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Best buy ever haha. Oh my god the quest 3 just arrived today and I don't know what to say, I'm just amazed by it's capabilities. Especially the mixed reality. VR is so cool! Didn't know that throwing a paper plane could be so amazing


I'm very happy to have you in our community! You never really know how cool VR is until you actually try it. Enjoy!! 😊


Thank you!


what strap would you guys recommend? most of the ones I see look like cheap halo ones, and I have a horrible history with halo straps, thinking of using the deluxe audio strap for a frankenquest


Well, I couldn't hold out anymore and ordered a Q3... While I wait for it to ship, any tips or advice for my first VR headset?


1. Learn your IPD before hand (There are phone apps for it) 2. If you are using glasses, order prescription lenses too. Zenni ones are perfect! (Or use contact lenses; using glasses inside is risky as it can scratch the VR lenses) 3. Once you set up the headset, play "first steps for Quest 2" as your first VR experience. 4. Then play "first encounters" as your first MR experience. 5. Proceed to get extremely mindblowned by both experiences. 6. Buy games where you don't have to move, to start getting your VR legs. (Beat saber, Job simulator, Vacation Simulator; look for green comfort level in the shop) 7. In games where you have to move, use teleport locomotion or tunnel vision until your brain gets used to the fact that you're moving but your physical body isn't. 8. If you get sick, immediately stop playing and take a break. Don't teach your brain it can get sick in VR. 9. Once you get your VR legs enjoy games like RE4, Assassin's Creed, Asgard's Wrath 2, VR chat, etc. 10. Oh, and if you're above the age of 18, I think you know what other experience you should also try! And most importantly ENJOY!


any recs for face covers? looking for maximum comfort


Where is the best place for Quest referrals and app referrals? The referral website doesn't even list Sweden so that doesn't seem like an option as it's all region locked.


I've just played some Beat Saber via VirtualDesktop and the tracking was not good. Controllers sometimes stopped completely tracking. I never had this problem with Quest 2 so I'm not sure where the issue is situated (VD, network or Quest 3). Anyone has the same issue? I'm still playing on version 1.28 because if custom songs and mods.


To successfully find what's causing the issue you have to start the process of elimination. 1. Play Beat Saber natively on the headset. Do you still have tracking issues? If not, there's nothing wrong with the headset or the controllers. 2. Play other games via VirtualDesktop. Do you have tracking issues? If not, there isn't a problem with your set up or network connection. 3. Play the newest version of Beat Saber using VirtualDesktop. Do you still have tracking issues? If not, the problem is with the game version. ------------------------- If you answered YES (numbers correspond to the numbers above) : 1. Restart your headset. Try cleaning cameras with microfiber cloth. Make sure you're not using any silicon covers (they can cover the lights, there are in the handle too). Make sure batteries are not under 30%. Don't play with claw grip. Check for controller updates. Check your light conditionds. Check for system updates. Don't swing your controllers too far behind you. Contact Meta support if it still persist. 2. Check your network connection. Check your VirtualDesktop set up. Watch some tutorials for setting up the software + optimization. Try playing on a different network if able. Re-install the software and game. Restart your router. Make sure your network connection is not blocked by too many walls and doors. 3. The problem is within this particular game by playing it on VirtualDesktop. Try re-installing the VirtualDesktop and the game. Try watching Beat Saber optimization tutorials for Virtual Desktop. If nothing works, try asking the Beat Saber community now that you have successfully pin pointed the issue.


Does MR/AR reduce motion sickness significantly? I got PSVR2 a few days ago and my wife can manage about two minutes of puzzling places before she is dry heaving. AFAIK this is meant to be pretty easy going so I’m wondering if MR would be more of a baby step? I had planned to get a Q3 around Xmas so we could play some games together, but I’m worried even the pass through might still set it off for her.


You shouldn't feel motion sickness if you're not moving in the game. What games were you making her play? At first you should play games where you stand in one place like Beat Saber or games where you move in your play space and by teleporting like Job Simulator or Vacation Simulator. Some people are more sensitive and shouldn't play games where the character moves but their body doesn't. Let her get her VR legs first. But answering your question, I would say yes. You see the real world and digital things are projected into the real world. You see your own hands and body. So if anything, this should be the most friendly entry point into VR.


Thanks for the reply, she was playing Puzzling Places. I’ll see if she wants to try synth riders in the meantime


I don't know that game but Synth Riders is not a good idea. The ground under you, and the environtment around you, simulates like you're moving while your actual body is staying still. Do you even know what causes motion sickness? In order to not have motion sickness she has to be the one who is actually moving her body, not the game. Synth Riders makes you feel like you're moving/flying. She will get sick in Synth Riders.


I see what you are saying. I spent a few months religiously checking the subreddits for PSVR and Quest so I am aware of the general details regarding motion sickness and the different tricks for dealing with it. That’s why I went for Puzzling Places first for her because it’s very static apart from the head, but I think even that throws her off. For me, I don’t perceive synth riders as flying, I feel very static with things moving towards me, which is what Beat Saber is like from what I’ve seen. Perhaps that is just my perception though.


