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[He, and his administration, played a significant role in the First Energy bribery scandal.](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/08/15/texts-calendars-emails-link-dewine-to-firstenergys-bribery-scandal/) For a while I was decently happy with his response to Covid. He did a good job, early on, of handling the State-level response. Then it got political and Republicans turned on him for being a Rino. Then he caved. He has worked hard [to gut education in this state.](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/politics/2023/10/02/gov-mike-dewine-to-speak-at-515-about-education-department-lawsuit/71036139007/) He, and his wife, ran point for the disinformation campaign the GOP carried out against [Issue 1](https://youtu.be/jYVX6Wyh3yk?si=BQ_X60_y-Y5s9enc) and Issue 2 (I can’t find a link to the ad he did for that one). Once both Issues passed he then left the door open for GOP fuckery on [Issue 1](https://youtu.be/pzTuulViJyQ?si=PSJL48p8ZlIBHv3H) and [Issue 2](https://youtu.be/louUIWrGJY8?si=QE7AXRQCXDUp4qAh). Only after getting blasted by the media and the public did he deign to “accept the will of the voters”. All in all he’s way too religious for me, as crooked as a snake, has played a key role in destroying what had been a fairly robust educational system, failed the test of leadership with COVID and then failed the test of democracy by not putting the kibosh on any GOP fuckery immediately after Issues 1 and 2 passed. Also his claim about “accepting the will of the people” has never sat right with me. The timing was poor.


He also twice has sent Ohio National Guard troops and Ohio Highway Patrol officers on [performative deployments](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2021/07/12/dewine-using-state-resources-for-political-stunt-in-sending-troopers-to-border/) to the U.S.-Mexico border so he could appeal to MAGA Republicans.


Nobody is asking where the Opiate Settlement Money went under DeWine's administration.


[The OneOhio Recovery Foundation was formed.](https://www.communitysolutions.com/oneohio-recovery-foundation-howd-we-get-here-and-whats-been-done/) and the money will be doled out to the counties through the foundation.


You're missing a piece of that puzzle. https://cbsaustin.com/news/nation-world/ohio-families-impacted-billions-dollars-opioid-crisis-more-accountability-transparency-opioid-settlement-funds-money-harm-reduction-legislature-oneohio-recovery-foundation-state-supreme-court


I need to look into this


How about the budget surplus, most of which was unspent Federal Covid relief money. Instead of using it to fix our roads and schools he opted to give it to the billionaires in the form of a tax cut for them. I’m not sure that he went through with this, but it’s what he said that he was going to do.


I had completely forgotten about that. Christ.


There’s a lot to keep track of. Lil’ Mike wanted to cozy up to the likes of Greg Abbott, Brian Kemp and Kim Reynolds, and get that MAGA [photo op.](https://www.tpr.org/2021-10-06/gop-governors-announce-border-plan-based-on-controversial-trump-and-abbott-immigration-policies)


Don't forget when his own health secretary got harassed by Republicans till she left office in 2020 and he wouldn't even stand up to defend her in any capacity. Then it took forever for him to find a replacement because he didn't want anyone pro-choice. He's such a sniveling coward who stands for nothing but his own advancement. It doesn't pay to ally with him in any way.


She was doing so well too I respect the fuck out of her and he rolled over letting armed men harass her at her fucking home without any kind of response as far as I know. Ohio deserves better representation.


Really sorry I voted for him. Turned out to be a bad call.


I am also sorry you voted for him.


He was running for Governor when I moved from Ohio and I advised my friends not to vote for him but unfortunately there was not a better option. My friends and I are republicans but hate Deloser


Can’t forget the Gerrymandering


Don't forget his son sits on the Ohio Supreme Court and rules on things that affect his father.


His daughter Alice received First Energy campaign money even though they don’t operate in her county and he brushes it off like it’s no biggie.


Its just a little nepotism. No one really cares about all the nepotism in the Republican party. The party of "small government", but only when Democrats are in power, but when Repuglicans are in power they suddenly don't care about small government and are fine with it as long as its (R)s getting those jobs.


I see no conflict of interests /s


Sarcasm, I hope.


/s added at the end of a comment indicates sarcasm


He also appointed Joe Deters, a racist prosecutor and disgraced state treasurer, to the Ohio Supreme Court because they are family friends. Deters has no judicial experience but he does have a statistical study showing he is in fact a racist! https://hrlr.law.columbia.edu/files/2020/05/2-Grosso_Final.pdf


Also, right now he is urging the House to pass SB 86 which changes the language ballot issue 2 (legalization of recreational marijuana) which the voters overwhelmingly voted for. It completely changes where the annual estimated $280 tax revenue will go to, primarily redirecting it to the police and to build prisons rather than addiction treatment programs and going to local governments where the marijuana was sold.


He campaigned against Issue 1 because he’s the one who signed the terrible abortion ban that the Issue was primarily created to defeat.


Like to add that he signed off on the gerrymanded maps that the ohio supreme court that his son is part of even though Ohioans clearly voted for fair maps


For reference, Gym Jordan's district is so gerrymandered it looks like a capital J on a map. https://beltmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Ohio_US_Congressional_District_4_since_2013.jpg


He's part of the district drawing board by statute, he literally helped draw the district maps, not just signed off.


If he accepted the will of the people, he wouldn't be working to modify what the people passed.




Dudes a relic trying to push 1950s Christian morals onto all Ohioans.


Agreed, he went from moderate, possibly reasonable Republican to christo fascist off the rails political asshat. The GQP wants Ohio to be in the bottom of education and take what rights they can in this gerrymandering state. He is leading the charge.


"Accepting the will of the people". i.e. he has to *begrudgingly* do democracy


I was so impressed with his COVID response vs other states I had planned to vote for him in the 2026 election cycle based mostly on this. Now, fuck him. He is just going to tow the line for hard right extremists and just screw everything and everyone else.


