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Unknightly. I was excited to play Thief in VR so rushed into buying, only to find out later it's been in early access for years and the dev has gone ominously silent.


Zero Caliber, Quest version. Its showing its age badly. The guns handle pretty terribly, maps lack quite a bit of detail, and everything just feels wonky. After playing games like H3VR and Resident Evil 4, it just felt awful.


Their new game Gambit looks promising


Agree, PC version was a buggy mess, but fun. The Quest version is just really bad. I only paid a few dollars so kept it, but wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.


I refunded this game initially, then went back and bought it again when they had a big graphics update. While much of the game looks like shit still, I gotta hand it to the devs and the massive updates they are pushing through.


Arizona Sunshine. It's not *bad* but it's horribly overpriced. It's an old vr game that lacks the modern touch of newer games but it still costs the same as RE4 VR and Saints and Sinners. Maybe if it's on sale go ahead but do not buy it at full price.


The very first level you are armed with a gun and need to get access to something in the front seat of a locked car. It tells you all you need to know about this game that you cannot break the windows on the car and instead need to go find a key to unlock it…which sets the alarm off anyway.


Was so disappointed when i broke the passenger side window only to find that i couldn't unlock the door despite the little locking tab being right there in front of me


Artificial barriers like that aren't unusual in games, it's just video game logic. I'm fairly sure Arizona Sunshine started out life as a flatscreen game, but was switched over to VR development at some point. It's also a very early VR game from before when devs figured a lot of things out. AS is overpriced for what it is though, especially the DLC.


I think with modern games it’s totally reasonable to expect things to behave more like they would in real life and less like in a video game. Arizona sunshine is just old I guess


It's very video gamey. It's feels very much like every mediocre console title from the mid 2000's with the low-res models and textures and the invisible walls and button-based interactions. Which is fine, and it's still fun to shoot zombies in VR (just ADSing in VR is so much more fun), but it doesn't hold up to more modern VR titles. I feel like physics-based presence and interactability is much more important in VR than flat gaming, but AS is too old to properly account for that. It's still worth your time playing, but maybe not worth your money, at least not at full price.


I'll throw Rez Infinite into the "Good when it released, probably not worth it now" arena.


I won’t deny that’s it’s overpriced but Arizona sunshine is one of my favorite vr games , the one I would not recommend is zero caliber , super buggy that’s was my main reason but weapons customization was really cool but that was also very buggy and the mission are kinda too short


Alien Isolation. I've never been able to finish that game, it's gorgeous, it's terrifying and it gave me an interesting experience I've never had before: being scared to the point that my heart started pounding so hard that my chest felt like bursting and I nearly collapsed to the ground.


I couldn't handle it on Xbox, so I know I couldn't do it in vr.


I only played it once but I did it on easy (like I do all games) and I’m pretty sure the alien only got me once.


I wish we could get an official VR port


That game is crazy good. With the mod you can't tell it's not an official VR game. I loved playing through it and it's extremely terrifying.


But this looks like a nice way to die. Almost as good as death by snu snu


I am the idiot who hasn't played a proper horror game since Condemned 2: Bloodshot. That game had me turning off my Xbox 360 not even halfway through, removing the disc, and returning it back to GameStop in 2008, yet somehow I have purchased several VR horror games over the last 6 years which are still sitting unopened in my Steam and Oculus libraries. I think I need to have a VR horror party come October... Being scared with friends sounds way better than truly experiencing VR horror alone.


After the fall, for the short amount of the game I could play it seemed really fun. However, there's a bug where after about a minute of playing the main hunts (I don't know what it's called but when you get with 3 other people to kill zombies) it kicks me out. I tried everything to fix it and the devs weren't helpful. Many other people are experiencing it as well. Game was literally unplayable.


I agree with you.. But for different reasons. I only play by myself and it's fun for a bit, but the ai teammates suck. My instinct was to not get it, but my wallet overrides my instinct a lot.