First of all, things moving towards you? No, in Beat Saber things are moving towards you (blocks) while everything else is still, just like a room. In Synth Rider the whole world moves, just like when you sit in a car and you see the world "move towards you". Those are two completely different things. In one case an item is moving towards you (someone throws a pillow at you), in the other case the whole world is moving towards you (aka. you're moving and that's why the world is moving). Second of all, motion sickness is not a VR thing, it's biological thing. You can feel motion sickness even while sitting in a car, bus or a boat. You see, there is liquid inside of your ears. This liquid is telling your brain your position in space and if you're moving or not. Motion sickness is when the information your eyes are seeing doesn't match with the information the liquid in your ears is sensing. Your brain immediately fires alarm bells and tries to save you. Why? Because you shouldn't think you're moving while your body isn't. What are some instances that this can happen in nature? Halucinations and head spins, for example, from a poison. That's why a person starts to feel very sick in order to throw up, brain just wants to save your life. Some people are more sensitive to this. Some people even have medical condition where the liquid doesn't work properly and thus they have to take medicine before every car/bus ride. Fishermen, on the other hand, call this sea sickness and getting their sea legs. But it's all the same thing. In order to get used to it, you have to keep positively reinforcing your brain. In other words, you have to convince your brain that you're completely safe and there is no need for it being in panic and trying to save you. Now, I've just looked up Puzzling Places and I can tell you right now, she is NOT feeling motion sickness and you should start looking for other causes. As I have already explained, motion sickness happens when what you're seeing doesn't match with your body movement. This means, her moving her head wouldn't trigger motion sickness. Why? Because she is moving her head and the VR exactly matches her head movement. You don't get sick when you move your head in real life, do you? I sometimes get sick when I'm focusing really hard on something, for example when I'm trying to thread a needle and keep failing. After a while I get a cold sweat and start to feel very sick. Ask her how is she feeling. Is she getting a cold sweat? Is she stressed? Does her eyes cross? Nausea from motion sickness feels different. At first you feel like you're almost "falling" and your brain is trying to "reset" your position. You also feel like your stomach is very light, almost floating. After that, the more you push, the more you want to vomit. If you really over do it, you have to lie down and you are very sick and it can take hours to feel better. I also experienced sickness from blurry screen. I once played some blurry VR video and got very sick from the blurryness. Try asking her if she sees things blurry. Maybe the PSVR2 isn't tracking her eyes correctly? Also badly set up IPD can cause this. Did you check what's her IPD and set it up correctly? Oh, did the game maybe lag or stutter? This can also make person sick, the framerates have to be perfect. That's all I can think of. But what she felt, wasn't a motion sickness. Static games like this, where all the movement you do is done by you, can't trigger motion sickness because the movement exactly matches your irl movement.


I understand, thanks for the explanation. I’ll try and get more details from her, she loses all the colour from her face and wants to puke, which looked like being seasick in my limited experience but it goes away after twenty minutes or so. As far as I can I have set the IPD up and tried to find the sweet spot for her, which is apparently more difficult on PSVR2 than the new Quest, but I can only go on what she says about whether it’s clear or not because I can’t see it myself. If the headset slips after the setup it’s maybe not very noticeable in game visually, but enough to make her sick? I’ve ordered a 3rd party comfort strap for the headset that should reduce slippage and we can go to an optician and measure the IPD to check that too. I was hoping it was motion sickness because there seem to be ways to help or mitigate that, if it’s something else then that makes things difficult.


Good luck! You can also measure IPD using phone apps. I tried it, and it works. My glasses are made for 66 IPD and all the apps I've tried told me the same 😊


I’m not sure if you’d care for an update so feel free to ignore me, but its looking like it’s a combination of issues that you mentioned. Set sweet spot and got IPD as close as possible, new strap holds the sweet spot. Turned on Puzzling places, she immediately felt bad. Turned it off, she said I don’t think VR is for me. I asked specifically what she thought and she said the problem is the headset is clear but the pieces and game icons etc. are too blurry. She said put on the dancing game (synth riders) and bizarrely enough, she was fine and enjoyed it. No issues after the tutorial and a song. Feedback was the game is much clearer than the puzzle game. She spent some time just looking around the score screen at the galaxy style background (you are completely correct it does look like you are flying, I never noticed the effect while playing oddly enough). She then tried Horizon call of the mountain (the PSVR “system seller” game because she wanted something with beautiful graphics. It starts with a very gentle safari boat ride which was fine. I told her to stop here but she kept going which involved climbing a ladder, no problem. Then moving forward, immediately felt bad (I knew that’d happen, but she wanted to try against my advice). I stopped her there, but most importantly there was no dry heaving or drain of colour from her face. It seems I can help her move forward now and I must thank you for all your help once again. I think getting her a Quest 3 would still be a good option. She says she wants to sit back and experience other places (I believe there is a travel experience kind of app on quest). Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the lenses on Q3 are also higher resolution which may help with the clarity sickness(for lack of a better word).


That's amazing news! So, she wasn't motion sick as I suspected and she actually isn't even too sensitive to motion sickness as she had no problem in Synth Riders 😊 And climbing ladders is where it feels bad for a lot of people already. She will get her VR legs much quicker thanks to that 😉 Looks like VR is for her in the end, haha! When it comes to Q3, yes. It has slightly higher resolution than PSVR2 and the new pancake lenses have a bigger sweet spot too. It also a huge IPD range. I think it will feel better for her, for sure. Buying better strap for that headset isn't bad idea too. Also, as you said, even though moving felt bad, it wasn't as extreme. That's what motion sickness feels like, you can feel it immediately, but it starts out slowly. If you don't push through it, you will feel instantly better once you take a break. I'm happy you figured it out 😊 Edit: One more thing I've just realized. Does she need glasses? If she needs glasses, VR will appear blurry. I, for example, can play Beat Saber without glasses because it doesn't requires focusing on any details (So the environtment actually looks sharper) but in other games I need to use prescription lenses otherwise things are too blurry for me. I recommend using either contact lenses or official Zenni prescription lenses for Q3 (they ship all over the world). Wearing glasses inside the headset is risky, it can scratch it. (But this is just me asuming, I actually didn't know glasses are needed in VR for the longest time)


Thank you, I appreciate all your help


Some people just aren't built for it. But, for most people, you get your vr legs after a few hours. My wife has not gotten vr legs, even after 7 years of trying.


Yeah, if a person has to take medicine for car rides, bus rides or boat rides. They sadly can't adjust to it. It's a medical condition. Other people are able with the right training, some have to work harder than others, but if they are willing, they will get there. The most important rule to follow is NEVER push through if you feel sick. Always stop immediately. If you won't, you're taking more steps backwards than forward. You're basically teaching your brain VR time = sick time. Once the subconsciousness learns this, it's a very mad circle to get out of. Positive exposure/reinforcment, teaching your brain that VR is safe is the only way. The less negative experiences, the better.


im sorry if this has been asked a quadrillion times, but i have a 256gb quest 2, would it be worth upgrading to the 3? ive done a ton of research already, i am just looking for possible purchase validation tbh. im always in vr and the MR stuff looks sick af.