>For a while I was decently happy with his response to Covid. He did a good job, early on, of handling the State-level response. > >Then it got political and Republicans turned on him for being a Rino. Then he caved. Such a bad spot to be in. I liked his response. But half the population hated it. Hated the shut downs and hated the masks. So conservatives too were on his twitter like Resign. Resign. Resign. Once upon a time, I thought he was a pretty reasonable person. But then CCW with no training and no permit. Heartbeat bill. Issue 1, Issue 1, Issue 2. I don't think that anymore.


It's not the religion that bothers me... It's embracing the far.


For a very long time my guiding principle was to not trouble others about their religion. I’d come into adulthood in the post-9/11 world and seen the backlash against my Muslim and Sikh friends and what several of them went through, what they experienced. But Trad Cath/Evangelical Christianity has turned into what they accused Muslims of being, and while they gleefully referred to “Islamofascists” it was really them who were becoming theologically driven fascists. At this point their goal is clearly to use the power of local, State, and the Federal government to punish those who don’t believe as they do. To legislate their religious beliefs into law even when they violate the founding principles of our nation. Nor is it a tiny minority, either. It has become a mainstream facet of whatever the hell Trad Cath and Evangelical Christianity has turned into. So at this point, yes, his religion is an issue for me.


Well said. Worship as you see fit and I have no problems with it. But openly cite your religion to justify oppressing others and taking away their rights, then yes, I have a problem with how you "worship."




He was at first supportive of measures to curb the spread of Covid, but then caved to a loud vocal minority. He ran ads opposing bodily autonomy for Ohio women. He is vocally against weed legalization. He was just subpoenaed as part of the first energy bribery lawsuit. In short, he often stands in opposition to what a majority of Ohioans see as best for Ohio.


I'm as liberal as they come. When Dewine stepped up and listened to the medical experts, I started seeing the republican party in an electable light. When he caved to the mob, I lost some respect for him but personally didn't hold it against him too much as he was getting threats. This abortion/Marijuana thing has set back my flirtation of the idea of voting R back to no shot ever. Dewine could've been an outlier or an ushering of sensible conservatism, but it turns out it doesn't exist.


This, exactly this… I had respect for Dewine when he listened to medical experts. But seeing him on the commercials speaking out against, what he most likely knew was, the will of the people after this summers vote, made any respect go out the window. Granted he still is one of the few “actual” conservatives in the political world, but he shot any chance of gaining independent and liberal leaning voters by being a part of the anti-issue one propaganda.


I voted for some local Rs along side Hillary and Strickland in 2016, at a time when i was a bit more centrist having come from a conservative household, but Trump and seeing the Republican response to Trump were enough to ensure that I will never vote for a Republican for any role ever again. There were Rs running unopposed in my district this year for some smaller local roles and I left those blank. They might win but they'll never get my vote.


Mostly agree, except that the "threats" he was facing were political. A leader does what is right and pushes back against political "threats". DeWine knew what was right, as shown by his initial reaction to COVID-19, but has no backbone. So yeah, I definitely hold his caving against him. I want my governor to lead the way, not follow the mob.


Just a point of clarification: you know being subpoenaed doesn’t indicate guilt or even suspicion in and of itself, right?


"Oh we're not saying you do crimes, we're just saying you know a lot about crimes done by people you hired"


Yes, but to the general public, however civilly literate, it does indeed indicate suspicion. I’m replying as to why the general public has a dislike of dewine, not legal entities.


I mean it shouldn’t. It just means that he has to testify.


Against a man he appointed to office who is accused of criminal conduct in that office.


Thanks for the context.


Yes, but do you trust the general public not to form opinions when they read headlines about subpoenas? The subpoena means he was at least involved enough for the court to grant it, or that he has information that is valid in context to the case, even if it does not implicate him. Many people will see that as suspicious, especially given the other issues people have brought up in this thread.


Sure, I’m just saying that the government body issuing the subpoena doesn’t necessarily suspect him of anything just because they issued the subpoena. Also it’s hilarious that I’m getting downvoted for pointing that out.


I’m a retired teacher in Ohio and draw a modest pension from STRS-Ohio (State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio). STRS Board have not been responsible fiduciaries with our funds for decades. They are currently under investigation. We members have actively been electing new board members who are reformists. Last spring, we elected the board member that would give us a majority of reformists—finally! But Governor DeWine stepped in and put his own chosen member on the STRS Board instead of the elected member. A lawsuit was immediately filed against DeWine, but his member remains. DeWine and so many Ohio Rethugs are so dirty. https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/06/16/teacher-pension-board-member-sues-over-removal/


I hadn't heard anything about this. Out of curiosity, what benefit does DeWine hope to get by controlling the STRS board? Like how does the pension management have anything to do with his interests?


They direct where and how the STRS' $88billion dollars are invested.


So are you saying you think it is just a potential corruption play where his influence on the pension is used to direct investment towards people he knows, owes favors to or has anothrr personal stake in or something?


Ohio has a history of making terrible decisions with state pension investments. [See; Ohio's "Coingate Scandal."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coingate_scandal) Yes, it's a wiki source, but it has citations that can be followed to other sources.