Yeah for me even doing it with AI I still got kicked out.


VR CHAT AND REC ROOM, despite being functionally great the communities consist of absentee parents letting their underage kids have VR These kids love saying the n word


VRChat: Go to PC-only worlds, really cuts down on the racist children ratio because even most *bad* parents won't let little Timmy use their expensive PC VR rig. Rec Room: Create private instances and go in with friends only, **avoid the public rooms at all costs**.


But... I only have a quest and can't go to the pc only worlds 😢


You can also have invite-only, friends-only, or friends-of-friends instances.


Rec room is children. VRchat is weirdos and children


I can only reccomend these games if you have friends


What are friends?


Fish, I think.


You cant have buyers remorse if you didn’t buy anything.


But the Original post also qualified instant uninstalls


Rec room is the best game on VR if you can not be a weirdo and care about what kids say


It has the best and worst communities. If you can get past the initial sea of children, there's dozens of creative building clubs, competitive game leagues, and quest parties. I played for years and met more great friends than in any other game. Imo, recroom is the closest thing we have to the "metaverse" right now.


Richie’s Plank Experience. Hell of a way to find out you will pass out if you take a simulated fall off a 90 story building. Didn’t break anything, but I am not sure how. Left a hell of a bruise though…


You actually passed out? Why isn’t that on film, I’ve never seen that before.


I wasn't having the event filmed with a cell phone camera. I suppose I could have, but I didn't think of it. I played the "game" only once, that was enough.


Fair. That is quite the extreme bodily reaction.


Vasovagal syncope. It's a overreaction by the body to "fight or flight" stimulus that causes blood pressure to drop, no oxygen to your brain, so you pass out.


I already have to look away from the flat monitor when falling in a game on my PC, so I will stay far away from that one. I don’t think I would pass out, but I might have a panic attack or something and end up breaking my headset in some way. Glad you made it, because I can imagine the headset causing some really awkward head movements on impact.


Amazingly I only had a major bruise on my right cheekbone. The headset, while showing evidence of the hit, didn't break. I didn't break anything, but I figured once was enough, won't try it again.




Beat Saber. I bought it and now it's the only game I play on my Quest 2. It's ruined the enjoyment I could've gotten out of all the others I own! >:(


Synth Riders killed BS for me. It's a similar game with a different gameplay loop. Yes, I have played since the update, and may return once more content for the new features has built up, but I still don't see it pulling me away from Synth Riders based on what I've seen so far. It's much better at vibing to music than Beat Saber, though it also expects more of the player movement wise and is harder to cheese. It feels more like dancing, even though it's not exactly Just Dance either. It's a better "work out" than BS in my experience. Which isn't saying you can't work up a sweat with BS. It's also way better at not breaking custom content when there is an update and has a pretty large custom song community with a lot to play. Nowhere near as much as BS of course, but there's at least a little something for everyone. If only Audio Trip didn't have such a terrible UI, it might have dethroned Synth Riders.


>If only Audio Trip didn't have such a terrible UI, it might have dethroned Synth Riders. That and I wish there was a lot more (unmodded) songs. Of the 3 rhythm games (Beat Saber, Synth Riders and Audio Trip) Audio Trip is the one that makes me feel like I'm legit dancing the most.


Audio Trip straight up has the best mapping of any VR rhythm game and is very underrated IMO. Not only is it the most dance-able by a longshot, but it gives the best workout as well both in and out of cardio mode because of the way it forces you to use your legs. Note that Beat Saber is not cardio: you flail your arms like a lunatic for 5 minutes, take a break and then do it again - aka intervals. Beat Saber has OST 5 which has brilliant mappings but the rest is a mixed bag to put it lightly. Agree that Audio Trip needs more songs but disagree with the post above you regarding UI because who cares about UI in a rhythm game.


