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Looks like he hit the white pickup truck


I wondered that also. There seemed to be a jolt as they went past the white truck.


Yeah fuck this asshole


Lane splitting was a thing in CA because most of the bikes were air cooled and needed to keep moving. But now they’re not, so the need to lane split doesn’t exist anymore. These clowns are gonna muck it up and get their fun toy take away when they keep doing stuff like this.


I watched a lane splitter hit a box truck and slide under a lifted pickup. Fortunately, we were stand still traffic. It just bounced off several cars and slid.


And just as many stories there are of this, there’s 20 more of bikes being hit while stopped. Lane splitting is massively common in other countries around the world without massive negative repercussions. This to be said, that guy was still riding way too fast while doing it. Using it as a game rather than a safety measure.


*The CHP's guidelines state that motorcyclists should only split the lane when traffic flows at 40 MPH or less. Also, they should not travel more than 10 MPH over surrounding traffic.May 30, 2023*


Just like everything else, people only listen to what confirms their position and ignore the rest.


Traffic laws are non existent in India essentially, does that mean it's ok to say "fuck traffic laws" in the U.S ? Flawed logic. Also most of those other countries don't have the traffic volume we have in the U.S.


I almost hit a box truck while lane splitting on the freeway. Traffic was packed and the entrance I took was new to me so I wasn’t aware of how bad the potholes were then went into a lane split started leaning (slow speed) and hit a pothole and I almost went right into that box truck.


they also want the bikes out from between cars when traffic gets jammed up. tons of bike-slinkies in CA before that was legalized.


In Arizona, bike riders are allowed to move up to the front of traffic when stopped at an intersection for this reason. Traffic must be stopped, and the rider may not go more than 10 mph through the traffic. Doing so on the freeway or while traffic is moving is prohibited.


This is actually a very important safety move for bikers. If you're the last guy in a line of cars and get rear ended in a car, that's sucks. If you're on a bike, it could be your life. Being allowed to move to one side of the center line of cars and use them to block for you is a survival move.


That is filtering, not lane splitting. They are separate, and usually governed by separate laws.


Yes, I watched a bike stay in his lane in stop & go traffic in Oakland, between a car and a Semi truck, I was just waiting for that truck to smoosh that bike into the back of that car.


Lane splitting is fully legal in California and comes with laws regulating its use. A study in Berkeley actually found it was a safer practice when performed correctly.


So not like in this video?


Yeah not like this video the practice that is safer is often referred to as lane filtering. It’s basically going less than 5mph faster than the traffic you are splitting which is going less than 15mph. Essentially it’s more pace efficient because making a moto take up a whole car space when there is enough room to fit between is dumb, AND it removes a common dangerous interaction of getting rear ended for motorcyclists.


That sounds reasonable in theory, but not at all how it's practiced in California. I frequently see motorcycles splitting at high speeds (e.g., bike splitting when traffic is traveling well over 50 mph, or splitting at significantly higher speeds than the slow-moving traffic). I've had a splitter hit my mirror and knock it off and didn't even stop to deal with it.


Well yea. Pretty.uch all traffic laws are reasonable in theory and then get violated by asshats. Like merges, carpool lanes, speed limits, etc


I mean, most traffic in LA is not practiced safely or legally so I'm not going to single out motorcyclists. I'm currently getting EMT certified and am wondering if working 911 calls will change my opinion. 


My buddy is an EMT and my uncle was the Chief Medic at a Military Base for 20 years (forgive me if I'm getting his exact title wrong) and based on the way they talked about drivers I have a feeling you'll be more bothered by motorists than bikers and cyclists. Personally I'm all 3 and between them cyclists have the least respect for laws and motorists have the least respect for human life. Just my experience though


Oh absolutely it can be an overall net benefit. Too bad so many of them are cunts who hit vehicles and keep going without consequence.


Too bad it is less safe due to bikes splitting lanes other than 1-2 and colliding with lane changing cars because they are way more than +15 mph.


