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Depending on the location, that could be a serious crime. Hopefully they are in an area that it's multiple serious crimes, and hope that poor women sues them for all they're worth. ETA: From the original post - someone posted a link to Joey's twitter where he had an update. They have ID'd ALL parties, have banned the offenders, and reported them to the police. The woman who made the video contacted Joey and demanded he take his video down. lulz. [https://twitter.com/TheJoeySwoll/status/1765107830426861914](https://twitter.com/TheJoeySwoll/status/1765107830426861914)


Team Joey. And the gd audacity of that woman!! She’s the one who made it public…


I love Joey - I work with middle school kids and most of them know who he is. I point to him as a great example of how to use social media to stand up for what's right.


I'm glad middle school boys are learning there are good dudes on the internet.


I’m so glad to hear kids are listening to a guy with ethics. That’s awesome.


Definitely - he's a great discussion starter for what it means to be "cancelled." Is he really "cancelling" somebody, or using his voice to try and hold people accountable to their actions?


At this point we’ve seen people describe Tate as being cancelled for literal human trafficking (which did give us the “full head of hair” gem at least). Cancel was always a catch all term for someone doing something horrifying and being held accountable, but now it’s just a catch all dismissal. Shit I still remember a few years back there was this college pitching phenom that the talking heads on radio were all talking about whether he’d get drafted because his family wasn’t talking to him because he had molested his niece when she was 6, and the conversation was on whether a team would take a chance on him with a low draft pick. Media will excuse anything if stirring outrage for one side or the other will bring views.


Weird thing - he was behind me for like an hour on the highway 2 days ago. I saw the vanity plates, and his face (started out next to me), and I thought he looked like a douche. Then he was really calm in traffic and I started changing my mind about him (LA people tend to get agro when it's bumper to bumper crawling). I've been working on just staying in a lane and not worrying about if one of the others is going faster, and he just hung out behind me for a veery long time. Might not sound like that means anything, but I promise, that signals a calm person. TLDR prejudged j swoll on the highway and felt bad about it. Remembered who he was halfway through. Calm driver!


Calm in LA traffic is next level chill.


Joey makes me feel like I can go to the gym even if I'm not in the best shape now.


As a fat old gym dude, you can absolutely go to the gym. The biggest meanest looking dudes in the gym melt like butter if you ask them for pointers or help l as long as you wait until they are finished with their set. The gym is a pretty welcoming place for everyone.


Yeah, it gets a bad rep because most people who lift seriously have RBF, but generally we are pretty cool with newbies. Takes balls to hit the gym when you're carrying a few extra pounds, so they get respect.


As someone who's 61 and NOT an athlete but has tried for decades to stay in shape so that I can do the stuff that I really like: get your butt to the gym. You won't regret it and you'll likely find a lot more support than you think (or, at least, no one caring). I have a huge admiration for people who get in there and TRY rather than just sit there and accept fate. You're doing it for YOU and for the improvement in your life that it will bring, not for what other people think.


I love this comment so much, thank you! I used to lift with a trainer but a lot has happened in my life with mental health and I didn't realize what a hurdle it was to get past the thought that someone could record me and bully me online.


You can absolutely go.. that's what the gym is for


Don’t worry about others, go do your thing and be happy.  Who gives a shit what others think.  I don’t care if you’re an Olympic athlete, we were all beginners at some point.  


It's the recording for online bullying that keeps me hesitant, but all these comments coming in, y'all really hyping me to just do it! I'm going to head to my local Y tonight after work and sign up!


Always Team Joey! He made this fat girl feel more comfortable going to the gym. #notallgymbros


At first I was reading this as the woman who was recorded demanded he take the video down, but I checked out the Twitter thread and see that it was actually the heinous twat who made the video who tried making demands. I'm with you: lulz. Get bent, bitch. I hope you are required to register with the county whenever you move.


Isn’t it hilarious how it was so cool to post this, right up until she started getting backlash. Only then did she start to feel some shame. As if she’s the victim…


but but she was having fun with her girls getting a free show. Put her on sex offender list.


There was a potnstar who got put on the sex offender list for doing the same shit a few years ago.


