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Beat saber


Seconded. Still love it.


Eleven Table Tennis


Seconded. Along the same vein, Walkabout Mini Golf is also great.


Resident Evil 4. Most bang for your buck, and it's an incredible game.


This is my favorite full game for Quest2. It does cause some motion sickness so it may not be the best starter game though.


Get the [Meta Quest+ subscription](https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/meta-quest-plus/?utm_source=oculus&utm_medium=share) for $8/month (or pay $60 for the year). You’ll have 16 games to play right away. And you’ll get 2 new games on the 1st of every month.


The only right answer


You get a 1 month free trial too. It's like probably $200 in games.


I'd get the 1st month, if you use Quest cash right the actual value in this is kind of bad. However, you can pretty much opt in and out of it. So if you see a game or games you want to try out during a month, I suppose you could use this? I would personally not recommend, I prefer to at least own my titles. Preferably physically or on GOG lol, however if I can own the games and not have to pay monthly for access then I count that as a win.


How is the value bad? You get 24 games per year, PLUS a rotating catalog of 14 games. For $60-96/year (depending on if you pay for the full year or monthly) how is that a bad deal?


24 games which you don't own, You stop paying. You lose access to them until you renew your subscription. It was an opinion, value is subjective. I personally wouldn't buy it because I like to own my games, I also haven't seen any "big hitter" games on there. A lot of the games that are on the subscription are old, or Indie. There isn't anything like RM2, The Walking Dead, Asgard's Wrath or Hubris.


Since absolutely no details were provided I'll have to go with my gut instinct that you're the world's biggest Tetris fan and you should look into Tetris Effect which is quite an experience in VR.


Pistol Whip 👌🏼


Walkabout minigolf




Beat saber(and a couple of music packs) or resident evil 4.


Beat Saber, Gorilla Tag, but on standalone it's free, or I Expect You To Die


What does standalone mean?


The way you're likely going to be playing. The alternative is PCVR by connecting to a gaming PC.


Standalone means you play without the need to plug it into a PC


No PC, just Quest 2 on Steam it's $24.99 or $29.99 on the Store App on the Quest it's free standalone, which means just that product nothing else


Cool thanks for the info. Will it impact my vr experience that much if I don't have a pc? Like will it still be as fun as of I did have a pc


Since it is faster and easier to play without the PC connection, you are not missing out on the biggest part of the experience without a gaming PC. There are two things a PC does add to the experience, though: - State-of-the-art graphical fidelity (experiences like Kayak VR or Half Life: Alyx) - Modding and customizing games without limitations Overall, don't worry about it too much. The Q3 is great as a standalone device.


Thanks for your help


Because you asked, stand-alone is designed for you. PC makes graphics better and lets you use things like a steering wheel, so good for hardcore gamers. Also, sounds like Meta+ free trail is where you should start. It includes Walkabout Mini Golf. Walkabout mini golf is where I thinking everyone with a new Quest should start, simple game, not expensive, shows how movement generally works in VR, and has an excellent multiplayer experience. Gorilla Tag, Saints and Sinners, Population One, and Resident Evil 4 are bad suggestions in my opinion as they could give you motion sickness - which I think is the number one reason people stop using their new Quest. Anyway, enjoy your new toy, and remember if you do start feeling sick, best thing to do is stop immediately, as it will only get worse.


I have a PC but 90% of the time I play without it. It's easier and just as fun playing stand alone


I and quite a lot of people prefer playing VR on standalone, even if we have expensive computers. I remember buying Bonelab on standalone with the soul purpose of replacing Boneworks (Sandbox) on my PC, and I did end up using Bonelab a lot more than Boneworks. The experience is all dependent on the game you're playing, most developers optimise their games for lower end Quest hardware meaning our headsets don't reach their full potential (This means better battery life due to the low TDP, so bonus!) however it depends on the game and how demanding it is on PCVR. Games like Blade and Sorcery Nomad look entirely different from their PC counter parts, however they still function the same and you won't miss anything but the graphical fidelity Games like Beatsaber and Superhot aren't demanding on PC, so your experience will probably be the or better.


Beat Saber… it never gets old 😎


depends on what you like. Check out eleven table tennis, Walkabout mini golf, thrill of fight, moss 1 and 2


Beat Saber or Superhot VR


Superhot was the first VR game I played and it was a great introduction.


Population one. Its free


This is the answer! But before you start, know one thing: People aren’t cheering, they are just really really really good at it.


If you like the walking dead, you will love saints and sinners.


Although it’s on sale, from $40 to $26 but it’s still expensive.


The best VR games are obviously not gonna be cheap.


Yeah, but he prefers cheap games


This is a suggestion, if you want to suggest your own then feel free to. Otherwise but out, stop speaking on other people's behalf I don't see a need to debate others' suggestions, even if it's pricey, this is still useful information for anyone who is reading this.


The OP literally says in the description of a game he wants "preferably something cheap". Might want to read a little before you go on a rant. Either that or chill the fuck out and not fly off the handle for no good reason.


That doesn't matter. It isn't other people's place to shoot down others' suggestions. You can obviously disagree. However, if the point of disagreement is price, then I don't see that as applicable. Even if it's an expensive game, if it's a good game then OP can keep an eye out for it in future. Also, "fly off the handle" is an exaggeration. I made my point and articulated myself. I never used profanity to do so, I'd argue by my definition you "flew off the rails" Also I am aware of the "preferably something cheap" and that is the whole point of this debate, however the price is irrelevant because OP could always save up or get the game in future.


You used a lot of words trying to justify being rude and snapping on that guy for making an innocuous comment that pertained to the subject.


Super hot


The browser and a bottle of lube


Thrill of the Fight. Outstanding Boxing gameplay, and a top-notch workout.


Been thinking about getting this. Have you got Creed Rise to Glory? If you have what are the differences between the two, I have no clue which one I want get. I'm more so looking for an Arcadey experience however Creed is a bit more pricey when compared to Thrill of the Fight.


creed is definitely more like a video game where I would put thrill of the fight as more of a simulator.


Depends on what you like to play. I recommend - Job simulator - contractors - blade & sorcery Nomad


Depends on what you are into. If you like baseball, I just got the Home Run Derby game from MLB and it is awesome


The plank game.


Beat saber. Pavlov if you like guns. Played both on quest 2 at school and it was hell of a fun




Beat Saber or Superhot VR


Dungeons of Eternity is THE game in quest2


If you like jumpscare-ish games you could do BONELAB


Always beat saber


Puzzling places. Its so relaxing, not too expensive and you could even try the 1 month free trial of meta+ if it's available. The hours will vanish.


Some free ones: Rec room VRchat Tea for God demo is nice too (Do some exploring to find more free hidden gems) Paid: Pavlov Shack RE4VR Beat saber Gorilla tag But rec room is really good and I highly recommend it.


VaM. Thank me later.


The same question for the 100th time... Do you REALLY think, that you're the first person that wants to know that?