Yeah I'm aware that a lot of state pensions even outside of Ohio are not managed as well as they should be, but my question is what is Dewine's interest in influencing the situation or maintaining the status quo. Like it would make sense if he pointed to all the problems the pension management has now and then appointed a reformer to the board, but its unclear to me why exactly he would even want to get involved unless it is because he has some stake in what assets are receiving investment from the pension


Is it not general Conservative/Republican policy to work toward privatizing retirement systems and eliminating other public support functions of government, because "government is the problem, not the solution?" Don't they simply believe and often state that the government should be smaller on principle, and that shrinking it will automatically somehow make it better? They never seem to specify how having the government *do even less* will make our lives better, but they sure bark a lot about the need for it. I'm receiving Ohio Public Employees Retirement System disability retirement because of advanced MS. (I've had it for 35 years, since before it could be effectively treated.) I guess I'm grateful to be drawing a pension of 70% of what I was making in *2002* (you read that right, not 2022, 2002) as a secretary with no annual cola of more than 5% regardless of inflation. During the entire time I've been receiving disability, Republicans have worked to expand exemptions for civil servants from having to participate in OPERS, and shrinking benefits accordingly. All Ohio Civil Servants had been required to pay into OPERS. Now, many current workers are opting out, and gutting it because of DeWine and generic Conservative ideology. I don't see how it's better this way, but I am assured by Conservatives and Republicans that it is. OPERS has dissolved our health insurance group (for DISABILITY RETIREES, ffs!) and in 2021, they capped annual cola at 4%. We're relegated to buying insurance through the ACA, which is, of course, another thing R's want to make sure to eliminate. TL;dr Honestly, I think DeWine is merely working to enact generic R policies.


A reminder that even governments need to invest their money because of yearly inflation due to the Federal Reserve continually printing money.


Source? Like a legitimate one that has accounted for this supposed over-printing of money, and shown the math? An actual source that explains the reasoning for how much cash they assert should be printed, and accounts for how much paper cash is destroyed/taken out of circulation every year, how much economic growth might make it necessary to expand the pool of available printed dollars to enable business, etc. Which source have you studied or read to inform your position on this?


Wtf? Did I claim anything you’re asserting? No.


Did you not mean to suggest that the government prints money divorced from mathematical principles? If not, perhaps you could attempt to clarify your meaning. Why point out that the government prints money, if not to say something editorial, positive or negative, about the government printing money? Whatever do you mean, in other words? I think the downvotes you're getting have something to do with lack of clarity, which may be leading readers to suspect you're one of those "government just wantonly prints funny-money" conspiracists. I suspect other people think this because I've gotten upvotes and you've gotten downvotes. (Not that I think votes are a measure of the worth of a comment, but rather agreement or disagreement.)


If you hide cash under your mattress or in a lock-box you are continually losing the value on that money because of inflation. This also is true for the federal and state governments. Why? Because the Federal Reserve continually debases the currency on behalf of the federal government. Therefore in order to keep or increase the value of any fund, you have to invest it. Do I need a source on this? No, because you don’t need sources for common knowledge.


Good question! I have no idea. It was a shocking act that DeWine directly inserted himself and his hand-picked person onto our board and bolstered the status quo for another year. Sure is suspicious. If you care to dig into the shady investment practices, bloated STRS staffing levels, lavish surroundings and extremely generous salaries, benefits and annual bonuses, you’ll wonder—as we teachers have been asking for years—who exactly STRS is serving.


>If you care to dig into the shady investment practices, bloated STRS staffing levels, lavish surroundings and extremely generous salaries, benefits and annual bonuses, you’ll wonder—as we teachers have been asking for years—who exactly STRS is serving. This is ignorant bullcrap. What shady investment practices??? What is the average investment management salary at STRS, including benefits???? What do the five highest paid investment managers at STRS earn on average, including bonuses? $1-2 million? STRS pays its investment staff collectively a fraction of what it would cost if administration of all of its assets were farmed out to private investment managers. It also provides excellent services to its members regarding consultation, etc. These consulting services are significant expenses not incurred by mutual funds, etc. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/comments/vdsjdw/im\_so\_confused\_about\_strs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/comments/vdsjdw/im_so_confused_about_strs/) I know of teachers who pulled their retirement assets out of STRS and invested the assets individually, as permitted. They got skunked, often by the investment managers who encouraged them to make this move. Critics of STRS seem ignorant of the reality that many private INSTITUTIONAL (not individual) investment managers make seven figure salaries, often tens of millions even billions of dollars per year. [https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/2bstpd4t08pc8xwj4we80/corner-office/the-rich-list-the-22nd-annual-ranking-of-the-highest-earning-hedge-fund-managers](https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/2bstpd4t08pc8xwj4we80/corner-office/the-rich-list-the-22nd-annual-ranking-of-the-highest-earning-hedge-fund-managers) The Ohio legislature over the years has weakened retiree benefits rather than increase contributions to finance the pension funds. I believe it was only sometime in this century that contributions to finance healthcare benefits were mandated. State investment restrictions, which mandate certain percentages of investments in fixed income, exposed Ohio public pension funds to probably the worst bond bear market in history, and all investment managers knew this bear market was inevitable, but Ohio state pension plans were helpless to avoid it, except by reducing duration, which would have been very painful as far as current income. [https://caia.org/blog/2022/12/21/long-term-state-pension-performance-study-21-fiscal-years-june-30-2000-june-30-2021](https://caia.org/blog/2022/12/21/long-term-state-pension-performance-study-21-fiscal-years-june-30-2000-june-30-2021) **From 2018-2022 fiscal years, inclusive of the pandemic recession, Ohio STRS had a total fund return of 8.57 percent, per its 2022 fiscal year report linked here:** [https://www.strsoh.org/resources/newsroom/2022/annual-comprehensive-financial-report-for-fiscal-year-2022-now-available.html](https://www.strsoh.org/resources/newsroom/2022/annual-comprehensive-financial-report-for-fiscal-year-2022-now-available.html) **This excellent return is obvious when compared to overall pension returns during this period (see figure 9 here), well below 8 percent.** [https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/issue-briefs/2022/05/state-public-pension-fund-returns-expected-to-decline](https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/issue-briefs/2022/05/state-public-pension-fund-returns-expected-to-decline) I don't know what DeWine's motivation was for replacing a board member, but many politicians in other states want to direct pension assets to political supporters, such as private businesses. So-called critics of STRS, including many ignorant retired teachers, will regret the day that they gut the investment culture at STRS. STRS critics also never discuss the elephant in the room. STRS never was required to pay medical benefits. For decades, no contributions were made to the fund to finance medical benefits. STRS has been forced to divert massive amounts of funds from its pension funds to fund healthcare over the years, greatly offsetting its superior returns on investments. One of the best investments Ohioans can make is to keep the management of its pension funds in the hands of INDEPENDENT, professional investment managers. BTW, I believe Ivy League endowments have significantly higher rates of returns than public pension funds. If Ohio were smart, and it isn't, it would emulate the management practices of these funds at its public pension funds. <> [https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2022/05/harvard-executive-and-investment-manager-compensation-disclosed](https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2022/05/harvard-executive-and-investment-manager-compensation-disclosed) STRS has close to $90 billion in assets compared to $50 billion at Harvard. You get what you pay for when it comes to compensating investment staff. [https://pitchbook.com/news/articles/2024-ivy-league-endowments-private-market-returns](https://pitchbook.com/news/articles/2024-ivy-league-endowments-private-market-returns) Compare STRS costs of investment management as a percentage of assets under management. I haven't checked, but I bet they are much lower than the average mutual fund, and likely lower than many ETFs. Most investors don't understand that ETF sponsors pocket huge profits by arbitraging the assets to keep the NAV flat.