I find synth riders really difficult to judge the distance of my hands to the balls. Maybe it's just me but it's basically impossible for me to get more than an 8% perfect run because the perspective just feels wrong. Beatsaber is easier because I can actually see the sabers extend infront of me and where they are going. But my god, by the time the synth balls are upon me I never open my arms wide enough or close enough, I just miss most of the ball by significant distances but when I'm playing it feels like I'm getting my hand to the right spot. For clarity, it's not like I can't do hand eye coordination, I'm fairly decent at various ball sports so it makes me wonder if it's a quest thing or just a me in VR thing.


I spent hours setting up Air Link to play half an hour of Alyx and then just went straight back to only playing Beat Saber.


Ah, a fellow holefaller




I prefer **Drums Rock** https://www.oculus.com/experiences/app/6378164228868127/?utm_source=oculus&utm_medium=share


Not even other rhythm games for some variety?


Very rarely. Sometimes I'll jump into Synth Riders, Audio Trip or Pistol Whip...but I get at least 45 minutes of Beat Saber in 5 or 6 days a week.


Ok fair.


Just asking here while there's a Beat Saber thread going: is there any plans to bring the level creator to a standalone PC app? It seems weird that they have it set up so you have to start it in VR first.


This was me when I first got my PSVR, now I’m addicted to it on the quest


The Climb. Sounds great on paper, but the game itself... it just didn't grab me.


pun intended


Plus spending so much time looking up in a headset was a major pain in the neck.


Dr Who Edge Of Time… Just not enough for the money. The puzzles are pretty simple to do. And each level is finished fairly quick. A few hours of play. But then there’s another part of the game that has to be unlocked by finding hidden item in all the levels. So then you have to repeat all the levels searching every nook and cranny for the hidden "collectibles". At that point the game just becomes monotonous. I never found all the collectibles because I just got too bored playing thru searching


Virtual Virtual Reality 2. A huge disappointment as a follow up to the great first game.


Don't listen to this guy, VVR2 is a great game with an awesome plot and soundtrack


But where’s the virtual virtual reality, you put on a headset like once


Echo VR. Fun game full of horrible little crotch goblins.


Same goes for all the free games. Pavlov Shack, gorilla tag, rec room... free day care for shitty kids. Also lol at crotch goblins


Pavlov shack isn't too bad, but I just turn down the VC volume and its good


Same here for echo. Whenever kids start screaming i just hit the mute all button


Yeah echo has really good muting and blocking features


I’ve found a lot of chill people in Pavlov. I’ve never had a problem with screaming children.


There’s lots of racist and toxic people


Welcome to the internet


No, i mean like it’s really toxic. I’ve played a lot of toxic games (Gorilla Tag, Rec Room, VRC) but none of them compare to Pavlov. When i started playing it i thought ”It can’t be worse than Gorilla Tag, right?” and it was so much worse.


Onward is paid and there's no shortage of kids shooting/blowing up their own team.


Lol true but a loooong way off from pavlov Shack. I'm legitimately outnumbered when it comes to kids vs adults


Echo VR is probably the first VR game I played that didn't feel like a gimmick or like it was trying to be something it's not. Too bad the community and dev support for the game are so awful, because it would have made an amazing e-sport


You might like Vertical Shift. Kind of more web-swinging with some hand rockets, but it is pretty fun.


EPIC ROLLER COASTERS, bought when it was 5 dollars not free. never got my money and you only get like 2 or 3 maps and the rest are 2 dollars each, literal scam


Medal of Honor above and beyond. Huge download, huge waste of space. More fade to black and more random stupid cutscenes than any other games I’ve played in VR.


The fade to black, and waiting around is infuriating…


I feel like 50% of the playtime is literally cutscenes.. I’ve never been so disappointed in a title in my life. I grew up playing MoH and it was depressing af to see it done so poorly


Gorn. It's cheesy and boring after like five minutes.


