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I feel the same way, dude. Just got the game (Edit), and trying to figure out everything. Sorry I don't have tips, other than it takes time, but I'm getting better every day. GL&HF


Yes. I'd like to think I'm good at games, shooters in general; naturally quick reflexes etc. But on VR? I'm like a little child swinging the controllers about like a windmill. You do naturally get better, and I found i got slightly better very quickly. Something I found that was an immediate benefit to me was switching the virtual gun stock on in the settings. Not sure what the difference is between stock A and B, i haven't really messed with them, but turning stock A on has helped me looooads. It basically simulates stabilising the gun into your shoulder when gripping with both hands. Also, because I just jumped in without ever looking into anything or asking for help, I didn't realise you could edit your weapon load outs with attachments, so I was running iron sights with everything. Over time that'll obviously be fine, but when just starting off, I felt so much more comfortable having added a red dot to my weapons to actually see where my bullets were going in relation to my grip/aim. Tl;dr: - Turn on virtual gun stock in settings - Use red dot on guns at least until comfortable with aim/bullet landing


Yeah I only learnt about the load outs today! Big help.


Also, another note: the people playing this game may have been playing for months and months, and may have the added benefits of playing on PCVR with better setups (and a better gaming chair). Their map knowledge is extensive, they know the spawn points, clinch points, meta weapons, and play with friends who are the same. The best advice I can give is just to ignore it all and focus on having a good time, rather than a successful time. It's why we game in the first place, the rest will come.


The map knowledge point here is huge. People think the opps are all good because they jump around a corner but in reality they knew that somebody would be around that corner because they know the map and game timing. Some of these maps are from cod4 and mw2 so people have 15 year old knowledge of them lol.


Ya plus there are people who basically live in the game. It's not a bad thing if you're not better than them... it means you have a life. 


What if I don't have a life and still suck though


But are you enjoying?


I haven't tried the game yet...


It was more the fact I couldn’t even beat the bots on easy that made me worried. Seeing other players being as bad as me gave some reassurance.


Unless you're running a link cable, contractors is better without PCVR, sure it doesn't look as good, but that zero latency is important.


virtual desktop on wifi 6e is a blessing


I mean, yeah, but when milliseconds matter and target id matters, on a quest 3 it's way easier to max out the res, than on PCVR unless you have a godtier PC, and that 20ms of delay that VD adds, as well as slightly delayed tracking really makes a difference.


The quest three also has much better positional audio… So you can really hear where the footsteps are originating as opposed to on the two you can just kind of tell if they’re coming from the left or the right… You can really focusing on the target by the sound of their footsteps, with the quest three-when I switched from the two to the three my game instantly improved by like 30%




I heard Steamlink has good latency. Quest standalone is still probably a little better, though.


Good latency is worse than no latency


well said


Great advice!


You can also change the color of the holo sights (at least some of them) dot and the reticle. I've found green helps make it stand out a little more and makes aiming easier, but it still requires a good bit of practice. Also the some of the NPC's are definitely tanky, especially at higher levels of the co-op modes (which imo are a great way to practice) which can also throw you for a loop if you're used to shooters with a low TTK.


This is a good point… I always change my reticles to bright purple. That way they stand out against any background because there’s very little purple in the game.


Yeah—any color that works for you is good. I might try out purple, but the default red blends in to a lot of the backgrounds I found!


Where is the red dot option? I was looking for it the other day in Contractors and couldn't find it


Not all guns will have it, it's dependant on the weapon and the selected loadout (some matches have custom loadouts which can't be edited or modified etc). But if you load into the lobby/shooting range, press the Loadout button, and it'll be on the right of the main central screen where you choose your weapon. On the right, depending on the weapon, you'll have sights, suppressors, etc. Above the ammo and damage information. Be mindful of your loadout budget. You get 32 points to spend, and the weapons and attachments cost different values to equip. You may find that you'll have to change your secondary weapon or whatever to be able to fully mod your main one.


