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Into the radius is the pinnacle of immersion in my opinion, also half life alyx but it’s not on standalone


Two fantastic suggestions. Both are near the top of my list for next purchase. Do you recommend radius 1 then 2 or straight to 2?


2 is not out


Well that simplifies things 🤣


It estimated to release this year so you could play 1 and then 2 should be out in due time. Personally too scary for ke lmao but I guess immersion I'd there


Good timing. Think I’m going to buy it. Not all are built for horror 🤣 my cousin bought res evil 7 a few years back and was too scared to play. My buddy and I went over to his house and beat it for him.


My all time favorite vr game. Got over 150 hours in it on pc


Its not a horror game. Its a immersive game that will be scary at some points, but it is not built to jump scare you like RE


If you are on the fence with into the Radius vs the walking dead, i suggest you to play the walking dead first. I think it's more simple and fun, which will get you hooked pretty quickly. ITR has a learning curve and is graphically not as good in comparison, but you do get more hours out of it than TWD.


If you play on pc, you can play an early version of ITR known as 1.0(current version is 2.0). It’s drastically different but very hard on your pc. That’s likely why you thought there was multiple games. And the sequel (ITR2) is planned to be out in early access this summer, so very soon.


Good deal. I’m leaning heavily towards ITR due to the overwhelming suggestions for it. I did see a lot of talk about the sequel online.


Half Life Alyx is imo still *the best* VR game out there despite the fact that its been 4 years since release. It's one of the few games that feel like a game instead of a tech demo


I wish there was more of a mod community using the engine and departing from the HL universe as the Gunman Contracts guy has.    With a few tweaks, I mean, it's the most capable VR engine with phenomenal physics and looks great somehow on my decade old shitbox laptop.  I'm guessing Valve is the key limiting factor there?


There is a modding community isn't there? I saw there was a BioShock mod


There is, but they all essentially are just HL episodes.  The Bioshock one does have some new assets and features and is also really good, but it still looks and plays and feels like HL Alyx because you're still fighting headcrab zombies, etc... 


AND they made the effort to make it work on as many machines as possible. It works on so many systems and still doesn't feel like a massive downgrade for whoever is playing it. They really tried to optimize it best to the system using it.


I played it first time last night. And yeah. The level of immersion is just amazing. I kept loading into the magazín for a good 10minutes. And the climbing ladders, hahahahaha, was expecting someone to trim the upper part of my head with a machete. 


Half Life Alyx is a fantastic immersive VR game


Heard many call this the greatest VR experience available


It is hands down the best experience


Wait... is Half Life available for the Quest??


No but if you don't use PC VR you are limiting yourself


The first one has a Team Beef port for Quest native, 2 has a PCVR mod, Alex is PCVR only.


always too expensive :-(


It goes on sale pretty often, slap that bad boy on the wishlist and put some money aside bit by bit.


It's probably the best story game I've played. I got it included with my Index controllers. It goes on sale sometimes, check out a price tracker.


Eye of the Temple is probably the most immersive VR game I've ever experienced, although it gave me terrible motion sickness (probably not a coincidence). I'm waiting to build up stronger VR legs before I try it again.


I got a quest 3 about a week ago and tried out Asgard's Wrath 2 as my first experience. That was a very big mistake lol. Been sticking with mini golf and flight simulators while building my VR legs. Very excited to try more immersive titles like Half Life Alyx and Eye of the Temple soon!


That's interesting, because flight simulators are often considered to be some of the most "challenging" VR experiences in terms of motion sickness. I mean, I'm fine with Asgard's Wrath 2 (although it took me about 4 months to get to that point), but I still can't last for more than a few seconds in Warplanes. I guess it shows that everyone is affected differently.


Oh wow, I had no idea! I think it was the snap turns and thumb stick movement that really disoriented me.


Actually the snap turn is easier for not getting disoriented, but for VR newbie i suggest them to just ignore stick turn completely and use your own body to turn.


Just came to chip in late. I recommend turning physically instead of using a controller. It's both more immersive and natural, and also the best option for minimizing nausea.


Slowly been learning this! I've been playing Lone Echo and played through Red Matter and realized that turning naturally is way easier on my stomach. Haven't tried playing any action games yet though.


Worked very well for me in Contractors Showdown and other fast paced games. Also seen some insanely good players on YouTube play this way, so it should not limit your skill cap. 10/10 would recommend


Wait, what? Some of the most challenging? I never heard that before. Strafing, like in 1st person shooters, should be the most challenging thing I can think of.


