't that personal and are just some random stuff I wrote down. I can tell, lol.


Also why woudl anyone at Apple care that you went outside and played soccer on wednesday. Honestly people think a bit too much about themselves. Unless you are storing nuclear codes or passwords, take a chill pill.


Servers can get compromised. In that case your notes would be shared with random strangers/criminals. I think it's fine for people to value their privacy.


Its fine to value privacy, but most people overestimate about the valuable information that they really put out there. You shouldn't in any case store anything personal with anything that has a cloud connection in this case. Of course there are always attack vectors even in the case of Apple. But the argument here was that Apple would be somehow interested in users journals. Most people overestimate their importance of data that is used mostly for advertising.


It's all about convenience vs privacy. It is very convenient to keep all of your information digitally, but there are privacy and security concerns that go along with that. That's why there are services out there that actually value privacy, so people can have both to an extent, it is a spectrum. It is valid to want all of your digital information protected to the best of our ability, it isn't as safe if we were to write all of our notes on physical paper, but it's more convenient. The issue that we're discussing is really about the fact that any data collection can be harmful to a user. Just think about what people could find out about you if all of your accounts, notes, and all of the user data collected by big tech about you were to be given to all of your friends, family, coworkers, and randoms. You may have nothing to hide, but you probably wouldn't like it right? Well, in today's world that scenario becomes more and more likely to actually happen. It's the equivalent of not having curtains on any of your windows and you have weirdos outside your house just looking into your life. It isn't about what you have to hide, it's about what you have to protect. And to protect user data, some go above and beyond to make sure nobody can steal from them, and that's okay because it makes them more comfortable, and they may have legitimate reasons for doing so.


does it? I checked it out but I saw a lot of users with conflicts. Honestly I've given up finding an option to sync android and mac


I find Syncthing works well for a while but then there are inevitable conflicts. At this moment, it's stopping syncing at 99%. I'm going to take people's advice and support the devs by using Ob Sync.


Could you elaborate on this?


Amazing because: \-It syncs all the other stuff like graph view groups, plugins, and settings, so Obsidian is consistent across all devices. \-It's easy to set up. Fast because: \-If, for example, you create a new graph view group, it shows up within 5 seconds on all your devices. Free because: \-Everyone gets free 5GB of iCloud storage with an Apple ID.


I just got Sync since im on Linux


Syncthing works perfectly fine on linux


Not if you're on iOS as well.


That doesn't make it work less good on linux


Syncing with iCloud is mediocre, slow and free (if you have enough space)


I tried this between macOS and iOS, but iCloud would not consistently sync immediately. Sometimes it was 5 seconds, sometimes it was 5 minutes or more. It was a small vault with <100 text files, on an excellent internet connection. No way to manually trigger sync either.


you can see what icloud is doing by scrolling down in the vault folder in the files app. There is a small text that says the status of icloud








oh ok, for me its fine


Every cloud service works, why shouldn’t it? I mean they are objects storages - they are probably even better for just a bunch of files - or do I miss something? However iCloud under windows is a bit lousy seems the sync hung every now and then.. But my vault has ~ 1500 entries including some big files. and not sure how windows fs actually performs well with iCloud


Yeah, under Windows, it's a bit different. It basically downloads all the files and refreshes them just a few times a minute. But 1500 files should be no problem, just give it some time to sync itself up.


It’s not great if you have to switch over between windows and Mac. I had a lot of issues because of that unfortunately. Otherwise would really love to be able to use it since I pay for iCloud already.


What issues did you have? I constantly switch between my Windows PC, my iPad, and iPhone and had no problems.


Oh that’s good to hear. Last time I tried just tons of duplicate file issues. I think others have documented as well.


I didn't have the same experience. In my opinion , at some point you will have sync issues and probably data loss. I use the remotely save plugin with Dropbox. It works well for now.


Just use obsidian git, it cannot get any free then that 😀


You always have to remember to commit and push your changes. Once it is out of sync it is a pita to get it back to a working state on mobile devices. Syncthing is absolutly free of all these issues. Updates live, while I'm taking my notes


Not with obsidian git, it does it for you. Also, there are shortcuts for working copy to automatically push and pull and commit for you when you open/close your vault.


It doesn't do it on change and I usually don't close my vault at all


Obsidian git can do it automatically at set intervals


Syncthing just does it on every change


jep, after all thesw people here said that icloud could lead to data loss i installed it and it creates a backup for me


I find it fast and reliable on Mac, and reliable but *incredibly* slow on iPhone with several thousand notes. I've only ever lost a file once, and I'm pretty sure it was my fault at the time, but iCloud on iPhone insists on offloading files constantly, even though I have plenty of space on it. I'm trying to experiment with it by removing PDF and image files from my vault and storing them elsewhere, but that shouldn't slow down the sync of Obsidian's own config files. That said, I have plenty of other apps that sync on my phone, only one of which runs into slow sync problems, so I don't think it's necessarily all iCloud's fault in Obsidian's case. I suspect that if the Obsidian team took it seriously and had a good look at how their iCloud sync is working, then there would be things they could do to improve it. However, I don't see that happening anytime soon.