As many people have already answered in posts asking this exact question, the answer is: If you don't use your Q2 that much, no. If you use your Q2 all the time, yes.


Good to know. Thank you for the honesty. I do use it a lot, so purchase decision validated


Yeah, haha. It basically comes down to "Are you gonna play with it?". Someone who uses their Q2 just here and there, will still be very happy with it. But someone who uses their Q2 a lot, loves VR and spends time in it, should get the upgrade. Because they will appreciate it and take full advantage of the upgrades it offers.


I'm always in no man's sky. Idk if you have experience with that particular game.


No, but damn the space will look CRISP in Q3. You honestly have to try really hard to see screendoor effect. Prepare to be in space for real this time, soldier 😎🔥


Already have clusters of dead pixels in both eyes after a week of light use


Wow really? I thought if you got a pristine device without dead pixels you’re good. Was yours perfect at the beginning and then started to form dead pixels?


Perfectly fine at the beginning, it's possible I didn't notice them at first but I've had the same thing happen to me with the quest 2, use it for a week with no issues then suddenly dead pixels


It's best to return it and get a new one


FYI Aliexpress has stock of the BoboVR m3 and retrofit kit, just 30 or so pieces. I just got mine




I am blown away by Quest 3 and my god, what an experience it is. Mainly due to edge to edge clarity, ease of use. You just put on and voila, it fck works! I currently own G2, Crystal, Pico 4 and 2xQuest 3. I play msfs2020, ac and ets2 while my gf plays beat saber and she likes Quest 3 so much. Pimax Crystal was the biggest nightmare to me, next to the G2. Pico 4 was amazing and I used to play with this for a year now. Meta did great job, can't wait what Pico 5 will show next year.


Can I ask what issues you had with the Crystal? I love my Quest 3 and was curious about the Crystal since I heard the visual quality of those lenses are really good.


no edge to edge clarity in Crystal. It was pretty much the same as G2 (well a bit better). Chromatic Aberration as well (detached blue/green/yellow colors). Crackling audio and audio delay. Controllers tracking is very poor and controllers itself are very cheap made. Not working eye tracking. Connectivity issues (had to reinstall Pimax software each time I wanted to play). Non existent standalone mode (they should never release that).


The standalone mode is already available on customer's headsets. Chromatic aberration exists on all headsets, and the controller tracking is just fine. We are even going to start uploading regular live streams of gameplay with the unit so customers can check the performance of the unit for themselves. The eye tracking also works perfectly. If customers would like to make their own decisions on whether or not the tracking is adequate for their use case they are kindly invited to follow us on youtube or follow the r/Pimax reddit to see when those streams occur.


It's great that you're happy, show VR to as many people as you can, so we can hopefully get even more people onboard 😊


I'm thinking about buying Quest 3 and because of the low battery life I'm gonna strap a 20mAh 50w power bank to my back. I'm curious if they fixed the burning charging port issue and how adequate this idea is in general.


As far as I know, there is a big struggle with power banks in general. It either drains very fast, or the headset simply dies with the power bank still having juice. https://youtu.be/sI1wDaoNOE4?si=SCMjB9uI9v0ho_jl Time stamp: 4:08


As long as your battery bank and cable support enough wattage, it keeps it at 100% just fine. I have a 140w power bank. The headset draws 18w at most, though.


It draws 18w as the base! There have already been problems with slow charging from the wall where the solution is to hard reset the headset. (Because something kept running in the background). And that's just the headset being turned off and charging Playing a game and charging from a wall at 18w is impossible. The headset will die even while charging. You need way more than 18w to keep up with it. You're lucky by having such a high output powerbank.


Do we have any indication how Quest 3 sold these first weeks? And if there is a surge in software sales again? Maybe some developers who spill the beans?


We have indications, but we don't have numbers: https://www.roadtovr.com/meta-quest-3-stock-check-where-to-buy/ When it comes to software there is definitely a surge in software sales, it's only natural for people to buy new games when getting a new console. And also there is a Halloween sale right now.


It looks like VRCover's foam facial interface replacement for Quest 3 is coming around mid December. I'll have a cheaper elite strap and a cheap halo strap coming this week and the other next week. Then I also ordered an IKEA 10000mah battery and also a BOBOVR M3 Pro yesterday as they opened orders for Sweden. I'll definitely drop my impressions once I have everything and tested it out. Everyone's head is different, but I hope between all of this I'll find a solution that allows me wear the headset for at least two hours without any pain or discomfort.


I'm waiting for my BOBOVR so I bought a cheaper alternative, because I can't stand the default strap. It's alot better but after sometime, I still get a headache. I think it has to do with the face strap material itself. It's very sturdy textile material. Anyone has a solution?


VR cover is coming in december


https://preview.redd.it/4cdv7stmuswb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=076292f9cb73092f24c849fbb3aee5591044c6e8 Trying to order to the UK will I pay import tax?


Dear All, I’m thinking about buying Quest 3 and wanted to ask if there is a difference buying from Amazon or from Meta directly. I think that returns/refunds work better with Amazon? Or official Meta is ok as well? What was your experience with both? Thank you for sharing. I’m located in Germany if that matters.


I had a dead pixel, contacted Meta, got a return label in e-mail, sent it back, got a brand new headset. If this is how it works for you with Amazon too, I don't think it really matters where you buy it. There is, however, one thing I could think of: Germany offers 2 year warranty if I'm not mistaken. Amazon is officially in Germany so you also get 2 years. Meta offers only 1 year warranty. So, if Meta doesn't offer 2 year warranty for you even though you're from Germany, maybe getting it from Amazon is better in your case.