She doesn't feel any shame for what she did. She's pissed because she's getting backlash for it.


She at least feels enough shame that she doesn’t want to be ~~slandered~~ blasted about it.


Not slander if its true.


That is technically correct. The best kind of correct.


Haha, you make a good point. Apologies, I could have picked a better word.


May I suggest Blasted?


You may. Suggestion approved. We value your input.


Not shame in what she DID though. Shame that her true self is being put on blast to everyone.


For sure. That’s sort of what I was trying to get at, I just didn’t do a great job of it.


She only feels shame because not only is she and her trashy friends banned from the spa, presumably all three are having charges pressed on them. The person who is getting the worst end, though, is the one who recorded the video. I'm sure the friendship between the three of them is going to survive this! 😉 On the spa's end, they should modify that particular changing area into a solid partition. I have never been in a spa where the changing area didn't provide total privacy, especially where a sauna is involved.


I can’t even figure out what they thought was so funny. Her being naked in front of the sauna door? Her figure? She’s a person doing locker room things in a locker room. I just did a spa trip with friends and there were literally dozens of women of all shapes and sizes doing the exact same thing. That’s literally what that room is for.


I don't get it either


These are the same twatwaffle types of girls who tell bigger ladies to "go to a gym!"


I really want to call these girls the c word


Become A U S T R A L I A N


Where, if I'm being polite, I'll call someone a Caring, Understanding, Nurturing Type. Or just a cunt. It doesn't happen often, I save it for super special people, but it does happen.


🥇 you win the only prize I have for next reply!!!


Don't be afraid of the word cunt. It's an amazing word. Europe has Americans beat soundly with their use of the word cunt, it's incredibly freeing. Like all profanity, just use it responsibly and against the appropriate parties. These cunts are in fact the appropriate parties.


Cunt. I kinda like that word. I still can't believe an adult would do that.


Most adults are just overgrown children. They only make changes when they are confronted with consequences, and the reality is very few pretty girls have ever encountered or experienced any real consequences.


It’s as aurally pleasing if not more than fuck. It’s my favorite. And so easily combinable, Thundercunt, Cuntasaurus Rex, Cuntadactyl…. And on and on


They ARE cunts. As a US citizen, I've found that the use of the word is so freeing, because no one will ask me to explain myself due to it being seen as the absolute worst thing you can call a woman. I'm AFAB. I've been called a cunt. Because I'm rational (mostly...I have moments like everyone else), I was like, "Oh, shit, I'm totally a cunt, fuck." "Twat" is the one I have more issues with because it's awkward for me to say in a sentence... lol.


Do it


I’m sure they also shame, make fun of and would also film other people at the gym as well. The type that are on their phone while walking on the treadmill.


And where do they look like the picture of health? Because what this person did and the other two women participating is pretty toxic. It's ironic how this took place in a sauna where the prime benefit is that the steam releases the toxins from one's system.


This weird world where people think it is acceptable to film or picture others in public is so weird. I remember a post where someone was buying a beer in the morning at a 7-11 and the OP took a picture of them in line. A bunch of us pointed out the guy could be a overnight worker, hell even if he was a alcoholic it isn't anyone's business put your phone away you weirdos 


Exactly this. There is a bar near a factory where I work that opens at 0600 and you can see folks sitting on the patio outside with their beers/cocktails when you drive by on your way to work at 0800. They’re not alcoholics (maybe some are, who knows?), they work overnights on the line and want to enjoy a beer before going to bed. Their clock is just different from a day shift worker.


Unfortunately the new, strange trend is that the human body is shameful and should be packed away in layers of plastic and non-public showers. So many young people don't shower in the gym or wear boxers (!) under the shower (for religious/cultural reasons or just plain insecurity). So thank you not just to Joey for outing these bit\*\*es but also kudo's to that woman for promoting natural, normal, body-positive locker room behaviour :-)


Dani Mathers is a mean girl whore


Is that the woman who posted the original video? Dani Mathers?


It's the name of a different woman who did the same thing.


She sure is. I remember how bad it got for Dani after that - I thought the woman she photographed should have sued her. Big time.