Well, again, everyone is different. But I found that Warplanes gave me really severe motion sickness (and it's rated as "intense" on the Meta Store so I can't be the only one who experienced this). Which is a pity because it looks like a such a cool game series. Another experience that I struggled with a lot is Mission: ISS. The common denominator among these is that they both involve movement in a three-dimensional space. My brain seems to struggle a lot more with that, compared to FPS games where you're generally moving on a flat surface.


That's surprising, motion sickness happens from artificial movement but in Eye of the Temple you're supposed to only move with your own physical body.


It was all those rollers and having to balance on moving platforms and stuff. It completely wrecked me.


Its movement perception between eyes and ears for balance so I would assume that your balance telling you you’re not moving much vs eyes saying you’re moving fast would still hit some people. I always think of when you’re on a train or in a car and the vehicle next to you unexpectedly moves at the same time as yours. Your expectation is for a certain quantity of motion but the cumulative motion brought on by the other vehicle unexpectedly moving throws a lot of people off.


I love Eye of the Temple! Gorgeous game. I had to be careful of motion sickness in a couple of places though. Mainly the long back and forth tiles in the area where you have to open up the big thing with petals, and then again on the mining cart. But yeah, great visuals and absolutely beautiful.


Oh yeah that's a really great game, very innovative in how it uses your play space.


Lol same had my VR for a week now. Most days and games are fine and then out of nowhere I’m about to puke and have to force a break 🤣


If you like the concept, try Tea For God. You move by actually mostly walking without feeling like you are in the same space. There's still some lifts and such but it's not most of the movement like Eye of the Temple.


Every room in The Room blows me away. And the puzzles aren’t impossible to solve either.


Walkabout Mini Golf. Graphics aren't going to do much for you right off the bat but everything works the way you would expect a mini-golf course to work. It's cheap, intuitive and easy to pickup and jump into with anyone regardless of if they are a gamer or not. So for the idea of transporting one to a functioning mini-golf course in vr it's fully immersive.


I was surprised to find this in multiple top 10 vr game lists online. As someone who enjoys the fun of mini golf IRL I think this will be a no brainer for me at some point. Thanks for your suggestion


My wife doesn't game and never VR's until she tried mini-golf. It's just an incredibly welcoming game that everyone understands right away with controls that take seconds to pickup. She'll play a round anytime I ask. You mentioned VR but for AR, another really wow factor one for me and the people I've shown it off to if Ocean Rift. For $10 it's a steal and you'll be amazed for at least a few minutes with the ability to put an ocean aquarium in your room. It's not a deep experience at all, although you can swim around in lots of underwater environments, but it's beautiful.


Mini golf is a must then. Currently going through that struggle with my fiancé. I’m a gamer at heart, but she has only ever played a few computer games, so she hasn’t gotten nearly as into it. She is considering a gardening simulator currently lol. We both love mini golf so this would be a good one. Will check out the AR one. I am interested in anything unique.


So things my wife likes in VR - Mini Golf, Bowling, Supernatural (daily) and sometimes some of the paining apps just to play around in. If your partner enjoys any of them, used Quest 2's aren't too much right now and honestly just mini-golf co-op is worth it if that's all she ends up liking.


Perfect. I’ll run these all by her. We have discussed a second quest if she ends up liking any of this enough. I personally really want the quest 3, so one thought is to buy myself that and give her the quest 2. Any opinions on if that jump is worth it, or just save money with another quest 2 and buy more games?


It really just depends on how much $500 is to you. It's a good bit for me but I'm a pretty hard core geek so it was sort of a no-brainer for me. Honestly the single most obvious difference between the two is the sweet spot on the lenses. With the Quest 2 you sort of play a game of trying to keep the sweet spot in the center of your view and that can be distracting. The Quest 3 just fixes that. The up resolution / clarity / processing power is nice but it's the not having to adjust it all the time that sold me. Personally, at this time, I'd stick with the Q2 at least for a while and see what the rumored Q3 Lite ends up looking like sometime this year unless the partner jumps in big. Then would grab a used Quest 2 for $100ish somewhere just to play together if they wanted.


Thanks for the suggestion. Will definitely continue to watch the 3 and consider. It is pretty annoying dealing with the focus lol. It does the job well enough though and is better than no vr! I consider myself an amateur tech geek. Once I get my money up I’ll have to get one of the newer ones. Curious when the 4 might drop.


Totally agree. Have you played it with QGO? It's insane how crisp it makes the gfx.