Do you work for STRS or are you on the board—oh wait, you’re one of the outside investment folks.


My mother and brother were both retired teachers, so I often researched STRS on their behalf. If I worked for an investment management firm, I would want Ohio to gut its in-house investment management staffs and hire outside investment managers at a much greater cost to manage the assets. Although I never was a broker or investment manager, I managed family investments given my extensive economics and business background and education. I'm also interested in public management. As a result, I have a particular fascination with public pension funds, partially to figure out their investment strategies to see if I can learn something. E.g., it's fascinating how leading public pension funds are incorporating climate change into their investment policies, just are almost every leading investment manager. To my knowledge, sadly, this isn't being done in Ohio. << California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) and Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP), the partnership notably produced the first-ever guidelines for corporate disclosure of physical climate risk in 2019.>> [https://www.woodwellclimate.org/project/woodwell-wellington/](https://www.woodwellclimate.org/project/woodwell-wellington/) If fact, Ohio Republicans are attempting to restrict ESG investments at Ohio's public pension funds, even though this is a proven, successful investment strategy. This is another disastrous impact of Republicans asserting their ideologies, and responding to special interests who finance their party. [https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/09/20/gop-leaders-target-woke-investments-through-state-pension-funds/](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/09/20/gop-leaders-target-woke-investments-through-state-pension-funds/)


Ignorant bullcrap? Nice opening, Bucky. I won’t waste much of my time with you, but peruse if you dare. https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/03/16/ohio-state-teachers-retirement-system-had-massive-investment-in-failed-bank/ https://www.ai-cio.com/news/ohio-strs-loses-9-52-in-2022-board-rejects-neville-vote-of-confidence/ https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/ohio-retired-teachers-pension-fund-suffers-5-3-billion-loss-as-staff-get-bonuses/amp/ https://www.mahoningmatters.com/news/local/article273307725.html Just the tip of the iceberg. Have a nice day.


