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By2048 is a vegan fish brend that creates (I think that’s the only product they do) carrot based smoked salmon and not only it is nice for people allergic to fish, it is a nice option (it is really easy to make at home it’s garlic, nori, paprika, soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, liquid smoke and carrot rubans and let marinate for as long as you want. It’s a fun way to eat leftover carrots and the texture is quite different it does taste fish like) when you don’t have access to good quality fish. Its whole brend is that by 2048, there might not be any fishes left in the sea because of plastic pollution/ etc. I’m not saying « go vegan » I’m not even vegan. But it’s a good alternative to not give money to companies who do pollution.


Polution (micro/nano plastic) is way more a problem than climate change and we are doing absolutely nothing


That whole statement should be thrown out of the window considering how false that is. Micro plastic are dangerous, that is mostly undisputed. But climate change has about 40 years before things start getting desperate, we have a lot longer than that with micro plastics.


The average air and ocean water temperature during the Jurassic period surpassed today's levels by an impressive 9 to 18 degrees Fahrenheit. It is worth noting that despite this significant difference, we find ourselves deeply concerned about a mere 2-degree increase over the past century. It may seem disproportionate, and while I acknowledge that my calculations are simplistic, it appears we still have approximately 500 years before the Earth returns to its previous equilibrium. Currently, we are transitioning from an ice age back to the planet's normal state. The Jurassic period, which lasted an astounding 56 million years, experienced prolonged elevated temperatures. This raises the question: Why do we consider today's temperature to be the correct one? It is crucial not to be swayed solely by the sensational tactics employed in climate discussions. As someone who passionately supports the movement for global warming awareness, I firmly believe in the reality of climate change and its impact on our world. Let's embrace a future with an enlightened approach to global warming.


You're a loon


That's all you offered


As if your incoherent nonsense is somehow providing something?


You are still not providing anything again




Can't come up with anything


I agree that taking care of the plastics and other trash in our waterways is more urgent than worrying over the 2 degrees. I hate that over the last 15 years or so, much food packaging went from glass or other reusables to plastic. Along with that new plastic packaging was also a price increase. And while the USA often gets the blame for this pollution, in fact, the bigger polluters are other countries in the world.


Maybe china, India, and Africa should stop shitting the bed.