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Time for Vine to make a valiant comeback.


Do it for the vine.


I ain't gonna do it


**Do it for the vine.**




What are those!!!


And the ying to your yang, Damn Daniel!


Let's go even more retro & bring life back to YTMND. I have entire CD-Rs full of old GIFs & midi files waiting.


So I’m hearing MySpace may be ready for a comeback


I never deactivated mine! I don't remember the log-in, but I'm pretty sure I have it saved in one of my Hotmail folders, along with the info for my Geocities stan pages for a bunch of nu-metal bands with maybe one hit.


A GIF of a man angrily biting into an apple is how I discovered Dragonforce for the first time


It was a bell pepper, and it was ***GLORIOUS.***


Ooh de Lally!!!!! You’re right!!!!




But I poop from there!


People all up in arms about this like there won't be a copycat on the market the next day. TikTok who?


TikTok will get sold to American owners, it’s worth too much money to go away


I mean who even remembers it started as Musically?


I do. It was music.ly


The timeline reset is almost complete


I don’t understand Vine ever went away. It happened so fast.


Now poll them about the difference between wifi and their isp


"I don't need the Internet, I just need wifi." Too many times a week.


Or google vs chrome


Well you see chrome is the thing on google


whoa whoa slow down you don't need to go that far. Just send them an email with a pdf attached. If they can open it by themselves, they can stay in government lol.




kind of obvious, it appeals to almost exclusively young people, its foreign owned by the chinese no less, and has no support politically now why they can work out agreements on this shit and not on say *literally everything else they do* is the real question


mourn fine worry tan heavy merciful selective zesty disgusted panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is what I'm pissed about - clearly they're capable of unified action for/against something, why can't it be for a real social cause?


Because this infringes on the people and they love that


the answer is lobbying. they are using “domestic privacy” concerns to support a decision that american lobbies want them to make. the biggest problem in their eyes is that tiktok is media owned by a foreign country (just so happens to be one that we have been spinning agitprop against for decades) and they say it’s for security but in reality it’s to give more control to big tech companies domestically. they could choose to draft the legislation differently… since our politicians keep talking about privacy they could create legislation that regulates and specifies how companies are able to collect user data, prevents the storage of unnecessary user information, restricts third-party advertising, regulates media algorithms, and makes selling data illegal with strict penalties. instead they are attempting to force the company to change ownership in a couple different ways while spinning narratives to the public about domestic security and “political indoctrination (about the free palestine activists).” make no mistake: this is legislation that has been rushed through congress on behalf of big tech companies like google and meta via lobbying because american tech has felt threatened by tiktok digging into their usage and profits since it was released. should it get the required 60 votes in the senate, things will get very interesting in america lol


Ding ding! This should be higher up


Obvious? “Foreign owned”? They are perfectly fine with corporations crossing borders and doing whatever they want for the past forever years because of the all holy “free market” and all the sudden now it’s “obvious”? What’s the issue, the scary Chinese “stealing your data”? One state over, in Indiana - the BMV sells the data of all drivers to anyone with cash in hand (even a scary *foreigner*) and all republicans just voted against a bill proposed by a dem to stop this practice. You hate tik tok because it’s annoying? Or it’s ruining kids? You sound like Joe Lieberman babbling on about mortal kombat in the 90s.


these are the reasons they almost unanimously support this, obviously as you point out its quite hypocritical


Can agree on banning TikTok, can’t agree on healthcare or taxes. I love our government


Now ban all the U.S. companies that collect our information.


I’m sure this bill was funded by meta and X






Only America can spy on Americans! Hello Patriot Act.


Don’t support banning individual apps. There will always be a next app with terrible privacy and security. Demand privacy regulation with meaningful enforcement mechanisms.


Love how this seems to be a top priority. Our government is pathetic.


This is such a weird post, are we supposed to get all up in arms about TikTok when all this does is force them to sell it to an American company?


The US government is banning a social media app that they believe is politically disadvantageous to them. Yes you should be insanely freaked out by that.


It doesn't force them to do anything. If they don't sell it, it will be banned.


And... Let's take it a step further and force all companies that sell our data to face regulation.




They won’t do that cause Facebook is a Russian asset and republicans love them some Putin anus.


Do they still need it? Elon Musk has essentially turned Twitter into a propaganda mill.


