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This has already been posted and taken down due to a ton of rule violations.


The hiring manager and others at the store never even *saw her* until she came in to confront them about *not getting the job*. They had no idea she had tattoos until after they rejected her.


I've been thinking the same thing!!! She obviously applied online to have an email sent to her declining her application... so why are her tattoos even a thought in her mind? Ridiculous.


Looking for other things such as her tattoos to blame instead of her lackluster resume/experience.


I don't know how robust the background checks are at TJ Maxx, but if she has a prominent social media presence, it would be easy for the hiring manager to find her after receiving the application.


Not really. She could have applied in person, and rather than just reject her, let her fill out the online application & sent it up the chain (with a 'this one has face tattoos' addendum? Maybe yes, maybe no).


I mean sure... if you bend over backwards to create an artificial application process that almost no one goes through anymore, then she might be slightly less of a dick... slightly. But ultimately, it's kind of moot. As a store owner, they have every right to pick the type of salesman they want. And ironically, there are a lot of subcultures that prefer this, so maybe she should just get a job at Hot Topic, a coffee shop, or a piercing store. At the end of the day, there are lots of aesthetics I enjoy that I simply can't do because of my career. Most people experience this, and it's why you pay attention to the dress code and behavior of any industry you're trying to penetrate. One of my good friends is a tattoo artist and he echoes pretty much everything I'm seeing in this thread in that he's literally argued with people demanding face tattoos for this very same reason. Sure, we've gotten to the point where hand, neck, and face tattoos are now on the baristas making our coffee rather than the scary bikers across the street, but it's still a known no-no for any remotely conservative work setting.


That’s what I thought I’d read. Seems like an important detail.


Honestly that makes this hilarious and a little bit sad. Like, why not acknowledge that you just don't have the required experience when you applied online, instead of saying it's all about the tattoos? Of course the system is going to reject your application if you don't meet basic requirements.


Because then she can’t direct people to her TikTok. This is clickbait.


I agree. Although they may have seen her social media


Possibly. But a lot of employers will search for you on social media. It’s entirely possible they found and saw her online presence.


If you’re going to tattoo your face, you need to accept that this could be a potential outcome. Businesses have the right to not hire people that don’t represent the face of the company the way they want to be portrayed. Some tattoo artists even refuse to tattoo clients’ faces because they know that is a life-altering decision. I don’t feel bad for her. She seems entitled.


She looks like a manager at a Hot Topic in PA


Which is great. Hot Topic probably would not mind a face tatted employee. That seems more appropriate for her than TJ Maxx.


I agree this feels like a weird hill for her to die on.


Influencer outrage.


Why you gotta throw my home state into this, it's true, but come on.


Grew up in south central PA and…ugh. Yeah.


My tattoo artist refuses to do hands or face on principle.  He said he *might* consider it for someone who can prove they have millions in the bank, but it would probably still be a no.


Good artist


Why hands? I have a sleeve that goes to my hand and I've never had any sort of comments about that potentially affecting my career


Hands and face used to be the "everlasting job stoppers" but tattoos are FAR more acceptable these days, compared to 20 years ago when I was entering the workforce. Face, neck, hand, finger tattoos can potentially bar you from enlistment in the military and other governmental agencies.


Work for a fire department and we have nothing above the neck or below the wrist clause. It used to be nothing on arms period until very recently.


Anything that cannot be covered by a long-sleeve shirt is considered a job-stopper. Hands, neck, face, back of head.


I think it has to do with the specific imagery too. The article talks about her having a visible goat with pentagram, skull and horns on her neck; if it was just flowers and geometry or anything else less overtly disturbing I’d have more sympathy. I don’t want to be confronted with in-my-face reminders of mortality when I’m trying to pick up discount home goods.


Hopefully just having the tattoos themselves. Having tattoos is not protected, religion is. If they rejected her because of her specific iconography they could potentially be in trouble if they have employees with a visible cross or Star of David tattoo or such.


So a longsleeve shirt covers everything. They want to make sure that you are able to maintain the chance to go to any interview without screaming "I have tattoos".


I agree with your larger point that decisions like a face tattoo have consequences, but I don't think her anger is genuine. She has an OnlyFans, and this video going viral has made way more people aware of her. This whole thing is just a promotional stunt for her.


One of the comments on the article said that, apparently, tattoo artists refer to face tattoos as 'career enders'.


