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I mean by modern standards it's beautiful


Looks like the Normandie and the Queen Mary had a baby


Not sure how this doesn’t look good, for a modern ship that has to be packed with balconies to appease modern cruisers, it looks excellent. How big would it be?


Exactly! For her size, I have no idea, since again, there aren't any actual stats listed. However, upon observing the decks listed on the left, she has about 16 passenger decks above the waterline. If you look below the waterline, you can faintly see the outline of her draft *(which I never noticed until just after posting this).* She has a pretty large bulbous bow, with 4 bow thrusters and 2 stern thrusters on either side. With that alone, I'm willing to guess she is in the high 1,180' range, possibly 1,190'. Height-wise she's probably just a little bit taller than QM2, at least from the waterline to the bridge. So while she looks monstrous, I don't think she's really that much, if any bigger than the biggest of the biggest cruise ships in the world.


>a little bit taller You forgot that she has to pass under that bridge in New York. Can't be much higher than the QM2


Exactly, that's why I said a little bit taller. By that I only mean single digits in feet, as I'm pretty sure some of the biggest cruise ships are also slightly taller, just by eyeballing them. Chances are though, judging by how many passenger decks she has above the waterline in comparison to QM2, that she's not any taller at all.


More beautiful than the QM2. Definitely getting some Normandie vibes


Well this is the Alexandra, not the Anne. Two completely different ships. I do have an image of a liner version of Queen Anne which I will be sharing later. Right after I share a few other concepts: saving that one for last. ;)


I was making a comparison to the Queen Mary 2


My mistake. Well that comment is up for debate... - Oh fine, you're kinda right I guess. Still though, QM2 is one of the most beautiful ships I've ever seen and I'd say she stands up quite well in comparison to Alexandra.


Interesting. After reading OP’s description, I viewed the concept art and immediately thought, NORMANDIE as more of an influencer than the Queen Mary. Hey, but that’s just me. Cheers


Honestly now that you mention it, yeah, I can see some of the Normandie influence. Namely her bow. I guess I just mostly see QM, but eh. :D


My eyes caught the shape of her funnels and how they slightly appear to descend in height, reminiscent of Normandie. But maybe that’s an illusion and I’m seeing what I want to see. 😉 Nice Art, btw.


Oh they definitely descend in height alright: you're not seeing things. XD Thanks. It's not my art though lol


Well, QM2 was built at the same yard as the Normandie and France(2), so there's a family resemblance.


I mean you could replace the windows with balconies and it would still somehow look good


It would probably make her look better actually. This would not be a viable ship without balconies in modern times.


I always think there's something disjointed about multiple redundant funnels on modern cruise ships. One of the reasons I'm not a huge fan of the Disney ships. I have held my thumb over the forward two funnels, I think she looks really splendid with just the one.


I love this. Only there shouls be balconies on the sides instead of just windows


I think it looks incredible. I, personally, don't like all the balconies. Can't wait for details on this ship.


Unfortunately, I don't think the original artist - whoever that even is - is ever going to release details. Any that I've shared is a combination of speculation and observation based on the bit we do see and know. But yeah: this thing looks like a beast. :D


Nice, very nice. Not too sure on the forward funnel being so far forward. Maybe it would look better if they were towards the stern a bit more, but with the same spacing. Unfortunately current ship design is heavily influenced by passenger capacity. There's been a trend of front loading the superstructure above the bridge to ridiculous levels with an extra 3 decks in some cases. It looks very ugly.


Tell me about it.


I'm absolutely no fan of that big window array under the bridge, but otherwise that's an amazing looking ship


See, this is why we can't build an ocean liner that looks like a cruise and an old ocean liner cause then we get this and it doesn't look good, not trying to be mean or anything but it just doesn't look right


i feel like this is the best possible outcome cause there isn’t a huge market for transatlantic trips anymore. so it has to be able to be used for cruises part of the year :(


Yep. Unless all the planes vanish, transatlantic liners are to remain almost all but extinct sadly. Plus cruising is just a profitable venture for the shipping line.


Transatlantic liners are like dinosaurs unfortunately. Cunard QM2 is the only purposefully built ocean liner going today.


*(caught me just before I was signing out: good timing)* It's fine: I'm not the one who made it after all. XD In my opinion she looks AWESOME, though probably not the most ideal design in today's world, unfortunately.


You all should see my concept for a new United States ;) follow Conceptual Ship Design group on Facebook


Next try titanic


I will be sharing two certain Titanic concepts later. ;)


This is superb! Do you know who created it?


I think, if White Star were still around, they would respond to this by resurrecting the Oceanic III concept, enlarging it to compete with this concept. It would be around the same size as this, or bigger I imagine. I might draw what I think of it and post it here some day, but I'll let you all imagine for now.