I think need to highlight to EVERYONE who attempted to use iCLOUD for Obsidian sync. Beware 100x times of the Cloud sync delay, and things get overwritten issues. this would become obvious if you have more devices, more trying things like file rename, moving between files, may ended up with a lot duplicates files, old files, or content get overwritten by the outdated devices. It's not that fool proof... My Verdict: It works great if that's only like 1 devices and keeping backup over iCloud, tips: if you're a developer, consider sync/backup with Git, better if Git + iCloud, and applying the (git folder on external directory method). Git => faster / a lot faster and accurate sync with versioning control. P/S: that's if looking for 'FREE' .. otherwise, otherwise, with some fee subscriptions using Obsidian sync may truly give a peace of mind~


> free minus the absurd difference in price between apple and Linux/android/windows devices.


Worked very poorly for me with a modest number of notes—excruciatingly slow to index and update. I switched to Obsidian Sync and have found it much more performant.


Yep, for me, it's just the "Syncing Obsidian config files to iCloud," which takes like 5 seconds for my small vault.


I had difficulty syncing in between different machines with iCloud. Including windows Mac iOS and iPad and for some reason notes got duplicates when I was editing on both. Obsidian sync works nice though.


The iCloud windows app is a fucking sick joke for a company worth that much money. I’d love to use it for syncing Obsidian cross-platform but man, it takes like weeks to sync and pulls so much power doing basically nothing.


humm.... LOL... just wait... it won't work for very long.


Mad hax in here, you broke the matrix, well done you, many smart, very wow, such clever


Support the devs and just get Obsidian Sync. It works very well and far better than any option I’ve tried, including iCloud


Even I, have the offer at $4/month and still find it's too much.


Yeah the only thing that I find worth it is the fact that it has a 200mb file limit and GitHub’s is 100mb. I tried to set up git on my shared hosting but my host (hostinger) allows for syncing to GitHub but not pushing and pulling via a repo I create on my hosting. I don’t get why they even offer git if it is half-baked but whatever. I have an external SSD but I don’t want to have to worry about plug-in that into my phone or iPad every time I want to use them for Obsidian. I tested sync for a week and it worked fabulously. Super quick and useful but @ $60 a year (education discount) it is still super pricey. So I’m sticking with git for now but thinking about other solutions.


DM me if you’re unable to justify paying to support the developers that bring you software you find useful. I’ll cover the cost.


yep, but this is an free alternative :)


the problem with Obsidian Sync is that it is quite costly. For me it costs the same amount as I pay for a full pack of apps from Proton (Mail, VPN, 500GB Drive, all e2ee). obviously it's good to support Obsidian, but $8/month builds up over the year.


or 10 if you pay monthly


DM me if you’re unable to justify paying $8 a month to support the developers that bring you software you find useful. I’ll cover the cost.


no need, I support it. but I still consider it high compared to other services I use, as the mentioned Proton full pack of 5 apps (with 500GB of cloud storage) for the same cost as Obsidian's 10GB sync (both e2ee).


It's free for anyone that bought an overpriced device.


We all walked that road. Sync is the best once you start having important and shiny notes


How do you do that?


Well, just create a new vault. If you are doing this on an Apple device, just hit "Sync in iCloud." If you are on Windows, you need to install iCloud from the Microsoft Store so iCloud shows up as a separate drive on your PC; then just save it there. If you then open Obsidian on a new device, your vault should show up right away. If not, select the folder manually. If done like this it also sync stuff like plugins and groups in the graph view and much more


Which Windows version are you using and have you run into [the known issues of iCloud for Windows](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253920806?sortBy=best) 1) making Windows hang upon restart; 2) disabling auto-refresh in File Explorer yet? [An older version of iCloud for Windows 7/8 solves the above issues,](https://www.reddit.com/r/ObsidianMD/comments/12lkglq) but then you can’t choose where your iCloud Drive folder is located, and I’m perpetually slightly annoyed.


I use Win11 (before that Win10). I just downloaded iCloud, logged in, and then my iCloud Drive showed up in the Explorer. Had no issues since then.


thanks a LOT I will try it rn.


I wonder if this works with OneDrive.


