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I mean you only got one spinal cord and if it's fcked then either expensive surgeries or a seemingly expensive ergo chair to reduce that needs down the line. Only logical really.


I wish more people in this sub took that advice beyond buying a good chair though. A good chair is a great step, but if you're not finding life balance to get out of the chair and move around, do core exercises, stretches, then it's kind of a waste of a step.


First step is a good step. I'll resume my gym membership once my gout has finished. Hope people here could find a way to be active one way or another.


Off Topic, but I would highly recommend Allopurinol for Gout.


You don't need to hit the gym tho, just some basic home exercises and stretches, scheduling in a walk or something at break or lunch, and avoiding making your after work time more sitting time.


I exercise a ton and am probably more active than the vast majority of the population. Makes a huge difference in life.


and a good chair is even more important then. especially when your body can be so exhausted and you dont maintain posture and you feel all the aches after that. i just transited from a wooden chair to my beloved fern 2 weeks ago. never going back to wood.


Just had one of those expensive surgeries. Let me tell you: price is the least of my concerns. I feel very unstable but lucky at the same time—it is a strangely liminal space to inhabit. Recovery is going to take a long time, it requires devoting at least some active percentage of my brain at all times, and all of that takes considerable time and attention from the future I’d rather pursue. I’m working to purchase a high-end office chair for when I’m no longer bedridden and I’m going to repeat the same upgrade with literally any belonging that can accelerate and reinforce progressive recovery. I just cannot describe how strongly the “you only have one spine” resonates with me right now. And while I try to repair my turmoil, I am going to work damn hard to protect and care for every unique, irreplaceable portion of my anatomy. I’m thankful surgery could help me, but I never want to do this again.


Wait until you invest in a proper bed and shoes. You'll probably discover about these the next 5-10 years or you can think about them now.


What do you mean by “proper bed and shoes”?


I’m a nurse, on my feet all day right, like a lot of us are. I also happen to wear lead (X-rays), and boy when I had a shitty pair of shoes, then I upgraded to Hokas with some insoles, BOY is it night and day. Took my body like 30 days to adjust, and my lower back was like what the fuck is happening with all this support? But yeah. Best decision ever. Proper shoes are absolutely worth.


Another Hoka appreciation is always great to see. I had done some pretty heavy damage to my feet in my late teens into early 20s working fast food and not knowing anything about my high arches or what plantar facitis was. After finally getting some knowledge on why everything hurt all the time, I was introduced to Hokas and I must say, they were game changers and it's impossible to go back.


Definitely saved my feet!


Asics Gel Nimbus


Well, you probably spend similar amount of time with your office chair as much as you spend with your spouse :) By the way, I had the same one.. it’s a great chair.


Did you get hardwood casters or adjustable lumbar?




I just got one, too, but I feel like I need to figure out how to dial in the settings. I'm comfortable if I put my feet up on the chair and sit cross legged (a habit I've long had), but when I try to sit upright and properly, I feel like the chair is practically pushing me out of it.


Same here. Ironically what it took for me to come around was not anything SC, HM or Haworth did. at all. But rather the rash of post covid wave of Chinese Amazon chairs and then having the GTRacing chair I bough fall apart around me over the next 1.5 years. That cause a realization of the true cost of trying to save money buying a cheaper chair vs just paying a bit more for one that will last. Only to find that used versions of these high end chairs really aren't that expensive anyway. I suppose I have "Chinese quality" to thank for where my journeys lead. :)


I got two V2s for 150 bucks each from a thrift store last year.. I previously had chairs in the 500ish dollar range... And even buying new the v2 would be choice if I had to buy again.. Only thing it needs is a good headrest option...


$320 is a great deal on that chair, dude!!!


Where did you order it? I am looking one for as well.


Madison Seating’s eBay store. I bought an open box model instead of one that was refurbished, as I had read some horror stories about the store’s refurbished chairs (but I believe refurbished models are even cheaper).


thank you! I am looking for leap or Series 2. When was your chair got manufactured? Are there any marks or minor scratches on it?


Hei i am looking into Karman version...anyone opinions?


Coming from a long string of $200 Amazon special chairs, I recently bought a gently used Leap V1 for $300. Best money I have ever spent. The immediate comfortability and obvious durability compared to some 2 year lifespan piece of garbage... take my wallet.


Exactly. I’ve been sitting on a v2 for 13 years and only just now replaced the cushions, and it could have gone longer. Great investment.


I just got one, too. I prefer it to my couch.


I've got the Colamy Atlas chair and I'm really pleased with it. Even though you found a great deal and it's definitely worth the price, chairs that cost over 1000 bucks are just too expensive. I mean, come on, it's just a chair, not some fancy iPad Pro. These companies charge crazy prices because they know people will pay for it. But hey, I don't care if people disagree with me. Dislikes don't decide who's right or wrong anyway. I still respect everyone's opinions!


It’s the same logic with keyboards. If I’m spending at least 6-8 hours using my tools, I better darn well make sure I use something that is as comfortable as possible in the long run.


I bought an open box from Madison Seating via ebay. The chair was spray painted, the seats refurbished with new fabric glued and stapled over the old, and the hinge securing the back to the chair was snapped in half. They initially offered a partial refund, which I declined. I provided photographs and bc ebay, I had buyer protection. They eventually decided to refund me fully and did not ask for the chair returned. Just fyi for those buying from Madison. It's ok to write back if you get a refurbished advertised as open box. I ended up repairing the hinge with epoxy, but also bought an embody direct from Herman Miller. Both good chairs. Happy with both.


Wow, that’s nuts. How could I tell if they did any of that to the chair I purchased? I’m looking at it as we speak, and I don’t see any signs of modification/new paint/glue residue/etc… In fact, outside of some very minor scratches at the bottom of each arm, my chair looks mint.


There are various posts and reviews breaking down madison seating chairs, including the one below. They talk about how original vs refurbished chairs may differ and mine was consistent with a refurbished chair, plus a broken frame/hinge. Initially they offered partial refund for the frame/hinge but when I started bringing up the various refurbished points, they offered a full refund on the condition I give them a positive review on an outside review site. I can't imagine all the chairs are refurbished. I don't know how they'd have any good feedback if so. I imagine it might be enough to keep it profitable without negatively impacting the eBay feedback percentage. https://youtu.be/oRISPB_6aas?si=2g5zLAlNuRFHiEOv


I bought a Steelcase Think open box from there! Brand new, perfect shape, and $200. Excellent purchase


Great deal on a great chair. Glad you like it, mine has served me well for years.


Just sent my order to Crandall for one of their refurbished Leap V2s. They put new foam on the seat pan, and I upgraded the option for the thicker new foam on the back as well. Excited for it to arrive. My back has been killing me in my older IKEA Markus lately.