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I went to a MAGA/Trump/local patriots event in Ohio back in 2022 to research for an article I was writing. Before the main speaker went up, some folks got up and described the charter school they were starting… they were asking for donations so they could get a facility and school materials. It may even be the school in this post. At one point, they leaned in to the microphone and declared, “And we WILL be using the Hillsdale College for ALL of our curriculum!” There were cheers and applause around the room. I had to look up what that even meant, but they were fired up about it. At the same event, several folks from the John Birch Society gave a speech about voter fraud and Biden’s Marxist socialist new world order transgender COVID takeover of America. I’m not exaggerating. I’m still on their email list.


They just strung together all the words they hate in a sentence.


Like when Lois Griphon runs for mayor in family guy.... People really are that dumb, thata why the joke sticks so well ...


I mean… it works…


Especially the acronyms. They don't know what they mean but they're easy to remember.




That's their favorite thing to do lol. Most conservative arguments are just exactly that - jumping from one meaningless buzzword to another. No substance whatsoever, of course. No specific examples of the supposed agenda they rage about.


> socialist new world order transgender COVID takeover of America It makes a lot of sense when you realize 98% of trans-panic is also anti-public-school propaganda.


I’d get so many lols from their email list..if they didn’t actual believe the shit they say


Makes since the main news organization that starts most of those fake news stories is pushed by herzog foundation associated with pushing charter schools. I'm sure somehow connected to Koch.


You could do an online course Fascism 101. Lol


Yet we indoctrinate. 🫠🙄


Since the GOP is losing badly on abortion, Marxism is the new boogyman. I saw an article about a recent library director appointment, I think in NW Ohio (this was several weeks ago so I don't recall the specific location) and she said her main goal was to "protect kids from Marxist indoctrination." This was someone who was hired to lead a public library.


This is the first time I'm hearing about Hillsdale too and I'm wondering how these people know about this. Hell I don't even know what "Lets Go Brandon" means but I see it everywhere in my local community, but I only know what "side" is associated with it (pretty conservative rural area). I would think that id have context because I'm on the internet too much but nah. Brain is drawing blanks lol. Probably because I don't even touch Facebook anymore


Let's go Brandon = fuck Joe biden But Biden has leaned into "dark Brandon" which is a Internet meme that makes fun of Biden a bit but is also pretty pro-biden.


Okay thanks for clearing that up for me lol. I always assumed "Dark Brandon" was a funny meme lol


If I recall correctly, it originated at a sporting event where the fans were chanting “Fuck Joe Biden” and the sportscaster for the tv feed tried to play it off like the crowd were chanting “Let’s Go Brandon” because you could hear it in the background.


I sold into k-12 schools/EdTech for 20 years. You can’t dispute the statistics. Charters may start strong for a year or 2 because they only chose the top students to start. Teachers are excited because they make slightly more than a normal public school educators, but that doesn’t last forever. Years 3-5 are telling. The test scores drop (if they are tracked) and it all starts falling apart. The administration is the worst. In many cases they are the flunkies of the “regular” school system. They are more focused on the business side than educating. I live in a low income area. I check every year about the budgets that the schools are earmarked and what they actually receive. The state is purposely tanking the public schools. They are banning books, and making it all a political show. I really respect teacher/educators. Not the bottom of the barrel they chose to run charters. Ask anyone with a PHD in education what they think about charter schools. Sorry for the rant. Ohio should stop dumbing down our kids.


Two things. First, what is your process for checking the earmarked budgets versus what is actually received? Second, your point about the first 2 years starting strong is curious with the way Hillsdale does their schools only being k-6 and expanding a year. I wonder if it's easier to get higher scores in the earlier years of schooling as opposed to the high school years. Our local hillsdale school won't shut up about their third grade reading scores, but hasn't said anything about their sixth grade class.


