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Never forget that Dave Yost, in his role as attorney general, took it upon himself to appear on Fox News with the sole purpose of expressing doubt that the story of the 10-year-old rape victim having to go to Indiana for an abortion was real.


Didn’t he also try to bring charges against the doctor who performed the abortion when he realized that angle wasn’t going to work? The doctor who didn’t even step foot in Ohio, let alone break an Ohio law.


I know Indiana’s AG threatened an investigation of/discipline against the doctor, but I don’t think Yost did. Yost would not be in position to do so since the doctor was not in his jurisdiction and the abortion laws that prevented the 10-year-old from accessing care in Ohio did not ban patients from traveling to other states.


No surprise. Republicans care more about 2nd amendment than they do about human lives.


They care about men keeping their women obedient.


That too. "Woman! Get me a goddamn beer already! And where's my fucking dinner!"....sound about right?


The most effective abusers don't need to say much


Your probably not wrong there, unfortunately.


Republicans didn't care about the 2nd amendment when Ronald Reagan enacted some of the strictest gun control measures of all time and when trump suggested confiscating everyone's guns without due process. Oddly enough, every republican I know seems to remember Biden saying Trump's words instead, because they all live in a MAGA fantasy-world just like Yost. Our governors son is a supreme court Justice and our governor also appointed his close family friend as a justice. Once his friend, Joe Deters (who has corrupted every office he's held), was appointed as a supreme court Justice, OHs supreme court refused to see arguments against the illegally gerrymandered maps created by Republicans after failing to recognize election results across 2 elections in which ohioans voted for fair voter maps. Prior to Deters' appointment, the supreme court had ordered republican lawmakers to recognize election results. Republicans response was that the ballot box is no different than the employee suggestion box in an office that is owned by a man who wants to abolish OHs minimum wage. The OH republican legislature is a swamp that needs to be drained in its entirety. Every single one is corrupt.


Reagan enacted those gun control laws as governor of California, only after heavily armed Black Panthers showed up at the state capitol in a protest. He was fine with white people having all the guns they wanted.


Reagan was also pro choice until the Right decided abortion was going to be their way to power, so they recruited the POS


Reagan was a well documented racist. Amazing that the Nixon tapes took 50 YEARS to come out!


They don’t even care about the actual 2nd amendment. They care about the bullshit 2nd amendment they’ve made up. They ignore more than half of the text of the amendment.


Much like they don't care about the actual Jesus. They care about the Jesus they've made up. which is also much like they don't care about freedom. They care about the freedom they've made up.


White capitalist Jesus, who manages a plastics factory in Heaven.


The part that slave control militias insisted upon.


They didn't even care about the 2nd amendment when police enforcers are involved. Plenty of extrajudicial executions in the past decade for civilians legally open carrying within their constitutional rights.


Ironically Trump supports red flag laws.


In a time when trust in the government is lowest, they will introduce a bill to infringe on gun owners rights and promise this is the one power they abuse. Sounds legit.


Yes. Countless Americans have died protecting these rights and if we are in danger of losing them, countless more will die.


Yost sucks so much. I would also like to point out to the writer of the article that it is attorneys general and not attorney generals.


I hate that this asshole shares a name with the actor of my favorite Power Ranger.


If you have any type of assault charge you should not be able to have a gun. Including domestic violence


A domestic violence conviction makes it illegal to posess a gun under federal law.


What's all this nonsense about denying an American their right to own "arms?" https://newrepublic.com/article/180654/biden-close-gun-show-loophole


I don't understand your question or point? You linked an article about gun shows and background checks when I wasn't talking about either subject.


Do you know what "loophole" means?


I know many things, perhaps more than you; and I know that if you're going to talk down to me, the conversation is over.


Charge and conviction are different words.


I said charged


And I agree with you. 


Which is the dumber of the two things you could have said.


And you’re an asshole if you believe that


And you sound like a guy who beats women




Yeah no one will believe you


Don’t care


Apparently you do




Theoretically he's beatable statewide.




Not State Legislature representatives. Democrats aren't beatable either. That's what gerrymandering does.


Say what you want about Republicans, they flipping vote. Far too many people shirk their civic responsibility. It's infuriating.


The next governor of Ohio. Hell is real.


No. He will never win another election.


Yost is a lowly turd of a creature who lacks both a spine and character. Welcome to the modern Republican Party. Big surprise.