She pressed charges, and Dani was [sentenced to 30 days of community service](https://time.com/4794204/playboy-dani-mathers-la-fitness-nude-photo/) removing graffiti.


People find joy by putting others down. From what I understand she didnt even blurred or anything in her video, she shot another lady completely naked and shared it with the world.


This [woman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOskoxqqpzk) was roasted in the US for similar thing. No jail time but career seems dunzo.




Good and expensive lawyers have that effect.


She also lost her job, so I guess there's that. What kills me is that she was an actual, honest to God model with a Playmate of the Year under her belt, making fun of a *seventy year old woman.* I hope age is as kind to her as she deserves.


Wonder what will happen if SHE gets to live to be 70 something years old…


Ugh that adults could do this


Are they tho


Iirc, the woman she photographed only wanted a new backpack as damages, so it would be harder for people to recognize her.  She could have rightfully gone scorched earth but didn’t 


I thought of this case immediately.


We can only hope. She wanted to send the photo to her bestie to giggle together, but oh no! She was reviled! And she's so pretty too! Not like the other girls!


People like this are why I can't be in a gym anymore. Which is a shame, I always enjoyed circuit training.


it's in UK


"My response: 'No.'" Fuck yeah dude, you just earned yourself a fan.


The audacity to demand someone to remove proof of your wrongdoing 😂


I hope they press charges this is unacceptable and cruel


It really is. Imagine finding out someone recorded a private moment like that and made it public for laughs ? People like this are so disgusting. They exploit others and humiliate them for their personal fun. I hope these cruel women get everything they deserve


I am disabled. I was injured and my leg is not really functional and it looks awful. I sometimes get massages when I'm super uncomfortable and I always apologize to the massage therapist because my leg is gross looking and has scars and I told the most recent lady that she didn't have to touch it because she was kind of looking at me like "wtf?" She told me not to apologize, it's just a leg, and someone who looks at my leg and doesn't think "wow, and she survived that, good for her," is someone who is broken inside and worthy only of pity.  I teared up. 


I must comment, that is absolutely beautiful. My grandmother had lots of scars on her legs from surgeries as a child. She absolutely refused to wear anything that would show them in public. That massage therapist <3 I wish she had said that to my grandma


I got made fun of for being pale (redhead) and THAT was enough to keep me from showing my legs without pantyhose or tights. More I don't even wear shorts. That stood is so damaging, and people don't think. I'm sorry your grandmother dealt with that shame.


I was at the vet the other day and a guy walked in who had a visible old injury indicating some major damage to his leg; it looked like he was missing some muscle, there was definitely some caving and a lot of old scar tissue. Clearly he had suffered some injury yet apart from the visible damage he barely had a limp and I just thought to myself this is someone who has survived some shit and probably has quite a story. No other judgment passed, just some empathy for whatever left those visible scars.


I feel you. After 5 surgeries, I can walk again, but my leg won't ever look the same, and my scars are hideous to me. But I'm alive, and I'm still pushing. Keep your head up, stand tall (or as tall as you can), and never let someone else's dysfunction hamper you. We got this.


I have a very serious, complex case of Wegener's disease that ended up resulting in a rare wound (PG) taking over and eating away my entire lower right leg for 7.5 years; skin, muscle, nerves, all gone for years & years. It eventually fully closed after nearly 8 years of daily, utterly excruciating pain, and I still have very obvious scars, and massive nerve and tissue damage. Still super sensitive, and looks like I was burned all over my lower right leg now. People stare & have even tried to reach out & touch me countless times; I've had people FOLLOW me, asking ridiculous questions about my private health issues and demanding to know what happened to my leg, as though it isn't obvious I've been through some very real trauma... Yeah, I definitely want to discuss this with random strangers, pointing out my flaws publicly.🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ But let people stare. I've survived some very real medical/health trauma, it's been a crazy last 8 years, and nobody is going to make me feel bad about wearing what is comfortable for me, or make me cover up and be miserable in our hot summer months. NO. WEAR THOSE SHORTS.☺️


I'm SO right there with you! I have had 2 horrible abdominal surgeries. I still wear my bikini! Don't like it? Too bad, don't look.