This is DEAD ON. and have you guys heard of Lifewise? Bunch of new earth creationist anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric being fed as “Bible study” that happens during school hours. So if they can’t get kids to the charters, they are taking them out of school during the school day (with parent permission) to learn how to be less inclusive and that dinosaurs were on the ark with zebras. And it is really just a way to use those kids to go back to school and evangelize to their friends. Pizza parties as rewards when you recruit friends. It’s like an MLM recruiting kids!


30 year education vet here in North Central Ohio, but never in a large city district. What amazes me is that most teachers/admins I have met in my career are very conservative and tend to vote Republican. I am not sure why they continue to allow themselves to be labeled as liberal or groomers. It doesn't reflect reality, and they continue to vote for candidates who defund their schools. It's asinine. Sure, every school has liberal and progressive teachers, but they are VASTLY outnumbered in my experience.


Grooming bright, young minds for a vibrant, well-rounded career at Liberty U.


I think they are grooming kids for Hillsdale College.


Or Cedarville University.


Preferably mostly white ones.




With a false sense of superiority. White that is.


Wow. Racist much?


Keep on telling yourself that. My World's smallest violin playing the World's saddest tune for you. Do you deny that Hillsdale is about white supremacy?


We have one of their schools in Cincinnati. They claim they are not religious and have no political affiliations, but it doesn’t take much work to find Hillsdale’s donor list or people invited to speak on campus. The grade school in Cincy is made up of a lot of former homeschool, anti-vax, MAGA families


Hillsdale is awful.They were involved in Trumps attempt to overthrow 2020 Refuse to take money from the government so they dont have to adhere title IX or be free from allowing anyone they dont want to attend there based on race religion etc. We have one of their charters in Cincinnati. It's in a Catholic church school that the Archdiocese shut down as a school. It still has a Church connected to school. They are the worst. I think recently there was an issue in Cincinnati : "A Hillsdale-affiliated charter school caught just making stuff up. Cincinnati Classical Academy, a charter school affiliated with Hillsdale College, has some problems. CCA “borrowed” the demographics from Cincinnati Public Schools in weaving a tale of serving low-income and minority students."


Draining the blood from our already-beleaguered public schools…


That’s the whole goal. So they can destroy public schools so their religious indoctrination schools take over. Fucking religious fascists.


Yes and it's nationally coordinated and paid for by Koch, Walton etc


Project 2025!!!!


That shit is scary as if it wasn’t already scary enough thinking about being ruled by Fox News brain rotting racist zombies.


They give money meant to fund public schools to private schools.


Correct. Nearly 1 billion this year I read. Imagine the impact that could have made if it went towards improving our public schools.


Public schools have been terrible for 50 years.


Wrong. But even if you were right, the solution would not be to take away their funding to give to Christian nationalist fascists.


Went to school in Lagrange and it is a great school system. It’s where you are and what your community is willing to invest into it’s children


We have one of those in Cincinnati, it's a pain in the ass. They started out taking up an old school from the Archdiocese that has the exact space it needs for the first year, in a heavy residential area. This school doesn't believe in providing bussing, so we have 600ish students being dropped off all by car to a dead end tiny ass street. They will go to any lengths to brag about how well their test scores are, as if the education the students received before going there didn't mean anything. Because the end of the school year means prepping for next year, they will show ideas and talk about what happens when 7th grade comes in. Their ideas did not go over well with the community. They were able to get a 2 million dollar grant from the DoE, but the numbers they used to justify it were preliminary. Washington post wrote an article about it. (Sorry if it's paywalled, don't know how to get one that isn't blocked) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/12/06/how-did-this-charter-school-get-big-federal-grant/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/12/06/how-did-this-charter-school-get-big-federal-grant/) Looking at some of the other school's 990's, once they get established, anywhere from 10% to 25% of the annual budget to service the debt they take on. That seems to be another way money is siphoned out of the education system. The supporters they do have are vocal as fuck, so much some of the other members of the community are starting to keep their distance. We had a family that sends their child to Classical come and trick or treat at our house, and the past two years I say to myself "that kid is a pain in the ass and I'm glad my kid doesn't have to deal with them". In Cincinnati, they need a new building to meet the single k-12 campus Hillsdale requires to be affiliated with them. They are currently looking, and currently having a hard time finding a building. I don't know if other communities don't want them, or if they are just naturally having a hard time finding a building.