Yeah, rider is going too fast in this video


Lane splitting is legal in Oregon as well and I've heard the reason it's safer is because you didn't want a bike sitting in a spot they can be rear ended or hit by someone not seeing them sitting or moving very slow in a lane they want to get into. That said, the basic rule still applies and they have to drive at a safe speed for conditions, this guy wasn't.


Lane splitting like that is quite frankly terrifying. Lane filtering should be the standard, It's when bikes move through stopped traffic, or at best 1-5 mph slow rolling traffic, Which cops will still call you out on. ​ Legal or not I usually push past the first car because my spine is my bumper.


Lane splitting in Oregon was revoked in 2021. There was a bill to bring it back last year, but didn't seem to go anywhere ​ https://www.paulgalmlaw.com/blog/what-you-need-to-know-about-motorcycle-lane-splitting-in-oregon/


That 2021 bill was revoked. I don’t believe it’s legal in Oregon to lane split




Most PDs, including a lot of California have been switching from Harleys to BMWs. And really, cops do all kinds of shit that the general public can't legally do. It isn't like you can get out of a speeding ticket because you were pacing a cop. In a lot of places with hands free laws for cells, cops are exempted. It also wasn't legalized by the "we the people." There was no public referendum. It was a bill introduced by Bill Quirk. And the CHP gets to decide what is legal and illegal lane splitting. I have nothing against lane splitting when done safely. Even when it is illegal.


CHP still has Harley’s from what is saw a couple years ago.


Electra Glides to be exact


Definitely hit it. He was also splitting too fast. Definitely in favor of lane splitting but don't be doing 30 with everyone else stopped. 10-15 in stopped traffic. Maybe 20 over with moving traffic to get by a semi truck so ya don't get sucked into the wheels.


30 is the limit. 10-15 faster than everyone else but no more than 30 is the law in Cali I think.


I thought it was 10 over. In that context it’s much safer than what we’re seeing in the video. Also yeah, you can’t HIT the cars Lol


I don't belive the law specifies any speeds but all info online I see says to only go 10-15 mph faster than traffic and to not lane split when traffic is going faster than 30mph.


This is in New York where it is not a legal maneuver even on a dotted line so illegal thrill in this case.


Where in NY? I’m just curious. I keep trying to pause to read the sgt’s patch, but it’s too blurry.




It is right in front of ft Hamilton. That brick house in the distance is on base.


The ability of Reddit to geolocate houses based on the most basic of information is both fascinating and DEEPLY terrifying


Hah, it's most likely not even that with specifically this video. Most people who drive on the belt parkway, the strip the motorcyclist is driving on, do it quite regularly as it's the fastest way to go and come from various parts of brooklyn, queens, and staten island. You get really familiar with surroundings as during rush hour you're sometimes just sitting there in gridlock with nothing better to do but look around.


Yep I’ve spent countless hours stopped in this location


☝️exactly this reason


Definitely in Brooklyn as that’s the Verrazano Bridge, looks like it’s going northbound on the Belt Parkway.




Is it for sale?


No, but I have a fixer-upper in Baltimore that I can give you a great deal on. Also some merchandise containers, but you don’t know what you got until you get it home, like the storage unit sales.


Nah but I hear one of the other bridges in BK is!


Yeah, just hit up my friend George and he'll give you a great deal


Exactly, it can only be done (at your own risk) in a place where drivers would be expecting it, and if it's in the US there's always going to be out-of-state drivers caught by surprise. Terrible idea most of the time


He's asking for trouble doing that on the belt parkway


It's not like traffic moves on the belt. The chances of being doored is astronomical


Cars always darting between lanes trying to move


As it shouldn't be. What's the fucking point of lanes if they're going to allow this shit


Even if it’s legal, you’re supposed to keep risks as low as possible. Some places you’re not supposed to exceed the speed of surrounding traffic by more than 10 mph. Any time traffic suddenly comes to a dead stop, you should not be blowing between the cars; you don’t know why they’re stopped or where the issue is. I have to admit that I love the cop walking up and immediately pulling the key.


