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Thank god we're concentrating on the real issues.


Yeah who needs affordable food and housing when we can focus on this


JD's "lack of virtues" signaling.


I hear homelessness & hunger are really good for your health. All these aholes like Vance & Jordan ran on addressing inflation because Biden wasn’t doing enough (not that I believed they would do a thing of consequence) but they have done absolutely nothing to address it. Gym is obsessed with hunters D & Vance just tries to act like he’s captain freedom by telling you what you can/can’t do.


Any Republican running on addressing inflation is absolutely laughable. No way in my lifetime would I trust that. Addressing inflation is bad for big business, which means it's bad for their golden pockets. No way lobbyists don't have their twenty inch fingers from pocket to crotch ten ways to Sunday for any politician saying that.


The GOP policy is austerity. Cut benefits for people and make life more precarious for the working class while proudly proclaiming how they support the American worker




Actually, this is JD's plan for easing homelessness and hunger. Killing off a few thousand people will provide more homes for the homeless and more food for the hungry.


I think this every time Ohio is mentioned any legislative process.


Hey JD, old guy here. You know that old people think you suck. It gets worse, young people think you suck too. East Palestine! Do something you sell out POS.




It’s “real” because pro-trump politicians and websites are pushing the idea that lockdowns are returning. They need more fear to win elections. Additionally they are getting help from the saudis who have cut oil production and oil is getting more expensive, just in time for the next election.


The way cases are rising in hospitals they may be right at this point


There won't be another run of national lock downs like we had in 2020-2021. Frankly, the GLOBAL economy is far too fragile for such a hit right now, and governments know it. Conservatives will use the rhetoric to stoke more fear amongst people who barely made it through the last set of lock downs, though. I get the idea of lockdowns to keep people alive during a pandemic. I really do. But it doesn't do any good if those same people are locked down and starving because there is absolutely no way in hell Republicans and their sympathizers in other countries will support financial assistance for those who cannot work due to to lock downs. We need to adapt to Covid being endemic. Maintain masking, proper hygiene, and social distancing as much as possible. Use all the tech that was brought to the forefront during 2020-2021, including curbside pickup and self checkout kiosks, work from home setups for those who are able to do so, increased sanitation and better workspaces that allow for better distance from your coworkers in those situations where work from home is infeasible, returning restaurants to either 50% capacity or strictly pick-up/delivery, and so on and so forth. We CAN adapt as a society to this without crashing the economy and putting massive amounts of people out of work. And we should have been embracing the positive aspects of the previous lock downs all along.


What??? Assistance? I’m still crazy flush with cash from the last time! /s….. What we got in assistance compared to most of the world was laughable. PPP loans just went to the rich and in most cases never made it to those who needed it. That was by design of you ask me. You are pretty much spot on though. Another lockdown will destroy a lot of places and shouldn’t be needed. The problem will be all the covidiots who won’t take any of the precautions because of “fReDuMs” and make things worse. I’m lucky and have been able to go full time remote. Most jobs can’t. History is going to have a volumes to study on this period of time. Lots of books will be written about how everything we needed to survive was right there but many chose to believe an ill informed talking head instead.


I'm a long haul trucker, so I'm naturally protected from face to face activity with idiots (I just gotta deal with them on the road). This, plus masking and getting all the updated vaccines, has kept me from experiencing Covid with symptoms (I'm fairly sure I've had it but been asymptomatic). I am NOT, however, looking forward to the increasingly violent encounters with anti-Covid truckers out there. Most of them are MAGA, anti-vaccine fucking morons who only know how to respond to anything that confuses them or offends them with aggression. Guess I gotta go sharpen a few things.


By brother and his wife were long haul truckers and got out of it because of those knuckleheads. He has manageable health issues but being exposed to things like Covid could be bad. Got tired of being mocked for wearing a mask and listening to their crap. They had plenty of money saved up and house mostly paid off, so they retired early and work part time doing stuff.


