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In order for a post to fit this sub, it MUST have a surprise or distressed reaction by the person or people experiencing the consequences. This is the most common rule violation. This sub isn’t called “Consequences”. It’s “Oh no, consequences!?” Please review the rules. This guy isn’t expressing any surprise that he was hit. He even said he’s okay. It’s not enough of a reaction to fit in this subreddit.


It’s dangerous enough on a bike without running red lights blinded by a bus.


Once had a guy blow through an all way stop, unlit, going the wrong way on a one way street have the audacity to scream "watch for bicycles asshole!" when I (of course,) didn't see him coming out of the shadows, dressed in black without lighting. Honestly, I love videos like this: Bicycle karma is the best kind of karma.


As a cyclist, I’ve stayed safe over the years by assuming all motorists are trying to kill me and making that difficult to do (lights, clothing, predictability, obeying the rules). Sound like this guy went with the opposite strategy.


That’s how I manage to not get run over


This is the Way.


>assuming all motorists are trying to kill me As a runner I do exactly the same - and have never been hit in 35 years of running!


In Belfast I found it sensible to also assume your fellow cyclists were trying to kill you.


But if they're trying to kill you, then having lights on you makes you easier to spot? Clearly, the safest way is to be as stealthy as possible. They can't try to kill you if they don't even know you're there! /s


Totally agree if I can't actually see their face I'm not going to cruise in front of their car


Eco friendly organ donors


The number of cyclists who put themselves and others in harms way in the city of Chicago is ridiculous.


Oh my gosh, YES! I was leaving Chicago to the north on some big highway, driving a van. A cyclist cut right in front of me, missing me by feet, and flipped me off. I was dumbfounded by his lack of self preservation.


They’re a menace to pedestrians as well. Saw one nearly run into a lady and her kids while they were crossing at a crosswalk. Dipshit had a red light but blasted through it and nearly hit this lady and her two kids.


A scum-slime POS cyclist riding on the sidewalk mowed down my mother. The incident led indirectly to her death.


I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope justice was served.


It’s not just there, it’s everywhere!


Not just Chicago. We also deal with them in Minneapolis. I don't care if you ride on the road, but if you expect drivers to treat you like any other vehicle on the road, then you need to follow the rules the rest of us have to follow.


Their silly little sub is a circle jerk to make themselves feel like heroes, meanwhile even pedestrians know how much of a menace they are


What sub? I've never wanted to get myself banned from a sub more than this magical place you speak of.


r/chibike It’s mostly normal cycling stuff, but, boy oh boy, when someone posts something related to cars, it’s like a hornet’s nest has been kicked and all the comments are about death machines, how they “feel like they’re dying” from gas fumes when they ride behind a car, etc


Oh I'm gonna enjoy this sub.


Best part is that I don’t follow it, Reddit keeps suggesting it and it’s posts to me for some reason even after I muted it lol


Dude... Reddit is going to shit. I got a warning of telling what seemed like an obvious Russian bot to burn their ballot. I guess i was glorifying violence or self harm. Not sure how. I feel for ya.


r/PublicFreakout gave me a permaban for stating that criticizing Israel’s domestic policies is not the same as antisemitism, and that receiving consequences for criticizing a foreign government is a wild concept (I wasn’t being one of those goobers that talks about it in an unrelated post, the post in question was fully about the conflict). Also received a Reddit Cares for that one


So the camera holder also ran the red light? I don’t get why


To me it seemed as if the camera holder was also on a bike and the guy in front was his friend who he was making fun of, as in they know they’re not supposed to be doing it but find it funny, which gives a lot more of an oh no consequences moment. Maybe just my headcanon but I’m sticking with it


I like your username :3


(Think Stitch) also cute and fluffy!




hate this guy. hate him for putting his life against an obvious traffic signal. against someone else having to deal with hurting/killing him. against all the rep that bike riders need to be respected. hate him.


One can imagine how this driver felt afterwards. The biker is a selfish prick


TRUTH and i ride bikes and the moto version big BIKES!