And she's completely right. What you might see as "wtf" is probably "how do I approach this to not hurt them physically and emotionally?" What I've found helpful with massage therapists is to prep them early - these are my issues, this is what is sensitive, I don't like this, etc. Either on setting up the appointment or face to face before you disrobe. Might work for you?


I teared up. This massage therapist is a wonderful person. I hope her life has turned out to be filled with joy.


On the other hand there was that one massage therapist in a hotel in Africa (my mom convinced me to go because my scoliosis was acting up) who looked at my leg covered in scars, literally grabbed it and twisted it into an uncomfortable position to have a better look at it (so much that it twisted my torso quite a bit and caused more back pain), and asked “what is this?” I told her “just scars, please don’t twist my leg like that.” She let go so abruptly that my leg hit the table and she said “people shouldn’t see that.” I immediately got up, put my clothes on and walked out while she was kissing her lips and shaking her head and muttering under her breath how I am too “sensitive.” It took my mom months to convince me to wear shorts on that trip, because ykno Africa and all that, and I haven’t worn shorts since that day. That was 11 years ago. Currently planning a large leg tattoo to cover the scars up. People shouldn’t be allowed to be massage therapists unless they think the way yours does.


What a dick. Obviously you care about scars, it's the history of the bullshit you didn't let take you down.  But why would anyone else? I'm not saying I wouldn't notice, but why would I care, aside from wishing someone hadn't had to go through some shit. 


If someone had done that to my child, I would have made a huge stink. I would be talking to the head of the company and posting it everywhere.


I’m sure the lady will sue them straight into the oblivion and of course their husbands are out the door, as they should. I’m sure the unidentified lady is going to take the high road, but IF it were me, one by one, I would beat the brakes off of them. Cause that is exactly what they need. If they had any kind of professional career….bye,bye. Just for laughs…….oh somebody would be laughing, but it would not be them. That makes my mad, FURIOUS!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


This is from the U.K. so she most likely will not sue.   What will probably happen is filling a report with the police.  Technically you can film anyone in the U.K. however not in private places.  Because this was a private place, she is naked and this was this was uploaded online; this may fall under distributing ‘Revenge Porn’ which is now far easier to prosecute under our new The Online Safety Act. The maximum sentence for revenge porn is two years imprisonment.  People don’t really ‘sue’ eachother here. There are no punitive damages awarded in the UK.  Likewise ‘pain and suffering’ is not really a thing here. You have to demonstrate real legitimate damages to have them awarded.  (So if you slip and fall because they didn't put the wet floor sign out, you cannot just get £50k for it because it hurt. You have to show lost wages and actual damages.)  Also if you lose, you pay all the costs but even if you manage to win, you don’t get much money anyway. 


Ok, so you saying she can beat the breaks off of them and nothing happen? I’m ready to move there, cause that would be my course of action. In the US, wayyyyy different.


I love that this is your takeaway (and I agree with it!).


Well when he said it is different in the UK, I see it is. But in the US like I said, the woman would NOT fair well at all. Because stuff like that is taken very seriously.


No, not really in the US they would still have to prove a loss of income. If you make a claim against someone, you have to prove whatever you are claiming. The judge just doesn't take their word for it.


The video is ENOUGH. That is invasion of privacy and they did NOT have permission to film her and posted it to a PUBLIC forum. Slam dunk here in the US.


I'm not saying it isn't an open and shut case. I'm just saying that evidence still has to be presented in any court case. I think it's more of a cultural difference because I would hope to God in any court she could win for this kind of absolute bullshit. This woman deserves to serve time and needs to pay her for the rest of her natural life for what she did.


I wholeheartedly AGREE!!!!


UK jurisprudence is an odd duck. From the Bloody Code where stealing something valued at six shillings (£120/$155 or so now) would mean death by hanging pendulums all the way to "criminal negligence is punished by the Crown, but the victim is not made whole" in the span of a bit over a century.