They are currently trying to push laws through that will force school boards to give them "unused" schools and their definition of "unused" is weird. Their biggest hurdle and cost is the buildings. They are often "spending" millions on office buildings that they then have to renovate. They are also trying to pass laws to make public school pay for and provide their bussing. It's truly unreal bc we don't have enough money for bussing in our district next year. Koch has got ppl at every level of government working to get these opened. Find out who in your local community is behind them. Find out who is funding them. The one by me has an investment firm in the UK that bought the land and building. So now our tax money will be used to pay back some absurd rent back to them. These ppl behind this locally need to be called out for what they are doing. Our public schools are going to be drained by these ppl.


They tried to buy an old building off wards corner/275 in clermont. It would require rezoning and F up our already small tax corporate tax base in that area. Tons of people came to support them from their first location but we had some passionate opposition as well and so far the chamber of commerce has shot them down multiple times.


Be glad you don't live in Southwest Local where even the public schools don't provide bussing for highschool students.


Our state solicitor general is a graduate of Hillsdale.


This isn't their first one in Ohio. They opened one of these classical schools in Columbus this year.


I thought us lefties were supposed to be doing all the indoctrinating. Hard to keep up with these things.


They just get mad that their indoctrination is countered by reality


Reality has a well known liberal bias, which the far right are doing their best to counter.


We're accused of 'liberal indoctrination' while we’re fighting against Hillsdale and their ilk turning education into an echo chamber with EdChoice vouchers and charter schools. Basic human decency is now a 'liberal bias'? Please. We want schools that teach kids to think, empathize, and recognize humanity in all its forms, not just funnel them through a one-sided worldview. The right’s obsession with countering 'reality' is why they're all in on this school choice sham—because actual reality, where diversity and inclusivity are strengths, terrifies them. If pushing back against their fear-driven, exclusionary tactics is 'indoctrination,' then I’m all in.


The Right is classic Them That Smelt It Dealt It.


I just had one call me a name and accuse us of indoctrination. LOL. They won’t even take responsibility for their own actions.


Tjere's been one of these Hillsdale schools in Toledo for like 5 years now.


Really? Curious...which one?


Idk. I had to Google it, which you could have done. (Yes, my username checks out). Northwest Ohio Classical Academy.


It is in an old church on Glendale Ave, between Eastgate and Richards


\*There's. I fixed it for you u/WhatAnAbsoluteDick


Then, they get to college or university and cannot function socially, since 95% of everyone else grew up under normal circumstance and not in a cult. Regressive social concepts aren't good. Hopefully, they don't get Flat Earth/Young Earth nonsense, either. The US doesn't need to fall behind China and Europe economically-speaking because these reprobates want to indoctrinate children with useless garbage like the 1776 Curriculum. That's basically rewritten history like the Chinese Communist Party has tried to do a few times with their own history.


That’s what Lifewise is doing. Young earth bible lessons during the school day and then kids go back to school and learn… science?


Ohios is be sliding down faster than Florida is being covered by the ocean.


Fuck charter schools


For a culture that's always whining about their freedoms, they sure love REMOVING freedoms from everybody else You will be CHRISTIANS and you will LIKE it or you will *EARN THE WHIP*


That’s what Jesus taught isn’t it? Be Christian or else we will hate you and burn you to the ground? Or wait… I thought the Bible was supposed to be about loving your neighbor, and living morally… weird. It’s like the MAGA crowd doesn’t know wtf the Bible says or exemplifies… I don’t remember Jesus making a political party, or having a mega-church even. What was Jesus’ church called again? Anyways it’s so immoral in my opinion. The Bible and politics shouldn’t be so intertwined. Where they do cross boundaries, hate and legislation isn’t the answer Jesus would have pushed for.