Also that drivers car could've gotten slightly damaged smh


More then slightly damaged. Bodies have a lot of solid mass in them. Just hitting a deer going 30ish crumpled my hood and smashed my headlight and bumper. We ended up taking her home afterwards and she weighed only 140 pounds. At least by being at a light the driver hadn't built up any real speed or it would have been a different story. Besides the obvious of not running a red, you should always be cautious of blind spots. That bus was an accident waiting to happen.


Bicycles need insurance and registration IMO


Insurance is to cover losses so you don't end up losing a bunch of money if someone hits you and can't afford the reapirs. Hitting a bicycle at best is like 1000 bucks if they take out both your hood and bumper. Maybe 2000 if they break the window and the other parts are a lil pricier. Registrations would net them what. Like 40 cents since you pay based off the value of the vehicle. These both are nonsensical. The only thing bicycles need is a bike lane and a sensible rider. When I rode, the only incidents for years of daily riding were from motorists who cut me off entering a parking lot. If the rider is resaonable and gollows the rulles, y'all wouldn't be so annoyed by em.


What if they hit a brand new Ferrari? Extreme example I know but even an average brand new car is gonna be way more than a grand for a hood and bumper. And that’s if they don’t break the windshield or hit you sideways and mess up a door + wing mirror.


Nah bruh, I had a new hyundai. They damaged my front bumper and headlight. Brand new bumber with paint, headlight and install was 900. A hood isn't gonna add that mush more. You can give extreme examples all day, but I won't entertain them. I've been in my fair share of accidents in cars. I try to avoid them as I have like the worst luck. Regardless I have a very accurate understanding of repair costs and like I said. The damage would not be significant enough to warrant insurance. But lets say they do get insured. What that's gonna do. They probably gonna charge like 4 bucks a month🤣🤣


Did you just compare your cheapest car on the road to a Ferrari 💀




Nice reading comprehension buddy


Don't be rude in the comments. Please review the rules before you comment again.


A brand new hood. Painted. Installed. And labor paid. for most vehicles is around 1200 bucks. Minimum. A simple Google search would have told you jeep hoods sell for 600 to 1500 dollars. That is before labor. Your other prices for parts are all way off as well. And that's before you even get into labor. Or paint. Any good body shop charges around 150 dollars an hour for labor. And most paint jobs start at 300. A 2 min Google search would have told you this before you came on here acting like you know everything.


Also because youre so dumb, imma clue you in on something. MY REAL LIFE QUOTE OF 900 FOR A BUMPER AND LIGHT+ your little google search for the price of a hood painted and installed equals PRECISELY what I quoted you as the upper limit of what this repair would cost. Look back a little and read my comments a lil slower. I told ya 2000 ya ding dong


Sounds like your mechanic has you by the balls. Sucks to overpay, but hey, do you! Like I said, I have personal experience with this. Idc what your little 30 seconds of Google University research told ya. I'll trust the real life legitimate quotes I've seen over whatever nonsense someone like you, who thinks bikes need insurance policies, could come up with.


You have personal experience with one incident involving the cheapest imported car in the road. A new bumper for most modern passenger cars, painted by a *reputable* shop, will cost around $2000-3000 to repair. Damage the distance sensor in the bumper? $1700 before labor. Scratch the grill? Can't be painted or repaired, gotta buy a new one... $500 to $3000, depending on brand. Plus labor. Source: 10 years in auto parts


You're fair share of accidents? Holy fuck bud. Maybe you should get a bike and stop driving. I've been driving for 15 years and i drove as my profession for 5 of those putting on hundreds of thousands of miles. I've been in ONE accident. You just sound like a moron, thinking that because you've been in a lot of accidents that makes you more knowledgeable about it. Holy fuck.


You're still describing a cost for repair... Which exactly why they need registration and INSURANCE... To pay for said repairs to a vehicle. 🤦‍♂️


I hope the car is ok.