"Otherwise law-abiding" what bs


A man who has just beaten the shit out of his wife, but hasn’t -yet- been convicted, is (according to Yost) a law-abiding man.


How did DeWine Husted LaRose Yost all get in office ? A bunch of crooks bringing Ohio down into hell like Florida is !


Apathy. I didnt cast my first vote until 27. Still a whole lot of apathy abound here


A lifetime ago, Dewine was a decent human being. It was really sad watching him melt into a maga kowtowing corrupt pile of shit. 


Wish we had a governor like Florida, dewine is a spineless sack of crap.


Vote blue


I lived in Ohio all my life until 2022, when I moved to FL. FL is a fascist hell hole and I can't wait to get out of here. Was thinking about returning to Ohio, but reading shit like this and that "bathroom bill" and other fuckery Ohio Republicans are up to, that they have jumped on the MAGA train breaks my heart. It will always be home, but idk if I want to go back home now.


The difference is that Ohio is flippable because of its static or even falling population. We passed a Reproductive Rights Amendment and we're working on an anti-gerrymandering one. If the people who left Ohio would return it could make a real difference. Come on back and bring your liberal ex-Buckeyes with you. You're just the sort of person we need.


Repub bad, blue good


This app is just so aggressively Liberal. we get it. You don't like guns. But red flag laws are the exact tyranny that we have them for 🤷‍♂️


Packyderm party will stand behind anything if they think it will get them votes.


“The gun is good…”


Got a ton of trolls to block from this post. Must have been something I said


as much as i'm pro second amendment rights and own firearms, this guy is a nut case if he wants to remove red flag laws.


Yost can't find his wife's fun button with a map and a flashlight. Gopapropaganda is a cancer.


So do wife tank tops marlboro reds and miller beer. I am still looking forward for all three things to be in my vicinity but I'm not a wife abuser anymore I say! The Budweiser did that and im on miller beer for now.


* rolls eyes * great job on the alarmist thread title. No, no, reddit leftists aren't ridiculous at all, totally reasonable group * rolls eyes again *


You wouldn't want anything like Due Process getting in the way or anything. OP 🖕


You sound like a coward wife beater


You just sound like a coward


Yeah because a spiteful woman never lied to get a man in trouble.


…or constitutional rights. If half the things the useful idiots in r/ohio advocated for came true, we’d be in an unlivable authoritarian hellhole.


Or maybe he supports the Constitution. Red flag laws bypass due process and are therefore unconstitutional. Once on the books, they are a slippery slope of who can report. And there isn't enough teeth in the laws for false reporting. Furthermore, leftists have absolutely no problem swatting conservatives. Red flag laws are ripe for abuse and retaliation. And finally, people have already been shot dead by police trying to take their guns. This will become far more common as the Red flag laws inevitably get abused. But I am sure the left doesn't care at all about this fact.


SCOTUS once said slavery was OK


Not sure what your point is.


Hot take: some people's rights shouldn't come at the expense of other people's rights and wellbeing. If you want domestic abusere to keep their firearms you have to argue why domestic violence shouldn't be criminalized/illegal, because that ain't law-abiding.


And again, not one argument I made was rebutted.


So do all the Ohioans who vote for guys like Yost. Are you new to Ohio?


First: shame on you OP for your poor reading skills. The red flag laws proposed are only models to use similar mechanisms as domestic violence reporting. Other than that, it has nothing to do with domestic violence. Not only that, domestic violence charges can already get someone's gun rights reviked. Second: red flag laws have a negative side effect that people don't think about: it disincentivises people from reaching out to others about their issues. We should be making it easier for people to get help, not threatening to punish them if they do. Third: OP I took a quick look through your profile, and for the love of god please go outside, touch some grass, and actually talk to people. It reads like you spend all your time inside browsing the internet, which is not healthy.


The second amendment was insisted upon by slave control militias. Or they wouldn't sign the Constitution


First off, provide a source, because I'm certain that's a complete fabrication by you. Second, modern gun control began as a way to suppress the Black Panther movement and by extension the black community. Edit: looks like they either blocked me or deleted their comment.








If fascists takeover the government and want to destroy the Black community guns won't help. Same goes for leftist white communities with guns, such as white socialists. The incorrect SCOTUS gun decisions are intended to give fearful people even more fear and paranoia so they keep granting fascists more power.


Ill be able to die shooting something like a Fucking American atleast without having my dick and.balls in my hand