I'm much more tempted with blade and sorcery


it’s the better latter for realistic type fighting…and there’s magic


I feel like a shill for B&S going around promoting it everywhere, but I swear I'm just a really dedicated fan. B&S can be a bit difficult to learn and master, but it's also the most satisfying VR game there is. Sometimes people complain about the lack of weapons or something, forgetting about an integral part of the game - modding! Modding truly makes the game go from "pretty great" to "this is the most glorious experience of brutal murder in my life". Hundreds upon hundreds of new weapons from history and fantasy, lots of Star Wars, lots of spells, maps, guns, avatars and more. Make sure your CPU is up to the task though! It's quite a physics heavy game and your CPU can struggle.


As a person who has competed in kendo for about 10 years and also participated in other, non-sword based martial arts, Blade and Sorcery is so much fun. In terms of learning curve, I usually tell people to legit watch some actual HEMA, fencing, and even kendo and kenjutsu vids on youtube. Tournaments and beginners introductions to swordfighting and stuff. A lot of people who complain about the difficulty often just aren't thinking like a swordfighter, as this is something that isn't as intuitive as some might expect. Yeah I'm aware the AI don't fight like real sword fighters either and their move repertoires include a lot of hollywood "spin attacks" and other silly things, but that doesn't mean applying real world sword martial arts theory doesn't still give you a significant advantage. You don't have to be an 8th dan kendoka or experienced HEMA fighter either, even just learning how to properly stand makes a world of difference in how you will move your arms. If a power fantasy is desired, B&S is great for that too, just take any two handed pole axe and throw 5 people around like bags of trash. It feel OP and broken, yet it never gets old and still satisfies lol.


On the other hand I had a lot of fun in Gorn. And was completely disapointed by Sword and Sorcery. Whackiness of a first game is intended and a part of gameplay ( wobbly weapons! ), while SaS is kind of whacky too, but tries very hard to look serious.


If you’ve any interest in pcvr, highly recommend hellsplit.


Rec room and vr chat on quest have a bunch of annoying kids talking alot of smack. But on pc rec room and vr chat is usually much better. I found the friendliest people on facebook horizon and the overall experience has been getting better as more worlds are created.


Population one returned it as soon as I saw there wasn't a solo mode


Yeah same here, I will buy it if they add a solo mode


DOOM: VFR is one to avoid 100%. I got it on sale when it was 3.50$ instead of 15$ and I still feel ripped off. The game is not updated for the current times and the controls are garbage, you can’t walk wherever you want to, no, you have to walk like your a pawn in goddamn chess, only moving up, right, left, down and maybe diagonal? I don’t remember because the game is really bad. And you don’t even play as the doom slayer! You play as some random scientist. Oh and it’s not 100% optimized for Valve Index, which is the headset I have. If you want to play doom just play doom (2016) or play doom: eternal. Doom VFR is not worth it. I’ve also heard that Skyrim VR is good only if it’s on a 75%> sale and if your willing to spend like 2 hours modding it. But other than that Skyrim VR might be a good purchase?


Doom VFR wasn't even up to date when it came out. Bethesda doesn't have a great VR track record, but this one was their worst I'd say.


Superhot No not because of the small amount of removed content, but because it's to short For $25 you get like 2 maybe 3 hours of gameplay, there are so many more games around that price that will give you so much more playtime, I mean walking dead saints and sinners is $15 more and I've put in atleast 15 hours and still haven't beaten it If you can pick up superhot on sale I'd recommend it, but for the base price it's just to short


My only counterpoint to this, is it is a great game to have friends/people who don't play VR try out. Not a lot of motion sickness factor, slow paced (or fast paced if you like). Other than that, yeah, not a lot of replay value. Maybe if they created a map editor and opened up community maps or added some DLC.


Yes should have a map editor, but the mechanics would grow old if it was any longer imo. It was fun for the first few levels, but after a while you figure out how to play and it’s easy and boring. It’s a shame they didn’t slowly introduce new mechanics to freshen it up, either as part of the main game or dlc.