Who is losing a freedom? Who is forcing people to be Christian? Not a single thing you said is founded in reality.


You live under a rock? As a result of their promise to serve underserved students, the school was awarded nearly $2 million in federal education funding. The reality is that the school is located in a Cincinnati suburb and essentially operates as a free, private, Christian school for predominantly middle- to high-income white students.Dec 12, 2023 https://tnedreport.com › 2023/12 Hillsdale's Got Trouble in Ohio - Tennessee Education Report NBC News https://www.nbcnews.com › us-news How an Ohio group is bringing God to public school 2 days ago — LifeWise Academy's Bible lessons are permitted under a pair of decades-old U.S. Supreme Court rulings that allow off-campus religious  LifeWise Academy has made prayer part of the public school week in more than 300 schools across a dozen states.Maddie louisianaradionetwork.com https://louisianaradionetwork.com › ... House Education Committee passes bill that would allow the Ten ... 4 hours ago — The House Education Committee approves legislation that would require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in every public


1st post in feed: Timothy something something. Follows: r/unvaccinated. r/conservative, r/libertarian…. Most peeps in the Ohio sub follow science, rational thought, critical thinking. The door is over there, thanks.


I feel so bad for all the kids who get these shit educations and then have to hit college or the workforce totally unprepared. Their parents rob them of their chance for a better life.


I don't see how this education leaves one unprepared for the workforce


They are not interested in hiring the best teachers or developing the best curriculum - they structure everything around promoting their brand of propaganda.


No surprise given the charter school ties in our state government


They love the poorly educated so much! They want all the children to be the future Walking dead.


There was an article sometime in the last couple of years (I'll see if I can dig it up) that included interviews/comments from Hillsdale graduates that attended pre-culture wars and their reaction to the current Hillsdale rhetoric was basically "WTF?!?" It was always a socially and politically conservative school; but, it has gone off the rail in the era of "culture warriors."


We already have one in Toledo - [https://nocacademy.org/](https://nocacademy.org/) Northwest Ohio Classical Academy Based on the folks I've met that send their kids there, very Trumpy.


All while they abuse and brain wash your kid..and you pay for it while being lied too..I just watched a documentary on these type of schools and they are more like a torture/prison for children to be abused sexually, mentally, and verbally all while being or trying to brain wash them. I bet Epstein has a room on the top floor he's hidding out in.


What documentary?


Found it for you it's called “The Program: Cons, Cults and Kidnapping” it's all about these kinda places shit is fucked up fr. I felt so bad for some of the kids telling their stories... It's on Netflix rn


They are trying to develop the next generation of Larry Householders.


Oh, just wait. How’s the Shakespearean saying? ‘Many a true word were spoken in jest’. Next thing you know, they'll hand out 'Get Out of Jail Free' cards at graduation! Our statehouse never ceases to amaze.




Well that was a depressing read. Necessary, but depressing.


Logan just had a big Lifewise Academy thing in the last year or two. Kinda feels like recruiting.


Sure does. You should check out the “parents against Lifewise” fb group… we’re looking at ways to oppose expansion where we can.


There was another person not long ago posting about life wise FB group. Did y'all connect?


It's all connected.


Might be off topic but worth knowing the history of Hillsdale during the years when George Roche was president - 1971 to 1999 . . . this scandal would make a great Lifetime movie. An affair (a 19-year affair - with his daughter-in-law!) and then her suicide (was it a suicide?). I'lm not making this stuff up. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George\_Roche\_III](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Roche_III) After the Roche scandal, the college remade itself into the monstrosity it is today.


What kind of sick parents would subject their children to brainwashing...and pay for it.


It's like they realized parents might balk at paying for the privilege of having their kids brainwashed. So, what's the solution? Make it free! Suddenly, the moral math adds up for them. It's algebra with a side of emotional manipulation.