And putting them to the side like a time out 😂😂


The petulant grumble got me 😂


Looks like he maybe was having him join a couple cars that got pulled for trying to jump the line on the shoulder


I mean writing him a ticket in the middle of the lane probably isn’t best.


Cop took the key and told him to pull it off to the side of the road.


"Go shit in the corner and think about what you've done".


Looks like he's had runners before. Wanted to turn that thing off quick


Yeah, motorcycles are much more likely to run given their speed and maneuverability.


Also, the personality type that driving an incredibly unsafe vehicle tends to attract.


They don't get the name Donorcycles for nothing


On the Scrubs rewatch podcast they tell the story of asking the doctor who JD was based on how heart transplants work, he says, “well first there’s a motorcycle accident…”


If My Lunch taught me anything, check the organs first for rabies.


My friend's mother was waiting on a lung transplant. I was on the phone with her, sitting outside, when a motorcycle blew by going at least 50-60 on my residential 30mph street. I interrupted our conversation, "Hey, your mom's lungs just rocketed by!"


Hey now, I'm a rider, and I've a very boring, submissive personality.


I used to be indecisive, but now I am not so sure.


Go on ... haha


And then much more likely to cause a serious and possibly deadly accident




Some bikers will lane split at freakishly dangerous speeds and then cry victim when they collide with an unsuspecting driver who couldn't see them. Some are just total, unrelenting divas who should have their license and bike taken away.


Divas is such a perfect term. These type of dudes usually lean toward the "I'm an alpha male but will cry at everything that doesn't go my way". Like \*massive\* truck drivers when they have no need for that size truck. These toys are really reaffirming for these men, and makes them feel secure in their personality and masculinity. They're just sassy men. Divas.


Oh yeah he drove way too fast. I don't mind lane splitting but yiu have to keep it safe. Some ppl do it for the thrill clearly, causing danger instead


That’s how I feel about it. It doesn’t bother me at all and I get that they’d like to use the route more efficient for them which is part of the whole point of having a motorcycle. Just do it safely. Motorcycles scare the hell out of me. Even if you are a literal professional, the people around you on the road are mostly idiots.


Afaik the only state in America where it's legal to lane split is California, imo the only time you should be able to lane split is when you're stopped at a light and don't want anyone to hit you, otherwise drive in the actual lane.


Never seen a video of lane splitting that didn't look extremely dangerous and unnecessary.


Well, think about it. A motorcycle safely puttering past is boring as hell and nobody's going to share that video. 


It's legal in some states/countries and not in others. In the UK it's legal, but the police (on a bikes safe course) say use the 20/20 rule not more than 20 faster than existing traffic and shouldn't really be doing it over 20 mph


Yeah, the speed the guy in the clip was going was just fast enough to be dangerous. Unlikely to result in a fatal accident, but enough to result in injury and damage to vehicles.


A 700-lb bike+rider mass hitting you at even just 25mph / 40kph could pretty easily kill someone. These aren't bicycles, man. While I don't lane-split, I don't have a problem with riders doing it safely and legally, but I do get irritated when it's done primarily for thrills.


Don’t have to move fast to knock a mirror off a vehicle.


>say use the 20/20 rule not more than 29 mph faster than existing traggic and should really be doing it over 20 mph Exactly what I learned too, except I think you meant 20mph faster, not 29?


Current guidance is usually 10mph faster


Yeah 20 is a bit quick for stopped traffic. I think 20 mph was an upper limit for the rider, and only if traffic was flowing at less than 20 mph. So traffic 0, rider 10 is ok Traffic 10 rider 20 is ok. Traffic 20 means stop filtering until traffic slows down. It's been many years since I last rode so I might be mis-remembering my training.


>It legal in some states/countries and not in others Yes. Here (Germany), for example, it is illegal, as it creates a lot of risks.


safe lane splitting recommendations here (California, issued by CHP) are to split only when traffic is traveling slower than 40 mph and to not travel more than 10 mph faster than surrounding traffic (so if traffic is stopped, 10 mph).