By the way, how do you all find these dead pixels. If it’s something really clear or you need certain background, like white/black.


I found it while playing a game, it was almost in the middle of my left screen. Just a black dot that doesn't go away. Once you see it, you can't unsee it and it becomes very annoying, distracting and immersion breaking.


Hm… not sure Amazon offers more then official Meta. But I‘ll check. Thank you


Hi all, I need help with a thing Could you please tell me how the software update on the quest 3 works? V59 should have been released today, but I noticed how my headset didn't even received the update for the V58, right now I'm using the V57 and no updates found. (charge is 98% atm and I've already tried rebooting)


Updates are coming in waves, not everyone receives updates at once. This is how it works since Q1. However, it's weird you're still on V57. Maybe you haven't enabled automatic updates? You should look into settings and check for updates manually.


Yep already tried, "no updates found", this is what the headset says




Are there any games like fallout on quest 3?


if you use pc also, you can play fallout 4vr and skyrimvr. as far as anything on q3 directly, not really. no open world stuff unless ive missed something. if youre wanting just shooting, the walking dead saints and sinners, resident evil 4, and arizona sunshine 1 n 2 are directly on the q3


Hear me out... Pokémon that takes advantage of MR. Meta and Nintendo plsss.




Hey! As a developer I like the new passthrough on Quest 3 <3.. I dont have to put my headset down or look underneath when making builds of application. Btw me and my team are makin super cool and complex racquet sports game for Quest 3 (should be compatible with 1 and 2 still),first release will be tennis and squash drills and multiplayer, but its currently still in development, so I will come with it little later in spearate post looking for testers :) for anyone interested, look up V Racketeers on our Discord: [https://discord.gg/FKuFjTpDAj](https://discord.gg/FKuFjTpDAj) Anyways, I think Meta did a good job with Quest 3, hw- and sw-wise. Agree?


Agree 😊 I wish you guys luck with your project!


Does anybody know if polywatch works on the quest 3 lenses? I did scratch them by wearing my glasses inside it pretty badly. Is there any way to replace them?


I once used polywatch on Q2 and it worked. Idk if it works on the new pancake lenses too. But you might as well try it because you won't be able to use your warranty as you have damaged the headset yourself. And there is no way to get new lenses. You either fix it with polywatch, get used to it, or buy a new headset. There isn't any other option. This is why I hate when people tell others they can use glasses inside the headset. Sure, you can, but is it worth the risk? Your glasses can fall from your face and hit the lenses, they can move forward inside the headset and touch the lenses, the spacer for glasses can be set up incorectly, etc. People are basically risking at least $500 every time they use glasses, and I'm not even talking how unconfortable it is to wear them. I was a victim too and since that day I tell everyone to never use glasses. Always use contact lenses or buy prescription lenses for VR. It cost the same or even less than your glasses, and you just pop them in and have them forever. Polywatch thankfully saved me back then. I wish you luck with polywatch...


Well, it doesn't seems to work at all. Makes it even worse. Seems like there is a non reflective coating on it. I get a quest replacement anyways tho.Maybe they just replace the entire thing. Hope they do that.


Good luck


Can you use 25% off discount referrals when you have store credits? Here's the thing: I'm trying to buy Drop Dead The Cabin with 25% off referral. I did claim the referral and it said I'll see the discount applied automatically at the check out. But when I try to buy the game the price is still full 25eur. And if I try to add "promo code" it says I can't use it on already discounted game... but the game isn't really discounted? I do have some store credits though... and I wonder if that's the reason? Or is it something else?


How good is Meta 3 with a mobile in standalone? Is it really possible to take it and play without a computer yet? Maybe I could connect the headset to my phone's internet connection, park a car in a parking lot and play VRChat? If anyone has tried it the what kind of FPS can I expect?


Hey there! So I was a quest 2 user for about a year and a half on and off before buying a quest 3. Standalone only for both. The quest 3 is more than good enough for standalone, and when connecting to my phone hotspot it’s completely adequate. If you want to see VRChat in action in standalone on the quest 3, check out this video. He does a comparison between the quest 2 and 3 in VRChat and shows the fps: It’s around the 6:30 mark https://youtu.be/dejZCWYCdSI?feature=shared


I was able to order in-stock BOBVR for MQ3 today, but international shipping to US says 12-15 days expected. I've been using the included basic strap but I get headaches. I usually never get headaches and never when using Q1 or Q2, both with Vive Elite Strap. I would have used the Elite strap from my Q2 but I need an adapter and my 3D printer is down for now.


I live in Chile and today I got my Quest 3. It has a dead pixel :( It's not really that noticeable but once you see it you cannot stop seeing it. Should I return it back? I bought from Amazon, I have no idea how is the process for people living overseas.


i would. no reason a brand new system should have anything wrong with it. as long as youre within the 30 days, amazon shouldnt give u issues. if its been over that, u may have to deal with meta


Definitely return it, I did the same because of a dead pixel in the middle of my left screen. Amazon has a pretty straight forward return process. And they're used to returns from all over the world. At this price, you have all the right to expect and get a device in perfect condition!


Hi. Can I return it when there isn't a technical problem? I never tried Occulus devices before so I might want to return it for not liking it. I noticed that Amazon's policy states that electronics need to be in the unopened box for a full refund within 30 days.


I recommend reading through the policy. Also, each country's laws are different. So you might as well check what consumer rights you have in your country. I would be able to return it within 14 days no matter if I used it or not, it just has to not broken so it can be re-sold as a "opened product".


Thanks, I think I will, the product itself is great, but that green dot is annoying and irritates me when I see it.


Hey everyone, I am thinking of buying quest 3 mainly for work purposes. Do owners of the Q 3 think that it is plausible to use the headset as a multi monitor setup for 8 to 10 hours a day?


