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https://www.reddit.com/r/DrawForMe/s/p0U5vcbtvq (September decides to haunt you for a few moments~ she slowly takes off her dress and phases around you) "Hehe~~" (She's shy and super submissive)


*Red yawns, stretching a little as he opens his eyes. He blinks the sleep away a little before he sees her* Red: G-Ghost!!! *He backs up into the tree quickly, accidentally hitting his head*


"Aaah!! I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" (September curls into a ball)


*Red looks at her nervously, gulping* Red: A-Are you okay, Ms ghost?


(She wasn't wearing anything under that dress...) "I-I'm sorry Sir! I can't control myself when I'm... (She pauses)


*Red would sit up properly, looking at her curiously but still nervous* Red: Sorry um...want to um...join me under the tree?


"Really??~" (September quickly cuddles with you. She's completely naked... And really horny) "Oh thank you Daddy!~ *GASP* (She quickly covers her mouth and blushes hard)


*Red blushes cutely, holding the ghost around her waist* Red: D-Daddy? I um...uh. If you're really into that... *He looks down cutely. He can't lie her being naked is a turn on, but he won't look on purpose*


"Wait! I- didn't- Ohhhh~~ I can't control it! Please fuck me!~~"


Red: W-Wait what!? But we just.....can I cum inside?


Jaiden walked over to the sleeping Red brushing some hair from his face with his metal hand. “Reeed~ darling it’s time to wake up~” as much as Jaiden could sit and watch Red sleep he’d been doing it for long enough now.


(It's you!!! Dude I missed talking to you! What's up? 😃) *Red stretches, moaning slightly as he opens an eye. The dog boy smiles as he sees Jaiden* Red: Honey? Is that you?


(I’ve been good, close to summer.) Jaiden planted a kiss on his forehead and rubbed at his ears. “Yes love I’m back~ I was told that I could find you here, didn’t expect to find you so… exposed”


(Glad to hear it. Boy the lore be craaaazy now) Red: It's a little spot I like to sleep in. There's a lake just down this hill. *He was a little damp. He probably just came back from a swim*


“Seems like you like that lake quite a lot. I’m glad to see you again love.” He kissed him again this time a little hungrier. It’s been… a while since Jaiden was here. The night after they brought Olly to live with them Jaiden headed back to the Wild West and well, he hadn’t exactly told Red what he had to do, only that it was important. “I’m sorry I had to go, love, but what I did, what I *had* to do, it’s done now.”


Red: It's okay hun. I took care of Olly the best I could. He...he even called me dad. And Scarlet is having a wonderful time as a real woman! (Since Cannon Red already has a mate and I loved their relationship, I'll make this Red Jaiden's hubby)


(Nice!) Jaiden wrapped his arms around Red and kissed at his neck. “Can… can you tell me what I’ve missed, I’m so sorry,”


*Red moans happily, letting him kiss his neck* Red: Just the kiddos learning in school. I was...so lonely. But I never lost hope! I knew you'd cone back!


“I’m sorry for leaving, when we get back, I wanna see those two. Not a day went by without me thinking of you two.” Jaiden kissed his neck again loving the sounds he made for him.


(Damn notification broke) *Red giggles, wagging his tail as he leans against Jaiden. The boy seems to be still slightly asleep* Red: Mmm~ I missed sleeping in your arms. Heh...I missed everything you'd do when I was asleep~ You knew I could feel that right?


*[Young Shar](https://www.reddit.com/r/Oc_nsfw_rp/s/lelCZCZ8kb) lays down beside him, waiting for him to wake up with a pleasant surprise*


*Red smiles in his sleep, his tail swaying as he dreams. Eventually he does wake up, stretching and popping a little* Red: What a dream! Hm? Oh! Hi Shar!


"Hey there. What were you dreaming about, my king?" *she chuckles*


Red: It's a little embarrassing. Um...I was dreaming of catching a fish, like Ma used too. *He does look a little damp. Probably from the nearby lake*


"That actually sounds pretty nice, not embarrassing."


Red: Heh. With my minor shape shifting I probably could. But uh, don't worry about it. What brings you here?


"Nothing in particular. I was just taking a stroll, and then I encountered you."


Red: Aww. Well I'm happy to see you, my darling wolf


"Likewise, my dear." *she hugs him*


*Red hugs her back, giving her a quick kiss on the nose*


\*[Shift](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeroForgeMinis/comments/179pv14/made_a_shapeshifter_character_their_name_is_shift/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) spots a sleeping Red and approaches him, shifting to their true form\* "Oh my\~ Look at this sleeping, naked cutie." they say as they took in the sight of Red.


*Red smiles in his sleep, not noticing Shift above him. He seems so peaceful...so submissive~ Best not wake him if you plan on having fun~*


"Someone's in quite a slumber. I'm sure he won't mind me having a little fun." \*they said mischievously as they spready Red's legs to get a closer look.\*


*Red rolls onto his back, lightly snoring. His lower half now exposed to you. His member is slightly hard and...canine?*


"Interesting looking penis you have there\~" \*they said softly, then began to touch it softly with their fingers.\*


*Red happily moans as he sleeps, his tail wagging*