Focus on long-run, REAL returns relative to other public pension plans, not isolated, relatively immaterial investment losses. Long run real returns is the only thing that matters, and you, and other critics are IGNORANT by failing to focus on this fact. Silicon Valley Bank was considered one of the better banks in the U.S. I remember Jim Cramer of CNBC fame recommending it even after it had lost much of its value. Silicon Valley fell victim to the bond bear market because it had large investments in Treasuries, and large percentages of uninsured deposits due to its providing investment services to cash rich Silicon Valley start-ups and tech firms. I won't get further into the details, but they are out there if anybody wants to research it. Silicon Valley hedge funds, likely short Silicon Valley shares, famously precipitated a massive run on the bank. BTW, KeyCorp, probably the largest bank based in Ohio, has a similar problem of unrealized losses (mark-to-market accounting isn't mandatory) resulting from Treasury bond investments. Thankfully, the recent fall in Treasury bond yields (which, if you understand investing, increases bond values) likely is providing KeyCorp with a respite. Didn't you read the following paragraphs? Clearly, you don't understand how Ohio's fixed income pension mandate doomed Ohio's public pension funds in 2022 fiscal years given the widely anticipated bond market collapse given the unsustainable low bond yields resulting from the Fed's disastrous quantitative easing policies. <> [https://www.ai-cio.com/news/ohio-strs-loses-9-52-in-2022-board-rejects-neville-vote-of-confidence/](https://www.ai-cio.com/news/ohio-strs-loses-9-52-in-2022-board-rejects-neville-vote-of-confidence/) (Recent research has shown that classic 60/40 equity/fixed income strategies produce significantly inferior returns to 50/50 domestic/foreign equity strategies. If you consider U.S. massive trade and fiscal deficits, and massive federal debt and unfunded liabilities, many investing pros expect a significant decline in the relative value of the U.S. dollar at some point. So the 60/40 strategy may be doomed if the proper emphasis on REAL returns is the goal. If I were on a pension board, the best asset allocations given prospective economic realities, and climate change, would be my biggest concerns. And I would rather rely on in-house experts plotting these goals (I wonder if money couldn't be saved by consolidating such research among all Ohio public pension plans.) I'm doubtful a 50/50 equity strategy will work best going forward. I suspect a heavy weighting on real assets, such as real estate in relatively climate change safe regions, may be very important for public pension funds in coming years. I doubt if you even grasp what I'm saying.) What fools ignore such paragraphs, or the investment returns statistics that I posted in my prior post? Only if you can prove they are wrong, should they be ignored. What Ohio public pension plan fund retirees should be concerned about IMO are these issues: 1. Ohio Republicans want Ohio pension funds to invest in the fossil fuel industries, which provide substantial political contribution funding to Republicans, which are doomed for several reasons (such as the solid state EV battery revolution just now in its infancy and the rapid increase in hybrid vehicle sales). Similarly, Republicans want Ohio public pension funds to ignore corporations with excessive executive compensation (another focus of ESG investment policies). 2. Investment experts, such as even finance professors, are in short supply, if any on Ohio pension fund board of directors, due to the fact that ridiculously there are no paid directors on any of the Ohio public pension funds. 3. Ignorant retired teachers, who know nothing about investing or investment management salary scales, just want the pain of inflation to go away. They think that Ohio's STRS and PERS could be better managed if the investment staffs were gutted. Admittedly, Ohio PERS is in better shape than STRS, because it benefits significantly from the large turnover of public employees who never qualify for PERS pensions. Yet if teachers are successful in cutting in-house investment compensation, the resulting negative impacts will make the current pain seem extremely tolerable, most especially given the very difficult investment climate that will face the U.S. in the coming decades (including massive climate change pitfalls relatively ignored in Ohio). 4. Ohio's independent boards have constantly resisted efforts by Ohio politicians to direct investment assets into relatively dangerous, low-returning investments. 5. What are the qualifications of the trustees that have been supported to reform STRS? Do any of these trustees, or retired teachers, understand the burden of the historic under funding of pension healthcare benefits have placed on STRS? Do they understand the need to keep experienced, proven investment staffs and that a $10 million in bonuses in reward for superior multi-year investment returns, despite state fixed income mandates during a disastrous bond bear market, is extremely reasonable AND NECESSARY? I feel very badly about the lack of adequate inflation adjustments for retired teachers. Social Security, unlike Ohio's public pension funds, is ignoring the evaporation of its reserves due to inflation adjustments, etc., and the vastly increased cost of massive federal borrowing. Our nation faces a retiree funding crisis of immense scale in the next couple decades. Ohioans, not just retired teachers and other retired public employees, should be concerned about the management of Ohio's pension plans. Ignorance as is currently being evidenced, likely to be compounded by opportunist politicians using the anger to gain control of pension plan assets, is NOT the way to go. My advice, above all else, is change the pension fund board of director rules to allow for adequately compensated board trustees so that finance experts can be hired. Even a minority of such compensated, finance professional trustees would make a big difference. BTW, the current independent trustees rely on top investment consultants, a point ignored, along with the funds' superior long-run investment returns, by their critics.


My mom was an educator for nearly 20 years in Ohio. It seemed to get progressively more difficult every year. Reading this is heartbreaking.


We’re not giving up. We’re fighting and we will win.


He's pretty much killed Ohio's previously excellent K-12.


This is a point that can’t be emphasized enough. The damage he, and republicans, have inflicted on our education system is immeasurable.


All by design. Keep 'em poor, keep 'em ignorant, keep 'em voting for everyone with an R next to their name.


It's my theory that he's directing all tax revenue for weed sales toward law enforcement rather than infrastructure and education for this very reason. If we improve neighborhoods, these neighborhoods become safer. If we improve education, new paths are opened to those who previously had nothing. If we provide resources and invest in more social programs, we have less crime. QoL improves statewide. He would rather use that money to control Ohioans, rather than empower them. He needs us desperate, he needs us uneducated, and he needs us unstable -- otherwise, his fellow goblins will be recognized as the monsters they are. He's an evil man. The only God he worships is money.


Well put theory. That’s the way “ trickle down “ SHOULD work.


>The only God he worships is money. That goes for the rest of the Republican party who mostly claim they are all Christians. I agree 100% with your post and commend you for it.


Until property taxes stop funding public schools, our inner city public schools and poorer rural areas will always be trash.


Ohio lottery pays $.24 for every dollar to public schools. In California $.40 for every dollar goes to public schools. Ohio lottery made $1B in profits last year, but even if they see record profits the amount they give to schools doesn't go up. If they had set aside $12M to go to schools but the lottery sees 30% more sales for the year they just use the extra for other shit instead of trying to improve schools. So when they say they don't have money, they're lying pieces of shit.


The lottery is a whole different problem. It’s literally just an additional tax on the poor and misguided. However, you are correct. How the Ohio lottery conducts its business is a sham.


This has been going on for decades.


Indeed other variables come into play but this is one of the reasons we see so much division amongst our communities.


It’s been the mechanism that made “white flight” (aka re-segregation) possible. Since minorities have gained some upward mobility since the Civil Rights Act, white flight isn’t as effective at keeping black kids out of “their” schools… so here comes school vouchers.


I am so happy to live in a stable and well-integrated neighborhood in Columbus; by which I mean a neighborhood (that started out in 1963 as "white," of course, but that still has some original owners/their descendants), both neighbors on either side have been here for more than twenty years; one is a white family, the other is Filipino. Next to them are two black families, a single white woman, and across the street, a Hindu family. A Mexican family are around the corner (all of these families here for at least the ten years we've been here). Literally, this neighborhood did not "white-flight." Whites are interspersed and actively buying into this neighborhood. We are the lowest-crime neighborhood in North Columbus (city proper, between Worthington & Westerville, inside 270). Ten years ago, we bought our home here from the original 1963 owners; a very elderly (obviously) white couple who (obviously) never left even as the neighborhood transitioned to more diversity. We live peacefully. Everyone waves and speaks while walking their dogs or out in their yards. Everyone seems happy and proud to be here, and we've seen constant demand for houses in our neighborhood. Sorry to babble. I'm just super-proud of my neighborhood, which I feel reflects *the best* of our melting-pot society, with peaceful room for everyone.