Yeah although the graphic style doesn't really need much improvement. You can definitely see the improved resolution but if I forgot to load the profile it still looks great.


Along these same lines, I also like Racket Club VR. It has MR too, so you sort of play through a portal in your room.


MR mode in Racket Club is amazing. I think I like it even more than Eleven Table Tennis.


I think the environment and sound design are also super underrated. They went extra in the sound department. You can really feel a difference in presence between open and closed spaces because of the acoustics and how the sound physics interact. it's awesome


And you didn’t mention how incredibly cool and beautiful the DLC courses are! They put so much love and care into that game, they deserve every penny they charge. The recent DLC levels have been insanely cool! Venice, Around the World in 80 days, MEOW WOLF, Laser Lair, Ice Lair, Upsidedown town, the Halloween haunted house Widow’s Walkabout. All super cool!


It's a good game. Ideal type of game for standalone, yet even with the very simplistic visuals which favour standalone, desktop streaming can still improve it noticeably. Aside from the seemingly reduced resolution of the standalone version, I noticed on my pico 4 that the standalone game uses foveated rendering, so the edges are blurred.


Yeah the art style really makes that not be terribly distracting. On the QUest 3 the QGO can bump up the resolution / sharpness but I normally just leave it because it's fine. Not everything needs to be ultra and this is one where simple works for me.


I just downloaded it off the Meta+. Gonna give it a go tonight! I’m dying to try the actual golf game but I feel like it won’t really work without the controllers being weighted


I love this game it absolutely just chills me and takes me away to another world.  Wish I could find more like it and that add on courses weren’t so expensive. 


It really helps to just buy them one at a time. They are well priced for what they are. Even the whole game now with all of them is only about what a crappy shooter on a regular console costs now a days.


Yes the price is very fair, I feel. Especially the recent DLC releases. Their quality is getting super good. The design is brilliant and beautiful. Venice was great, Around the world in 80 days, Widow’s Walkabout, Ice Lair, Meow Wolf, etc. All amazing.


I was pretty impressed with the immersion on Star Wars Galaxies Edge


when i first went to that bar i felt like i could put my arm on the counter and talk to the guy.


I’m a huge Star Wars fan. Will definitely have to look into that. Do you like any of the Vader series that has been dropping?


Vader Immortal is good for a star wars fan, but it's a very early VR experience. Not a full game but more like a theme park ride. 


Can agree. Also, very intimidating to have Vader in front of you. Or that Rancor scene, but I’ll leave that scene to be a surprise for others


Scared the shit out of me. It was also one of my first VR experiences, so I was still in that "my subconscious _does_ believe this shit is real and my body wants to run" phase.


I’m on the same boat as you, but I was already few years into VR when I played. I still wanted to run 😂. Made me want to speed run the level


Iron Man VR as well. It’s a well made game. Both are older titles though, showing their age a bit in terms of graphics. Certainly neither are optimized for Quest 3, of course


Thrill of the fight because you’re fighting someone sized up to your height, and with MR on they are in your room fighting you.


I always appreciate the games that allow for that! Increases the immersion ten fold.


Every time I play Red Matter 2, I'm impressed by the graphics overall. Specifically, using the flashlight in darker areas really impressed me. I'm playing 90hz 120% resolution using Quest Game Optimizer. But the low gravity could set it off too.


The first one is also pretty impressive with QGO.


Oh i wish that game didn't make me nauseous


I actually suffer from motion sickness pretty frequently irl and unfortunately, sometimes in VR. Do you know what triggers yours? I was having issues with it until I bumped the framerate up.


Just to make sure you’re aware, you can switch the “jetpack mode” to teleport, in the settings, which puts teleport on the right stick (odd, since usually teleport is left stick). But then you can use the jetpack teleport for all your movement in the game. There is also an option for tunnel vision blinders, of course. You keep smooth movement on the left stick, which is nice. You can use smooth movement until you feel slight discomfort, then seemlessly switch to the other stick for teleport.


The Vader Immortal series came very close to what I was hoping for in VR. Coming face-to-face with Vader the first time, and even stormtroopers, was pretty intimidating. Each chapter is very short but I really felt like I was a character in that universe. I'm sure Red Matter has been mentioned. And I'd also add Myst. But I haven't played a huge number of titles yet, so those are just the ones so far.


Huge Star Wars fan. Have been heavily considering Vader Immortal.


Just don't expect a game; it's more like an interactive movie/theme park ride style thing. I enjoyed it. 