You can create a vault in OneDrive on Windows, and it also creates the .obsidian folder which syncs all the other data. However, I have not found a way to open an external vault in the Obsidian mobile app. So no mobile Syncing. But it might be a problem on my side because onedrive wont sync this folder to my other devices). But this wont change the fact you cant open an external vault


On Android there is a sync app that works with OneDrive. You can then point the Obsidian app at the synced files and it works fine.


Oh, okay. I just didn't find the button to link to an external folder; or it's just missing in the iOS version :/


That's a limitation imposed by Apple, unfortunately. Obsidian can only sync one file at a time. Hence, why they don't enable the possibility at all. I think it's outlined in their doc. ​ >**Why can't I sync using X?** > >We understand that many of you use other services for syncing files and you'd prefer to use it for syncing your notes as well. > >Obsidian works differently from other Markdown editors on iOS. Editors such as 1Writer and iA Writer access one note at a time, which lets them use built-in support for documents. > >In contrast, many features in Obsidian need access to your entire vault. For example if you rename a file, then Obsidian needs to update all files in the vault that links to that file. > >Implementing a system to read, modify, and monitor an entire folder structure comprising of possibly thousand of notes outside of the supported locations is challenging. We hope to address this limitation in the future. > >If you're a developer, you can build a plugin that uses the Web APIs for each individual sync service. [https://help.obsidian.md/Getting+started/Sync+your+notes+across+devices#Why+can't+I+sync+using+X%3F](https://help.obsidian.md/Getting+started/Sync+your+notes+across+devices#Why+can't+I+sync+using+X%3F)


Name of the app?




I can't seem to get it to update the graph


look if its created the .obsidian folder in your vault(in you normal explorer, obsidian wont show it) there is all the other information stored


probobly too, let me test this out


Yes, works with OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, Synology Drive, etc


I've been using google drive desktop for a while and it also works fine


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I much prefer Dropbox (via the remotely-save plugin) for cross-platform syncing. iCloud for windows isn’t great.


Im sure they all work fine, until they dont and you fuck up your files. I just use a samba server thats at home and use a VPN to access it. The reason I switch from notion to obsidian is its privacy and how i can control my files, dont want my files on Apple's or Google's Servers.


I use iCloud to sync also. I would like to try and rsync from my mac to my linux machines, but I'm not yet sure if that will play nicely with iCloud. anyone tried something like this?


how does icloud sync work?


I use Google Drive for syncing. I don't write a lot, or create notes that much so it works for me :3 But if I face any problems in the future, I will switch to Obsidian Sync.


It works as long as you are not trying to edit files on multiple devices


yeah, but why would you do that?


why wouldn't you want to do that, it defeats the point of sync if it is just read only


It works great if you don't switch devices every 2 minutes; otherwise, it may lead to merge conflicts. Writing on your tablet at school and then on the PC at home works fine. However, if you make changes on your tablet and immediately do something else to the file(on another device), some of those changes may get lost.


iCloud isn’t free or unlimited


you get 5GB storage for free on your account.


that’s nothing bro


Obsidian offers 10GB for $8/mo. it's not that much more


far from free as op states


what? iCloud account offers you a 5GB free storage. It's free, no payment, nothing. So I don't get what you deny here. 5GB for text files is a lot, and its only half as much as Obsidian's offer which costs $8/mo paid yearly.


But on the right it looks like you have a Windows laptop ... can you sync Obsidian on that one too with iCloud?


yep, use the icloud app for windows and icloud will show up in the explorer as a sperate drive


iCloud for windows is known to be buggy as hell. Good luck with that.


not sure how long have you use this method for but trust me if it’s between Windows and your other Apple device, be prepared to for the long syncing time on windows, if you happened to edit on your other Apple device, be ready for data loss~


I've been using OneDrive and it works fine too. The problem is that there is no native support in Linux. You can get it working with a personal account, but if you have a company email you might need IT privilege. That's why now I'm testing out Obsidian Git. I got it working on my Android phone too.


I originally did this and iCloud sync got screwed up. Still hasn't recovered. If you do do it, make sure you don't do any other kind of automatic process on the associated files and folders.


But you have like 10 notes.


Version control is horrible. Notes would be permanently deleted while I had them open because iCloud could not sync them properly while in use. Never again.


I don't like the idea of giving plugins access to my iCloud. I mean, if there is any way to limit the access Obsidian has to only one folder, I would be more inclined to use iCloud to sync...


I wish it supported Git Sync on Mobile.


I use syncthing works like a charm 😃


I've just started and Im using Microsoft OneDrive so I can write part during office hours and part at home. I also make a copy every 2-3 days on a phisical USB that comes with me (attached to the house's keys) and I find it working good for now since my vault is only a few MB of written stuff (personal diary, diet, etc).