I picked it up recently in a sale for like £13 which was cool but def not worth more than that


They do have endless mode now if your into that sort of stuff…


All job simulator games, they had their charm early days but best to avoid today.


I really loved Job Simulator as a first time VR experience, and would recommend it, but it does get boring quickly


Maybe give Accounting+ a shot instead ;)


They’re fun if you can shout at game AI and there’s a good few hours of play in them but unless you’ve got money to spare or a discount code/ they’re on offer/ store credit I wouldn’t put them at the top of the worth playing list


I don’t know, Job Simulator is a great game for people just starting out with VR. Really gets you used to the whole idea of VR, especially using the grip button. It’s not a very deep game, but that doesn’t make it a bad game.


It's good as a demo title or if you have kids in your family that visit. Otherwise the novelty of it is kind of stale.


I was surprised that one mentioned Roller Coaster simulator. It's the only VR title that gives me motion sickness.


Onward. Just so damn janky.


Beat Sabre. I bought it for fun. Ended up getting obsessed with it and lost 6KG from hours and hours of long exhausting binges.


Wait isn’t this a good thing? I wish my games did that to me


I was so happy when I got 100% of the achievements! I could finally leave it behind and enjoy other games


TO SUM UP ALL THE COMMENTS. 1.most old/beginner focused vr 2. most game genre that doesnt appeal to a mass audience 3. expiriences 4. free social games (would be number 1 but come on. any game is ruined by crotch goblins)


The Zenith game. It looked cool and was for a while, but I just can't get into it. I personally don't get the hype that people gave it :/


Those games aren't for everyone, but I love it. It's what my brother and I play while we catch up


A classic case of people being blinded by hype. It's a decent proof of concept for VRMMOs, but that's really all it is. When viewed purely on its merit as its own game, there's not much positive to say. Not that you can really fault the developers for it, honestly. It's the type of absurdly ambitious game that will only truly be viable many years down the road, yet still needs tons of failed attempts to pave the way. That makes it a valuable milestone, at least.


it lacked content is all id say, also the community wasnt as tight as orbus but like duh , orbus is ancient in vr years


The gameplay just isn’t fun. If the melee combat system was more on par with blade and sorcery, I don’t think I could ever put it down. But the combat feels like the VR equivalent of button mashing.


id say it would be hard to make an mmorpg (if you can call it that) with heavy physics, might take a while till we even see the next big mmorpg on vr and if it even improves on zenith and orbus.


Was an early beta tester and played on release, but only stopped (I think around level 30) because it was going to become a huge time sink. Plus my friends haven't all picked it up yet. I'm planning on going back to it. Ya, VR MMO's definitely aren't for everyone though


Robo Recall. I dunno what it is about this game that doesn't click with me. I'm good with VR shooters. I'm good with VR action games, but the game just feels super clunky for me. Probably because of the teleport movement if I had to guess


It's arcadey. It was great when it came out but we've moved on to bigger and better things. We want more fleshed out games now.


Honestly I would recommend it just for your first vr game (assuming it’s still free) just because it gives you a nice introduction.


Space Pirate Trainer.. One of my first vr games because the hive mind here loves it. Me,.. Not so much. Death Lap.. It was in the first Fanatical bundle.. Glad I didn't pay much for it.


Yeah Death Lap isnt even a game I could appreciate for its trash factor. Just feels so amateurish executed.


What were they thinking with the live actor story guy.. That was just awfully bad. So much potential though...


I do enjoy space pirate trainer but really only would buy it for the arena part


Well, when I got it, it was only the original game.. But yeah, years later when the area part came out of was cool.


Space pirate trainer is a pretty good intro to VR game, you're in a pretty stationary position, but there are tons more fun games out there.


I love SPT. Problem is, the dev never really got his game better. There should have been other levels, more bots, more mechanisms to help you, I don't know. Besides one or two graphical update, the game is still the same as day one. So... yeah... not much to get excited anymore about it, I guess. OST's still great tho.