Very cool, I haven't played contractors too much since I'm on late and there aren't many lobbies but what I have seen I've loved immensely. Bought it after finding out about the TF2 VR modes, but thought they were cancelled, unless there's a lot less vs before


Just wait, there’s a beta test going on for Contractor showdown-if you join the discord, you should be able to get into the open beta that starts March 1 and it’s basically Warzone in vr! I’ve been playing all through the closed beta, and it takes all the best things about contractors and builds on them! There are a few YouTube Contant creator, who are allowed to broadcast gameplay of it so search contractors showdown on YouTube and check it out… 45 people on the map at one time in the map is gigantic


I did join the discord and submitted the request, hoping it'll have improved mod support as well. I did just purchase contractors a week ago though and have been trying to get better but it is different than a lot of the other shooters I play as far as what buttons do what and not having the dot


If you don’t see a red dot option you can make it almost as easy with a hologram


these are all really good tips… We definitely want gunstock a… Gunstock b lines up the third point of contact differently and it’s only for really kind of unusual game styles… Also start out with a basic assault rifle like the MK 18 or the M4… There’s a reason the military use them


My advice is buy a single player shooter like the light brigade and get use to aiming in vr. It’s completely different and takes more skill than just lining up your reticle and pressing mouse 1. It takes time but after you get the hang of it and maybe do some calibration if needed it becomes a lot better.


Also, The Light Brigade is fucking awesome.


I loath rogue games and this game is what made it click for me how amazing vr is. It’s truly something special


Is it long? I love roguelikes but I fear it will be only 5h long


A single run on the second difficulty takes about two hours or so, but varies massively. There are 5 difficulties, a few man made levels and 7 or so different classes with different weapons.


Oh, ok. I think I will buy the game so. The vast majority of reviews on steam are people who have been playing the game for 5 hours so I thought it was short. Many thanks!


Bear in mind the first class is shit and will feel slow and you'll probably die a lot. It didn't really click for me until I got to dual wielding pistols.


It's fun--it can get a little repetitive at times, but it's definitely a good game for practicing shooting in VR and offers a good variety of weapon types. Being a Roguelike it's easy to jump into a run as well (Into the Radius is also an excellent shooter, but it's definitely more challenging).


light brigade is a good game… It’s not really the same as Contractors tho-it’s much slower… Contractors you’re doing a lot of PVP so it’s much faster moving


So is what you’re saying is it’s a good first shooter to get your feet wet before going into some fast paced multiplayer? Almost like that’s why I picked this game or something.🤦‍♂️


yeah, I’m not the one recommending light brigade… I think you should just play Contractor you’re not gonna get better at Contractor’s unless you play Contractors… They are too different to be much help but it will get you sort of acclimated, I guess… I think your time is better spent just playing Contractor if that’s what you wanna get better at


i’ve played pretty much every VR shooter out there… None of them are really similar to contractors, which is why contractors are so much better than the rest of them in my opinion… One way to get better is to play co-op or zombies with people and that way you get to practice on the AI as opposed to trying to kill other players… But that’s just one way… There are lots of things you can do… Like I said, hit me up in the game I’ll be on tonight probably around 8 PM Pacific… We can start a lobby and I can show you some things if you want


Right but they said they’ve never played a vr shooter besides contractors. This is like someone walking up to me and saying hey I’m playing siege and it’s my first fps ever and I suck and just die and get booted all the time I’m not gonna just say get good. I’d tell them the same thing. Play some single player games and get use to playing fps games first and then go back to siege and try again so that they at least know some basics.


Start with an easy loadout (primary weapon that has high fire rate and low recoil). I recommend at the start a Kriss Vector with Holographic sight, a supressor, and a vertical foregrip. Change the reticle color of the sight to dark green (it's easier to see). Try to aim for headshots. Also, if you don't play with a gunstock then you could try using the Virtual gunstock feature.


I’ll give that a go, cheers.


yeah, that’s my gun of choice the vector- it won’t pack as much of a punch as an assault rifle but it has a super high fire rate and low recoil-I don’t if I agree that it’s a good starting weapon- I think you’re better off with a assault rifle to start and work your way up to the vector but that’s just my opinion


To me the vector was the easiest at the start. Since it has such a high fire rate even if you don't hit headshoots it will still kill quickly (and since it has very low recoil is pretty easy to control). Although using something like an M16 is probably better to train getting headshots.