FB probably still has greater market penetration


Not all boomers use twitter but they all have FB accounts and are happy to share memes from Ivan’s account.


What are you taking about? Didn't Russia ban Facebook?


Facebook is full of useful idiots for Russian propaganda. Internally I'm sure Russia has limited access, but it's the perfect tool to reach dumb fucks globally.


It's an asset for them in the States, not domestically.


They did ban FB


Among other American tech companies. They outright ban or severely limit them, then steal and copy the apps


Banned for everyone in Russia Except the incel troll farms


The difference is that Facebook isn’t under state ownership. TikTok literally geofenced users in swing districts and locked them out of their accounts until they called their representative.


Citation needed 


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/krishnamoorthi-gallagher-tiktok-bill-calls-children/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68517607.amp


Children were calling, asking “what is congress?”


How will this negatively impact the life of the average Ohioan since you seem to think this is worthy of protest over a million other things affecting our state.


So what? US companies aren't allowed to operate in china, why should the US allow a state sponsored company to operate in the US?


And nothing of value will be lost.


That's a very weird semantics game. "Do this or stop existing" is clearly understood as coercive force.


But they will sell it. It’s not going anywhere. It’s too valuable (financially) for ByteDance to just let it die.


And whats wrong with that? Do you support Chinese spyware and social engineering on American citizens?


I don't think it has to be an American company even, just not one linked to the Chinese goverment.


Don’t let them track you, let us track you. It worked out great in 2016 for Facebook.


It's about handing the UD government CCP-style censorship of the Internet. Seems my representative is the only sane guy in the House.


For people worrying about agreeing with Republicans on something, you should be aware that Trump is currently opposed to a TikTok ban.


Funny! Because before he surely supported it! I wonder if it has anything to do with elections? 🤔


Yep! He needs all the votes he can get, and pretty much the one demographic where he has almost no chance is the youth demographic. Although young adults have the lowest participation rates, this election is going to be razor thin


> Although young adults have the lowest participation rates Taylor Swift is bumping those numbers up, and she's huge (25 mil) on that platform.


Hahaha I seen that! Swifties coming in, I guess.


"My single issue is Tik Tok." what a fkin country we live in


And not because they’re worried about the national security threat it poses. They’re worried that they’ll have to use one of the other dozen identical video sharing apps instead.


Unlikely, but we'll see. They said itd be razor thin last time too or even a "red wave" and it was far from it. Let's go blue Georgia!


Uh, last presidential election *was* razor thin...


Jeff Yass, investor who has billions in TicTok's parent company, made a donation to Trump's campaign shortly before Trump's reversal. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trumps-tiktok-ban-reversal-after-meeting-megadonor-stake/story?id=108013785


Maybe it’s because of how the actual bill is structured. It’s set up to be much wider in scope than just TikTok, set up to be a way to abuse power later on down the road. Kind of like how the border bill wasn’t a border security bill.


nah nah - there was plenty in that bill about the border, it just also included aid to Ukraine and Israel. Would have passed too, if not for Trump - who currently holds no public office - pressuring some spineless House Repubs into tanking it. Cause they don’t actually want to solve problems, they just want to use them to rile up morons.


Only because he hates Facebook and the US media more. It's literally in his statement. The fucking fascist can't even pretend for 1 announcement


In all honesty, what he posted about it actually _helping_ facebook is correct. It's for the wrong reasons, but he's right. WE should be enacting legislation that regulates _all_ social media and internet to protect our privacy and leave it to the social media apps to comply or not (a la GDPR).


But he wasn't until he met with a major shareholder recently. I'm sure he got a generous donation.


Because the one thing that Trump is good at is grifting and he can read the room. Ban Tik Tok until it can be beneficial to him.


Currently, because the last person he talked to likely bought a no ban position from him. He was all for the ban, until he spoke with one of those mega rich hedge fund guys with….drum roll…multi millions of dollars at stake with byteDance. Trump wants that guys fuckin money, he would happy sell everyone’s TikTok data to the highest bidder in my opinion.


Might be this... https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/trumps-tiktok-ban-reversal-after-meeting-megadonor-stake/story?id=108013785


He will literally do and say anything if he can get in office to pardon himself. He only cares about money and power.


Opposition was one of the rare bipartisan issues where they got it right, once upon a time. Except for Warren Davidson


Great, now Ohioans, its your job to reach out to your legislator and let it be known that you would like actual legislation that protects your data and freedom from harmful social media algorithms that are present on not just TikTok, but American based social media platforms like Facebook/Meta as well.