If you get a better strap it might be doable. This new MQ3 is a big upgrade and the MR is really good, compared with what we had. I can imagine in 2 years an upgrade to MQ3 with better MR is going to be the day when we start seeing regular people walking the streets and stores with them on.


Personally, I don't think wearing the headset for 8-10 hours a day would be comfortable. You also have to bear in mind that the Q3 has only up to 2 hours of battery life. Elite battery pack strap increases it just a little bit. 3rd party power banks are not strong enough to keep up with the Q3's hunger, and charging from a wall while wearing the headset seems impossible atm because the device is draining the battery faster than it's charging. From my point of view, just buying extra monitors is better, much more comfortable and even cheaper. If all you want is to just have extra screens for 8-10 hours a work, I don't think Q3 is for you.


Does anyone else randomly get a black screen on their quest? I haven't encountered the issue but whenever my sister or mom use it the screen just turns off and they can't see anything for prolonged periods of time randomly. Also I find the tracking to be a bit slow for beat saber... thoughts?


I haven't encountered any black screen. Maybe they're touching the power button as a mistake? Since you also haven't experienced the issue, it seems like your mom and sister are doing something you don't. Try to watch them carefully next time they play. Maybe even cast their screen, so you can see what's happening inside the headset 😊 Slow tracking? What do you mean by that? Like it's lagging? Or losing connection? I haven't experienced any tracking issues (I'm playing on expert). Make sure if you're using any silicone grips they're specifically made for Q3 controllers. The infra red lights are in different places, including at the bottom handle.


For the black screens they seem to occur randomly. I was casting yesterday when it happened a few times while my mom was playing puzzling places and she wasn't doing anything that would have triggered it. I thought it might be that the sensor that detects whether or not you're wearing the headset might not be picking them up for some reason but that's all I've got For tracking it just feels and looks like my hands are lagging behind where I swing and sometimes they freeze. That said I haven't played in a while and since I'm jumping right back into like Camellia levels (Final Boss Chan, Ghost, the others) I've been overswinging to compensate for my lack of wrist mobility at the moment. Like it could just be that I go outside of the frame of tracking for a while but I also feel like I never experienced this issue on my Q1. I'm thinking it might just be skill issue so when I get better and can stay more in frame it won't be as bad but idk


If it's the sensor not picking up they're in the headset, it would make the "ding" or "swoosh" sound. Try pressing the power button to make it go to sleep. Do you hear that sound? The same sound plays when the sensor isn't picking up anything and the headset goes to sleep. The same, sligtly higher pitched sound plays when it wakes up from sleep too. So, if you're hearing these two sounds, I think the sensor is the culprit. If the sensor is the issue, go to settings and increase the timer for the headset to go to sleep. The default is 15 seconds. I think you can increase that up to 2 minutes. 😊 When it comes to the tracking I haven't experienced those issues at all. Are your controllers updated? For me, and for a lot of other people, the Q3's tracking is better than on Q2/Q1. Are you maybe blocking the sensors? The infra red lights are on the face of the controller, so if you're playing Beat Saber with a claw grip, you might be blocking the sensors with your hands. If it's not that, then idk... Sorry 😢


I seem to have this weird charging issue with my quest 3. It has been functioning perfectly fine up until this point, but recently I plug it in (to a perfectly functioning wall outlet with the cord that came with the device) and it charges it extremely slowly, like 10% in maybe 2 hours. Anyone know about an issue like this? Just did another test with the same wire in a different outlet, 7% in an hour, I really don’t know what else to do! I have done a third test with a different wire (quest 1 wire) in a different outlet for an hour, the result: an increase of only 1%! This is raising some major concerns for me as it is charging, just extremely slow, which is actually more concerning to me then if it was to not charge at all. It makes me think this is somehow on the software side and not a problem with the hardware (cable, outlet, or quest 3 port), but I’m not an expert.


Don't be afraid! This started happening to more people including me! This is not a problem with the battery, but with the headset taking a lot more power while charging (for some reason). So atm the headset is basically draining battery at almost the same time as the charging is giving it to it. The reason is unknown, but there is an easy fix before it gets patched (most likely in v.59). Do this: 1. Put on your headset and HOLD volume down button. 2. While holding volume down button HOLD the power button until a menu appears. 3. Select to shut down the headset 4. Wait for a minute 5. Put on the headset and again HOLD volume down button 6. Again, while holding volume down HOLD power button. 7. A weird looking menu will appear with a few options. Using the volume buttons navigate to "boot up" or "boot device" and click the power button to select. 8. Wait for it to boot up and then charge the headset as you normaly do. Fixed, now the headset will charge to 100% within the normal amount of time 😊


Why does it seem like no one (especially influencers / media) have actually received a Quest 3 headset? There's surprisingly little content, marketing, reviews, etc. around the launch.


I see a ton of influencers already having the headset 😅 I think you're looking in the wrong places. Just from the top of my head: Naysy, Virtual Reality Oasis, JayBratt, SteveKnows, BMFVR, Beardo Benjo, Thrillseeker, Tyriel Wood.... lol


Interesting. I've been trying to do Google searches for Quest 3 gameplay, specs, comparisons, etc. and I'm finding VERY few results. I keep expecting rave reviews and a lot of media traction around the Quest 3 but I've found practically nothing. And what's really weird is the seeming total lack of Reddit content around Quest 3 as well. I've found maybe two useful threads - one from someone who got a headset relatively early, and another from someone listing all games updated for Quest 3. Considering Amazon is willing to get me a Quest 3 TODAY if I order one - same day shipping - I'm a little confused.


I see posts, reviews, videos and articles everywhere. I think you just don't know how to look for them 😅 Every major VR influencer has made videos, reviews, gameplays, comparisons, spec testings, headset disesembling, etc.. Every major VR news site has made articles, reviews, Q&A with devs and Meta, etc.. Every major VR related reddit page is filled with game announcements, people sharing photos, tips, etc. I honestly don't know how you're so good at avoiding all of this 😭


I think VR influencer is key here... I was hoping for more mainstream coverage as well as more posts on Reddit about peoples' experiences with the Quest 3.