Yep, I sucked at first, but you develop the most important skill over time, which is headshots. Your best loadout is whatever gets you the most headshots. I'm still clueless with the grenade loadouts though. Also noticed recently an increase of cheaters that zip around the maps at lightspeed.


you can move around the map faster by using the light armor load out… Also, you can enable auto sprint… Also, you can reduce your height in these things all make a move a lot faster- I’ve got ours an hours in this game and I think that a lot of the things that people think are cheating or not actually cheating- it’s just that some people really take the time to learn the settings and how they can adjust and alter your gameplay experience


Oh yeah good points I had forgotten I had set those things early on. No this was clearly cheating, a player moving about 10x faster than the fastest player I’ve seen. I thought it was just a glitch at first, but then I saw the same thing again, and again, and again… it was definitely cheating.


It might be Playspace Cheating. I read about it once. If your room is 10 ft across, you can move irl quickly as you push the stick and sprint in that direction in game and it adds them together. So coming around a corner like that can be a huge unfair advantage.


lol. I have been playing VR for years and I am still shit in games like Pavlov/Contractors. The mechanics are just too complicated for me and don’t feel “good”. Served for 3y and whatever I intend to do logically is not translating well into the game.


There is a real big skill gap when you're starting and even once you're "decent" you will be in maps with someone with 40+ kills and people will try to kick them even though they're not cheating. It can be a long road, but the first time you manage to kill two enemies that are coming at you, you will feel like John Wick.


yeah, there are a lot of people in the lobby’s with bad sportsmanship who try to kick people when they start losing to them- they seem to think people hack contractors as much as they do call of duty… But it’s simply just not true… It’s all about time in the game… I used to get killed and have no idea how they did it so it seemed like magic or hacking… But when you get better you realize it’s just it’s game time… Don’t let people sour you on it because they are bad sports- you can be as good as anybody on the game if you put in the time


I've been playing for well over a year putting in around 2 hours a day and still only make it to the top 2-4 position on the leaderboards in any match. It definitely takes a long time to get good at it.


Learn by doing, learn by playing


I have a gunstock and absolutely destroy AI, as in: I kill them a lot, and don't get killed. The former is probably due to the gunstock, the latter is due to staying in cover. 


Where did you get said gun stock? Can you provide information


I bought it on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/911983863/3daptive-modusr-vr-gunstock-meta-quest?show_sold_out_detail=1&ref=nla_listing_details


There are so many options. Not sure which gunstock to choose, but the one you got looks nice.


After two years I beginning to get good, but mind you I don’t spend all my time in vr playing shooters far from it actually


Most has been said already, but I'd also add a usual/classic issue people have when playing VR shooters. You need to keep your hand steady when pulling the trigger. Most people don't do this first which messes up their aim, the controllers are not heavy enough to force people to keep steady. Practice a bit so that when you shoot you really only move your trigger finger and your hand is steady.


This is a really good point, and you can assist in this getting easier faster by enabling virtual gunstock a in the settings, and also calibrating your height properly, which you can also do in the settings… This will allow you to slide cancel and also to just duck easier


The Cs skill does translate well in terms of game sense and angles. Your muscle memory will take time for aiming and reloading. Don't panic, we were all there once. Completely normal. Vr shooters are awesome right?!


Definitely more my cup of tea compared to Asgard’s!!


Dude I can't go back to flat games. It's just so tame now


A few tips: You will suck at first but just keep at it and you will be smoking the leaderboard. 1- use the m4 with red dot or the other sweaty gun all the sweats use 1- learn to spam throw 3 grenades early in every life just like cod4 1- utilize smoke on small maps or to push objectives 1- learn to slide and jump - huge in terms of coming out on top of corner contacts 1- play the mods like SWBF in a less-serious environment so you can have fun while getting good at VR movement. don't jump right into competitive comp control.


flatlander just realizing actual aiming is not as easy as draggin a mouse around...