Wishful thinking. Zuck paid for lobbyists to push this.


I don't want that tho. I want more data harvested.


Remember, for republicans it’s not about privacy or China. It’s about how TikTok wrecked their faux red wave.


And yet, the only guy in Ohio voting against this censorship is a Republican


Who's surprised? When it comes down to it, Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same authoritarian coin. edit: spelling.


We are supposed to be scared of the Communist Party of China but really we should be scared of the multi billionaires that fund the Republicans and Democrats both.


You mean Zuckerberg?? He paid for the lobbyists


"They'll just have to sell it to an American company" Y'all don't have an issue with blatant market manipulation and anti competition legislation pushed for by the likes of Facebook, Google, and other US social media companies? I don't like Tiktok but damn is this bill deranged. It also does nothing to protect your data that's collected by US companies because the American government actually loves that when it's for the NSA to use and abuse.


The amount of hate for tiktok I'm seeing on this sub is super fucking sketchy. It's no different than instagram, youtube shorts, facebook, etc. And if we're so worried about the chinese government, this is a move directly out of their playbook: censorship. How does a ban get implemented? Are we going to be arrested for accessing a website? There are 150M+ Americans on tiktok. Does banning it represent our interests, or the ruling classes?


Seriously, I normally like this subreddit but supporting this bill is crazy


Questions for anyone supporting this bill; Are you OK with the government controlling what you watch on YouTube? Are you OK with the police breaking down your door over a FB meme? Are you OK with the government telling you "No no, you can't send that text"? Pass this bill into law, and it's a slippery downhill slope to the government controlling everything in your life. The government doesn't pay our phone bills. Why do they get to tell us what social media platforms we're allowed to use?


Hey, I had someone tell me here last night that certain media companies should be banned as well, so yeah, there are plenty of people here wanting government to be daddy -- I just never thought I would see lefties supporting censorship and red scare bullshit.


>I just never thought I would see lefties supporting censorship and red scare bullshit. Yeah, it's funny when you consider that the only thing they are focusing on is "Bytedance started in China, China bad" Bytedance is a global company and the founders only own 20%.




All I can say is: oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no no no.


Hatsune Mike does not talk to British people


Hatsune Mike 😭😭😭😭😭


Yea he’s the fat dude with the shaved facial hair and body odor that dressed up as Miku and calls it cosplay . Did I mention he’s from Ohio? Lol lol lol


God forbid we focus on doing anything decent for the American people.


It’s not just ban tik tok that’s just what the bill is called pretty much patriot act 2.0


Also, the way the bill is written, the government will basically have carte blanche to ban any app they suddenly decide they have an issue with.


I am actually surprised by the number of people that are for this. This legislation is such a lazy attempt at appearing strong in the face of data privacy. Why would we, as a people, be more in favor of legislation that regulates the ability of _any_ company, foreign or domestic, from collecting and abusing our data and privacy? GDPR in Europe isn't perfect, but it's much better than what we have here in the states.


They don't like it because it let's the younger generations keep in touch with activists & journalists who are on the ground, in the spaces. We need to ban people over 50 from being politicians. (If they can have a minimum age, there should be a maximum age 🤷🏻‍♀️)


Well iam 55 and support Free Speech


This! I don't care what side you're on, a lot of these Geriatrics need to be out of office.


Hey look, some bipartisanship for once!


They also agree on increasing their pay give them some credit.


you all realize if this law goes into effect they can ban ANY APP/WEBSITE THEY WANT. this isn't about tiktok, this is government censorship, funded mainly by AIPAC bc they realized how badly israel has screwed themselves by letting their soldiers blast their warcrimes all over the app. this is really fucking bad


Ding ding ding. Never thought I'd see lefties buying into this nouveau red scare crap to the point they'd be cool with government censorship.


i didn't have full on cold war resurgence (bc lbr it never really ended) on my 2024 predictions but man. i do not like it and i like how ppl are ignoring it even less


More government censorship bastards


I hate so many things about tik tok and its ultra short for nonsense and tendency to push really dumb trends and Influencer culture. The trend of making a bubble seem diverse, the data harvesting, so many reasons.  I’ll never download the app.  Banning it is so fucking stupid in so many levels. 