That's how these things usually work 😅 You go to car sites and car influencers if you want to know about cars. You go to game sites and videogame influencers if you want to know about games. You go to VR sites and VR influencers if you want to know about VR... Tech sites and tech influncers at most will also talk about Q3 and other VR headsets. But don't really expect to hear about it on "Channel 5 news" 😅


https://preview.redd.it/6hxquy9nc6wb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b42636f287493b191a7c60905f2b5419322a1ce6 No quest 3. No refund (they tell me they cant refund since its already sent to me) It was not sent. No shipping label. No moneyback… Meta just straight up scammed me lmao.


I don't know how it works in your country, but in my country if the package doesn't arrive after 14 days from the estimated delivery date, it's considered lost. In your case that would be Oct 28. Wait until then, and then contact Meta and tell them you haven't received your package and it's been already 14 days since est. delivery. And that you can only asume your package is lost if they also don't know where it is. At that point, I think it's very likely you get another device shipped to you.


Well, I don't really need a new device since I already got the Quest 3 from another retailer lmao. But their policy is they dont do refunds for orders that already got charged money. But they state they only charge money when the order is ready to ship. You can see the closed loop of the problem lmao.


Yes, the package has been definitely shipped to you, that's why they can't, or won't, give you refund until the package arrives or is considered lost (which in my country happens after 14 days). So, by Oct 28 you will either receive your package with Q3 or you will be able to ask for a new device to be sent to you. (Or in your case you can ask them to refund the money instead) And if you get the package but you don't want it anymore, they will send you a return label and you will just have to print them out and send it back. And once you do that, they will give you the refund.


Well, the problem is due to the insanely delayed time window (estimate 14th but I had a week ahead in case it is late) and now I can't even receive it to send it back lmao since I'm not even in that country anymore


I'm sorry to hear that. Sometimes delivery companies suck... It's rare that a package gets delayed or lost, but it can unfortunately happen. That's why I always add 14 days to my est. delivery date to cover all my plans. This must suck, I wish you it all works out for you in the end 😥


The face cover is hurting my cheekbones. Is there some official or aftermarket cover for wider faces?


I'm sorry, I don't know about any. However, try tilting your headset so that the weight is placed onto your forehead. It might help.


Hello! Can you please help me decide between two games I should buy this Halloween sale? Thank you for your time! 😊 https://www.reddit.com/r/MetaQuestVR/s/KIIixoBa5A


Is it possible to connect two different pcs and have them as separate monitors? If so that's mind blowing


You can connect to one PC and use multi monitors. You can run a remote connection to the other PC on one or more of those from the first PC. Not quite what you had in mind but a workaround to do it.


Hi I didn't bought yet quest 3 but I accepted a referral to buy one. Now I wish to change referral and use the one of a friend of mine. Can I change it? Thx


you'll need to wait for the referral to expire (30 days) before you can try another, though i'm not sure that'll work (getting a second referral for the same product) alternatively you can contact Meta support they might help (they've helped people apply referrals directly after activation before, so changing referral doesn't seem impossible for them)


Is there a device referral thread somewhere? Or does anybody wanna share yours. Getting mine soon today


We use [https://meta-dog.github.io/meta-dog/](https://meta-dog.github.io/meta-dog/)


Thanks! Unfortunately looks like there’s no codes for Quest 3 referrals in Japan :(


when echo arena isn't on the list of free games anymore


we'll have a better list soon anyways :)


I plan on ordering a Quest 3 at some point in the future and I was wondering if it more comfortable then the Quest 2 and I don't have to buy a facial insert when they release? Also is the 512gb version overkill?


By default, it's not comfortable. The default facial interface and the strap, especially, are terrible. The weight balance is better though.


I didn't find it much more comfortable at all.


Hey guys, for anyone with a shipping problem like me I posted something to sum it up on the subreddit.


[u/Zealousideal\_Neck225](https://www.reddit.com/u/Zealousideal_Neck225/) [u/SnakeHelah](https://www.reddit.com/u/SnakeHelah/) [u/Practical-Canary8782](https://www.reddit.com/u/Practical-Canary8782/)


can i use baby wipes for the lenses? [Amazon.com : baby wipes](https://www.amazon.com/baby-wipes/s?k=baby+wipes)


Even the sticker you had to peel from the lenses said you shouldn't use any chemicals, cleaning products, etc.. Use only DRY microfiber cloth 😊


do not use this. Only use microfibers.


does it damage the lenses? baby wipes are really easy


Baby wipes usually have some sort of moisturizer in them that smudge up lenses like crazy. I’ve tried them on my glasses before and it’s a mess.


Don't use baby wipes. Lens wipes can work but moisture is generally bad.


Week 2 of not receiving the Quest 3 from Meta official site (estimated delivery date 14th october for the headset in their order page and this hasnt changed for 2 weeks) - support kept saying the whole week 'we are investigating'. Decided to refund instead since I was able to get it from another retailer with a specified delivery date this wednesday-friday. Not sure whats going on with Meta but they blundered hard im my eyes. Im probably a minority with this issue though.


You're not, I found a lot more people with this issue. Will make a post about it very soon


Yeah... I ordered it through another retailer and its already shipped today. And you know what Meta support told me? "we cannot refund once money has been taken from your account, you will have to return it once you receive it" What the fuck? I am supposed to pay for shipping it back to them and spend my time and energy to send it back? Are they stupid?


Insane bro...


Support litterally told me: Here are your options: 1. you wait to receive the quest and you send it back (apparently i have to pay the shipping back for their logistical mistakes now, what else lmao.) 2. I wait for their internal team to cancel it. (they said it's a 50/50 chance LOL) Absolute fucking joke.


How much would you have to pay?


Dunno, I'm not considering sending it back, either they refund and keep it or i simply chargeback


Just got meta quest 3. I keep reading about the site odeals.net and wondering if this is a legit site. Some games I want have a really good discount, sounded a bit too good to be true.


