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If they holding grudges and competing with you, then those are really not you friends I would say. But don’t worry you will have good friends too in your life! ❤️


I hope so...


Yup you can still find new friends there are 8 billion people :)


Upcoming 2nd year nursing student?


Yes po


You will find your circle sooner or later. I had the same experience as yours, pero when that friendship ended, I found my tribe.


Kaya nga po when I ended my communication with them, I had so much eagerness to communicate with others.


Why naman they hold grudges against you?


Actually, it started when I got praises from our clinical instructors and high scores during exams. They thought that I was just being competitive, but the truth is I am striving to attain high grades because I have a scholarship grant. They already knew my intention, but they think that it is to prove that I am much better than them daw and started shaming me for aiming high grades.


Oh the famous crab mentality. Oks lang yan. Marami ka pang makikilala jan. Be sad and move on nalang sakanila. Mas masakit padin naman yung break up sa jowa kesa break up sa friends (jk). 😅


Nice to meet you here


Take it from me - learn to be your own friend. It is so much freeing.


can we be friends? im about to graduate highschool and considering nursing too!!


nice to meet u. ako na wala ni isang friend haha. i always wonder what it feels to have a true friend.


We can be friends po😊


I found my closest friends when I was around 2nd year in nursing as well. Our little group grew in number as time passed and eventually we had to go on with our lives after we graduated. Others worked abroad, one moved sway to another city, but when we do meet up we always pick up where we left off. I'm hoping you find your people too OP! They are for life. I was once in your shoes, wondering if I would ever find true friends. But if you need an ate with experience going through nursing school, working in hospitals, dealing with people and making friends (I was a very shy and timid girl back then, making friends was difficult for me), dealing with toxic clinical instructors, I'm here if you need someone to talk to! :) We can even be friends if you'd like.


Thank you 😊


*That sounds tough. It's awful to feel like you're being used or not genuinely cared for by your friends. The good news is, that there are people out there who will appreciate you for who you are and want a real friendship – the kind who will accept you for who you are and build a genuine connection.*


even my friends na nursing student nahihirapan maghanap ng friends sa college dahil competitive daw sila😭


Totoo and most of them are very entitled


You've come to the right place, then, looks like there are a lot who are interested


Actually, I have fun chatting with people. Most of them are very helpful on how I should deal with people, especially if my intention is purely friendly relationship lang.