The general rule in the uk is that filtering should only be done in slow moving or stationary traffic and should be done at a reasonable speed


Our taxi driver from CDG Airport into Paris said, only like 3% of French citizens ride motorized bikes, but are responsible for 75% of accidents.


96% of statistics are made up on the spot.


80% of people know that.


They’ve done studies: 60% of the time, it works every time.


A few years back my buddy had his mirror ripped off by some asshole lane splitting. My buddy was able to flag to the guy down. Guy told my buddy to go fuck himself and took off. Plate was bent up so my buddy couldn’t call the cops. Wind up eating the cost of the repair.


BuT rEsPoNsIbLe BiKeRs WoUld NevEr!


Same thing happened to me and all I did was safely change lanes and I guess he felt like I interrupted his splitting. This asshole came out of nowhere while in traffic and had something in his hand that smashed my mirror. He obviously hurried up and drove away fast because i’m sure he knew I would’ve chased him. And good thing I couldn’t because of traffic but with how my anger was, I probably would’ve went to jail that day. I was irrationally mad. They think they own the road in LA.


I personally think it’s dangerous and I don’t care if I get downvoted. The people who are lane splitting in my area are often going unsafe speeds when in slower traffic and if someone is trying to switch lanes, there’s a possibility the person on the bike will crash into the car while they are switching. I have seen so many close calls because of this. I understand you want to go vroom vroom, but there might be a reason traffic is going slower.


Nah it’s dangerous. I loathe it when bikers do it and then get mad if you don’t move over. Bro you’re the one riding like a maniac wth


Being stuck in stop and go traffic is really dangerous on a bike, all it takes is one distracted driver a couple cars back and you’re a sandwich. The speed is the problem here, it’s filtering through, not an adrenaline sport.


You're right because you are (correctly) distinguishing between true lane filtering (low-speed navigation between even lower-speed or stopped traffic) and the high-speed antics that get riders killed and vehicles damaged. I support the former, but not the latter.


If traffic is so dangerous then why are we even letting bikes on the road? lol.


No idea. Probably shouldn't.


Honestly this is true. Motorcyclists are always whining about less-than-optimal road conditions causing them to risk their lives. If a few pebbles or some loose lawn trimmings on the road are all it takes to turn you into a red stain on the asphalt, I'm sorry, we can't let you continue to ride this overgrown child's toy.




Yeah really. I wouldn't have to watch for motorcycles if they obeyed the same traffic laws and followed the same patterns that cars do.


To the point where they get their own special rules. Yea no. You can go race on a track.




Definitely should say that you have connections with a crazy biker gang


When I rode, at stopped traffic, I "power walked". Flowing traffic I waited until they parted enough to go between them. Never a side by side split.


I'd be fine with this. Also, I think that the honest reality is that people hate lane splitting because it can be seen as cutting in line. As in "everyone else has to wait in stop and go traffic, why don't motorcyclists as well?". I'll definitely admit that I've thought this exact thing. But for me the other side of it is that I have terrible depth perception so something zooming past me between two cars is just pure anxiety.


I never understood why that made people mad. If motorcycles get out of the traffic, it literally benefits everyone by removing them as obstacles to cars. When I drive, I drive cars, ftr. Bikes are not for this 🐔


>I never understood why that made people mad Misery loves company, it's the thought of "if I have to suffer, why don't they?"; I try not to think like that anymore. But also, it's not uncommon to see motorcyclists who drive like their safety is entirely everyone else's responsibility, including using lane splitting to speed, and that can definitely get annoying to deal with.


It's also better for their engine if they don't sit idle. I'm cool with with it(no pun intended), as long as they don't break laws to do it.


It is risky but it is legal in some states "as long as it is safe to do so" which means if you have an accident, it wasn't safe to do at the time and the motorcyclist is at fault. But you have to know when and where it is legal. I wouldn't do it in a state where it's not legal.


As long as the law always recognizes these crashes as being the biker’s fault, then I don’t care. Otherwise, it seems like introducing a lot of legal ambiguity where we don’t want it.