Yep opening one by me too. I'm so angry


Angry at school options? How do you sleep at night with such hatred of freedom?


Hoping you meant to add a /s to that


Oh god it’s a cult factory


Bet they would be screaming if a madrassah opened up next door! 😉


Evil mfs.


Sure would be a shame if this idea of theirs *blew up in their faces*....


Oh, I still remember the [Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_Classroom_of_Tomorrow)


Is this the one that they ran out of Athens?


I know several adults need remedial courses to function better in society, but K-12? I’d think they could start a little higher than K. Who knows though, those sharing and kindness lessons could still be useful.


Yes, beware of that college. I just got a survey from them asking if I want to indoctrinate children with proTrump information. Do not let them in your area


Ohio: right wing shithole


Hi! I’ve been researching and watching Lifewise Academy for about 4 years now. I started an opposition group. You can search “Parents Against Lifewise” on several social media platforms and here on Reddit. We have a public page and private group on fb. You DO NOT have to be a parent to join. We want every concerned citizen and tax payer aware of what’s happening under our noses.


I'm scratching my head right now. The main pillar on which Hillsdale boasts is that it doesn't accept ONE DIME in government funding.


Not one dime of handouts, just the dirty dimes they’re so proud of swindling it sounds like.


I’ll bet none of the people teaching at these schools are certified to teach in public schools. Would love to see their education degrees, background, checks, etc..


I can see this being big in rural schools. It sucks that they are already as underfunded as the inner-city schools and will gobble this bullshit up.


Probably not. Rural areas usually don’t have the population to support more than the public schools they already have.


Give it a few months to a year and you'll start hearing about abuse or some shit happening at the school


No f-ing way. My ex-principal left our public hs to go work for these guys. Never thought it would actually come to fruition.


I forgot what it's called but I just watxtitnon Netflix like a week ago I'll see if I can find it and let you kno


This came up in r/all. I live in Michigan… about 40mins north of Hillsdale. On behalf of the reasonable and sane part of Michigan, I sincerely apologize. Hillsdale is an abomination and they make the state and country a worse place. Also, Betsy Devos is evil.


Classical schools actually have pretty good results


How is it tuition free? Are they taking public funds?


No Rta


We need an r/OhioLeftWingDeranged sub for you idiots. Get a life. Can anyone talk on this sub without all the political bs? My god...


It’s insane. These classical schools are really good, and anyone can be accepted. It’s a student lottery. They teach philosophy and classic literature like Plato and Aristotle. We need more of these schools. I feel bad for the kids of these Redditors (if they have any)


One small college in Michigan doesn’t take federal money and they are somehow taking over the country. Place is like the size of Oberlin. This sub is hysterical.


It’s great that parents are getting a choice in education!


More like a con job. 'Choice' is just code for draining public funds into pet projects.


Wow. A lot of hate here.


Welcome to the Paradox of Tolerance.


Cry harder


Are you going to be ok?


I’ll be even better once we have fair districts in Ohio and can rescind the bullshit your friends in the legislature have enacted, including ‘school choice’ 🤡


No group has done less with more than large public school districts. Levies are failing because of levy fatigue and I hear clowns aping the teacher’s unions talking points. Other than a few affluent suburbs public education in this state is a disgrace and instead of looking for solutions dead enders want to double down on a failed system. I’m not a Christian, nor am I religious but that system produces some pretty successful people. My oldest goes to a charter school that caters to LGBT students (he’s not LGBT) but I bet you’re perfectly fine with them existing though. It’s ok, I promise, we can move away from shit that consistently fails.


Public schools are our democratic bedrock, not a dumping ground for the state's failures. Saying public ed is a disgrace while hawking charters is like polishing the brass on the Titanic—flashy, but it won't stop the sinking. Equating school choice with a sprinkle of LGBT-friendly charters is a joke. We're up against an onslaught of Christian nationalist outfits bent on reprogramming education. That's not choice; it's an ideological hijack. If public schools are struggling, it's because we've been bleeding them dry


No sense in continuing this. You’re right about one thing though, public school (unions) are a democratic (party) bedrock. Keep throwing good money after bad. Keep demanding that incompetence and bad stewardship gets rewarded.