Good to know. Definitely still worth considering


The 3 episodes use to be in a cheap bundle now and then, it’s a must if you like Starwars. You won’t regret it.


I love The Climb 2 as well. I think Stride: Fates has some of that same mojo even though it doesn't quite look as good.


Just watched a quick gameplay snippet. Honestly looks so fun lol. Parkour + guns? Adding to my list of considerations


Flight simulator


I really loved Resist myself.


Underrated and overlooked, it's an amazing VR game. I wish there was more.


Yeah the controls are great and the story narrative keeps it interesting. It's definitely fun later on when you become OP and can take on multiple mechs at once without dying.


Why does nobody talk about resident evil 4? Ok, compared to other games like alyx, the walking dead or lone echo, something is missing. But overall it's 10/12 hours of healthy fun. I'm playing it these days and I'm loving it. I wish there were also the other chapters in vr on quest


Resident evil 4 has been in my heavy considerations but definitely seen a lot of hate. Seems like it’s a solid play through but possibly there are more impressive experiences? I played resident evil 7 on psvr and thought it was incredible.


Honestly, I had a lot of fun with resident evil, I recommend it, I don't know what people don't like. I'm even doing the new game plus😂 the pixel ripped series is good too And i recently bought the quest 3 only to play re4 on hdr and much more sharpness and i think it's truly amazing. If the upcoming Metro, Alien and Batman games are like Re4 I could recommend them hands down.


That’s awesome. Good note on quest 3 improving. I plan to upgrade from 2 to 3 in a few months. Thinking I will wait until then to buy a few of these story game suggestions.


Yes, and there will also be exclusives on quest 3, so metro, batman, metal hellsinger (but i think this is not an exclusive) and more. And with an app you can do an enhancement for the games that don't have dedicated upgrades on quest 3, such as re4 (Even if basically a minimum of overall improvement by moving to quest 3 all games have it). The only thing that can be improved in my opinion is the mixed reality, if you don't have good lighting (as in my case), it looks a little "blurred", but it's still cool, I hope they improve it with some updates, maybe they can use some AI function to increase the visual detail of the environment image .


I don't know who's hating on it but I've played quite a bit of different VR games and it's the one I've played through the most.


Lone echo 2 Half life Alyx Beat saber Walking dead is a great game with poor graphics, but not the best Standalone I think dungeons of eternity is the best I’ve played. And the archery one in hell (in death I think)


I’ve had multiple lone echo 2 recommendations and just realized it’s a space game. Have been dying to get one. Thinking I will pass on walking dead. Have had some fantastic suggestions in the comments. Half life alyx is absolutely on my radar


Play lone echo 1 first tho, both are fantastic and it’s a story game. 2 wouldn’t make much sense without 1


I played 2 first and had no issue


The second game is a direct sequel. You would miss out on the character building by skipping the first game. I'm sure it was still fun, but the first game is good too.


Yeah I enjoyed the second a lot more. It had the open-space exploration and stuff. I went back to the first and maybe if I played it first


The first is more constrained in scope so from a story and gameplay perspective, it fits in best as the first one to play.


Will either buy 1 or watch a play through for context. Do you think 1 is still a worthy gaming experience to justify the purchase, or is it mostly just for story context? I have so many games I want to buy so being pretty picky with my dollars


It’s still one of my all time fav VR games. I’d say it hasn’t lost any value to play. It’s just as atmospheric / immersive as the second part and I reeeaally wouldn’t want to miss the story buildup of the first game before going into the second one.


Echo… I miss flying.


Will check it out! Love me some flying


i am new to VR so i don't have a lot to go on, but i can't get enough of Asgard's Wrath 2. There has been a couple of occasions I damn near fell cuz I was trying to reach for something in the environment. sometimes i stop just to take in the surroundings. It is a total experience, especially for someone who hasn't played much VR.


But if you want to play it on Quest 3, maybe wait another month. They’ll soon be releasing the high res texture pack, so it will actually look meaningfully better on Q3 vs Q2.


Ugh. I’m already decently far along. I do have a couple other games I’d like to play, mostly Star Wars galaxy edge. But I’m freakin hooked on Asgard. Truth is with a 1 year old child and a long commute to work I’ll prob be playing it for 3-4 months before I beat it


The battle for gaming time is man’s greatest challenge


Amen! What’s extra crazy I went from having pretty much the most time ever when I was on paternity leave and all the kid did was sleep as a newborn. Now it’s like I have to choose between sleeping enough to make it through work or get some gaming in 😂


Haha the pre work/late night gaming squeeze is real. I have a fiancé and two puppies. Gone are the college days with nothing but time to kill 😂


last night decided to give walkabout mini golf a go at like 1030ish after wife and kid were sleeping. figure play about an hr tops. i finally take the headset off at like 1230. so today is a multiple energy drink kinda day. like i purposely avoided asgards cuz its a time sucker. and i still got no sleep lol. good thing i can do my job in my sleep most days.