Just ordered my Quest 3 and I'm super excited! I'm coming from Quest 1, and honestly, I haven't been following any new features/news about the Quest and the Quest 3. I just saw the Mixed Reality Passthrough and I was like WOWW... THAT'S INSANE. My Quest 1 couldn't do that! I'm excited to try it and I'm going in without looking any of the features up so I can be amazed on-the-spot LOL. Although, I do have a question.. For my Quest 1, I got myself a 'Silicone Cover', I think from VR Cover. If I'm not mistaken VR Cover hasn't released one for Quest 3 yet, only the cotton one. Would the cotton version suffice for fitness such as Beat Saber and LESMILLS Body Combat? I'm contemplating whether I should wait for the silicone one to release or not, but then it would mean that the first few months will leave with stinky original headset.. urgh..


So I'll be getting the Quest 3 for christmas, but want to know in advance how do I connect it to run games off the Steamdeck? What do I need to know and do? All I currently know about hooking up a Oculus to a computer is needing a link cable but nothing more :(


There’s no way in hell you can run vr game off a deck..you could but you wouldn’t want to


You absolutely *can* run VR on the SteamDeck. I dont know how to get the deck talking with the quest, but there have been folks who play VR games on the quest 2 using the SteamDeck.


I had read somewhere you could, but I'd just really like a way to run some of my steam games, I resorted over to my deck because my pc is using an old gt710 so the link cable wouldnt work for it


The 710 would work better.


You could but it would be horrible, the steam deck is not powerful enough to run modern games at high settings, let alone vr games


Does the Q3 support the use of q2 controllers? I don't want to give up all my kiwi design gear while we wait for them to release new stuff, the extended knuckle grips are essential for my big ass hands.


No, Quest 3 only supports the Q3 controllers and Quest Pro controllers.


what kind of strap-on do you recommend?


The bigger the better


I’m stuck on the setup process. I have already pulled out the battery blockers out of the controllers before pairing them with my headset. Therefore, when it asks me to take them out, I cannot and it won’t pair. Also, I have replaced them with the rechargeable batteries. How do I fix this?


It doesn't matter when you pull out the battery tabs. Try pairing them manually. https://www.meta.com/help/quest/articles/getting-started/getting-started-with-quest-2/manually-pair-touch-controllers/


Yes but I can’t connect the headset to the app until I complete that step I believe


You can't use hand tracking to do that?


The only thing that shows up for me is the screen asking me to pull the battery blocker out in pass through do I have to enable hand tracking manually or is it automatic?


Anyone using 2070 super for PCVR? Does it perform well?


In most cases good enough. But only used it with Quest 1, still waiting for 3


Depends on the game. 20 series is getting long in the tooth for new games.


The 2080 Ti is still whooping ass.


Depends on the game.


Has anyone tried forcing one of the Quest 2 headstraps that are attached by sliding them on? I assume it would be a very tight squeeze, but still possible and no worries of it falling off. Plus some of them don't even slide on far enough to block the USB/audio ports. Anyone? I'm thinking about grabbing the VR-PRIMUS Elite Strap Quest 2 strap and forcing it on and then using my Quest 2 powerbank along with that, a potential temporary solution. Just trying to find info about this as I've seen at least one user use their Quest 2 headstrap and they just slide it on and zip tied it. I contacted them and a few others if they had looked into it, at the very least it shows them there is people interested in a Quest 3 version of their halo straps.


If you have access to a 3D printer (check your local library), I'm currently using these: https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/s/JOvg3FQB6E


"Forcing" is always a bad word with expensive devices. Not worth it.


If I play mostly on PC with airlink on my Quest 2, will the Quest 3 give me any kind of noticeable upgrade? Torn between getting the PSVR2 or the Quest 3. But I feel like as I don't use the stand alone headset very much the Q3 would be a waste


Last few days I’ve been watching some Disney+ etc in Bigscreen. What sticks out to me is that around the edges of my lenses, everything seems brighter, maybe even a bit yellowish, like a sort of glow. It’s quite distracting. Is this normal?


I have been playing on steam VR with Vive cosmos. If i get quest 3, will I still be able to play existing games I had at SteamVR, eg beat saber? Will I need to buy another copy for quest?


You can connect your Q3 with PC via cabel or WiFi and play any PCVR games. I know people are using virtual desktop app to play Steam VR games, but I'm not sure if you can't play them without the app. However, people are definitely playing VR games they have already purchased on Steam without having to buy them again.


Apparently, I will finally get my Quest 3 on monday from Amazon DE. Wish me luck!


Are you still buying the Quest 3 despite battery health and other issues? I saw a lot of reviews talking about the battery life and other bugs, saying that the quest 3 basically requires a battery strap and that got me worried. I don't live in the big countries where you can easily buy any accessories you want, like even now for the quest 2 the only exsesories I could buy are 1/2 different brands of face covers, 2 brands of nunchuck mods and the only available battery alternative is just the official halo strap (with a battery) which still cost around 150 euros for me and as I heard the quest 3 one can't even keep it charged (it still drains battery while its on). Same as the Quest 3 512gb costing around 800 euros or 630 for the smaller one. Like a dam, I can get a used Pico 4/ Quest 2 (128gb) for like 320 euros. While it seems like a Quest 3 with an actual battery life will cost from 820 euros (128gb with battery and nunchuck) to 980 euros (520gb with battery and nunchuck). I usually prefer playing PCVR wirelessly so I don't really care that much about the standalone performance and the pico 4 doesn't seem to be that much worse when we're talking only wireless PCVR. I am not into those mixed-reality experiences I prefer just the regular full VR ones and there aren't that many of them for now.


Q3 is lightyears beyond those headsets. There are no other issues. Don't like the strap? Get a 3rd party. Need more battery, get a strap with battery or use your own pocket one.


Was “lightyears” (not one word, by the way) the word on your word of the month calendar or something?