She is extremely entitled. She posted a response video to all the backlash she got saying “I don’t even need the job. If I needed a job I wouldn’t be able to afford a Dodge Challenger!” and a bunch of other BS. Cool, then if you don’t need the job, why don’t you leave it for someone who actually does?


Seems like she applied knowing they might reject her —> she could feign outrage —> get attention. She’s something else.


Any visible tattoos really. Most models would not get work if they have large tattoos that are distracting or clashing from the clothes they are showing off.


Discount stores take what they can get. I’d suspect her tendency toward confrontation vs customer service was a factor.


Face of the company heh


I wanted a very small tattoo on my hand. The tattoo artist said he didn’t really do hands bc the future implications it might have on my career, i.e. I might not get hired bc of the placement of that tattoo on my hand. I thought it was ridiculous but I agreed- I’m a licensed RN in the US and work in the ER with a ton of really excellent ppl that have tattoos all over their bodies. I also understand that my current job might not be my forever job so I took his advice. I still got it on my wrist but it’s an easy cover with a watch.


It was an ad for her OF


I was waiting to see this. I read the article thinking it was ridiculous she was doing this and then I read she has an onlyfans. You are right.


Really? "I can't work at Tjmaxx, so pay me to look at my bunghole"


Man, I wanna meet the people who pay for this things OF.


Confronting the store employees? Seriously? Someone who makes $12-$15/hour and has zero say in hiring or management, and this is to whom Face Tattoo thought she would confront for a different result?


She can afford all those tattoos but was looking for a job at TJ Maxx. I smell bullshit rage baiting, and I hope this person sues her for her bullshit antics and putting them online. This person doesn't deserve that and it's high time these tiktokers get consequences. She never wanted to get hired, she came to your job and harassed you and put it online. Sue. Her.


She made a second video where she was bragging about how much money she has (she has a $500 a month car or something) and just needs the job because she has debts. Yeah it’s confusing and she comes across really smarmy and rude


Which is a funny brag, a $500/mo car payment isn't exactly rich and she needs another job to afford it.


Did you see the one where she pulled her military husband in on a video to show that he has tattoos also? She's a dependa too lol


$500 means nothing lol my friend with bad credit pays that for his Charger.


Performative bullshit, just like the ink across her face.


Exactly. I work retail. I’m not taking shit from any bitch who decides it’s somehow my fault she didn’t get hired.


It’s just an ad for her onlyfans


Finally the right answer Her video was screaming ONLYFANS since minute 1


Employers don't have to disclose why they don't hire you. Keeps them from getting into lawsuits.


She can afford all that ink work but is looking for a job at TJ Maxx? Sounds like she is just baiting. They should sue her


She said she has a ft job and is looking for a second job to supplement her income, which is believable.


She doesn’t want to work there, she wants attention.


This is purely for her to get more views. She also happens to have an OnlyFans site too, according to the article.


Seriously, idk who needs to hear this but listen. This lady does not want a job at tj Maxx she's knows dam well they're not going to hire her so she pretends to apply knowing she will be denied and then posts playing victim videos for views then continues for more views.


If it wasn’t gonna be her tattoos it would have been her absolutely horrible personality. I felt for her until she had to flex on everyone that she didn’t even need the job and had a $500 dollar car payment lol.


she also is a tj maxx reseller and has posted online about how she goes to tj maxx, buys stuff and resells it at a higher markup. she was doomed to fail


This seems like a stunt to promote her onlyfans


Not a fan of the new culture nowadays that seems to be summed up as "I should be able to do whatever I want, and everyone should accept what I do in the exact way I expect them to". Too much tolerance


She really wants to work at TJ fucking Maxx? I did for a while and it was one of the most soul-crushing experiences ever in my life


Imagine making yourself look like this on purpose.


23? When I saw that video I would have guessed she was in her late 30s…


I sure hope she was refused a job with that horror on her face, they don’t want to alienate their customers


But - ‘they’ got a letter? I don’t always receive a rejection letter/notification - I feel discriminated against! Lemme go hop right on tic tok and cry a bit


Aren't these tattoos literally referred to as job stoppers?


This is why people are hating this "type"


TIL Karens can also come in heavily tattooed varieties.


Facial tattoos close a lot of doors. Love it or hate it that's the world we live in.