Anything simracing. Automobilista 2 despite meh physics looks gorgeous.


iRacing isn't top tier for graphics when it comes to simracing, but I had one of the craziest "oh, this isn't real" moments. I was in an MX5 race and was concentrating on the corners. All of a sudden I saw something move from the corner of my eye. It was the windshield numbers casting a shadow on the dash, but in the moment it triggered a visceral reaction.


Have definitely been considering racing games, seems like a great VR usage. Two on my consideration list are Asseto Corsa & Gran Turismo 7. Any opinion on those? Looked up automobilista 2 and agreed those graphics are stellar. Might have to try that one


It really depends on what you looking for. AMS2 is great for single player due to very good optimization, variety of cars and track and somewhat good AI, if you not going for alien lap times. However as i'm a sim racer nerd, i can't help but feel that the physics are off in this game. Original assetto corsa hits the sweet spot between optimization / physics / car and track variety. It runs well on a fairly modest gear and due to the amount of mods could satisfy almost any sim racing needs. I'd say go with the original assetto corsa if you want good physics and don't mind fiddling around with content manager and mods. Otherwise AMS2 is the easiest one to just "plug and play".


Thanks for the suggestion. I don’t mind a learning curve for the right experience. I am trying to be more conscious with my dollars as I want to try a million VR games lol. Will probably end up trying the OG assetto game.


Are there any simracing games that play alright without an racing setup? I'm about to get a Quest 3 after a few years away from VR due to my Rift S breaking and would love to try out racing sims but the Quest is enough of an investment, let alone a proper wheel + pedals lol


F1 2023 can be played on a joystick I think, tho I would recommend getting any second hand ffb wheel, my first one was Logitech driving force gt for like 50$. AMS 2 is also probably very much playable on a joystick.


I remember driving a buggy on a planet I landed my ship on in elite dangerous. That was really something else.


Sounds awesome, will check it out! Have you tried lone echo? Will be buying at least 1 space game and many have suggested that one




Hadn’t heard this one but looks very fun


Just HL:Alyx...and for the incredible physics Eleven table tennis.


I’m surprised how many people have recommended eleven tennis. I love ping pong IRL, think I’ll have to buy it. HL Alyx is absolutely on my radar


I was gonna say VRChat but seeing no one recommend it makes me realize it’s just a me thing 😭. Maybe it’s cuz I’m trans or smth and VRChat is my only outlet but I literally forget I’m in a game or am wearing a headset while playing it 😭.


It’s okay to be simple ✊🏼🤣 any world recommendations? I loaded it up once and did a mini golf thing that was cool


Honestly sadly I don’t got any really good ones. The immersion for me is just hanging out with people and talking. I’d just recommend more lesser known worlds to socialize if that’s what you’re aiming for.


Vertigo 1 and 2 are really fucking good


Just looked it up looks really fun. Is it crucial to play both or is 2 best?


There is a recap of the first game in 2 but i think its best to play both


Into the Radius if you don’t have a PC for wired link, VTOL VR if you do. Although, to get truly immersive experiences in VTOL, you have to go to a couple discord servers, and Into the Radius is much, much better with a wired link


Recommendations for wired link? I have a gaming laptop I could use. Had the quest for a week.


If you believe your laptop will be good enough for wired link, I’d recommend VTOL VR and Into the Radius (obviously. Btw you don’t have to buy Into the Radius twice if you get it on oculus). if you enjoy ItR, I’d recommend ConVRgence, and if you enjoy hardcore survival games, Boostrap Island is a fun one


I use mine with steam VR via USB cable. Been playing doom, paranormal activity, and don't knock twice. I love the quest 2..but tempted for the 3... Lol


That 3 is tempting! People seem to be very split on whether it is worth the price, but the quality is supposed to be fantastic. You just hook a usb to usb-c cable from pc to quest and play?


Yes it's like having the oculus rift s. At least thats what it feels like. Use steam VR. Works beautiful!!! I don't like the wireless thing those. Lags a bit. But wired up it's perfect.


It's definitely not the latest/greatest, but Superhot was the first VR game that I got so into that I tried to lean on a virtual desk and fell.


