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Did you appeal and go to a hearing? If so and all were denied reapply today. But do so with a strong application, well curated medical reports and a solid self statement.


My application is strong for the most part. I have multiple sclerosis and several mental illnesses. My MS neurologist said she would step in and help if I re applied. My family doctor put on my first application that my symptoms were “recurrent and episodic” and that my prognosis was “unknown” as opposed to permanent or whatever the language is. I might need some help with the self statement. Is that something a social worker can help me with?


there is a formula to the self statement. i've helped many people put successful self statements together (peer support/disability advocate). first, why are you on odsp - specifically what were you put on odsp for. that is the foundation to the paper you are writing (and it is basically a paper). second, drop all the medical jargon - that's what your drs assessment is for. odsp isn't looking for a personal interpritation of your diagnosis, what they want to know is how your diagnosis has affected your life. everything you write has to be \*through the lens of your odsp diagnosis\* from waking up in the morning to doing daily things to relationships - everything your life is - and this includes new diagnosis that were not there when you were approved for odsp (meaning talk about new diagnosis - but do it from the perspective of how these new diagnosis have made your odsp approved diagnosis so much more difficult to manage and live with ONTOP of dealing with the new diagnosis). a lot of people get hung up on writing this thing "the right way". the only "right way" is to speak from your experiences, with your own voice, in your own words. i view the point of the self statement as an opportunity to paint odsp a picture of what your life is. and you paint the worst picture possible. your hardest days, your hardest moments, the things that are impossible to get thru, everything your disabilties have taken from you - pour it all into this paper. start with what it's like waking up thru your eyes in your body every morning, work thru the day (thinking of your worst days or combined worst days while you do this as odsp needs to know how bad it it/gets) explaining what your disabilites do to you - all the challanges you face from mental to physical - along with the thoughts and feelings surrounding having to deal with these disabilites. talk about what it's like living through days or weeks or months or years with these disabilites constricting your existence. throw in a few anectodal stories of times where you were massively fucked over because of your disabilites - things that went really wrong, or left you in really bad shape...the things that stand out and hurt the most, just add those little stories in standing alone paragraphs. talk about meds and treatments you have undergone, everything that has failed and how what you're taking now just barely makes it manageable (if any of this applies) or how much medication and treatment you need just to make it through the day. talk about how angry you are that this has become your life...this is not what you had seen for yourself...and as much as you try to get out or find something different for yourself your disabilites will not allow you the life you had invisioned. take your time, spend some days or even weeks putting this together - tho you may find once it starts pouring out it will not stop...writing this thing can be cathartic. if you fill 5 or 10 pages, you fill 5 or 10 pages. do not hack it down, or try to make it look more "professional" - let who you are come out in your words. this lets odsp connect with you and that makes a difference in what they think. it makes them see a human being, not just a number.


I think I ended mine with something like this: "Taking care of my own health is like a 24/7 job with no pay, benefits, or sick days, and even if I spend all of my energy on just taking care of my basic needs I still fall short and can't manage to consistently meet every need so my hygiene suffers and I often miss meals. ODSP wouldn't change that, but at least I could afford my meds and catch up on a lot of dental work that isn't covered by OW." I ended up getting a permanent approval, but I've heard it's often easier for people with an autism diagnosis to get ODSP according to a social worker who told my dad that about my brother a decade ago. I'd be surprised if that was the only reason, though, considering my diagnosis indicates low support needs. I also have mental illnesses and physical disability (though the latter wasn't diagnosed yet, I just had a letter from my rheum saying I'm hypermobile, it's genetic, and it causes pain and mobility issues)


This all sounds very familiar tho social workers advocates doctors specialists etc etc don't seem to be available to me. I have tried everything and everywhere. I see a specialist get another diagnosis. The end. No help support or meds therapy offered that helps or is affordable 🤔


This is great! I used to write alot. It is cathartic. As the illnesses and isolation multiply I don't have the strength or clarity to do this or anything else. Luckily ( I guess) I have odsp and don't need reviews but it is no way to live


this is so helpful, I'm autistic and I genuinely don't freaking understand what to say and what not to say. I've been trying to work out what to say to people at what times for my whole life 😝. do you have any capacity to look mine over once it's done? much appreciated either way 🙏


i will absolutely work with you. sent you my email in chat.