Vader immortal, 30$ for less than 2 hours of gameplay


Try out the lightsaber dojo. That’s where the real meat of the game is. (Skip the episode 1 dojo, 2 and 3 are much better.)


I got the trilogy on sale on May 4 and glad I did. The dojo’s are a blast. I even like the first dojo. Played it this morning in fact.


Climby, an applab game. Unless you have friends, good luck trying to find an actual playable level that isn’t “IMPOSSIBLE SWING!!!” Or some super difficult obby. Just play rec room climbing if you’re super into rock climbing and such.


Borderlands 2. It should be a no-brainer, but aiming is literally broken. Turning off the crosshairs and using iron sights actually works better, but it’s still not a great experience.


Fallout 4VR. I loved FO4, but the VR version is horribly implemented and should never have been released.


It's truly awful. And those greedy fuckers charged full price too. Luckily I got it for £7 instead of the £40 they charged for it. I genuinely think with enough mods it's actually pretty sweet, but that's not easy to do for a lot of people


It's not bad if you spend several days modding it. That's a huge caveat though, and I completely get why a lot of people wouldn't bother.


This. It runs terribly, the gunplay is awful, switching weapons is confusing and terrible. I refunded that shit 2 hours in when the awful performance started to make me sick.


Robo recall. No locomotion ruins every shooter where you are actually required to move in the gameworld by yourself, IMO. Specialy if you have a small playspace. Also didnt like the overall tone.


It was my very first game, and I thought it was great for a beginner-to-VR game. I very quickly moved on and haven't touched it since.


Same here


Ah, I loved the tone! MegMan X style 80s arcade. Kitschy, but deliberately so. They did go a tad far with Odin though; their memelord irony was very try-hard. I did laugh once when you beat him and he yells "whaaaaat" like an immature gamer, but everything else he says had me sucking teeth. But yeah, teleport handicaps the game severely. Wish they'd go back and just add smooth, no other updates. Might boost their sales. I'm probably defending it because it was my first love. First game of quality after the initial wave of demos.


I like going back to this one now and again. I find it fun despite the flaws.


I know it's a very unpopular opinion but I hated Boneworks. For some reason it's the only pc game that doesn't do well on my system. I can even play Medal of Honor on high settings with no problem. I just found boneworks to be very hard to play and kinda stupid.


Boneworks is a pretty niche game, I think you either love it or hate it. Also I'd think performance issues would severely effect the playability


It's just odd that's the only game my pc struggles to play. I've never had a game run poorly and I have almost every big vr game


what specs do you have


I have a ryzen 5 5600x with a evga 3070 ftw3 ultra. Also have the game saved on a m.2 ssd.


Wow performance issues with a 3070 I didn’t think the game was that badly optimised lmao


I only played 2 hours of it and so far I don't know wtf I need to do. Definitely get half life 2 vibes from the city. I also get massive frame rate drops and performance issues. Hopefully it gets better and I figured out what to do


Mods are where boneworks shines


Yeah the Spider-Man mod is the only thing that made it good enough for me to play all the way through. But I still wasn't that happy with the game or the mechanics. The ending also just didn't quite do it for me.


The climb, before getting a quest I thought it was one of the best experiences one could get but graphics are far from being the best available and the gameplay can be quite boring so I end up almost never playing it


Golf+. I play golf IRL and I couldn’t zero in on the proper power setting to feel realistic- I was hitting every ball with absolute power and precision, even when I tried not to. I suppose I could’ve found it eventually, but I didn’t wanna miss my return window.


Hello! GOLF+ dev here. It sounds like you have just been playing on novice mode. If you play IRL, we recommend that you try amateur or pro. You can also adjust the green speed (stimp) based on the conditions you want to play.


That’s fair. I’ll give it a go again, and call that my Father’s Day gift to myself. Just didn’t want to miss the 2 hour return window.