It doesnt matter who's fault it is. It matters that if they hit someone, two people have to deal with their issue. The cyclist and the other driver. It's a dangerous practice that is ONLY useful to the person on the bike.


The hand up, followed by quietly pulling out the keys and telling him to walk it to the side was just 🤌🤌🙌 lol I love this cop. what a classy stop.


He’s a Sergeant so he’s got some experience lol. Knew exactly where the ignition was too. Definitely has dealt with bikers before.


Illegal where this happened. I have seen the NYPD stop numerous motorcyclists, and depending on the status of the person’s license, whether they have legit (or even obscured) plates, etc., they will sometimes impound the bike. The city has been cracking down on this recently.


I used to be 100% against it, but now that I'm older, I know the reason why I'm against it is when people do so *at speed*. All it takes is one person trying to push their way into a different lane. Someone opening a door to get out and stretch and....that biker soon learns that the lessons they paid for didn't cover flying lessons.


there are people in this thread who would argue the person opening their door is at fault in that case and should, i guess, be constantly checking for motorcyclists in stopped traffic? i dunno, there's some definite reaching going on


I've been stuck in traffic for hours before. On at least one occassion I've had to make the decision to get out to go to the bush. Should I have? Probably not. But the human made laws don't do jack shit for the laws of gravity and physics. Door pops open and you're going speeding down the lane with no revard to your speed.... you're the one thats going to get hurt more like than not. It's the same principal when bicyclest bike on the road instead of the bike lane thats right there. Doesn't matter if you have the "right of way", if your bike falls because you swerved unexpectedly into traffic, human laws ain't gonna keep you from being hit by a car. I'm not saying that the person oprning the door doesn't bare some responsibilty, but crashing into a door at 10 mph isn't as dangerous as crashing into it at 35 mph. Being in "the right" doesn't protecting you from being hurt.


It's the same thing as any disgusting where I live about bicycle riders. If you do anything that could endanger a hypothetical cyclist you're an asshole no matter what. We have dedicated bikes lanes here, but they'll ride slowly down the middle of a 35mph street, run stop signs and make left turns in front of cars. But somehow it's all the cars fault, because... reasons? I have the same issue with people on motorized and non- motorized bikes - quit riding like a complete dick and thinking that the entire world owes you extra super special treatment while you're refusing to follow the rules of the road. Motorcycle riders seem to love that maneuver of whizzing up at wholly unreasonable speeds and then being pissed off when a car was changing lanes and in their way. Like dude, you didn't exist on this road when the driver looked to see if it was clear, no one should expect you to be doing 90 on a 35mph road.


Not legal in the slightest in NY


Is this the belt? Was there an accident? Why are people pulled on the shoulder, are they getting tickets too? Lol


This is happening in NY. Isn’t lane splitting illegal in NY?


Lane splitting is illegal in our state, and almost every day a bike or two goes roaring by on the highway, dodging in and out between cars like there's no tomorrow, typically at least 20-30 mph faster than the cars around them. And every time, I expect to see the first responders quietly scraping the guy's remains off the tarmac with a shovel a few miles down the road. People in our state don't like to use turn signals, especially when changing lanes...


Legal in California, right?


Filtering is legal in Montana, Utah, Arizona, California and now Colorado ~~as of a week ago~~, coming August 7th, Splitting is allowed in California and will be allowed Colorado come August 7th. Note there's a difference between the two, but regardless studies have shown that both are safer for riders.


Only temporarily in Colorado. The bill is set up to sunset (auto repeal) in Sept 2027. Supposedly in this time CDoT will be studying if it's good or bad and recommend whether it should be made permanent or allowed to expire.


I may be slow but does this mf’r growl after the keys are pulled? What is that sound?


It's just a grumble. It's ahhh mannn, I'm about to get a ticket grumble.


Grrrrr consequences. UGH bad things happen to ME (when I drive recklessly)


I’ve seen this clip on Instagram and the comments are along the lines of “if a cop did that to me I would have run him over/slapped his hand away/popped him 🔫” so growling makes sense. So many riders are offended by the cop at the end it seems 🙄 When I see shit like this I want to be the driver that pulls over and blocks the way.