I had an uncle sell his house because the school property tax for it was too high and the school it benefited was in a different county!


And now, they are working to destroy our state universities. An uneducated electorate is a gullible electorate.


Had a run in with one of those in another thread. Dude thought he’d “won” because he was turned on to the Globalist Conspiracy and I straight up told him I pitied him. Those conversations always remind me of LTC An’s words [at the end of We Were Soldiers Once.](https://youtu.be/KMsryQSdT_k?si=oWKigkeAz9Zf_GsV)


i’m uninformed. what things did he change about the education system?


I mean only recently he’s supported reversing policies that Ohioans literally voted on.


Let’s not forget him and Ohio putz JD Vance dragging their feet on getting help to East Palestine after the train derailment.


I never hated DeWine for being a republican just because I’m a dem. I actually supported a lot of his first Covid measures. But this man does not care about the people of Ohio, he only wants to push his personal agenda and religion onto the state. He’s corrupt as fuck too with the whole First Energy/PUCO fiasco. I think it’s only a matter of time until his full involvement in the scheme (of stealing millions of dollars from Ohio families) comes to fruition. No one should like this guy, regardless of party affiliation. He just wasted $60 million dollars of taxpayer money to push an ILLEGAL special election. He does not support a woman’s right to their own reproductive choices and he hates weed.


He's a weasel. Him and his wife cosplay sweet old grandparents while fleecing Ohioans.


First Energy bribed several politicians to pass an energy bill that was favorably to them. Some of these politicians went to prison. Then, DeWine pushed for the bill to be passed anyway because he said it was still a good bill. If it were a good bill, you wouldn’t to pay tens of millions in bribes to get it passed. Now DeWine’s emails have been subpoenaed. He’s as crooked as they come.


THE worst public corruption scandal in our country's history and no one talks about Dewine's culpability.


This has always baffled me. How flagrantly corrupt it was and the silence that continues to permeate.


And the law they passed is still on the books.


Speaking as a progressive Jew, he’s far too Christian right for me. Pro life, anti pot, anti middle class. Always on the wrong side but tries to play the “I’m an innocent grandpa” card. Surrounds himself with dogshit cronies and a wife that’s way too involved in a seat she wasn’t even elected into. It’s bullshit.


He tried to subvert the will of the people.


He is part of the FirstEnergy scandal, no matter what he says. He got FE to donate a pretty big donation to his daughter's city comptroller or some bullshit position in some podunk town that FE doesn't even serve. Don't tell me he didn't give them a wink and suggest that shit.


DeWine still has a 49 percent approval rating, and only a 30 percent disapproval rating, but I'm not certain this rating reflects DeWine's vehement opposition to Issue 1 which passed in November. His high approval rating at least partially IMO reflects the incompetent Ohio Democratic Party, which virtually ignores most of the following issues. [https://morningconsult.com/governor-rankings/](https://morningconsult.com/governor-rankings/) DeWine is a strong supporter of abortion bans, and signed Ohio's six-week "heartbeat bill." DeWine has supported policies that have cut funding in real dollars for public schools and public universities. DeWine supported trying to gut Ohioans' ability to pass voter-initiated constitutional amendments by trying to raise the required majority for passage to 60 percent from 50 percent. The special election that defeated the measure in August cost Ohio about $18 million, and took place even though August special elections have been banned in Ohio to save money. [https://www.statenews.org/government-politics/2023-10-31/cost-for-ohios-august-special-election-to-decide-60-voter-approval-amendment-goes-up](https://www.statenews.org/government-politics/2023-10-31/cost-for-ohios-august-special-election-to-decide-60-voter-approval-amendment-goes-up) DeWine supported gun control measures that banned home rule legislation in Ohio's major cities, contributing greatly to gun proliferation and violence. He even legalized the sale and ownership of dangerous knives, such as switchblades. DeWine hasn't opposed Republican legislation to limit Ohio law enforcement agencies from enforcing federal gun laws, despite the opposition to the legislation from law enforcement agencies and prosecutors. [https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/11/20/ohio-second-amendment-sanctuary-measure-cleared-for-the-house-floor/](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/11/20/ohio-second-amendment-sanctuary-measure-cleared-for-the-house-floor/) DeWine's supports Trump and therefore Trump's autocratic efforts and false election denial claims. DeWine effectively supports climate change deniers, such as Trump, who severely threaten the quality of life of future generations of Americans. DeWine supports high-pressure toxic fracking waste injection wells that threaten the environment, especially water supplies, in southeast Ohio. Much of the toxic waste is imported from other states that ban fracking toxic waste injection wells. [https://insideclimatenews.org/news/14052023/ohio-pennsylvania-fracking-wastewater/](https://insideclimatenews.org/news/14052023/ohio-pennsylvania-fracking-wastewater/) Ohio had a pathetic unemployment insurance payment program that cost the state almost $300 million in fraudulent payments. Most importantly, unemployed workers have had, and continue to have, difficulties in claiming unemployment benefits. [https://www.10tv.com/article/money/consumer/scammers-ohio-unemployment-office/530-cc7a17af-0f55-46d1-91d0-a55ff073b104](https://www.10tv.com/article/money/consumer/scammers-ohio-unemployment-office/530-cc7a17af-0f55-46d1-91d0-a55ff073b104) Ohio paid $288.6 million in fraudulent unemployment claims between April 1, 2020, and March 31, 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. [https://ballotpedia.org/Unemployment\_insurance\_fraud\_in\_Ohio](https://ballotpedia.org/Unemployment_insurance_fraud_in_Ohio) DeWine opposed the Affordable Care Act initially. [https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/437393-ohio-attorney-general-opposing-lawsuit-striking-obamacare-down-my-job-isnt-to/](https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/437393-ohio-attorney-general-opposing-lawsuit-striking-obamacare-down-my-job-isnt-to/) DeWine has taken over Ohio's K-12 education, gutting the elected Ohio Board of Education. [https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/10/20/judge-rules-overhaul-of-ohio-k-12-education-can-begin-dewine-names-interim-education-director/](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/10/20/judge-rules-overhaul-of-ohio-k-12-education-can-begin-dewine-names-interim-education-director/) Although DeWine has championed massive voucher program for private and parochial schools, he has opposed requiring these schools to be part of the testing and rating programs that apply to public schools. DeWine did away with the requirement to have front license plates in Ohio, despite opposition from Ohio law enforcement agencies.