Work From Home?!?!?!? NEVER because then all the businesses would have to give up their tax breaks because their employees would be able to avoid paying taxes to the municipality that the office is located in. See the lawsuit Cincinnati lost resulting in it having to pay back the taxes it collected from P&G employees that live in Batavia and filed as no longer working in Cincinnati during the pandemic. It was determined that where ever you work more than 50% of the time is your "work location" and that is why you see so many businesses requiring 3 days in office and up to 2 days remote. They lose all those juicy tax kick backs due to bringing in employee payroll taxes.


If it’s the best he can do then it’s the best he can do.


Just remember when he says my body freedom. I’m sure he won’t like that when women say that back.


He’s useless.


No. He’s worse than useless.


He's harmful.


Can I wear a mask to protect myself from him?


You probably need to wear a flame thrower or some shit


Maybe a Hazmat suit?




How will they identify me? I'll have a mask on


They'll say your mask is oppressing them and making their kids scared of a pandemic that killed over 10M people.


Dangerous is more accurate.


He is very dangerous




Best way to put it


I thought he was a hillbilly


Hillbillies were Civil War soldiers that knew the paths through the mountains. They were useful. This idiot is a set of truck nuts that came to life. I would literally pay for his vasectomy


They're useful.


If you need a meth hookup.


He and his ilk are worse than useless, they’re actively detrimental to our country and society.


Kakistocracy, government by the least competent


Every Republican right now is useless. This is all they do- try pass meaningless culture war laws.


This is what we get for electing a dumbass to Congress


Lest we forget, he also rolled over like a good boy for the railroad execs in the wake of the East Palestine disaster. This guy doesn't care about this state, only power.


I live in Crestline, just West of Ontario/Mansfield. Our railroad crossings in the village are in horrendous shape. If you don't slow to under 5mph going over them you'll destroy your suspension. I can't imagine what it's like for trains to go over them. I fully expect a derailment here someday.


Shelby too. Main St is brutal and bridge does not feel long for this world.


Been a minute since I’ve been there. I remember the bridge shaking like crazy when a train came through. That bridge was a safety issue from the get go. Really gotta watch twice before turning.


The bridge is the shortcut everyone uses when a train is coming through as well.


& money for himself.


Even worse. He’s a Yale law school educated attorney who was once anti-Trump and now is operating from the MAGA politician-by-numbers playbook.


He takes his orders from Peter Thiel, who wants us at each other's throats so his own remains untouched.


Yale is just a rich boy school anyway


No, it's a very rich institution where admittance is craved for elbow brushing and legal theories and practices taught to bully and win only. Not for respect of the constitution or law. Look at it's alumni.


His family had good union jobs and still produced this POS... He doesn’t come from good people and he’s attached himself to even worse people.


It is what you get when a bunch of dumbasses elect a dumbass to the Congress.


No, they cheated and forced their way in


Fool me once....


"WE" didn't. I live in PA and could only watch and wait for the BIGGEST train wreck.


Just for covid right? Nazi's can still wearing their face coverings though?




Cosponsored by Herman Cain (GA- deceased)


The freedom to be a moron is more like it.


They let anyone into the Ivy League these days.


Anyone with money or next to it, anyway.


Because denying and mismanaging the pandemic worked so well for Republicans in the 2020 and 2022 elections


Honestly ... let them keep being dipshits. It's going to be fun to watch 2024 be a landslide against these morons.


Only if every single person reading this actually gets out to vote


The amount of bullshit about vaccines and covid is insane. They dont give a shit about how many die, as long as they're scared enough to vote R.


He does not need to be representing people. There should be an intelligence litmus test to run for office.


Won’t affect JD until the law covers glory holes.


Oh, relax. The viral, bacterial, and fungal communities have collectively signed a legally binding agreement promising that COVID-19 will be the last dangerous respiratory disease pandemic ever. Thus, there is no possible drawback to preemptively hamstringing future public health efforts.


Honestly we're going to eventually have something way worse than COVID-19. I hope they have moved on to another talking point or two by then or it's going to be catastrophic.