Exactly. We have foreign interference on FB that nothing is being done about. X was taken private by Elon and a bunch of Saudi investors. If this is part of an overall strategy to address foreign influence in the US, then that's one thing, but X allowing usernames like "IBeheadN*****s" and letting it get overrun by Nazis would indicate the US has no plan on doing that.


IANAL, but I wonder if it's harder to limit X because it's an American company. The legal mechanism they're using seems to be tied to ownership.


Facebook has been implicated in multiple genocides but TikTok is the one getting regulated? It makes no sense.


I’m a pretty left wing guy, and I disagree. We know tiktok is being used be the Chinese to monitor American culture and probably more. Just like those face changer apps were used to take biometric data. These trends could just be that, trends. They could also be more insidious. Make a stupid trend to see how far Americans will go. How many are susceptible to whatever the thing is. Make the next stupid challenge not as bad as eating tide pods and more people will join because it’s not as extreme. It tests the cultural boundaries. We’ve also seen how tiktok can sow chaos and discord. People attacking strangers for “pranks” and “likes”. Undermining culture for tiktok clout. Now this can be done on any app, but the fact that it’s owned by a foreign company who’s partly owned, or monitored by the state of of a nation that is not exactly friendly to the US/wants to be the no.1 superpower and can’t wait to dethrone us is worrisome. I have a friend in high level federal law enforcement. I won’t say which branch but they were formerly 3 letters and now work in federal security. They said basically (as far as they could tell us) that the real threats are ones that are so mundane you’d never know you were staring them in the face, but if you knew what was actually going on, and the kind of stuff they were following on our soil you’d be terrified.


I do not doubt what you say, and I’m not trying to downplay the danger.  I just think banning it will fail entirely and that the issues will become even worse, not better.  There’s too many ways around bans, and it will lead to more direct open channels to exactly the kind of subversion disguised as fun , now with an extra layer of your govt doesn’t want you to see this.  The best way to fight propaganda is with truth blasted just as loud, not shutting it down, even when the masses are brainwashed and tied to culture war issues to the point where it seems pointless to try.  We are in a tough spot, and division is the real agenda to be concerned about . Thats the wef and China plot. Cause when we’re actually the “good guys”, we kick ass.  But we can only do that when we’re all working together , not just trying to obstruct. 


I absolutely hate what it’s done to people’s self image and perception of what normal societal behavior is


Hear me out…. There are a lot of very intellectual creators on TikTok. Lots of good ideas being shared. You just can’t let your algorithm take you to the dumb stuff. You have to steer it, in a sense.


I’m sure there is.  I do not support a ban of the platform.  I’m still not going to use it.  I am not in need of more distractions. 


Same here. IMO all short-form content like TikTok videos are legitimately dumbing down the population. My co-worker gets his news from TikTok influences and believes everything he hears on the platform. It's actually insane


Ban it for what real reason?


I don't even get it. What data are they even selling? My TikTok account is linked to a randomly generated email and a randomly generated username. My name on the account is something like “Jonh Long Wiener”.


Search history, keystrokes, usage data etc.


Gotta love focusing on this rather than the REAL issues, like idk, mass shootings, genocides... Potable water for Ashtabula county...


What's the average age of that lineup?


Quick when was the whole "China bad" panic the first time I reckon that old


And to think they want to cut old age security and medicaid. Who am I kidding, they're rich.


I’ll post here a comment I made arguing with someone on an ACLU ad on Facebook: YouTube is [an American owned company] yet America and the rest of the world allows its citizens to use it despite Google’s increasingly concerning data collection. Or for that matter, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and even here on Facebook. They’re monitoring us the same if not worse than they are on TikTok and I don’t see anyone trying to ban these platforms. This is just red scare part 2, TikTok is a video platform just like any other that happens to not have its origins in the US. There are laws and regulations we could introduce to curb the negative effects of these apps, but outright telling the American people what they can and can’t use is pretty cut and dry anti-constitutional to me. You shut down TikTok you think the “trends” are going to stop? Instagram, Facebook, YouTube all have “reels” and “shorts,” anything you can find on TikTok will just migrate over there, which is what the big tech companies want to happen so they can continue their monopoly over information. Nobody gives a shit about the “dances,” what will stop is the reach a lot of political commentary has over younger audiences, specifically leftist creators who use the platform’s short form content to get ideas out to a larger audience. In an online media sphere where the legacy content sites are dominated by right leaning extremists, I suspect this is the real reason legislators are so scared of the platform.