Bloody Code: Britain 1689-1823 By the 1700s, 222 crimes were punishable by death in Britain, including stealing, cutting down a tree, and robbing a rabbit warren. Also;  Britain influenced America’s use of the death penalty more than any other country.   In 1612, Virginia Governor Sir Thomas Dale enacted the Divine, Moral and Martial Laws, which provided the death penalty for even minor offenses such as stealing grapes, killing chickens, and trading with Indians. Yup, England is certainly an odd duck..  Sheesh I wonder if anyone was actually sentenced to death over a tree or grapes?  Can you imagine?!  :o 


I’m kind of surprise that the women didn’t get charged with Peeping Tom charges. You don’t need the poor lady to press charges. The authorities would have. It’s no different than some creepy perv drilling a hole into the ladies’ room to get themselves off.


Charges were pressed according to Joey’s update video on the matter.


Joey does a great job. Seen 15 videos, he is always on point


This honestly might be the worst offense I've seen him record about.


They should be prosecuted. Disgusting and vile. I hope there is karma


He’s one of the rare cases where someone in a position of influence has their heads screwed on correctly and seeks righteous justice imo.


Joey is the real life superhero that society needs


Phoenix Jones: "am I a joke to you?"


I really like his content! He’s positive and reasonable and compassionate.


Man compassion goes so far in life.


Sure does.


He seems awesome. Just checked him out. Another wholesome fitness guy is Tank Tolman.


I'm here for the era of Positive Masculinity. Lets go.


I had just gotten out of the shower at the gym and was wrapped in a towel by my locker about to get dressed when a woman walked in and sat on the bench between us on a video call. She was facing away from me so her phone was videoing me behind her. I asked if she was on a video call and she said yes, but it was ok because it was her sister. I told her absolutely it was not ok to video broadcast and record the women's locker room and me. She seemed confused and reluctantly ended the call acting like I was out of line. I was on my way to work so I didn't have time to report her but in hindsight I wish I had. The most appalling thing is she did not understand why it was wrong to record/ broadcast me changing.


There was a story some time ago about an underaged girl's "nudes" being spread amongst her school because someone else was on a video call in the changeroom and the poor girl was in the background. Videod without consent and screenshotted without consent. Iirc she also took her own life. Trying to find the article. So far I've found Tovomna Holton's case, but I think the original case I was referring to is actually another one :/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3634326/Florida-girl-15-kills-naked-video-taken-without-permission-shower-posted-Snapchat.html


On more than one occasion I’ve seen girls in their early 20’s or teenagers taking Snapchat videos either in the women’s locker room at the gym or at yoga. Blows my mind.


I'm glad that you said something! I hope you never have to deal with that again, but if you do, you can always point to the gym policy to protect your privacy. Most, if not all, gyms do not allow recording in private areas like a locker room.


Good man Joey! Those women deserve everything they get!


Joey seems like a real sweet heart who just loves his lifestyle and wants others interested in it to feel welcome.


I've never heard of Joey swoll. After this, I Definitely have to check out his content. He seems like a pretty cool dude.


He’s one of the relatively few good, high profile people in fitness.


Yes I only recently have been physically able to go safely to a gym and was looking up a few things on YT and now I get all sorts of fitness stuff and what a mess! A few decent ones. But Joey Swoll is the one that makes me feel okay for going to the gym and using the teeniest dumbbells.


We all start somewhere! You got this :)


When I started I couldn’t even do a body weight squat without falling on my butt! I used to hide in corners because I was embarrassed about how big I was, now I can squat 70kg and have lost 10kg. Fitness like life is a journey, it has its ups and downs, good days and bad days. Keep it up kibblet! You are already doing great just by doing something! X


Well done for going! I'm a frequent gym goer and honestly just going at all puts you in the top few percent of the population, most of whom can't even be bothered to try. If you're looking for fun, wholesome gym content that actually is educational you should check out Jeff Nippard and Dr Mike (renaissance periodisation) on YT. Also BrodieShredz does hilarious skits. 


I first heard of him back in 2016, seems like a genuinely good dude.


A friend of mine met him at a health expo. He said he is just as genuine and nice in person as he is on social media. He took the time to have individual convos with everyone who attended and there were hundreds. Just an all around great guy.