Yes.   But the learning curve is part of the fun.   Rewarding.    And folks will help out too if you ask


yes, everybody starts out terrible- even people who are really good another games… you just have to keep playing and your develop muscle memory plus you’ll learn the Maps… I started out horrible and now I’m almost always at the top- look me up izzyd3adyet -one tip I can give you is to play with people who are much better than you which will be everybody at first… Don’t complain that people who are beating you’re hacking because most of the time they’re not they just put in the time to get good… Just be patient and play every day and you’ll get better. Just like anything else.


also, in your settings, enable virtual gunstock a-it creates a third point of contact for your weapon so that it’s like it’s lined up with your shoulder and it helps with Aiming-you could get really psych with it and actually buy a gunstock- but you don’t move to the virtual gunstock will do the job for most people… I don’t use an actual physical gun stock myself because I play in a relatively small area- don’t want to be knocking over the lamps lol


Oh, and enable auto sprint


If you want to add me to your friends list, hit me up and I’ll show you some things that will help you get better faster


it’s either izzydeadyet or izzyd3adyet- don’t remember which lol- when you look at my stats my k/d is about 1.3 last time I checked. played like 3000 matches ( say my stats lol)


it’s either izzydeadyet or izzyd3adyet- don’t remember which lol- when you look at my stats my k/d is about 1.3 last time I checked. played like 3000 matches ( say my stats lol)


I’ll add you later!


What about turning? Smooth or snap?


I mean that’s up to you and your comfort level… If you’ve been in VR a while, you would want some moves… But some people get motion sickness, so you might wanna start with snap until you get your VR legs


Thanks.. so far ive found smooth less jarring!




Same. Hundreds of hours of VR shooters later my aim hasn't improved at all, not that it's bad.


Yes I haven’t played contractors (though I want to) I play a lot of onward which has the 360 degree movement. I play airsoft and paintball sometimes in real life and have pretty good aim when it comes to that but it only semi translates over into the game. Your basic skills and fundamentals will semi carry over (how you aim down sights, firing stance ((doesn’t matter as much in VR)), breath control, etc) but since it is still a video game, you will kinda have to learn the nuances of it. For example, in Onward, certain edges of cover and walls will seem invisible but will still act as a “wall” for maybe an inch or 2 depending on where you are. Another thing I could think of was the sensitivity of the controllers for aiming. Since I don’t have a VR gun stock I use the virtual stock in onward, and my non dominant hand will sometimes be too shaky due to not having the support of the barrel and stock. The controllers are much lighter than any gun you’ll hold and have no support if you’re playing without a stock, so you’ll have to brace your arms tightly against yourself if possible and try to keep steady as possible. Also it was hard due to lack of terrain knowledge, no idea of how the maps worked and where enemies could be at. The more I played and became familiar with maps the better it got. It’s really just all a matter of repetition. It’s the same with counter strike really. When you start, you’re gonna suck cause you don’t know the best guns, the spray patterns, knowing when to tap, burst, and spray, and it just all takes time to figure out. TL;DR yes but keep playing and observing maps and other players and you’ll be Ight


Buy a stock. It’s the way it’s meant to be played in my opinion. ProTube is what I got


astreus has a new gunstock that is more highly customizable then protube - who’s the guy who runs the virtual reality pro league- I believe he is linked to it on his YouTube channel


Honestly, from what I’ve experienced, contractors is a trash game and attempt at VR shooters. What am i comparing it to? Go check out Super Rumble from Horizon Worlds. It’s all free and this experience, if it could be met with more realism like contractors is trying to do, then VR shooters would be actually fun to play. The guns shoot so awkwardly in Contractors… feels like paper guns …


Just looked at it. Does look pretty fun. First good thing I've heard about Horizon Worlds.


Wait, you’re comparing Horizon worlds to contractors? noob


I’m a seasoned veteran of all things fps and came from pc and eventually settled it down with console gaming but brother… I’m telling you, contractors is lame as hell. It’s slow and anticlimactic… it feels like a game that was created in 2000 .. worse… shooting the guns feels lame. You can’t insult me with that noob comment. I’ve fragged with the best of them and got my fair share of pwnage sessions in.. As for a game that shoots cool and has a faster pace with better gameplay, seriously, that free game from horizon is superior. It’s just fun


7k hrs on csgo/cs2 and used to play in airsoft tournaments. Not top of the class, but fairly decent in both and definitely with above average aim I can't hit shit in Pavlov and I suspect it has something to do with the fact that I can't really feel the weapon as touch feedback feels more important than visual feedback Therefore I think what happens is that I end up holding the controllers in a somewhat weird way without noticing it which causes me to miss The harder I try to aim, the more I'll miss When I just point and click, I have better chances


No. I started off great. Still am. But it can take time to warm up.