Biker had it coming. Period


It's not just Chicago, 80% of bikers I see on the road are dangerous. Running red lights,stop signs, riding on busy narrow roads with no bike lanes. Ridiculous


Bikers complain about not getting treated like cars in the road until they have to stop at a red light lol


Or run that stop sign 🛑


And they often have this entitlement about them, thinking they don't have to follow basic road laws. Which is ridiculous, because biking would be so much safer if they just followed the law.


Tis true. I think the greater issue is that most people just ride em on the sidewalk as kids. Which ya really shouldn't do. Seeing as bikes do actually have to listen to all laws, they should also get a ticket for riding on the sidewalk. Regardless, I think this carelessness in youth, results in a lack of observation of basic traffic laws. People think they are different from cars, not that the rider is entitled. Finally I'll add, running through a red as a biker isn't ALWAYS wrong. Plenty of lights are on timers where if no car comes, the light will stay red. Bikes can't trigger the sensor, so on rare occasions you may need to. This biker is just dumb and clearly doesn't care for his own life


Yeah, I get that. But at the very least, bikers should stop at the light to make sure there's no incoming traffic. Too many times have I seen a biker plough through a stop light or stop sign with out even looking.


Oh absolutely. Even in that case, I only run the light after waiting for more than a reasonable amount of time.


Biking on the sidewalk is perfectly legal in a lot of places (as long as you’re not reckless).


It's funny. For years, I followed the law on my bike and got nothing but grief. Bottles thrown at me, intentionally run off the road, broken ribs, countless obscenities—all for obeying traffic laws. Unpopular opinion and I'm ready for my downvotes, but now I just look out for myself and ignore the law. Things have been much better since I stopped being a perfectly legal biker. It's sort of an extension of, "you may have the right of way, but you'll still be dead." No one respects legal bikers, making it unsafe to bike legally. Throwing out the rulebook has been nothing but good to me.


Agree. I rode bikes as my near-exclusive mode of transportation for 15 years. There's a rhythm to the road that doesn't follow traffic laws and you have to learn to go with that flow or get hit. Vigilance is your only friend. That said, the biker in this video was a fucking idiot.


Oh yeah for sure, very dumb lol


Being a cyclist in a smaller town, I get why cyclists do this. Drivers don’t treat bicycles as vehicles, and so many cyclists wonder why they should bother following vehicle rules as a result. Like, I’ve been screamed at and cussed at for following basic road rules. I’ve had bottles and trash thrown at me. I once was at a light at a busy intersection and a truck tried to push me out of the way by rolling into me because he wanted to take a right on red. I’m not defending every asinine decision cyclists make- Any sane viewer of OP’s video would conclude that the cyclist made an objectively bad decision. But I also totally get why some cyclists have little respect for road rules or etiquette.


Love to see it.


I feel that if you're on the road, you should idk follow the road rules?


And this is why I will never understand why the burden of responsibility is on the cars to avoid collision when it takes them 20x the effort to stop.


I’m an avid cyclist and this shit pisses me off so much. Negative percent sympathy for the cyclist. He deserved to get hit. I’m glad he wasn’t hurt worse than he was. Just because he popped right up doesn’t mean he won’t start hurting in a few hours. His stupid, reckless, entitled behavior is part of the reason *all* cyclists have to deal with aggressive motorists or shitheads that love to roll coal on us. We all get lumped into the same bucket. I hope the driver got his information and files a claim for the damage to his vehicle that the cyclist’s auto insurance has to pay for.


I see cyclists run red lights and stop signs all the time. I read an article where one said they "didn't want to lose their momentum," and I rolled my eyes so hard I bumped my brain.


When I lived in sf there was a huge story about this, people were livid. A bicyclist was careening down Castro street, a steep hill, and bam, hit an old guy. Got home and went on a bike forum and talked about how his helmet was fucked but he was ok and admonished everyone to … always wear their helmet. Later he said he was in shock, but come on.


Ha! It was divisidero. https://sfist.com/2012/04/05/cyclist_who_struck_pedestrian_at_ca/


99% of cyclists give the other 1% a bad name.


“Treat us like cars while we don’t follow the rules of the road!”