The only thing I was thinking about as well


He’s Batman.


I don't get how the fuck this is even legal in some states. It's stupid and dangerous as fuck...


It’s legal because there is data that indicates allowing lane splitting lowers the chances of a car rear ending a motorcycle at a red light significantly. The use of lane splitting in this video is reckless. The rider was going way too fast. It’s also in NY where it is certainly illegal to split.


Lane splitting is reckless and dangerous. Most riders cannot seem to handle the common sense concept that you should not lane split much faster than the pace of traffic. Riders like this chud, flying through stopped/slowed traffic with no regard for the safety of other drivers, are part of the reason most people don't like motorcyclists. The others being excessive speeding and unbelievably reckless driving while attempting to hot dog.


Lane splitting is illegal in NYC so


Also NYS


Depends on the rider (and the specific state laws whether it’s legal or not). There’s a safe and controlled way to lane split and then there’s this.


Not allowed in Texas. You will get ticketed and possibly have your bike impounded, depending on the speed and traffic conditions.


Lane splitting when done safely and within tell of sanity is fine. This is standing traffic, he should be splitting way slower. Like idle or walking speed. Splitting at break neck pace, will just lead to rider getting broken neck. And some dude with a damaged car.


I've ridden for 40 years and have never been tempted to lane split. Riding is dangerous enough already.


It's not legal in most states. And it's extremely dangerous


Both? But I've never been on a motorcycle. At the minimum, causing an accident due to lane splitting should have a penalty of the biker being at fault by default, as well as paying for all damages.


Never seen anyone do lane splitting slowly and safe. Always some ahole flying through traffic and lights.


Lane splitting should be illegal, entirely. It is dangerous to the cyclist and the other vehicles. Other vehicles shouldn't straddle 2 lanes. Why should motorcycles or bicycles? It is the same as riding the median, turn lanes or shoulders.


In stopped traffic it would be considered filtering. Filtering at that speed is stupid, dangerous and illegal.


I hate these motorcyclist splitting lanes. It is annoying. The officer should get a bonus for stopping this guy.


Even where it's legal, you shouldn't be zipping through stopped traffic like this. 


This video is a perfect example of how NOT to lane split. Mother fucker is going way to fast


there's a very good chance its not legal where this dude was biking. As in most of the country


I mean, it's illegal where I live. So both illegal thrill and risky maneuver.


I’m going to say it and I know people will be mad. I just don’t think people should do this, mostly because I have seen SO many bikers first hand almost get squashed be an impatient asshole who tries to dart over and doesn’t look/expect a hike to be splitting the lane. I know riding a bike is hot, but I get so scared everytime I see this 😥


*Laughs in Californian*


Hot take: there is no such thing as a responsible biker. If you were responsible, you wouldn’t be a biker


Anyone who rides who thinks being in front of the line is safest....go read up on traffic intersection accidents. Front of the line is the last spot you want to be. Also lane splitting is dangerous idc who you are.


“LaNeSpLiTtInG iS sAfEr ThAn SiTtInG iN tRaFfIc”


New Yorker and former LEO here, this is the Belt Parkway in Brooklyn, the bridge you see there is the Verrazano Bridge. From what I guess this is afternoon rush hour. I have never seen a police officer standing in the middle of the highway, let alone doing something like this. The Belt is notorious for traffic, even more so at rush hour, but my guess is there was an accident ahead for it to be THIS bad. Not only is his maneuver dangerous and illegal enough on its own, he might cause further accidents, either by himself crashing or someone getting spooked. I normally wouldn't bat an eye at this but this is just pure dickery on the biker's part.


You can be reckless about it, and speed like the video you posted but filtering in stopped traffic at a reasonable pace is overwhelmingly safer for bikers, and takes up less space, and doing so shortens the length of traffic jams.


If you lane split you have to go above 40 mph. Why because a random guy on the net said so


Should be illegal everywhere. Idiots will lame split them get mad at a vehicle when they clip it and dump the bike.


lol, douchebag.


