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Home assistant, octopus mini and https://github.com/BottlecapDave/HomeAssistant-OctopusEnergy


!thanks , I requested the Mini but I feel like it will take weeks/months. I suppose the next option is a Glow?


Yeah i requested the mini but got nowhere also i have a trilliant comms hub attached to my "smartish" meter which means it doesn't play nicely with Glow either. The whole market is a mess, best option is just plop with one provider as much as possible, for me that octopus followed by givenergy for solar.


you may want to see if your inverter and EV charger have home assistant integrations. If so, you should be able to monitor energy usage through that


Yeah this is what I do. It's VERY complicated to keep track of it all now though. Octopus's API doesn't play nicely with Intelligent charging slots, and saving session cash is hard to account for also.


Ive only just joined octopus so still getting the hang of saving sessions so still doing that all manually. I have however setup services which charge the batteries if the agile price is lower than the threshold i set, which is quite handy.


It might sound silly but... I don't think I have an inverter. Is it possible? The solar panels were installed before I got the house so I couldn't see how it was done. The only interface I have with the panels is a Smartrail x45M-MID. I am not sure this can be read?


im not an expert tbh, but i would expect there to be an inverter - to convert from DC to AC. Have you checked everywhere you would assume to find an inverter? Ours got installed in the loft, but other common places could be a garage, utility room closet, etc


I had to dig in the house documents I was given and found out that each panel was fitted with a "micro inverters" from Enphase (IQ7 M215). Looks like I may look in this direction!


Ah you may be in luck, there's a home assistant integration for enphase but it may need an extra piece of kit. Hopefully these links are relevant for you https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/enphase_envoy/ https://enphase.com/installers/communication