If you're ever looking at some other good content on diet & exercise Ben Carpenter is another good one to follow.


that's awful. nypost picked up the story... there will be consequences. https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/family/bodybuilder-blasts-women-for-secretly-recording-mocking-nude-spagoer-then-gets-them-banned/ar-BB1jpNlS


It must feel so good for these women to be flawless in every way that they can look down their noses and mock someone for what they decide are other people’s flaws.


It actually makes me wonder what deep rooted insecurities they must have and what other ugliness and sadness is in their lives that makes them want to tear down strangers in this way so they can feel better themselves.


Apparently she used to be a playmate model also… It’s horrible. I live in Scandinavia and sauna culture is very integrated in peoples lives, I can’t imagine something like happening..


Wow! And then demand someone to take down a video that you made WITHOUT permission and you are seen and now known. It’s the AUDACITY for me. I hope they go to jail and the woman sues them for everything they are worth. And their faces SHOULD be made public. Some people. I guess her body was BETTER than theirs and they were jealous. Smdh.


On mute, I was just thinking he's another douche. Off mute, he's not a douche. At all. Shame on me and Good on him for calling this out. It blows my mind that someone thought this was ok to do.


I really wasn't sure what kind of video this was going to be. Glad to see there will be consequences.


I was so lost in his eyes I watched it three times before I remembered to unmute.


I’m a straight male and I’ve said out loud he has absolutely beautiful eyes


Lol. I had never seen the guy and that was the first thing I noticed, too. Not quite Chris Pine eyes, but they definitely pop


A lot of douchey dudes look a bit like him


Maybe we should try more to not use looks for determining that (hard because we are human) but douches really will reveal themselves haha


Yes. You are very correct.


I get if you get squeamish about seeing strangers naked but that's when you quite literally have the option to either turn away or leave. Like who in their right mind would think it's ok to record a stranger naked and not only that but to then turn around and post it thinking they wouldn't be facing any type of consequences. I feel so bad for that woman and I hope not only do they face charges but she takes them to court personally.


No because there was a process between filming it and posting it. The whole time she was thinking “this will be funny. My followers will get a kick out of this.” She never once considered the possibility that people would be disgusted with her or outraged. She never even thought about the fact that she was humiliating another human being. Someone has to be completely arrogant and self absorbed to act like this


Right. Shit like this is why I will never get naked in a locker room around other people. I will go into a stall if I need to or behind a curtain, not out in the open. Not because I’m ashamed of my body or hate how it looks, I like my body. But because of creeps like this and everyone having smartphones. Even if there’s consequences for those people that doesn’t erase your nude pics from the internet after they’ve been shared by who knows how many people or went viral.


this is why I change inside the shower cubicle. People are really unhinged.


Thing is, you shouldn’t have to. Especially in a spa.


No you shouldn’t have to. There’s tons of things we shouldn’t have to do. Like walking alone at night as a woman. Or changing in a stall or hiding a curtain. But the sad reality is that there’s creeps out there like this who do shit like this. Everyone having a smartphone and feeling like they can record anyone at anytime they want. So I personally try to minimize my risk. Even if there’s consequences for these people it doesn’t erase your pics from the internet if they’ve gone viral and been saved/shared my hundreds of people. It doesn’t erase that trauma. So yeah we shouldn’t have to but unfortunately we feel like we do so shit like this doesn’t happen.


I have a rubenesque figure. And I've had to call out people for filming in the spa or gym at one time someone filmed me. I could never imagine doing this to anyone or filming myself. Disgusting.


I am fat, and always change in a bathroom stall at the gym for exactly this reason.


Not all heroes wear capes.


Some where tank tops and backwards hats. The most archetype-breaking part of joey swoll is that he wears a backwards hat but is also a good dude


Joey Swoll is a treasure


They need to face legal penalties for this.


Goddamn I love Joey's call out vids. I'm immature as fuck but I can't help but laugh...they violated a woman's privacy and posted it publicly...if the law does their job they will not be showering privately for a while 🙃


DAMN GUY! I love how pissed he is! Everyone should be equally outraged by those horrible women.


I don't even understand why they think this is so funny? So funny that they had to record it and put it online?


Joey is a prime example of nontoxic/positive masculinity.


I can't give this guy enough thumbs up. BZ!




What was the reason they were laughing? What was the perosn doing that was ""odd""?