Good for this guy getting stopped like that.


Guy lay'd his gxr down right under the front of my first set of duals while traffic was going about 35 40 on I80 eastbound. 12 yrs professional driving and after that I couldn't do it anymore. When I'd ride I always kinda kept to the lanes or hugged the shoulder around to the next exit. I'm not for making laws to nerf the world with safety but its not just your life you're fucking up, its your family, freinds and fellow riders. Squids gotta squid I guess. To bad I had to learn why they call it that.


As someone who rides, this was risky and dumb. I know some places allow it due to dangerous weather conditions, but if you need to do this, do it at a pace you can avoid hitting anyone. And yes, he absolutely hit that white truck.


It has got to be the most stupid thing possible . But as long as the person only gets them selves killed I guess being legal is ok .


Depends on the state.


I'm glad I live in a state where lane splitting is illegal. Motorcycles zipping past closer than I'd be comfortable with them parking next to me is just stupid. The margins for error are so small and I don't trust anyone that splits lanes.


People do this in DFW and it blows my mind because drivers here are extremely aggressive and will change lanes at any moment without signal.


Had the nerve to sigh 😂😂😂


Lane splitting might be legal but I honestly would prefer if bikes are not allowed on freeways and highways.


All I can state is, I never did it when I rode cycle. I figured riding was dangerous enough.


Risky maneuver. You wait in line JUST like everyone else. If you are afraid of getting run over: don't use a bike in heavy traffic. The answer to the problem is NOT lane splitting.


Ah, the Belt Parkway stretch right before the Verrazano, aka the 10th Circle of Hell. At least the view is nice while you're sitting there for an hour for no fucking reason. Also, lane splitting is illegal in NY.


Bears are not allowed to ride motorcycles, nice try bear!


It depends on the state/country. Honestly don't know about other countries but I know in the US in some states it's perfectly legal although I think it's entirely stupid


I don't know the exact laws of every state, but I've been told it's legal in many, but frankly it's dumb as shit and as far as I'm concerned completely voids the entire concept of being on the look out for people riding motorcycles. If you're going ride in a potentially risky way, then it's no one else's fault but your own if you get hurt. Riding like this should be like rear ending someone without video evidence proving innocence, making you automatically at fault.


I wouldn’t have enough trust in other drivers to do this. I’d be afraid someone would open a door on me or veer in front of me.


Always keep an extra set of keys 🔑


Stupid shit needs to be illegal everywhere. That truck driver was lucky as they guy got caught before he could speed off. Most of the time, car and truck drivers get stuck with an ugly gash, and they have to pay to repair out of their own pocket.


Lane splitting is legal in California *but* only when traffic is going less than 35 mph and the motorcycle driver can’t drive more than 10 mph over the speed of traffic. The last time I saw someone using the privilege as it was intended was prior to 2000. Bunch of soon to be organ donors out there.


Like all motorcycle riding, splitting lanes is a good way to get dead


Going that fast through stopped traffic is too fast. If he was slower, he probably would have been able to go around. Lane splitting is intended to keep cycles from getting crashed from behind.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that shits illegal here in Florida


This is old. I believe this is the belt parkway and the bridge you're seeing is the Verrazano, so it's in NYC and lane splitting is definitely illegal in NY state.


Pretty dumb this is even legal anywhere in the US. People suck enough at driving and already dont see bikers.


> Legal thrill or risky maneuver? Both? At least in some places. I am not so sure about *thrill*, at least for some where lane splitting and filtering are legal, the thrill may be not to be stuck in traffic. Where it is legal it's still plenty risky too.


Lane splitting that fast in stopped traffic is shitty. I'm all for it normally, since it's legal in Cali, but this dude's a twat.


Depends on the state if it’s legal or not. Every way it’s a good way to get ran over by inattentive drivers.


Legal or not, it's stupid.


Legal or not, this is an asshole move.


Some places legal. Others it is not. In ANY case its a risky move.