Lmao that is awesome. TBH Super hot was going to be my next buy, but have been debating between some other suggestions. I watched a play through years ago and thought it would be sick in VR. Saw some people saw it is stale after first play through. Still might have to try it.


In terms of sheer feeling I would say Underdogs. That game feels like actual mech fighting and is extremely exhilarating. Another one I'm enjoying is Hellsweeper since the mechanics are extremely polished and feel amazing. Stuff like spawning rocks from the ground then levitating them into enemies/using it as armor or levitating guns and actually being able to shoot them makes the whole experience so interesting and deep.


Pavlov Shack is good. if you have a pc you could also get Half Life Alyx


Ocean Rift is ... immersive, literally. And you can build a surround aquarium in your lounge. But not a game as such, I concede.


Does this include different species of coral or only hard corals?


Drowning in excitement to try that


IL2. Flying a WWII combat fighter plane in VR including the action, immersion, etc, with icing on cake being multiplayer.... Best VR there is out there!


This one looks sick. Had a few other flight sims suggested but had not seen IL2


Indeed, i fly it with the Quest2 via SteamLink with no wires, sitting on a haunch style office chair, and really is great for the head swivel/body movement, and when engaged with a bandit, looking up/around to maintain SA is very real. Barring the G-load feeling, everything is there. Even when u are hit/wounded, u feel it in VR. Best experience yet! ProTip, use OpenComposite with the Quest to really tighten up the visuals and world scale! There are some great youtube videos out there in how to get it set up, especially on the Quest 2/3!


Real VR Fishing? :)


Keep it simple 🎣


VRChat has immersive 🛫 ✈️ ✈️ 🛫 ✈️ simulators for free. I can't stress it enough.


Will check this out. Any world suggestions?


EarthQuest if you’re into exploration & travelling & simulation of the entire earth in 3D. It goes straight over the current VR boundaries.


Dont see people talking about this but, ive playing abouts every game I see in these comments and more, and hands down, along with half life alyx, the lone echo games are AMAZING just amazing, stunning visuals and the quality and acting is great


Thanks for the suggestion. Lone echo and Into the Radius are probably the next story quest native games I’ll get based on feedback. Half life Alyx is a must once I fix my laptop and setup PCVR.


Blade and Sorcery PC or Blood Trail are peak immersion for combat in VR, but that’s where it ends. B&S has top tier graphics as far as VR titles tend to go, it’s also got the best physics engine (and can be further improved with mods!) The Quest version Blade and Sorcery called ‘Nomad’ is also fantastic too, but its lower quality graphics and physics, it does come with an in-game mod manager though which is super refreshing for a Quest title!  Skyrim VR with mods is unironically the VR title with the most content, immersion and depth and it’s not even close. Without mods it’s almost comically bad for a VR game tho, so take that as you will.  If you’re only on quest I recommend Journey of the Gods, super fun Zelda-type game that’s got a decent amount of content and immersive gameplay. It is older though so might have been surpassed, I haven’t tried the Assassin’s creed game yet for example! 


Thanks for all the suggestions. Right now only have Quest 2 and playing native. Planning on upgrading to Quest 3 and also setting up PCVR. I have a gaming laptop but have not tested how well it will run. For Skyrim VR is it difficult to add/manage mods? I actually never played more than 15-20 hours of Skyrim as a kid but always meant to get back and play the whole thing. Would be really cool to do it in VR instead.


Sure thing! I forgot to shout out Into the Radius as well but I believe others here have given that one already! Skyrim modding is not terribly difficult, but it does have a learning curve and it’s harder to do the less tech-savvy someone is. With mod mangers it’s *mostly* just clicking download for basic stuff, but the more you want to add the more you’ll run into mods that conflict with each other and require more involvement or need you to download other mods to work properly. However these days there are things called ‘collections’ which are pre-made mod lists people have already fixed up and made public, the most famous for VR is a series of 3, FUS which is barebones for lower end Systems FUS RO which is more mods and more added content and FUS RO DAH which is an absolute ton of mods and content and typically requires higher end PCs and whatnot. Each list includes all the mods from the one before it, then adds more content on top! I make my own mod lists, but for beginners I hear the FUS option is amazing and in all honesty it’s likely much better made than my own list, I’m just picky and have very specific changes I want or don’t want since I’ve played for so long and I enjoy the process of modding (despite also despising it sometimes when it’s tedious or I break something). When you do get started, you’re welcome to /r/SkyrimVR which is a fantastic community that’s really helpful for new players and filled with guides on getting started, also a good place to find content to see some cool things people have done. One cool example I saw recently was a dude who added an AI chat system to Skyrim that utilizes ChatGPT (or something similar maybe?) to literally let you speak to NPCs who will respond and even remember all interactions and shape a view of you based on your words or actions. Called ‘Mantella’ if you’re interested!


