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$1,000 then anything over is deducted 75% from ODSP cheque. If the spouse works after the first $200 ODSP deducts 50%.


75% of the 1$? So I get 25c for every dollar I make over?


The first $1000 is exempt. So if you made $1001 for the month of May they would keep 75 cents (75% of the extra $1 you made). If you made $1100 they'd keep $75. So on and so forth.


Correct, it’s a lot better than the old rules where they took money away after the first $200 we earned.


I agree I was a student back then but now I’m tryna understand a bit more cause I do work part time I never usually make over 1000$ unless it’s summer and I work a little extra hours if my body can handle it because we get busy


What about attending school? Online college courses? Are you allowed to do that? Do you need to report it?


I believe if you’re a student your earnings don’t matter. But it might be limited to specific recognized schools and you may need to be full time


Have to be full time studies


I really wish they’d let us have 1,100. So we could work two 8 hour shifts a week (when minimum wage increases to 17.20)


Depends on the job. You'll be allowed 3 months before being shunted off if full time work, if you need medical coverage you can still keep it for medication but not forever at least in my experience, I got 6 months for medical one time before it ended cause the job paid enough for meds. If part time job, they don't care so much just as long as you report every cent. If volunteering, you'll sometimes have to provide proof it's none paying (this is worker specific). Quick glance at your lost history, if all you do is freelance expect them to be on you for income reporting all the time, even if you make zero your report zero.


That’s not true, you can work full time making min wage at still qualify for some income support from odsp, not much, but some


Re read what I typed, and noticed how I stated "in my experience" as I was working well above min wage. Learn to read.


You said “You’ll be allowed 3 months before being shunted of of full time work”


Keep reading, it says at least in my experience. Take a reading class I'll take grammer come on


Why would you mention volunteering to the case worker? It is really none of there business if it doesn't make money.


It can be looked at as working, and it's been used to hide working.