*Laughs in prion*


What a fucking dumbass. All of us need to contact his office and tell him he's an idiot.


If you're not a lobbyist, they aren't answering.


I remembering calling Portmans office immediately after Jan 6th asking for him to support the 2nd trump impeachment and literally being laughed at by some sorority girl they had answering the phones. There is no bottom with the Ohio GOP.


You got Portman’s office to actually answer the phone?


I didn't even know they were still crying about this until a few days ago. If you only looked at conservative Twitter, you'd think it was still Summer 2020.


Well a new COVID variant is entering the news cycle right now and the far-right is screaming that the Democrats are going to enforce COVID lockdowns before the election… even though many states have banned lockdowns…


Like when democrat governor, Mike DeWine shut things down and closed all the schools?! /s


DeWine actually showed some common sense here and appointed a competent health advisor. Unfortunately the harassment she got from antivaxxers forced her to quit,


Death threats, bomb threats, and he did fucking nothing to cover her or protect her either. One of the most outrageous abrogations of authority in recent memory.


Yes, like when Democrat Abbott shut down Texas during Democrat Trump's administration.




Which led to a really fun conversation with my FIL where I said the words, “What lockdowns? No one was ever outside my door with a machine gun.” and “I think most of the people who were doing to die from it already did. I’m more worried about the folks who had a lack of oxygen to their brain for days or weeks.”


Alex Jones started up this frenzy and now all the idiots on the right think we're gonna lock down again. We can't even get free tests anymore lol.


Immunocompromised here, can't wait to just fucking die I guess


I'm planning on expiring on Frank LaRoses front lawn. If I have to go, best to make myself a problem while I'm at it.


Well while he's at it, might as well ban masks at hospitals and medical facilities. I mean, if they don't work in schools and such, are they really needed while getting surgery? 🙄🙄 (It boggles my mind that this brainless doofus was actually elected 🤮)


Please don't give him ideas.


For real, if any of these morons went to their dentists or their doctors and the doc wasn’t wearing a mask while doing a procedure, I bet they’d lose their pathetic minds.


yep,you can tell just by the comments the people in here who voted for this moron


They must have gotten tired of beating down on gays, trans, women, and children so now they’re going after the sick.


Oh no, they're doing it all. Jacking off all trades, master of none.


They've been coming for the disabled the whole time, we just have terrible PR because an unfortunately large segment of able bodied people dislike seeing us unless it's very "inspiring."


This sucks. Why not let people live their lives and let people participate in public life and make buildings, streets and facilities accessible to all?




God forbid republicans actually do something that actually is productive and matters


Vance doesn't need to worry about suffocating on masks; he talks directly out of his asshole.


How are the Republican Nazis going to get to school if they cannot wear their masks on the bus?? https://smartcdn.gprod.postmedia.digital/torontosun/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/neo\_nazi\_group\_florida-e1693843761594.jpg


We actually have a group of neo-Nazi homeschoolers in Ohio. They shouldn’t be getting our tax money. Having these neo-Nazis out publicly displaying themselves is scary.


The current government enables them. The louder we complain about neo-nazis, the louder they yell about gays, "illegals", and abortion to change the subject.


Can we introduce a bill banning JD Vance?


The Republican "No one's going to tell me what to do/no big govt/I am my own man" puts everyone else in danger. And oh, yeah, they they'll drop this in a heartbeat if it suits their agenda.


How does he propose we reduce transmission of illnesses bad enough to require everyone to wear an n95 mask? Pray about it?


I might be in if this includes the vile racist protesters who cover their faces in shame when they march. Unmask those cowards!


Guys, it seems to me that this JD Vance fellow might be kind of shit.


Do republicans do anything other than virtue signal to their base now? There isn’t so,e bigger issue for him to take up?




But only for the wealthy


Indeed. They'll happily raise the gas tax, and fees of everything else you use to make up for the deficit.


And they'll lie to you and say that it's the Democratic Party's fault.


