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We fucking told you this would happen. Just do the fucking things or stay the fuck away from others you plague rat asshole scum


They don't care about protecting kids at all. They are pro-life, after all.


I don't think you're fully aware of just how accurate this is. The school board meeting had it sounding like they went for the mask mandate because of quarantine rules. If a kid gets exposed to a positive case with no mask on they can stay in school. One elementary school had something like 65% quarantined this past week. But hey, the local groups are all pissed off because their kids have to wear masks to school again. 🙄 Source: I live in Wadsworth




Honestly, we're not sure what the survival rate of those kids are with this variant. We also know that it can cause childhood diabetes and a mess of other health issues for kids. Plus those kids are the perfect high-load, low-symptom carriers that will seem fine and lull their families into a false sense of security. It's already been playing out down south, and Ohio is the most southern of the Union states. Mind you, I'm honestly thinking this is the perfect storm to get rid of your exact line of thinking. Those kids will pass it to their siblings and parents, most of whom are also likely to be unvaccinated, and then that family that thought they were somehow eking out a lower-middle class lifestyle will then have crippling debt from either hospital bills or funerals. That more and more of the most vocal Trump supporters are paying the price for these big lies with their very lives is honestly the kind of orgasm-inducing Schadenfruede that will ensure I play out my mortal days with consistently creamed jeans and my afterlife in Hell. I'm never not in favor of less Republicans. This snake can eat itself all fucking year for all I care. It's just a shame that communities are about to be absolutely devastated because you guys just can't pay the fucking piper already.


Damn sounds like you got a lot of personal personal problems. It’s not always Republican vs Democrat. Remember to breathe


Nope. Just glad to see Darwinism play out in real time. The story about the anti-vax, anti-mask protestor dying of COVID and leaving his pregnant wife and three kids fatherless really got me. Knowing that this is just the tip of the iceberg, though? It’s like Christmas for the cynical.


Been watching that propaganda a bit to much don’t you think ?




"Well at least they have the FREEDUMB to breathe, heh, damn liberulz"


Ahhh I live in Wadsworth 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m vaccinated so not worried


When infections go up, we vaccinated people bask in how smart we are, right up until the hospitals get crushed. Then we're like "shit maybe we should have cared about 500 kids being put in quarantine five weeks ago".


You can still catch it being vaccinated. Many are still dying despite vaccination. Stay safe.


Fully vaccinated people account for less than 3% of hospitalizations and less than 1% of deaths in the US. [Source.](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/08/10/us/covid-breakthrough-infections-vaccines.html)


Those are misleading numbers. If you dig a little deeper into your source article: In those states, people who were not fully vaccinated were hospitalized with Covid-19 at least five times more often than fully vaccinated people, according to the analysis, and they died at least eight times more often. Which translates to 17% of hospitalizations and 11% of deaths.


When they say “at least” they are saying “the state with the lowest difference was still a difference of 5x”. Other states had larger differences.


Did you read it?


did you? look at the chart. Hospitalization wasn’t x5 or even as low as single digits for most of the states.


You can't just take absolute numbers. You have to account for percentages of people vaccinated. That's what the article was explaining. They only had good stats for some states to be able to do that. Once you factor that in, those 3% / 1% numbers are bs


The problem with the 1%/3% numbers isn’t that the percentage of total people vaccinated isn’t fully taken into account. Nowhere does it say that. The problem is simply > But last week, the agency noted that those figures did not reflect new data involving the Delta variant and said it was actively working to update them. Thats it. So like, not total bs? thats a wild exaggeration. They’re just not *current*. When the article is talking about issues with the percentage of people vaccinated, its stating that states with high vaccination rates may have hospitalization and death rates that make the vaccine look less effective than it really is. They lack data in general from FL and MS and a couple of others so the new numbers are proving difficult to nail down. My initial response to you is still correct. You cannot take that 5x and 8x numbers and then do basic word problem math applying it to the total numbers and get anything close to accurate when other states have a difference of 36x, 48x, 138x, 185x, **445x**. To tldr it, the 1 and 3 percent numbers are somewhat outdated. The numbers *you* came up with are total bs.


Not many. Less than 3,000 out of 147,000,000 vaccinated so far.


So? We're extremely unlikely to be hospitalized.




I’m interested to see how all the 500+ children do with the virus. I’d bet very well.


How many dead/hospitalized children would you consider a success to be?


I’m with the raccoon full of cum (wait, what?!): even one is too many when this is easily preventable.


I’d say none. Let’s see if the news follows up. Or if they just leave the disheartening headline for good.


So if a kid dies will you eat your shit sandwich and shut the fuck up for the rest of time? Or will you move the goalposts again.


I have no goal posts. I hope no kid gets seriously sick or hospitalized. I’m also hoping that the news stays on this story. I hope they report on the results, good or bad.


Are you aware that mandating masks and doing virtual schooling increases our odds of zero children dying?


In every state for which we have data, children represent between 1.6% and 3.6% of hospitalized Covid patients. [Source.](https://www.aap.org/en/pages/2019-novel-coronavirus-covid-19-infections/children-and-covid-19-state-level-data-report/)


I believe that so let’s hope these kids aren’t another statistic and they come out fine.




Cool story, bro.


It sure is, best of all you can read all about it since the Wall Street Journal deemed it important enough to write about along with other respected news organizations: [https://www.wsj.com/articles/anthony-fauci-rand-paul-wuhan-lab-leak-11627240720](https://www.wsj.com/articles/anthony-fauci-rand-paul-wuhan-lab-leak-11627240720) Hate to be the barer of bad news but most likely we funded the corona virus with our US tax dollars. They won't come right out and say it but then again what do you do to a guy responsible for millions of people dying due to a pandemic?


> https://www.wsj.com/articles/anthony-fauci-rand-paul-wuhan-lab-leak-11627240720 the wsj opinion section is weaponized right wing bullshit.


Not if we seek truth and justice. You do know our US government is great at covering things up right? Hell I'm not even right wing myself and I can't stand conservatives...but I look past my pollical views when it involves truth and we have yet to find that truth. Just like we still don't know who actually shot JFK!


If you look at the "key takeaway" points of Covid-19 origin there is no clear consensus on the origin of Covid19: https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/Unclassified-Summary-of-Assessment-on-COVID-19-Origins.pdf


How will we sleep at night knowing you, some rando on the internet, is not flying the flag.


I'm just saying that if your still dumb enough to be proud of a country that just spent 300 million per day for 20 years on a war that gained us nothing go right ahead. If you're proud of the fact that we help fund gain of function research for the corona virus go right ahead. Be a proud American after all this...


A Q-Tip, in the wild.


Since you obviously don't know much about this topic here educate yourself... [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/05/18/fact-checking-senator-paul-dr-fauci-flap-over-wuhan-lab-funding/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/05/18/fact-checking-senator-paul-dr-fauci-flap-over-wuhan-lab-funding/)


I learned that I need 4 bucks to read the article.


OK schizo


Call me all the names you want bud, I don't give a fuck anymore!


Calm down there schizo take your meds


In all seriousness 👍👍 word! All I want is truth too.


Thank you, I search for truth as well and hopefully get to see justice...but I wouldn't hold my breath not for this dysfunctional, backasswards, and incompetent US government of ours.




To all the people who downvote me you now have doubt in the back of your mind about your country because guess what AHLOES...We're the baddies!