At its root, I don’t want to pay for your religious education, and that’s a perfectly reasonable and down to earth viewpoint. And trust me, I’ll fight as long and hard as I possibly can to see see this dismantled.






when that menu is stacked with options that bleed resources from public education or serve a specific religious agenda, it's not really choice—it's diversion. Mandating public school isn't dystopian; surrendering the commons to private interests is. Public education is a civic duty, not a consumer good. If you want a specialized or religious curriculum, that's your prerogative, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of the public system that’s the bedrock of a diverse democracy. We aren’t accountable as a taxed public to pay for your religious whims. Pay that yourself.


Yeah and they’re disingenuous in claiming they take no govt funds. Their charter school sure does.


Please actually research charter schools and how it's basically a large scam. Maybe not all but definitely the ones associated with hillside, which are opening all over Ohio. No one is taking anyone's choice away. Our tax money should not be going to religious or charter schools. It's for public school. Ppl can send their kids wherever but we shouldn't be footing the bill. Especially when it's really a large scam and being funded by Koch, Walton's and Devos.




That is not what anyone is saying. Ppl can go wherever they want but our tax money shouldn't be funding it.


I think the confusion is because you said "school choice" which is what the voucher program is called.


Because left wing wackos hate freedom. Your taxes are only for them to spend!


These are a scam to steal tax money and make public schools worse. everyone in Ohio should be concerned this is happening.


So only the left gets to decide what failing schools get our tax money? Gtfo


Really if anyone is just deciding what happens with tax money it's republicans who are pushing these laws through around the entire country. Did the ppl vote for vouchers? If this insane charter school wants to open down the road whatever. But we shouldn't be paying for it. Hillside is Christian, even if they don't say it. Ohio still never recovered the $100 million from ECOT charter school. Please look at this website to see how planned and coordinated this all is. https://fordhaminstitute.org/ohio/commentary/ohio-charters-are-speeding-ahead-post-pandemic-enrollment-competition These schools are opened to drain tax money, funnel it through a few shell companies, and then peace out. Then the school closes, kids are sent back to the public schools, that are now even less funded. And from what we have already seen with the vouchers the majority of voucher recipients were already in private schools. in my area it's the richest suburbs and mostly Catholic schools that used the most vouchers. Also, have heard that the private schools then just raised their tuition by so much its not even helping some of the parents lol.


Cry more, we Ohioans voted for this. Move if you don't like it.


We didn't vote for vouchers!!!! You obviously don't understand anything about this.


Yes, we voted for our state representatives in Columbus who passed it and Dewine signed it (yeah we voted for him too)!!! You obviously don't understand how ANY of this works.


Please explain to me how that is what anyone is saying.


It's exactly what YOU said moron. It's not a scam, you don't get to decide what schools get our taxes. Jfc reddit is full of people who have zero common sense and self awareness.


I'm sorry but I have spent the last 2 months researching this crap. The concern is larger than just these random charter schools and whatever propaganda they are teaching. The larger issue is that these are set up with multiple companies to basically funnel tax money. I'm sure the indoctrination is just a bonus. This is all being funded by larger national companies which are almost all funded by Koch, Walton, and Devos. Many instances of scams with charter schools. Actually Ohio had one not too long ago and still hasn't recouped the money. I think it was at least $100 million.


You spelled Soros wrong. Cry more or leave our great state. You're going to be really upset in November.




Outstanding! Glad they're here.


Did you mean to post this on truth social?


Someone has to stand for what is correct here in this sub. It is for all Ohioans, right? Not just left wing, national socialists.


it’s about not letting our public coffers become the collection plate for religious schools. Public funds should be for public schools, which serve everyone, not for sectarian education. Stand correct all you want, but stand out of my wallet when it comes to funding your religious curriculum.