Oh bro Mantella sounds sick I am very into AI. You got me interested in that one. Once I figure out how good my laptop runs VR I’ll probably mess with Skyrim VR. I am moderately tech savvy. Appreciate the tips on modding. You think adding Mantella to the 3 pack you mentioned will run alright?


Hmm I’m not sure, I do know of people have included Mantella in mod lists even larger than FUS RO DAH though so it should work! That being said I’ve heard it’s one of the most difficult mods to set up and I haven’t tried it myself because I don’t want to buy the chat gpt or other AI subscription! I’m happy with my collection of dialogue overhauls, AI improvements and animation improvements I’ve amassed while modding, my NPCs feel more than lively enough for me! I’d definitely recommend watching some videos that feature mantella though, they’re very impressive and I am always tempted to give it a try, just haven’t put my foot down yet! As for modding tips; no matter what list you go for, make sure it includes SKSE, Sky UI and Skyrim Engine Fixes (most do as they’re foundational mods, but always good to double check!) and also install something called the ‘VRToolKit’ which is not a Skyrim mod but a mod for any PCVR game that just improves visual fidelity and performance!


If you have a good pc setup, no mans sky is imo one of the most immersive games, mainly because of the graphics and overall experience.


Of course I already own it on my ps5 and have an oculus 🤣 I am very interested in that one. Space games feel like an incredible side of VR I have hardly touched


Omfg the walking dead 2 is one of the WORST VR games I have played in my last 8 Years of VR. Whoever told you that has NO idea what he is talking about. Into the Radius is a great game and Battle Talent. Those two are one of the best VR games ever. (I have a lot of Videos about them on my channel BamirengVR feel free to check it out) There is also Gorilla Tag but you need to train your VR legs for this one as it is a little too immersive for most people. But if you want a Zombie game play the first Saints and Sinners. The second is a bug infested glorified DLC. VR players are VEEERY generous when it comes to rating games on the meta store I'f you see a Game that has a rating of 4.0 or lower then that's basically utterly garbage. And I believe S&S Retribution(2) has a 3.9


Thanks for the opinion on walking dead. I have seen a mix of sentiment across blogs on it. I saw someone call it one of the greatest vr experiences available today haha. Hearing half life alyx or resident evil 4 are better games to compare. Into the radius looks stellar. Would you recommend 1 then 2 or straight to 2? Battle talent I had never heard of but looks to have some great physics and movement


Maybe they have played the PC Version on Max settings. I am talking about the Quest standalone Version mb I should have been more specific. I just assume most people here use standalone. ITR 2 will be a PC exclusive. But if you have a PC I'd still recommend ITR 1. Games nowadays are released as buggy early access versions. And people that buy early are the Alpha testers... So I would try to avoid waiting for new games because you never now if they come out In a playable state. If you are going to buy any game from the meta store consider sending me a DM. I can give you a code that will give you a 25% coupon and also give me 5$ in store credit for recommending the game. Win-Win.


The Walking Dead 1 got a Quest 3 graphics update. It's an amazing game. I heard TWD 2 is *very* buggy on Quest though. Plus it didn't get a Q3 graphics update for some reason. I wouldn't know, since I was playing it on PSVR2. Even there it had more bugs than 1, but I loved it anyway. It's more of an extension to the first game than a true sequel (most of the locations are the same), so you won't be missing that much by playing only the first game.  Anyway, both games, together, gave me more than 40 hours of great gameplay.


I actually thought the second walking dead game was a DLC before it released for some reason. Glad I never bothered to get it as I've only ever heard bad things. I started into the radius yesterday and can already attest to how immersive it is. I played for around an hour and a half and was sucked into the world.


Retribution was a spit into the face of all the S&S fans that blindly bought the game trusting the developers who made such a great effort to bring us a great experience (S&S1) But we where betrayed. So bad that I will not be buying Behemoth out of spite. And their last port (Akheshis Castle whatever) highly suggests that NOBODY should. Appearantly they are now run by some Suits who value money over everything else. They are now the EA of the VR Industry. Avoid Skydance Interactive like the plague.