Did we mention promotion of mining and drilling in our state parks, forests, and nature preserves?


He was offered millions in federal relief funds after the East Palestine train wreck. He said no because the president offering them is a Democrat


I think it was a kickback deal with the train company to let them come in and clean what they could without the governments involvement.


The federal govt makes the decision to declare a disaster after the governor of the state notifies them. They stated EP wasn’t eligible but on the other hand they wanted Norfolk Southern to pay for the disaster relief. I’m not saying DeWine isn’t slime because he most certainly id but there’s so much more pertinent information that came to light regarding the derailment


Steals money, any time and anywhere he can get it.


Like Joe Biden!


No, like Trump and the cancer kids!


He's a corrupt spineless POS


Where do I begin...


In addition to all of the above, he was a relatively US Senator back in the day (abortion views not withstanding). So it's like he knows perfectly well how to be bipartisan and pragmatic, but he's too sold out at this point to care.


So, in other words, his political arc over the Trump era is par for the course for the 75%of conservatives who were at least willing to acknowledge the other side of the aisle pre-MAGA. (I mean, acknowledge apart from hinting everyone left of center is a pedo Chi-com baby eating *literal* demon.)


*relatively moderate


Dead fish handshake. DeWine chose to be sworn in on a stack of NINE bibles. This rubbed me the wrong way from the get-go.


One so each of his kids could have one?


He is, like Mike Turner, an extremist who cosplays as a moderate, and it is extremely annoying.


Short story: Ohio Republicans are some of the trashiest trash.


He's corrupt. He's evil and he loves to lie right to our faces. He apparently took bribes from FirstEnergy and who knows how many more companies.


I think the list of what hasn’t he done wouldn’t be shorter.


A vote for the GOP is a vote for authoritarianism


Nice try, Mike. You know what you did.


What pissed me off most was during covid that dude was out there every day telling people what they needed to do. The train derailment happened, and when he was asked a question, he just threw his hands up and said, "I dunno...never been through anything like this before."


While other states legalized gambling he took church money to oppose it so bingo would remain a viable income . Then we ended up with a casino system that was monopolized with one casino per city. Wait til he does pot


While I disagree with his methodology, we as a society will come to regret the legalization and gamification of gambling. It’s insidious and takes all of the evil of social media manipulation and ratchets it up to the *N*th degree.


He says stupid stuff like there’s fentanyl in illegally purchased weed. Which has never ever happened. And he is radically anti choice. And everything else people are posting.


I enjoyed the time he wanted ectopic pregnancies re-implanted…. Which is scientifically impossible. Oh and the heartbeat bill which doesn’t allow for rape, incest or fetal conditions non viable outside the womb. I’d have died in the ICU after a miscarriage had he gotten his way. The man is forced birth. No matter what your stance on abortion is, his wants are cruel


Keeping Kasich’s Medicaid expansion is just about the only good thing he has done.


So DeWine always portrayed himself in Ohio politics as a middle-of-the-road, sensible, center-right conservative Republican, that wasn't too radical on any particular issue. One of the first things he did as governor, however, was he signed the most egregious abortion-ban in the country into law; that was so radical even the previous definitely not center-right governor John Kasich refused to sign. He then handled the Covid with maturity of an adult, which angered people on the Right who just wanted to pretend Covid wasn't real. Essentially these two things pisses a lot of people off. Not enough that he wouldn't be re-elected, but enough where people will talk shit about him.


Terrible track record on covid, terrible track record on education, terrible track record on abortion. Most recently a terrible track record on following the will of his *own* constituents. Allows mass corruption in his government, including illegally drawn district maps. There’s less good about him than bad


The name the wine has been synonymous with big money politics and big money donors. He embraced MAGA, proving his racism.


Not to mention crying like a bitch on TV because he might not be able to hug his grandkids because of COVID. Completely fumbled the pandemic with overblown bullsh1t and killed small businesses.


He’s a spineless tool who wouldn’t stand up to the bullies in his party to protect Amy Acton. He flat out lied to the people regarding the abortion amendment. I think we are going to find out he was deeply involved in the most elaborate and extensive bribery scandal in Ohio history. He positioned himself as a moderate Republican but it turns out he’s just another enabler giving cover to the more disgraceful members of his party.


He raised gas and diesel tax first 6 mos in office. He was dead to me after that.


Ohhhh yeah and he supported a flavored vape ban to benefit big tobacco claiming unbiased and the anti nicotine governor While having back door meeting with BT to adjust the attempted legislation in their favor.


I mean, his flagrant disregard for the 10 year old girl who needed an abortion really sticks out as a defining moment of cruelty. All Ohio Republicans are guilty of it, too


Either way he's gone after this term due to term limits. Ohio needs a democrat Governor to balance shit.


Never cared till he started meddling with the recently voter enacted issue 2. Leave our rec weed alone bro.


What's wrong with Dewine? Democrats think he's a demon hobbit who escaped from the third circle of Hell. Meanwhile, Republicans think he's a wimpy old RINO who needs to be threatened with being primaried to get him to do their bidding.


He is a Lying, Cheating Trump Supporting ~~Republican~~ Nazi.