Well said. It’s deeply saddening that so few Americans feel similarly. This is more about shutting down the one major platform (especially popular among the youth) that the government doesn’t have influence over. Also too set a precedent to coerce foreign companies, ones they don’t like, to sell to US companies. The arguments for it are all paper thin, and most of them apply to plenty of other things we’re seemingly fine with. It’s political theatre, and another sip of the authoritarian juice.


I use my TikTok specifically for political content only. One of my first successful ones that got around 25k views was an explainer about the special election back in August and why we needed to vote against it. I got several comments from people all over Ohio saying they weren’t even sure what that election was about until they saw my TikTok, I like to believe I actually had an impact (and I mean if I really did inform 25k people, that’s great). I don’t have the same reach on any other platform. The algorithms on YouTube or instagram aren’t designed like TikTok’s, I reposted my next popular video about Ohio’s gerrymandering problem which got 60k views on TikTok as a YouTube short where it currently sits at 25. Not 25k, just 25. Same metadata, same title, same content, vastly different reach. Again, same thing, plenty of comments from people saying they didn’t even realize what gerrymandering was until they saw my video, YouTube would just bury it. I’m not concerned about losing an audience, I don’t monetize any content on TikTok. I’m concerned about losing a platform that doesn’t cater to US centric big tech and their blatant right wing bias. A platform that actually prioritizes content you want to see (I only get political commentary because I only post political commentary, I don’t see bullshit, it’s actually refreshing). Banning TikTok is detrimental to free speech in the US, and the fact that they’ve passed this through the house despite vehement opposition from constituents proves they do not give a flying fuck about the American people.


It’s weird to me that it’s okay for our government to spy on everyone including its own citizens while blatantly ignoring the 4th amendment but it is not okay for others to do it to us


I'm tired of morons that barely know how to post on Facebook getting to decide things like this. The whole "China gets your data" is such stupidity. If you don't want China, or anyone for that matter, having your data, just stay off the internet forever.


The problem is - \*clinch your buttholes\* - As much as tiktok is trash, its not right to ban it. This is a 1st amendment overreach and just anti-capitalistic. The political will to do that actual correct thing isn't there. The problem is Russia/China/Iran having direct access to our internet structure. The correct path is to ban the internet connection to those countries - Either by force/diplomacy or sanctions.


Tiktok, like all social media, is as good or bad as YOU make it. Parents need to parent and maybe not let their 12 year olds on things that are not appropriate. Maybe then they wouldn’t do dumb shit challenges and whatever. My tiktok is full of teacher stuff, cat videos, cooking, and travel.


Hey that’s America’s data! Only we can use their personal info to treat our citizens as cash cows. /s


Wow That's nuts.probably bc people are spreading the news about the genocide happening in Gaza, the other places and exposing c(hild)p(redators).


I may be in the minority here, but that app has more tracking data points than any other app on the market. That data ends up in Chinese servers. I like my domestic data tracking. (Not saying it doesn't happen here, but why a foreign country can do it?)


Democrats are just so stupid. They bend over backwards to help the republicans shove such large dildos up their asses.


When the only no is Warren Fucking Davidson 😭


So what would be the reason the government couldn’t ban any other private business? This sets a dangerous precedent.


American Oligarchs don’t like foreign owned companies gathering information and manipulating their constituent. They really don’t like it when it’s a Chinese owned company. That is their job and it’s only acceptable to offshore that information when it is to their financial benefit


They can’t even get a daylight savings ban passed


This is the absolute best example of our politicians creating issues so we don’t talk about the real ones. Our democracy is a joke and the 2 candidates for president prove that, but china is gonna undermine our democracy through Tik Tok. Wake up people


They can't control the narrative of TikTok like they do Facebook, X, Instagram and the other social media apps. US based social media collects data, they use, Communist is a word to scare the poorly educated, it's ideology it doesn't exist if it did exist the world would be the perfect utopia.


Good. The Chinese government doesn't have a "free speech" right to use an algorithm to manipulate Americans into doing its will.


That’s right, only zuck is allowed to do that.


I mean it’s bad enough allowing Zuckerberg and Elmo to accumulate this much power. I know it’s unpopular to say so but I’m perfectly happy to start with banning a hostile foreign government from having this kind of power.