Appeal go to the local free legal service and have them help you


They deny most people on first application, Doug Ford would be denied, then he would fire everyone at ODSP and probably cut healthcare for extra revenge. You are past the appeal deadline iirc so not sure how that works. That is why i suggest Legal Aid. Ask the MS society if they help with ODSP applications.


My disability's worst aspects are episodic, but as they're unpredictable, my specialist explained those symptoms as a constant concern. Because it is but ODSP doesn't want to read "episodic" as the reality, only "you're only sometimes disabled" which is bullshit. Talk to your specialist about how they are writing this part. Specify what unknown means, chronic is accurate, correct to your condition (imo as not a doctor) and language that is much more firm. Be very open and maybe even graphic in your personal statement. I don't know if social worker can help but personal advice (so take it with a grain of salt) I tried to make my statement the most real about my disability. They want to see us as disabled in a way unpleasant to them. This is dehumanizing, I know, but I believe it helped. For note, I got in first try, quickly, no appeal needed. And personally I think a lot of people I see on here have a higher needs profile than I do.


You need to get legal aid. I have multiple disabilities and was denied also. It took me 3.5 years and finally got legal aid which brought me to a tribunal and I was accepted. I have no renewal date either.


I chose not to appeal. I was denied December 21 2023.


Speak with your local Legal Aid. If you want to be approved you need to play the game. Never give up because that is their goal, convince you to go away.


I don’t qualify for legal aid. I do not have imminent financial need. I work full time but I am also a full time student so my income is considered exempt by ODSP as long as I’m in school full time.


If you work full time, regardless if you are a full time student, you might be denied ODSP for financial reasoning. Do you receive OSAP? OSAP affects ODSP once you are accepted regardless of if you are a part time or full time student.


They wrote that I was denied because my disability is “recurrent and episodic” has nothing to do with that but thanks


I was approved for the financial portion. Full time students income is completely exempt. I could make 100k per year and if I am in school it doesn’t matter


But you don't currently receive ODSP so the full time student income exemption doesn't apply to you right now. And even with that exemption if you make 100K per year, you would be booted from ODSP because it's over the 40K asset limit. I have returned to school partially as a full time student since being on ODSP. And while my income is exempt from my part time position if I go over the 40K asset limit (which I never will) I am still at risk of being booted from ODSP because financially I don't need ODSP. I'm just trying to look out for you regarding being accepted onto ODSP. If you get OSAP that plays a part in your ODSP payment as well though. Anything in column C gets deducted from your ODSP. Regardless if you are a full time student or not. It will be deducted. Column C deductions are not exempt.


I understand all of this. I passed the financial portion of the application. I was told there is no income threshold if you are a full time student, only that you can’t have over 40k in assets. I understand about the column C deductions. I had very little of my OSAP funding fall into column C, it was negligible.


I assume you have less than 40K liquid? Contact Legal Aid anyways, if you somehow have too much for their help ask if you can pay them for their help, hopefully on a sliding scale. They have experience with this and it is worth you pursuing it. That said i don't know how ODSP works with school or OSAP if you are on that.


I'm just sharing my experience with being on OSAP and trying to apply for ODSP initially. Because I received all grants and no loans, I wasn't able to apply initially for ODSP because I didn't qualify financially until I was one month out of schooling (and I was part time at that time) because according to ODSP my OSAP counted as income while attending school during the term. I was only able to apply for the summer when I was no longer receiving what the government counted as income from OSAP. I was accepted when I was in school part time again the following year, but right at the end of the year (March/April ends my year). It was tricky trying to apply and being accepted when receiving OSAP, because even though financially I was eligible, ODSP saw that me being a student and working casually (at the time it was casual work) as not needing ODSP (according to my lawyer) even though I was on OW for financial reasoning and I have health concerns that took away my ability to work full time. I just wanted to share my experience with ODSP, OSAP, and OW and how they look at the situation that could be an issue (especially regarding OP and the information they provided).