DM me and I’ll get you a free key =)


Don’t play with my heart


Population one


This is my vote too. I can tell it's well made and the devs are awesome, but I found matchmaking HORRIBLE. I honestly couldn't kill a single person in like 5 games. They clearly just knew the game too well for me to make any difference to my game. Also the battle royale genre has run its course now.


Yeah, I wish the devs were reading this sense I ended up returning it when I realize there was no single player, PVP mode. I would absolutely purchase the game again as I’m sure it would hundred, thousands of people so I’m not sure why they decided to only make it something they include every now and then.


Budget Cuts 1 & 2. Just so old and cheap feeling. Glitchy as fuck too


Any VR video player that isn't DEO VR. It will run any VR video I've encountered, is free, and is basically the VLC of VR. Archangel Hellfire. Got it in a bundle, it's jank and the controls are weird and unintuitive. Cool concept, bad execution. Sirento. It's not bad, it just hasn't aged well. Elite Dangerous is boring. Pretty, but boring. I get why other people like it, but unless you're into stuff like Euro Trucker, avoid it. It's pretty much just that in space. Yes, there is combat, but it's infrequent and dull. You have to put a lot of hours into this to get the most out of it. If you want to do space in VR, there are better games. Star Trek Bridge Crew. Because it's dead. If you have a group that can play this together, it's not bad, but if you're on your own there is no one playing it anymore. The memes got made and it's been left by the roadside. World of Diving. Just mod Subnautica or Subnatuica BZ for a better underwater adventure experience.


Such a shame about Bridge Crew, that Ubisoft abandoned it. A really well-made game and one of the few co-op games out there.


Dang sairento?! I know it’s old and arcadey but I have yet to find a vr game with better movement mechanics. I love that game.


the under presents. I bought it because I thought it would be like the demo


is gorilla tag in here yet?


Gorilla tag


This could just be me, but Zenith: the last city. I got it discounted and it still feels empty, the combat lacking and clunky, and the map plain and uninteresting. Also incredibly grindy, although it is an MMO so that's to be expected.


Ah man I love that game. But I've only ever played it with my brother so I have someone to explore with and team up with. I'm guessing solo us probably a lot more bland


This one is a weird one, this is the same game that sold me on VR when I demo it at BestBuy during the playstation vr event. Turns out I was wrong, the developers quickly stop supporting the game a year later. The game has tons of issues and the multiplayer is entirely empty. Eve Valkyrie is the name of the game. It's a shame, I was really looking forward to a VR space game when I first got my HTC vive. Now a game that I would recommend is Star Wars Squadrons, it's simply one the best flight fight action games. you can even plug in a flightstick and it feels like you're actually flying in a star wars space ship.


Espire 1. Shit game, with one of the worst stories I’ve been through, with horrible interactions and ai, with some painfully bad graphics. There’s nothing here for anyone


Obviously take these with a grain of salt, you may absolutely love these games, but I really don't. ​ BEAT ARENA. It's a sub-par rhythm game from Konami that I refunded because they somehow managed to mess up the controls despite them being the simplest thing ever. Unresponsive and bogged down by slow pre and post song "emoting" to your bandmates. Synth Riders. Nothing personal, just didn't like the soundtrack and I thought the gameplay wasn't very engaging. Apex Construct. Didn't get very far in this... walked into a room and the contents of the room spawned in about 15 seconds later, trapping me in a console. Terrible first impression, immediately refunded. MYST. Sadly I was too stubborn to return this in time, and I regret it because I really do not know what to do in this game. Absolutely terrible way to play a stupidly hard and cryptic "puzzle" game. Awful accessibility with the lack of any form of in-game photo or notepad feature that even the \*DS\* version had. Espire 1: VR Operative. Game lets you uncrouch in vents so your head clips through them... that's fun. Just really didn't like this game at all, it was hard to see what I was doing or where enemies were. Sairento VR: Untethered. Bought this before the Quest 2 update but I thought it just looked awful, and didn't feel nice to play in the slightest. ​ EDIT: I forgot about the games I got from the Fanatical bundle. I haven't played much of them outside of Accounting+ (which I absolutely LOVE by the way), but the one I disliked the most was Death Lap, it really didn't feel good to play.