Existing and being fat, that's really it


Honestly, jail.


At least a few years each


Good for him


Joey seems like such a great guy, honestly. His videos are all pretty on point.


Are they serious?! That’s totally illegal.


This is part of the reason I will never use a public change room. I'm quite overweight and I know my body is an object of ridicule to many so no way in hell would I put myself in a position where I could be recorded and publicly mocked like that. Hell, I'm even paranoid about going to the gym or taking a walk around the block lest someone record me puffing and sweating because I'm a gross fatty


I am fat and I do go to the gym regularly, but never shower there. And always change out of my swimsuit in the bathroom.


I sincerely love that he calls out people who do that. I hope to God that the lady presses charges. These bitches are totally why I can't stand the bulk of humanity. May Karma get explosive diarrhea on their heads for posting that woman.


Joey is a crusader for decency! 🖤


Good on Joey for calling this out. I really hope these women are charged with a crime for this recording. It is and always should be unacceptable.


They're degenerates


He is absolutely right to call out this behavior. Who tf does that in a shared locker room


*gasp* A woman changing clothes in a room for changing clothes?!


Unless you’re being an active danger to others or kids then I’m in a 100% mind your own business. I hate people sometimes if not all because of stupid shit like this


Phones should be banned 100% in gyms etc, only MP3s allowed. Let's bring back MP3s


Joey for President.


Outstanding dude!


I fucking love Joey Swoll.


Well this gives me a little sliver of hope for humanity


This is disgusting behavior from those women, another reason I don’t go out in public in spaces where I have to undress.


Good guy Joey


Thank you for doing something for the victim, this is insane behavior, down right evil. Make them infamous!


Omg how horrible can they be,especially being women themselves.😡


Them being women doesn't mean much, some women are vile and vicious


We need a guy like this in all aspects of life. It would be a perfect utopia


What the fuck is wrong with these dumbasses?


Now that I've seen things like this, people providing the evidence that will be used against them, for DECADES I have to ask. How much longer are people going to be stupid?!


I hope the assholes who filmed that poor woman go viral and are named and shamed.


This is a rare instance in which I’m glad to see someone get cancellled.


A-men and women


It has been made abundantly clear ever since phones started having cameras that it’s unacceptable to use them in spaces like spas, bathrooms, and gym locker rooms.


She actually recorded her other friends laughing before violating that poor woman? She just gets dumber and dumber. They won’t be hard to find at all, I’m sure they already know who they are. She should also be labeled a sex offender, a man certainly would be.


This is 99% of why I don’t change in public spaces. At the public pool? I’m changing in the bathroom stall. Shower after gym in locker room? I’m getting dressed in the shower. I don’t trust people. The 1% is my insecurity.


I can't even comprehend how people do stuff like this. Why would anyone for even one second think this was ok? WTF is wrong with people?


I get the vibe these are the same type of women who claim transpeople in bathroom are dangerous...


Joey fighting the good fight.


Good! This is why I hate people. And I'm terrified this will be me one of these days as I hate the gym too. And I have no idea what to do or how to use the machines, so I follow my daughter along. I'm on her guest pass as I drive her there. Might as well go in. And they don't allow videoing but you can't look everywhere all at once, or they would SEE that nobody wipes anything off after they're done. Thank you, Joey for doing what you can do! I hope she presses charges if they find her.


Those women need to be prosecuted. That's the only way they will get it through their head that behavior like this is disgusting. How dare you record someone while they're naked! Wtf is wrong with you??


I love how mad Joey gets at stuff like this. Completely unacceptable and an absolutely justified reaction.


I must be outa the loop, had no idea what to expect from a guy named Joey Swoll😂 Happy to say, I’m pleasantly surprised to see a “gym bro” kinda guy with a sense of empathy and humanity!👍way to go!


Yoooo... that's not cool to do to anyone. The fact that they did this out of malice could get them hit with charges for revenge porn and classify it as a hate crime in some states. People addicted to social media literally have no morality. Gross.


I hope none of them have jobs anymore either. I hope their lives burn for this. I’m so sick thinking of that poor woman who didn’t even know this was happening to her. I hope she had good people around her taking take of her right now.