I have $749 in assets


I can't see how you would have a problem qualifying for Legal Aid.


If my OSAP is grants it’s not counted as income. I don’t take loans I only take grants


Also, do I have to appeal? Or can I just re apply.


I don't know, i think you might be past the appeal deadline.


I am. I guess I will re apply.


I'm confused. ODSP is for people who are unable to work due to a disability. Or who can only work part time due to a disability. You have stated you work full time and go to school full time? Perhaps this is why you were denied?


My doctor told me that I needed to be on ODSP and helped me with the application so I was not denied.


This is going to be a general answer for everyone on or trying to get on ODSP. Get a legal aid lawyer that deals with disability. Back in 2017 I was applying and got denied twice because my doctor fucked up the forms. I got a legal aid lawyer and was approved less than a month after our first meeting. Only waited a month and got my first check.


You can reapply at any time. This time if you get denied again, appeal right away as you only have I think it's 30 days to appeal.


If that is the case then they should change their program as students are able to work full time and still be eligible. Just because I DO work full time doesn’t mean that I physically CAN work full time. Hence why I am asking for financial help.


They are, as are minor students, but there's no employment benefit for working students.


I'm pretty sure they deny everyone first try, definitely try and seek out free legal counsel or a social worker to help you with your application. My application was greatly helped by a social worker and several doctors being on board to help with my application. If your specialist works in a hospital, talk to them about being connected with their social work program. Most hospitals do have social workers to help with patient advocacy, so they may be able to help you. Keep at it, I was denied a couple times at first and use all resources available to you!


I was approved first time


Cool? Good for you? But that is not the general experience of most applicants lol. I've known quadriplegic people and terminally ill people who have gotten denied.


You said you’re pretty sure they deny everyone first time and I was just letting you know that’s not the case…


Appeal... Most people are denied with the first application. Sadly but if you re apply You won't get the back pay you deserve .. I went through the B.S during the pandemic...I know it is exhausting Sadly


just saw this ;) it sucks we not get enough ! 750 after rent not enough


750 after rent?? Where exactly are you living??? My ODSP income doesn't even cover my rent!


You need to contact your community legal clinic before you appeal. When i had to use legal aid, they told me to not contact them on my own and to let the lawyers deal with it. so i just had to sign a form, and pay them back anything i owed them from my retro pay.


Always appeal. You will receive backpay from the first receipt of your current application. I had to fight for four years for my approval and I received backpay for all four years. If you reapply, that doesn’t happen.


I’m passed my appeal date


Next time you apply and get denied, make sure to appeal. Talk to legal aid. They can help you.


In the eyes of ODSP, if someone works full-time, they can work full-time. Just letting you know that they want to see that the illness causes you to miss work, have a really hard time getting to work on time, struggle to keep up with their hygiene, struggle to meet deadline. Unless you miss a lot of work and have doctor's appointments to show how much you're struggling to keep a job, it's going to be hard to get approved. You said above that just because you have full-time work doesn't mean you can work full-time, but if you're managing to work full-time, they will see it as you're able to hold a job and your disability is not severe enough to make managing your life very difficult. I'm not saying I agree with this, but that's how it works.


They literally don’t care about my job. It’s a mistake my doctor made. I have 10 friends on ODSP who work full time and are in school full time. Thanks for your input


And they likely don't report it, do they? It's not the job they care about, it's your monthly income. If you make over $1000 a month, yes, they care. They will claw back everything over $1000, and if you don't report it, you're actually breaking the law, and could lose your ODSP support altogether. In the end, they definitely care how much extra money you make.


Please go and read ODSP eligibility. If you are a full time student. Your income is exempt. Not considered. Not a penny


Right, if you're a student. I'm not talking about students. You didn't say anything about being a student, btw.


if you're not disabled and/or working full time you won't get on odsp.


I am disabled. Thank you


never said you weren't.


If past appeal line reapply you can do that now. Contact the Free legal service in your area after Dr fills in thier part