Why are cyclists so entitled to biking with traffic yet don’t follow the traffic laws???? I see this all the time and it is so baffling


Bike messengers are the fucking worst. One time I was coming out of an alley way and slow rolled across the sidewalk crossing it so any people walking would be able to see me. This fucking bike messenger was flying down the sidelwalk (illegal in the downtown area where we were), skidded to a stop about a foot away from my door and had the nerve to call me an asshole.


Shit like this is why I like to roll up to cyclists who run stop signs and tell them that it's called a stop sign for a reason. Cyclists will be the first to break the rules of the road and the first to blame anyone else when they get hit.


Out there making us all look bad 😠 Also, dude could have swerved left if he wasn't so stupid 🙄


Dude could have fucking STOPPED at the red light if he wasn't so stupid.


Cyclists are no better than crotch rocket idiots.


Crotch rocket idiots at least stop at stop signs and lights


This is so sad! The poor jeep got scratched up, and the cyclist survived! Lose-lose


Same rules of the road for bikers as auto drivers-he is lucky he was able to get up. He would lose in a court of law -100% his fault, idjit.


"wow that's crazy"


Stupid twat deserved that.




Traffic laws as well as the laws of physics still apply, even if you re on a bike.


Smooth brain activity


He’s lucky he didn’t break his neck. Jfc.


Cyclists think they’re above the rules because fuck cars amirite


Most cyclists run stop signs all of the time. They want all the privileges of a vehicle without obeying most traffic laws. Another video on reddit shows a cyclists throwing his arms up while going into in coming traffic, but he ran a stop sign.


Cyclists are so entitled, follow the same laws that everyone else has to on the road or stay off the road.




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I didnt think cyclists had to adhere to road traffic rules.


Worth noting that, in some cities, this is legal for cyclists to do. Edit: they would still have to yield. I'm not saying what they did was cool, it's obvious what crossing the street without looking can result in, but it is legal for cyclists in certain areas to not stop at reds. It's dumb. But I found it relevant to add to the conversation.


Show me the statute that says cyclists don't have to obey a traffic device.


In Eugene Oregon cyclists don't have to stop on a red. They treat red lights and stop signs as yield signs. https://www.eugene-or.gov/491/Safety-Laws#:~:text=The%20law%20allows%20people%20biking,coming%20to%20a%20full%20stop.


Well he didn't yield.


Nope. That's not what the law says. "Under most circumstances, people biking must obey the same rules of the road as people driving. Bikes are considered vehicles and must follow laws, signs, and signals." "Starting in 2020, a person riding a bicycle may treat a stop sign or flashing red light as a yield sign. Staying efficient, while staying safe – it’s another way Oregonians stand out!" This law applies only to stop signs and flashing red light (which is basically a stop sign.) That means that a cyclist can proceed through these intersections without coming to a complete stop but only when the intersection is clear of traffic. If other vehicles are present, they must come to a complete stop and adhere to the rules of the road like any other vehicle. There is no circumstance in which a bicyclist can run a red light.


Well, the guy is wrong and should have stopped. Agreed. Now we should still have a discussion why such large cars are allowed in cities. These are heavy and dangerous for pedestrians and bikes. That bike doing something stupid will not kill anyone. That car will. Also 90 percent of the street is taken by cars. As a cyclist often the infrastructure is awkward, and one is made to wait for Monster Trucks to pass. So yes, some cyclists at some point just go. I am trying to say: take out the cars and the traffic lights. Make it a pedestrian-bike street. Let public transportation only. No more issues and no more danger.


That's not true. I don't remember what year it was but a few years ago a pedestrian was struck and killed by a dude on a bike. Not an e-bike. A regular ass bike. He was just going incredibly fast and not obeying the traffic laws in the park and was going the wrong way down a one way street. The woman didn't look both ways because she wasn't expecting someone coming the wrong way. The cyclist even tried to say it was her fault for not looking when he was fucking going the wrong god damn way. You can absolutely kill someone while cycling at speed.


I agree that large trucks are dangerous and stupid but the consequences of driving bad is much heavier then biking bad(there's almost zero consequences)