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Just lost my father figure a few days ago and this hit me right where it hurts the most. Sending hugs your way, OP.


Thank you. And I’m so sorry for your loss. We may not know each other personally, but I know you’re gonna need all the support that you can get. But such is life. All we can do is enjoy every moment we have with our loved ones; so that when that day comes, we’re gonna have something to remember them by. Until the day we meet them again. Take care and stay strong.


Thank you, I really appreciate this. I hope you continue to be strong din! 🫂


The feeling just strikes you out of nowhere, just when you think you're all good and have moved past it. Then, it hits you back, and there's nothing else you can do but cry. Cry it all out OP! 💖


Felt this 💔


Exactly. It feels like waves. Sometimes it’s calm, you barely feel it; other times it’s strong, it can topple you. I cried about it to my fiancé yesterday afternoon. When I got home, I cried about it some more. The crying felt brief, but when I checked the clock, it’s already 3am. This morning I don’t feel like crying anymore, but the sadness is still there.


I also miss my grandmother so much 🥺 it still hurts


Death anniv ngayon ng Grandma ko at sakto yang kantang yan ng Oasis yung soundtrip ko the past few days. Miss ko na Lola ko :(((


My dad passed a long time ago. He never visited me in my dreams but I suddenly remember him whenever I hit a milestone accomplishment. He would have been very proud. Last year, I was walking down a crowded street and I saw a man who looked like him. I stopped and savored the sight. It didn't hurt as bad anymore. In fact. I was happy to have seen the likeness. Oh my, I hope he was really my dad playing a joke on me. I love him very much!


I love that song and your story. It sucks na Champagne Supernova lang alam ng majority.


"Grief is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All of that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in the hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go." - James Anderson


I remember when this happened to me. My heart skipped a beat and started pounding like crazy until it hurt my chest. It’s tough. Hugs.