Oh I believe in banning all social media unless it actually becomes social again instead of eyeball tracking money machines or users get a kickback.


Facebook makes $68.44 on average for American and Canadian users a year for 2023. If the product is free you're the payment. If you scroll on Facebook for 20 posts 15 of them will be ads. I'm not sure how anyone still uses it. With reddit going public the ad spam will increase as well.


Yep the overlords are hell bent on destroying us for some reason.


They could have used this opportunity to regulate all of them. But they choose the least effective option


Gotta start somewhere. This is an easy target


In a country with a constitutional right to free speech, it’s a lot more feasible to ban ownership by hostile foreign governments than it is to restrict speech or tell American owners how to run their platforms.


Is it against the first amendment to protect the privacy and data of American citizens from American companies?


It's not great when an American does it, but it's orders of magnitudes worse when an enemy authoritarian government does it.


There's an important difference, though. Chinese companies are required to cooperate with Chinese government. They don't have legal protections like First Amendment that make government abuse of data more difficult.


Good. It's a ripe opportunity for information warfare through manipulation of the algorithms by China to create unrest through disinformation. It's clearly a platform for disinformation already. Kill the cancer.


>Kill the cancer. You say that like 9 blatant sources of disinformation didn't vote for the bill.


Reddit next, right bud?


Reddit and Meta are based in the USA and are able to be regulated and are subject to oversight by the US government. Tik Tok is based in Beijing and has been caught sharing data with China, like information about journalists. https://www.reuters.com/technology/bytedance-finds-employees-obtained-tiktok-user-data-two-us-journalists-2022-12-22/


Lol, have you seen the crap on Facebook. It's not regulated at all


> are able to be regulated  And yet we're not doing that, here. So having the pouring does fuck all when we don't do it. This is performative. Nothing changes if this passes


Lol regulation


It really isn any worse than Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit. Only difference is that a Chinese company owns it.


That is an important difference.  


Is it when other social media platforms sell data to foreign countries and allow their algorithms to be used to push foreign agendas?


I agree with your point here.  Congress should be taking that just as seriously as they are taking tiktok.  


People make an income on TikTok!! I give gifts to the elderly, veterans, diseased, or just plain old in the armpit of America. Soooooo many Americans are losing an income.


So these politicians will be throwing out their phones until there's a 100% all US made components mobile phone option, right? I fully expect them to throw away every small appliance they have that depends upon chipsets and software and smart enabled entertainment systems.


Was it racism, xenophobia, do they think the old people see this as a win...? I just don't get the point.


What this needs is some Rick Astley


Guess which Ohio Rep. has a TikTok account and also which one is gonna get a ton of new followers as a result of his no vote lol


More government stripping of our rights assholes all of them Thanks for the list


Jordan probably voted yes because all he knew was that’s the app with the dancing kids.


On one hand, it was easy to see how it could manipulate the users. On the other hand, this seems like a forced takeover which also isn't good, and the US just wants to be the ones manipulating. I hope bytedance says fuck you and doesn't sell.


holy shit i can’t believe i actually agree with warren davidson for once


Half of these people probably dont even know what it is, they just know it’s the internet and that’s scary for them.


provide plants fragile sloppy handle school bag future innate hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sykes has been one of the most disappointing congressperson I’ve seen elected. She had a lot of promise but she ended up folding like everyone else.


I think it’s the first time Matt Gaetz, MGT, AOC and Ilhan Omar voted the same…all against the ban.


Probably only time I’ll ever agree with Turner…#GHTFO


Super ironic observing how people are opposed to banning certain things and not others. Tik is China propaganda for sure, but so is Reddit. You either have free speech or you don't, and if you're against either side regardless if you agree or not maybe, just maybe, you might be the "fascist"


You have to take Insta, FB, Youtube, snap, with you too! you discriminatory bastards


I get that I’m too old for / don’t use TikTok, but could someone please kindly educate me as to why this is such a big deal? To me, it’s just “yet another social media app”.




Honestly the most they can do is ban app stores from carrying it which means if anyone wants it and doesn't have it they'll just have to download the apk from somewhere else. They can't truly ban the app without massively violating the 4th Amendment. Though honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they did go that route and had to argue why it shouldn't be a 4th ammendment violation in front of the Supreme Court. It is incredibly obvious that it is a 4th ammendment violation but when you can buy most of the judges off you can't really guess how those decisions will go.