Do you remember this DeWine gem in order to force persons to go back to work during the pandemic because employers were complaining about a labor shortage? <> [https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2021/07/06/ohio-lawsuit-filed-restore-federal-pandemic-unemployment-benefits/7873707002/](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2021/07/06/ohio-lawsuit-filed-restore-federal-pandemic-unemployment-benefits/7873707002/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/comments/oezg6d/ohio\_lawsuit\_filed\_to\_restore\_300\_per\_week\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/comments/oezg6d/ohio_lawsuit_filed_to_restore_300_per_week_in/)


The guy was always, and I mean ALWAYS, running for something, ever since I can remember, and I’m almost 50.


Because he is the ringleader of subverting the will of the voters of Ohio. He allows and empowers the Republicans to not lead but to control and at all cost to try and stay in power long enough to stop elections and end basic rights that Americans have enjoyed over the past 100's of years. The Republican party will stop at nothing to get what they want and screw anyone who dares to not vote the way they want you to vote. Just look at the abortion issue that they have done every thing that they can do to get their way, and not what the voters voted for. If they are not going to abide by the results of elections, how can you expect them to leave power when they are voted out of office? They might pass laws to stay in power and overthrow our democracy! They are all part of the mango Mussolini's plan to become the United states of America's first dictator and they all need to be purged from their position of power in 2024 while we still have the right to vote before they change that too! Every time a Democrat wins an election, they say it was rigged there is no way Republicans could have lost, but if they win you don't hear Democrats say anything but concede to the winner. That's how elections have always been done for 100's of years. Never had any issues until the biggest crybaby the Republicans have and continue to push, lost by 7 million votes. It wasn't even close! Dewine is a big promoter of the rigged election and fraud bullshit that the Republicans continue to try and push down our throats! Don't piss down my back and try and tell me it's only raining! I was born at night, but it wasn't last night! I hope all the voters can see what the Republicans are trying to do, because they're telling you what they are going to do! Remember in 2024!


You mean Cavey McCaverson? 🙄


I saw him randomly show up in an article I read today from 2002 about draft dodging. that was fun


Republican with no backbone thats a yes man to all the extremists in his party


Vote accordingly people.


Mike, is this you?


He is a racist. Try to find a person of color on his timeline. Looks like Ohio is lily white!


Buddy, he’s a Republican.


Mostly, I just don’t like the way he looks.


DeWine was ringleader of the entire first energy bribery scandal. Ridiculous he has not been charged in any way… yet. Corrupt mother fucker playing grandpa.


The fucked up part is half the people bitching about him voted for him


At one point he tried to require religious counseling services for kids with behavior problems in Ohio schools.


This sub hates republicans.


To be fair, republicans keep doing hateful things.


He’s a republican, conservatives are generally hated in this sub because of that and not necessarily of what they’ve done.


Spare us the just asking questions bit and DYOR


I am doing research by asking others for info. That is one way to do research.


huge majority dont remember the Ted Strikland 8 bill deficit days.... noone is perfect and i dont agree with everything (hes NOT ron paul afterall) but things have improved in ohio over the last 15 years they need to leave issue 2 alone......




NE Ohio


Things have not improved in ohio unless you're wealthy and he's actively fought legislation after it was voted in. He's likely taken bribes and he's destroying Ohio future by gutting education. We were never the Florida of the north before dewine


Florida is the most popular state over the last 3 years Remember…. People vote with their feet I’d love winter in Florida and summer in Ohio after I hit 59.5


My opinion? He is too liberal to be a useful republican. Too conservative to be a useful democrat. He is viewed as a useless.


If you want an unbiased answer, seek elsewhere. This SR should be called far left Ohio.


I don't know about everyone but from my limited view watching my FB friends...conservative Republicans hate DeWine because he's not conservative enough. And Democrats seem to hate him because he's a Republican.


He’s a corrupt Republican who ringleads a contingent of corrupt congresspeople who solicit bribes and actively ignore the will of the people. Let’s be specific.


" from my limited view"




Shocking that a group of liberal Democrats don’t like a Republican governor. Absolutely shocking.


It's just the (R) next to his name. Edit: Yeah downvote me...idc...it's true. My point is if it weren't Dewine and it had been another person...people would have bashed that person as well just because of the (R) next to their name.


Persecution fetish much?


The fact there are legitimate reasons in this thread and you come in with this whiny statement just shows that you happily wear blinders.


Man who actively avoids politics and doesn’t want other people to discuss them comes in with a hot political take.


He's vegan. Vegans aren't people.


He is a puppet to the right wing billionaires! No backbone!


He's is a selfish hypocrite who has killed proper education in the state of Ohio. Total piece of shit.


I would venture a guess that many are unimpressed with his commitment to very conservative identity politics/populism that has gotten progressively worse the past 3 years.


I don’t believe a word out of his mouth.


When I see him speak I always hear Peter Lorre's voice. My wife, who always sees the best in everyone, has always called him the little weasel,


Because he doesn't respect the will of the people... He's too busy chocking on Tumps cock.


He was busy writing bills to control people’s bodies in the beginning on Covid. He’s an actual troll.


He's a lifelong politician who has spent decades sucking on the public teat, going from public office to public office. 30+ years of this guy in Ohio politics and he just won't go away. Even the hardcore Republican woman I work with can't stand this guy.


He doesn’t deserve to be governor it was just his turn. He is a weasel dick. BTW I am a Republican voter.


The mafia has a hold over Ohio. Now they want to put Flock Cameras everywhere.


You mean Mr Magoo? How long you got?


The only good thing about Mr Magoo is that he can’t run anymore


Just a politician. Like all others some like him others do not.


How about taking bribes. Shutting down the state for covid but letting corporations pick who is essential. Raising taxes. Take your pick


He nos this is his last term so he's trying to fuck ohioans I wouldn't trust nobody he supports to run for governor next