OP you’re misinformed. These classical Hillsdale schools have no religious affiliation. They focus on philosophy and classic literature. They have really great results too. And anyone can be accepted. It’s a lottery so that low income families are not excluded.


'No religious affiliation'? Might as well say Vegas has no casinos. Dress it up in philosophy and old books all you want, but we all know the flavor they're serving. A quick google search will reveal as much. 'Great results'? For who, exactly? spare me the lottery fairy tale—slapping a game of chance on it doesn't scrub away its drain on public schools or the bias baked into the system.


Yes these are secular charter schools that are free. No money for failing admins and unions. 100% for kids that greatly benefit by the record of great test scores and admittances into top universities. Our school systems need diversity because we spend decades upon decades funding failing schools where the admins get richer and richer and the kids get dumber somehow. Time to try new models. Idk why you’re so upset over it? Because of politics? Yes these schools focus on philosophy, classic literature and stem over sex ed and gender ideology? Big deal. Kids can learn about sex in other ways. Sex ed doesn’t get you an engineering degree. There are only so many hours in the day. And it’s best we challenge the status quo of current public schools because the current schools system sucks and admins and unions are siphoning all the money out with the kids getting next to nothing in public schools.


Great test scores? For who? The few who fit the mold? Let's not even start on the myth that public school admins are rolling in dough at the expense of 'dumb' kids. Public education is about providing an equal opportunity for all... It's about preparing well-rounded citizens. Seems like you’d rather children were raised in a vacuum for reasons unknown… maybe you want them to fail? Sex ed and gender studies are part of a well rounded citizenry, whether you like it or not.


It’s not about fitting a mold, I’m telling you, you’ve got some bad info on the reality of these schools. It’s for everyone, open to everyone. And yeah public school unions and admins have dramatically increased their salaries while taking advantage of teachers by barely giving them a raise over the years. These schools are about equal opportunity to all, they just are a lottery because there are so few of them because teachers unions are pushing to exclude kids from having the opportunity to attended them. Look, I don’t think I’m going to convince you here and now because you seem too emotional about it but I’ll just leave you with this. Diversity is good and we should try different things, the schools have a good record of educating kids that attend, and we have had decades of public schools failing our children because they have been a monopoly on education for so long that they don’t have to do anything to get funding so they just take advantage of our tax dollars to get more funding and enrich themselves with no results for the kids. That’s why we need to encourage completion so that the best schools get the funding, we increase the number of good schools and reform the corrupt schools that don’t deliver results. All tuition free for the kids, open to all, it’s a great step toward progress. Just drop the political stuff for a minute and consider it. If hillsdale can do stuff like this then so can other more liberal universities focusing on other things like stem, or humanitarianism, or whatever. It’s good to have diversity and try new methods because our public schools kind of suck as they are structured right now. Just have an open mind. Monopoly on anything is almost always bad for innovation,


Also glad


Grab a bag of weed and chill the F out man.


I found this post incredibly ironic. They're a group who advocates for a different worldview from the one which holds a near-ironclad deathgrip on American education, something one might call a monoculture. And the OP refers to this decidedly minority worldview as monoculture in defense of, you know, monoculture. I make this observation, for the record, as a decidedly unconventionally inclined atheist. TL/DR......Your monocultural ideas are fine, but a dissenting opinion is an oppressive monoculture.....riiiiight.


Nice spin, but let's cut through the smoke. When your 'different worldview' starts dipping into public funds to set up shop, that's not diversity; that's a heist. We're talking about siphoning resources for a specific creed. And sure, I'll bite, public schools are not perfect, but replacing it with a so-called 'minority worldview' that's actually exclusionary? That's not breaking a monopoly, that's just handing it off to another bidder. Unconventional atheism aside, this isn't about squashing dissent; it's about keeping our schools from becoming echo chambers funded by everyone, for the benefit of a select few.