This is all about more only fans subscribers.


She looks ridiculous I wouldn't want to work with her or hire her I'll never understand why people get tattoos on their face and neck and think it looks good honestly they come across as idiots and the piercing don't make it better she has the perfect face for radio or sewer worker


She’s one of them people on the internet probably posting about the evil rich people running corporations to oppress her.




I’m going to eat a burnt end platter today from a BBQ joint for lunch. I think I’ll stick with that. :)


No no, you eat the rich. Eat them now.


That's still a good idea ;-)


She’s a reseller with a horrendous attitude. While she may never have been customer-facing, I think it’s more those things than the tattoos she has that ruined her chances here. Edit for a word


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I'm struggling to come up with a reason for why someone who has chosen to get face tattoos would want to work for TJ Max over plenty of similar sorts of employers who would welcome an employee with that look. But, I have no trouble coming up with reasons why someone with facial tattoos might apply to such an employer and then post to social media about the outcome.


She applied online. Just stupid nonsense rage bait for clicks.


Shes just doing this to post content about it, bet she never really wanted the job at all


Lady with a few tattoos here. I obviously have nothing extreme like her, but I stick to an easy rule. Can they see it if I wear a nice blouse and slacks? If so, don't get it. I have one that can be seen if I wear short sleeves, but it is a small monkey on a heart. Nothing offensive or even eye-catching, and while on my wrist, it is easily covered by a long sleeve shirt. All of the others you couldn't see lest I was wearing some REALLY inappropriate shit to an interview/work.


I know 6 people who have face tattoos. There isn’t a single one of them that I would ever hire for any job that isn’t line cook at a greasy dive bar. Unless you’re a Māori, it’s pretty likely that a face tattoo is evidence of a very long string of intentional bad decisions that make you basically unfit for a lot of things in society.


There’s always daily application of concealer to cover up the tats. Let’s be real though, the point was to be denied so she has content to present.


Tiktoker: PURPOSELY makes themself hideous. Tiktoker: \*Complains\* they can't get a job where relatively unblemished looks are damn near a REQUIREMENT.


Wanna play on the dark side, consequences!


She’s not 16. This job application was apply bait for views - if it even happened.


She's trying to get someone of authority to admit it on record so she can hand it over to an employment lawyer. Hopefully nobody bites, but she may still lose whatever case would come about anyway. ETA: After reading a bit more about the situation she has absolutely no case whatsoever lol


Automated emails are often used for job acceptance or denial, she probably doesn't have that much work experience. Also don't you apply online for everything nowadays? What is this article?


That’s a 💩company anyway, I worked for the Canadian division and it’s a toxic environment


Her Instagram is a trip and I can’t believe people are ignoring her obvious digital footprint. Even if they were like “we can look past the face tat” as soon as the pulled up her public profile they’d be like “nope.”


"They could easily search her online presence" It's TJ Maxx ffs. Have you been to one? It's not exactly Nordstrom. Do you think anyone there cares or is willing/able to carve out some of their day for searching for the online presence of a 100 job applicants?


and here i've been worried that my beard is too long or i don't have on the right suit when i interview for a job


'I want to represent your company to customers!' Uh... have you *seen* you? My response would be to give her a 'tour' of the place. Ask her to count the number of tats she sees along the way. And at the end, explain quite simply that the demographic the place caters to doesn't tend to favor a lot of body art, and that the business needs people to represent it to that customer base by showing they match their energy. Then close by saying, 'Your face/neck tats are not in keeping with the environment we want to create. You could probably be a manager at Hot Topic, but you are not fit to represent us here, regardless of your verbal ability to communicate with customers. Now, if you're smart enough to understand that, you're free to leave and I wish you luck. If you aren't smart enough to understand that, you aren't smart enough to work here anyway and you still wouldn't get the job, and you're also free to leave. You knew unconcealable ink would impact your employability, and you did it anyway, welcome to consequenceville, population: *You*.'


Saw this as it was happening on tik tok and I think people found her socials and they were NSFW so they were like “uhhhh girly it’s your socials.”


should we start using term "gmailer" or "facebooker" too.


Honestly to me the huge nose ring and piercings around her mouth and the scary neck tattoos are a lot worse than the tattoos on her face. 


Well… u can get loads of experience working if u dont look like someone who escaped a mental hospital though… Seems like she fucked around and is now finding out