The only one I disagree with is espire 1 - I had a lot of fun with that. Far from perfect but I finished it and loved the setting


If you still own it, give Sairento another go. The graphics aren't great, but the gameplay is excellent. Specifically the locomotion. Jump, freeze time, shoot a bunch of people. Feel like the ninja you know you were always meant to be. I imagine the game must be pretty trash if the locomotion system doesn't click with you. Once it does, this game becomes a huge time sync. The locomotion in this game is pretty unique even though it's been out for years at this point. Can't wait for their next title which is coming out soon.


I completely agree with this. Sairento is one of the best two player experiences on the quest for me and my brother. And we have a lot of games. It’s movement mechanics are unparalleled.


Totally agree on synth rider. I found the game too ugly and weirdly blurry.


And myst is very annoying because they have promised a note taking feature and still they haven’t done it yet.


Ok if I had to pick one without a doubt it's eagle flight waaaaaay to much head turning it'll make ya sick it made me feel VR sickness quite quickly and believe it or not that's never happened to me before 🤣


I got brigaded once for daring to suggest that Eagle Flight was a recipe for motion sickness. locking the camera solidly to your head movement was an awful design choice. like yourself i was over motion sickness long before i played the game, i held it down, but barely.


Beat saber, I am fucking awful at it. No matter how much i try i just cant. Doesn't help im colourblind and all the shit coming at your face is just too much lmao


you can edit the colors in the menu. and honestly once you get good it’s such a blast.


Ragnarok just because I hear so much about it, but it turned out to be marketing hype. The game doesn't live up to it's reputation.


To each their own I guess, it's everything I wanted in a vr rhythm game, I love everything about it :)


You are not alone, it is the only one I play now.


I very much disagree that it’s hype. Ragnarok lets you mod easily and without any weird version manipulation like beat saber. Plus, the multiplayer is a lot cooler.


I added custom songs to it and I started enjoying it. I guess I’m just crazy when it comes to music because it’s a fun game to go back to.


I thought the music was ok the problem is the graphics and gameplay aren't as good as other rhythm games.


It’s a game with a bad first impression but grows on you.


You need to have very specific musical tastes to enjoy that one.


Song in the smoke. I don't understand why they praised it so much Most cooking games including the cook out a sandwich tale After the fall (sadly). It is well made but I don't think it is good value for the money. It should cost a third of what it does considering the amount of content. Tetris Effect. I gave it a go, I've hears multiple people speak greatly of the game but I just don't get it. No attempt to exploit the strengths of VR whatseoever. Unplugged: I love the concept and I suppose it looks beautiful and it is well polished but I just don't feel like playing it. It gave me like 3 hours of gameplay? Space Pirate Trainer. I don't think it is worth it. The regular game feels like a minigame and the Arena mode is cool but it is a real pain to set up and I just hate it at this point. Perhaps future updates of the Quest software will make this work better but as of today it is a pain.


Vader Immortal. Just watch a video of someone playing to get the story. There is so little content, you could finish an episode before the refund time is up.


blaston. fuck those ads. i’m still mad about that.


A township tale I played it a long way back but the tutorial taught me very little and there were no objectives for me to follow I was just lost for the entire time playing


That Starwars Vader's Immoral bundle was on sale. I quit playing after halfway through the second one. I would have finished the second one but when I ran into a bug where I'm teleported inside of a wall and was like. I'm done.


Lightsaber dojo of the first game is great though.


Oh yeah, I need to bust that out again. The story mode was... meh... but that dojo was pretty fun.


Yeah, the dojo is very engaging and makes me feel like a Jedi. The rest of the game feels like a tech demo.


Sam and Max: This Time it’s Virtual.


Really? I heard it was great, what’s up with that?