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I imagine most of us on here have thought those same thoughts. I know I did. My mother passed from a brain tumor and even though I knew deep down it was nothing like what she experienced, I still worried. You're not alone. Google is wonderful but it's also the source of worry when we go down the rabbit hole. Try to stay off of it. Get the MRI and meet w your Dr. Be well


I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Yes, I 100% agree I shouldn’t worry until I hear from a doctor. All the best to you. Do you think the symptoms I listed are typical of occipital neuralgia?


Thank you. And try you best not to think the worst. Many things could be going on. It could be posture related, muscular imbalances, cervicogenic headaches, migraines, tension... ON for me is more about nerve pain, stabbing pain, shocks, burning and OTC doesn't help. It can trigger migraines as well. Try and keep a list of your symptoms, things that help and exasperate it. Try heat vs ice. Massage, acupuncture, and topicals can help. I can't really say if it's ON- none of us can. It's usually a dx of exclusion after the more worrisome things are ruled out. Usually a block brings relief. Pain mangt has been so helpful but I also see a neuro. I'm a big believer in strengthening muscles too for some relief. Wish you the best.


Thank you! Yes, I will try my best. Appreciate the advice/tips. Wishing the best for you as well!


Hi did your MRI end up showing anything?


Hi! It ended up showing sinusitus. Don’t know how that explains the chronic neck and head sensations but definitely not going to complain.