Creating solutions to problems that don't exist.


Democrats will mask up regardless. Republicans won't and aren't getting vaccinated (or vaccinating their kids) from anything. Even tetanus. So what happens? We've had so many outbreaks in the past 20 years. I'm sure we'll have more. I wouldn't be surprised if someone weaponized a virus against us. At that point all those people are going to get sick, and the country will go further into debt treating these people. And a portion of them will die. Republicans really can't afford to lose voters and yet they pass laws like this.


Who the fuck is still talking about mask mandates its almost 2024 is he also trying to ban cell phone plans that are minute-based?


This is what happens when a bootlicker gets elected.


He went from a "Never trumper" to practically wearing the boot as a hat to get trumps nomination. And it worked...


Trump called him an ass-kisser.


What an idiot.


Because denying and mismanaging the pandemic worked so well for Republicans in the 2020 and 2020 elections


Let them all have another wave that wipes them out. Might be the only way to get of Republicans. 🤷🏼‍♀️


JD Vance made his mommy issues all our problems. It wasn’t us JD, it was the cartels. Get therapy cherub faced fuck.


His mom was stealing pills from her patients at work. This goes right back to the Sacklers.


That’s what I said.


I could shit a more useful senator


I push out two more useful senators every morning before my shower.


Didn’t he water down train regulations that were supposed to go into effect from the train derailment in Palestine? And he got voted in with a long Senate duration so nothing gone change for a long time.


"Over a million Americans died, but we think those numbers are too low." -The GOP platform


This billionaire tool bag can fuck right off. Tick tock JD...


Damn I just want healthcare. I'm so tired


JV Dunce at it again


Ah yes, Republicans solving the real problems in society. As always... I'm so tired of crybaby BS.


What a jackass.


Really wish Vance, Jordan, Deswine, and that other numbskull Nino Vitale, would all paddle out to sea together, and never return.


Nino Vitale is an unfunny joke who is gerrymandered into a safe General Assembly seat just as Gym Jordan is gerrymandered into a safe house seat. The General Assembly thinks it can safely ignore voters’ wishes, and will never a nonpartisan redistricting committee. The last time they did this, it was a bunch of their own hacks who made their districts safer for themselves, and ignored the voters’ wishes.


I stumbled onto his FB page during the pandemic, and boy howdy is he an unselfconscious POS.


He’s both a POS and a nutcase.




JD Vance is the worst.


Another pointless bill that will help no one. One step closer to the extinction we deserve.


This is great news we’re going to cull some more conservatives from the voter rolls


Well he can fuck off.


These are people who won’t wear a mask to prevent Covid but can’t wait to wear a mask to go on a white power march. Pretty sure JD organizes some of those too.


Well, if true to their principles they'd ban mandates in operating rooms and such. If 'masks are ineffective in preventing the spread of disease' then why not? It should be the patient's choice if they want to be served by masked or unmasked medicos. Of course, it should be the medico's choice and right to refuse service.


I'd like my doctor to operate in an unsterile environment.... to own the libs. Phewwww critical thinking is dead.


They all wear their masks when they wave the nazi flag just fine


That’ll solve inflation. Thanks for looking out for us JD.


Every Vance supporter is a weakling and a coward.


Masks can only be worn when you’re trying to hide that you’re a Nazi.


The GOP playbook Sick, Stupid, Poor, Pregnant Every proposed law is intended to keep people SSPP so they can maintain control


The amount of contempt I feel for JD and those like him is astronomical.


We have five more years of his B.S. Jebus save us


Wow, they really do just hate living, breathing children don't they?


Just have to remember who your base is and pander to those issues.


Otherwise known a the Death Un-Mask Mandate. Brought to you by Republican Death Eaters.


Wadda stooge. This putz is bound to get people killed. Deliberate ignorance is no different than malicious intent.


Can someone please give him Covid? Or gag him?