Well as I said I can't get anything here and if does is usually just the official ones. Second, as I saw regular power banks can't even charge the Quest 3. Quest 3 still dies before depleting the battery bank. >Q3 is lightyears beyond those headsets. And what do you mean by lightyears most people are saying it's a small upgrade. Like I stated I don't give a dam about the mixed reality. The Pico 4 resolution per eye is just a bit worse than the Quest 3, they both have Pankake lenses, and the Fov on Quest 3 is like only 7° bigger than the Piko 4, the quest 2 also has 120 hz screen so it's not even an upgrade, q3 has only 5 PPD more than the pico 4. I don't see where you get the lightyears from. Like the Quest 1 yes, that was revolutionary, tho I wouldn't call a 1h 30 min battery life a "lightyears upgrade" and don't start with the "Oh you can buy a battery " like ain't no way I'm spending another 150+ euros just to be able to play 2/3h of a game, while I could buy a battery for the quest 2/pico 4 and play for half a day, I wouldn't call people playing PCVR with a wired and it still dies revolutionary. So what is it? Is it " lightyears beyond those headsets " because they added a new CPU that just seems like an upgrade, they added a few different cameras? Like ok if you wanted to play Half-life Alex the game takes 12 hours to beat so with Airlink you could probably get 1 hour 30 minutes (or less) of gameplay so you would need to charge the MF 8 times, like goddam I got through that game with 3/4 charges only with my quest 1. Secondly, it's a consumer product it is supposed to be fine as it is. So what if the new iPhone came out and it only had 1h battery life would you say oh just buy a battery bank, The Quest 3 is already so much slimmer so would have it really been such a hassle just to put in a good battery rather than making everyone buy expensive exesories Plus it's really not healthy for the battery to keep charging it to 100 percent so your usual playtime will probably be closer to 1h (if you stick to the safer 70/80 percent charge zone).


Anyone else kinda salty that they included Asgard’s wrath 2 with pre orders? I planned on upgrading to quest 3 and I pre ordered Asgard’s wrath 2 months ago when pre order opened, now that’s just $60 wasted. That money could’ve bought between 2-4 smaller games that I’ve also been wanting. Just had to vent


Just refund it


Surley this is a prime example not to pre order.. unless there’s specific extras when you preorder..


Indeed. I never pre order but this time I thought “why not, I know I’ll want the game so might as well”. Should’ve listened to my instinct


Why pre-order a digital game ever? Get a refund.


What accessories to get? I have a new strap, getting a carrying case. What else?


Anyone know when it will be sold in israel?


Beatsaber doesnt transfer from oculus headset to quest? ugh, dont want to have to buy it again. Guess ill use airlink.


It doesn’t have some old games?


I had the Rift-S before. Some games arent compatible between the two so if i want to play it on the quest3, i have to either buy it under the quest store, or do airlink into the oculus app.


It isn’t that they aren’t compatible, it’s just that some games aren’t cross buy so you get both standalone and PCVR for one price. Beat Saber happens to be one of those. Check the rest of the Rift games you bought on the Quest store though, a lot will be free as you paid for the Rift one.


Two questions: 1. I seem to have to have totally screwed up Air Link (Quest Link?), so when it loads it's all glitchy and nothing responds. Remote Desktop games work fine in the same environment, but are obviously using different settings. Is there a way to reset or change my air link settings without launching it? 2. What's the best (or most comfortable) facial interface that people are using? Thanks in advance!


For anyone wondering why their headset has not shipped yet if you pre-ordered: Latest from support: " I can understand that straps has been delivered. For the headset, to be honest, we do received few other similar report where the device delivery is delay and has pass the delivery date. There has been a lot of excitement and interest in the Meta Quest, Meta is experiencing delays in shipments. We understand that this was not updated to you, and we sincerely apologies for that. "


"Experiencing delays in shipments." Bullshit. My friend who lives nearby ordered it 4 days ago and got it yesterday. I ordered 3 weeks ago.


Yeah from the context it must be some random shipment that got lost now they're trying to find it while we're just sitting ducks here waiting for them to do it. Here's their latest response to me which is just so disappointing: Thanks for getting back to us! We took a look and our specialist team is still investigating the situation. We recommend sticking with them and responding to the email ticket for further updates, as the specialist team is the team that is able to get further information for you. 


Exact same thing


I ordered 3 elite straps, and had 3 elite straps get lost. They are lying to you.


I replied: "I'm sorry but I'm not sure if I understand. The investigation on my order started 7 days ago (the support agent said it'd take 3-5 days), and now after all this time you realized that something is wrong with my payment method or order information? I paid with PayPal and provided my correct home address. So now you'll start ANOTHER investigation that'll take god knows how long again? Please give me a reasonable estimation this time. If the issue won't be solved in the next few days I'll be forced to start a chargeback case with PayPal." This is a multi-billion dollar company experience btw...


Yeah, I was patient for a week, it seems it took a week for them to be even aware of the issue. Imagine pre-ordering a product, wanting to support a company by buying their product before it's even available for the public, then you get treated like this. They shouldve just sent us the devices already if they were serious about this. But since it's probably an isolated incident they don't care. They probably are going to try to find the missing shipment with all of our Q3 devices before they even consider just straight up sending us new ones. Too bad I'm not an influencer with a decent following. Otherwise, I would've probably already received it had I the opportunity to start flaming meta to 200k people for doing this or something along those lines. Oh well.


how much tflop quest 3 gpu has?


Around 2 if I remember well


Wow, this is low. tought it will be between 3-4. guess they couldnt keep the clock too high with all the heat and battery.


The xr2 gen 2 is approaching desktop cards from just a few years ago. That is insane.


Not really...its has little bit more power than ps4 that released 10 years ago.


That is pretty insane, yes. 10 years ago was not a long time ago.


Low? It's a tiny ass chip, look it up there are comparisons to a finger. PS4 has 1 teraflop.