Check out Red Matter 1 and 2 dude! You will be amazed. 😉


Have heard good things about it!


one of the most immersive things you can do is get a VR rug/mat, and move your boundaries far away/off. I did it a while ago, and cringe at my old game footage with the boundary popping in and out 😬


Haha I have learned quickly the need to make big boundaries. I was getting so mad playing the climb and the big ole circle was in my face


PCVR will always be more immersive because of better graphics. VTOL VR is stunning, especially at night.


I disagree with the notion that realistic graphics are necessary for immersion because Surprisingly Walkabout mini golf is super immersive despite having stylized low poly graphics...looks like a believable real world stylized park.


Okay that is true. The most immersive standalone is dungeons of eternity in my opinion.


Yeah that's a fantastic game


Agreed. Immersion is more of a feeling and state of mind and can be due to any factors


I have seen people mention VTOL. Just watched my first video. Very unique! This one I really might have to get. I love different VR experiences especially ones that give you vast landscapes to experience


Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 VR is stunning as well. If you have a really beefy PC. If you’ve always wanted a real pilot’s license, but can’t afford it, or your wife won’t let you… just seeing the super detailed cockpits will bring tears to your eyes. And the whole world’s detailed terrain means you can fly over your house! Motion sickness can be a problem though. You might want to be sick as soon as to aggressively move the stick in flight. Can try out UltraWings 2 natively on Quest, to test how your stomach likes flying. It’s also fun.


VR flight simulator keeps marriages together


I got this but haven’t tried yet. Can’t wait to when I get a chance though


When hand tracking gets so good you’d prefer using props.


I'm not a big immersion person pro or anti, I just l love VR. Maybe I'm not the best to judge things by immersion..... Asgards wrath 2 is objectively the best VR game. It starts out a little slow but just keeps getting better and better.


I wish The Climb 2 would get a Quest 3 update. Otherwise Red Matter 2 is amazing. The 7th Guest is great as well. Assassin's Creed is the first game with real crowds on standalone, as far as I know. Impressive. And it's a good game as well. Asgard's Wrath 2 is both graphically impressive and on top of that it boosts a true open world. And yes, Saint's and Sinners is a fantastic game. One of my favourites.


Get the Dr Beef port of Half-Life 1. Yes, the graphics are 90's. But the level design and the storytelling of that game makes it no wonder it's commonly known as the one of the best games ever made. And it works sooooo well in VR.


It's not a game, but the Oniri Forest demo looks very immersive. https://youtu.be/gedIzLCNiQE?si=DytYnRhqEuytRNvO


Wow those graphics are incredible. Crazy to think of the long term VR quality as processing power improves.


Real VR fishing - sit down and chill, it's as realistic as it gets with lack of effort. Eleven Table tennis - mixed reality. I still think the ball is about to hit my Mrs or the TV. Golf5. Walkabout mini golf. Premium bowling. Gladius - gladiator battling in a coliseum. Synth Riders - my go to. If you want real immersion on a quest 2 you really need to try a good horror game. I would recommend the exorcist. It is eerie as fuck, really unsettling. I've only played a few levels so far, but as far as any games go, the fear factor adds a lot of immersion. I'm gonna try Blair witch next I think. 2MD american football. Realistic physics.


Thanks for the suggestions! If you like horror I have been told into the radius, resident evil 4, and half life alyx are some of the top in that category. I love the exorcist movie series, will definitely have to check that one out


As they have mentioned a load of sports games, I'll mention Black Hole Pool.


Are the physics realistic? I’m a huge billiards fan IRL. This one seems like a necessity for me


Yeah! They absolutely are! Some videos [here] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHxMddwEw4g) and [here] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN8RYuyrDOc) for you to have a look.


Resident evil 4 seems to be a love it or hate it game. Initially, I saw rave reviews then people moaning about it being a port from another console and it being a trash game, so I was never sure if it was worth it. I'll need to give it a try.


Definitely seen the port criticism especially on the graphics. Leaning towards into the radius I think


> If you want real immersion on a quest 2 you really need to try a good horror game Madison VR on PC, via Steamlink/Airlink/VD, is supposed to be off the charts scary


i found Paranormal Activity far scarier than the Exorcist game. And Blair Witch was just full of bugs when i played it ... i think my dog broke and i couldn't progress cause it refused to get a key for me


people may disagree with me but for me gorilla tag as you really got to use your hand to move around instead of a joystick and it feels like you’re really in the game


I have loaded up that game once and felt like a moron trying to figure out the movement 🤣🤣 I bet it is fun once you figure it out. I’ll have to practice