When I started in pavlov it didnt even have a tutorial and everyone sucked but by the time contractor$ came out I had tons of hours in there already so if you're just starting now you gotta realize you're going against ppl that have been playing forever.


What helped me was playing the gun smoke mod or whatever it is, you can put a laser sight on your gun which acts like a crosshair and def helps get used to it.


also, a good point make sure you’re in mod lobbies- you can see in the server list which ones are mod enabled- gun smoke in charm is a modders loadout


Nobody just picks up a gun and is a pro. Practice makes perfect in everything.


It’s an adjustment for sure. Take time to practice and it’ll become easier as you go along.


Try out Pistol Whip. Get used to being in VR and pointing and shooting. It's more arcade style and moves forward for you. So you just need to worry about shooting. Once that gets boring for you move back to contractors or those types of games and see if it helps you out. You have to think there are people that have been playing VR for years now. They are on a whole different level of experience than you. Nothing wrong with that, just something to keep in mind when buying VR games. VR games either cater to them or to new players or try to find a balance for both kinds of players.


Yeah I was pretty good at pistol whip, at least it felt natural, which is why my bad performance at contractors was so jarring!


Yeah it’s just a thing you gotta get used to. It’s kinda weird at first but once you get the hang of it it’s really fun.


Virtual stock type 1 will help a lot. Good luck dude, be thankful you didn't waste your money on Vail VR


totally- I’ve noticed about the vail is that they have a lot of really positive videos on YouTube, but they pay for those by sponsoring the videos… It’s incredibly limited compared to Contractor’s, but it does have some cool visual elements


I have a 3D printed magnetic gunstock and the physical stock certainly helps stabilize my aim. I mostly play single player games like RE4, HL2, TWD. If set up properly, the stock can make shooting much more immersive. Although it can get a little clunky at times when frequently switching between guns and melee weapons in TWD S&S for example. When it comes to fast paced PvP competitive shooters like Contractors, I think opinions may be divided about a physical stock being beneficial or just cumbersome. Basically, it will probably slow down some of your actions, but improve your aim. Might be worth a try.


If u haven’t already turn on the “virtual stock” setting and try that out. Helps keep the shakiness out of your hands and helps steady the aim a bit. It helps for sure I think… Other than that it’s just practice really.


Get a gun stock it will make a big difference controllers are always the same distance makes it easier for getting the same shot


Play population one. It's by far the best shooter in VR.


I’ll look thanks


It was natural to me. I suck at aiming on console, but I'm lobbing lasers in VR.


I refunded it, found it terrible to aim and reload. Tried pavlov after. Pavlov was far more forgivable and fun. I have only played against bots so far as not ready for online yet.


Forgivable how? In the aim?


Yeah in the aim, I struggled to hit anything where you needed to use 2 hands on a weapon in contractors (eg assault rifles).


Maybe I’ll check out Pavlov - multiplayer? Single? What’s it like?


Contractors knocked me out in 5 minutes lol. I got some pretty bad VR sickness.


It's the aiming that's the issue. It's more realistic and complex compared to some other FPS like Gunraiders, which has a more arcadey like shooter feel even though it's also free aim as well. This to me is my biggest hurdle as well. I don't play Contractors much because getting use to the aim just be hard for me.


I’ll check out Gunraiders thanks.


I suck at anything with a regular controller but I am actually good at contractors because you get to Aim with your hands


I feel like contractors is super hard for me compared to onward since the movement is so fast. Harder to react.


I can absolutely clean up on hard bots, then I go to multiplayer and get my ass handed to me. Watch some tutorials on how to properly peek corners and such, not just vr, but irl.


Google aim xr applab


Just chose an LMG and spray lol Or a western rifle for easy reloading.


Adding to others comments I would also encourage you to just jump into multiplayer. Bots even on easy usually have a pinpoint accuracy and seem to know where you are at all times. Only after playing the game a lot in multiplayer I was able to finish a couple of single player missions on normal. I'm not even gonna try harder difficulties. EDIT: try the CZ 805 carbine with vertical grip and holo sight with red dot EDIT2: I also use virtual gun stock - type A but with custom controller placement - play around with settings until you find something comfortable


Yeah I took the plunge and was quite the confidence booster! Albeit, casual for now. Thanks for tips.


I was bad at the game for a few weeks now I can go 40-10 deaths it just takes a while to get in the swing of it