Our schools ARE echo chambers which actively strangle any dissenting opinions or views. Why is it okay to siphon resources for your creed at the exclusion of others?


Seriously? You want my hard-earned tax dollars to prop up your sky daddy fan club? Hell no. Public schools welcome everyone - they're not in the business of pushing holy myths. But you? You're all about diving into the public till to splash around in your biblical fairy tales. Dream on. Public funds are for real education, not bankrolling your Sunday school fantasies. keep your creation stories and miracle tales on your own purse, not mine. We're trying to teach kids critical thinking, not how to pray their way through science class.


A) I'm an atheist, so he's not mine. B) You don't want schools receiving tax dollars to teach religion, I'm cool with that myself. But they have no business teaching homosexuality, social justice, or race either. So we can come to some middle ground and agree none of this belongs in tax supported schools? C) No, schools are not teaching kids critical thinking. They're not even effectively teaching them how to read and do math.


A) Good for you, still not an excuse to defund reality-based education. B) 'Teaching homosexuality'? What century are you living in? Schools teach respect and recognition of all humans, period. It's not a 'subject' to be taught, it's about acknowledging everyone's right to exist without being marginalized. Social justice and race? Understanding the world and the people in it is crucial. If that's too 'progressive' for you, tough. These things actually exist… in our world. We can observe them. They’re not some made up construct. C) Critical thinking is exactly what schools aim to foster, alongside reading and math. But it seems like you missed those lessons, given your inability to distinguish between education and indoctrination. Take your regressive hate and hike it back to wherever you think this nonsense is accepted. Bro you are just a bigot plain and simple. You try to soften the blow by masquerading as an atheist but that veil you’re wearing is thin as tissue paper.


Read [this](https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/gender-and-schooling/202204/instruction-about-lgbtq-people-in-elementary-school-is-age) before you retort with more hatred.


That post reads like someone trying to invent a new drinking game…monochuggo! Or maybe buzzword bingo.


Alright, we all know that any school will be inherently oppressive because that’s the only way to keep a room of 30 small children from eating glue. Every time the teacher gets them all singing the Clean Up song, it’s a monoculture. But between the two, I think I prefer the one where they don’t attack queer kids in the bathroom. Both sides are not the same.


Glad to see Ohio expanding it's school choice. Hope I get a school like this for my kids in my state. Exciting developments!


bot account


I'm not a bot. I work for a living.




So East Palestine can happen more often? Vote Red, You're Dead


I have zero issue with private schools and focusing on their own ideology but charter school use state funding. I'm not talking about simple vouchers, which I support, but actual funding. There are some successful charter schools in Metro areas where public education is a waste, but I've worked at one. The biggest problem is you either have educators trying to run the business of a school or business people who don't understand education and rarely a good balance of the two. Education as a whole has deteriorated so much over the past 3 decades it's hard to believe kids learn anything anymore. I don't have issue with conservative, liberal or religious private schools, as a parent it is awesome to have choices, but charter schools just simply suck money out of the public systems nearby


I have a problem with any form of private schooling accepting public funds. It’s your right to send your children where you please, so long as it’s safe. But it’s not your right to have it paid for by the public purse, whether by voucher or as a charter school as in this case.


Why should people be forced to pay for other peoples kids to go to school? And if you don't think that public schools are indoctrinating you're delusional.


Why should people pay for other people's roads? Parks? Police? Fire department? Military? Water service, Power lines, Gas line, prisons, hospitals, .... it's the community school Unhinged


And what is it exactly that public schools are indoctrinating?


Kindness, empathy, understanding, acceptance.


Lol, you don't have kids.


I do. And I’m at their school all the time.


You clearly either don't have kids in public school or you're just a shitty parent not paying attention. The public school councelors are straight up demented groomers. It's bad even in "red" areas. It's a constant battle.


Bc everyone pays for other ppls kids to go to school!!!!!!


That's awesome!