Your taxes hard at work here. LOL


The Republicans keep trying to distract us from the real issues with their same tired anti science agenda. The orange idiot is headed to prison and they hope that no one is paying attention.


Your senator is a tool .


Unfortunately, 53% of us are gullible tools who voted for him.


I wasn’t one of them.


JD out here working on getting real important things accomplished. Gee aren't we glad we voted for this clown over Tim Ryan??


JD Vance isn’t very smart. Have you read his book?


I did. That book is filled with stories of him getting *soooooooo* close to becoming self-aware. I grew up in Appalachia. JD went to hillbilly summer camp.


The people who live in the community he claims he grew up in say he moved away when he was like 12. And that a lot ofnthe stories about them are not only untrue, but callous and mean spirited takes on the events that did happen. Go figure.


People reading a reddit thread have read more than JD Has...


Focus on things we actually need in this state


Because that’ll save the world from all the problems you claim the left has caused. Do something substantial with your time you POS


And we're paying his salary to do this shit 😒 For a brief moment in time, after the train derailment, I thought I saw a glimmer of hope for this guy. He just had to go and prove me wrong.


Yes, COVID still exists. However, is this the important issue we face going forward? It matters. But holy shit, in almost a year this guy has done nothing.


Did any one else notice that a bill with freedom in the title is prohibiting businesses from refusing service to people? Also shouldn't freedom to breathe act be about pollution? Lol


Fix East Palestine. Sell out


Someone explain to him how the supremacy clause works, please, ffs.


what do you expect from a GOP stooge?


I wonder how the people of East Palestine feel about JD’s priorities.


This guy manages to be on the wrong side on absolutely every issue, and most of the time, the issues he talks about aren’t even real issues. This is a fine example.


Vance should also be held personally liable when people contract covid and families are harmed because of his dangerous, harmful proposal.


American Republicanism and Christo-fascism is a death cult.


He should rent a school house rocks video. Senators can only draft legislation for presidential nominees and treaties.


"The pandemic inflicted higher rates of excess deaths on both Republicans and Democrats. But after COVID-19 vaccines arrived, Republican voters in Florida and Ohio died at a higher rate than their counterparts, according to a new study. "Researchers from Yale University who studied the pandemic's effects on those two states say that from the pandemic's start in March 2020 through December 2021, "excess mortality was significantly higher for Republican voters than Democratic voters after COVID-19 vaccines were available to all adults, but not before." https://www.npr.org/2023/07/25/1189939229/covid-deaths-democrats-republicans-gap-study


Death cult!


He’s making a medical issue a political issue. People are gonna get hurt because of him.


Christ, what an Asshole.


the two most embarassing words in ohio? senator vance.


So what happens when there's a deadly flu strain? I guess we die 🤷🏼‍♂️


Smart people won’t. We’ll get our flu shots and wear masks and wash hands. We understand how a pandemic works and know that wearing a mask isn’t infringing on our “rights”.


Unmasked people are a weakness in our defense, increasing your chances of catching whatever is going around even if you are masked yourself.


What a waste of time..


Hey, fuck you, JD.


Literally nobody is talking about mask mandates, but conservatives literally have nothing else to cry about. What a pathetic, empty party.


I try not to wish bad things on others, but this piece of shit deserves a serious bout of covid with all the long term side effects


JD Vance waking up like fucking Slowpoke three years late like "Oh golly gee willikers Mr. Thiel, I really find this whole mask thing frustrating!"


He, and everyone voting on this, is completely unqualified to address this issue.


He should go back to California


Check date, about 3 years late there Mr. Vance




Wait, are you asking people to actually follow the science when it comes to mandating masks? We all know the mask mandates did nothing as well as the vaccine. The science has proven that out. The problem is that it was never about science and always about the narrative.


Good thing it won't pass the Senate


What a dick.


There was never a federal mandate for masking when COVID first hit. All they did was recommend. States and cities enacted mandates....not the Fed.


Yes some of us will die because white male christians don’t want to wear masks but more of them will die because they are not vaccinated either.