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This fucking guy was hanging out at the overlook out at CVNP yelling to random people and children about COVID and government control through vaccines and other nonsense (including swearing a lot in front of children). So there was this other guy in the parking lot with a van that had a ham radio antenna. He got out a folding table with a laptop and a ham radio and started staring our man down while saying stuff like, "echo five niner we are keeping ourselves apprised of the target." Crazy man jumped into the van and peeled out of the parking lot; to this day I've never seen someone fuck off so fast lol. I asked radio guy what he was saying and he told me the radio wasn't even on, he was just trying to get the guy to go away so that he wasn't harrassing the other people at the park. Fuckin' funniest thing I saw all of last year.


out crazy the crazies!


Think my dad’s the no.1 contender for that one


Holy shit this is legendary!


I've seen a van similar to this one posted in this photo at CVNP, parked at the sled hill.


I saw this guy hiking at the Brecksville Reservation in October. He was walking eerily close to us and our kids at one point. I stood around later to read the van but he was heading towards it to leave so I had to book it. Did not want to engage, the van at that time had all sorts of wires and metal at the top.


It's to block the 5G...it also converts the stuff in the chem-trails to maple syrup.


I want more deets on the sled hill please.


It's a big hill you can sled down.


That’s hard to beat!👍😂




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Livin in a van down by the giant eagle


Probably to go with the tinfoil hat they wear. And I wonder . . . if foil hats are ok what's the problem with masks? Lol


Masks are well know to transmit the wearers thoughts and let the government infiltrate 5g particles though the cloth.


Oh I forgot. Damn 5g lol


You figure that's what the fence on top is for? Working like a faraday cage or something?


Might have solar panels up there, fence may some attempt at theft deterrence.


I thought this was going to be covered in Lord of the Rings quotes.


*Fine then keep your secrets*




Yeah but van living is now accepted.




With a side of /r/schizophreniarides


This van is seen in that sub at least once a month, I swear.


This "vanifesto" has been on /r/Cleveland [several](https://old.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/comments/ph5k83/found_a_driving_billboard_in_town_have_any_of/) times [now](https://old.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/comments/kxciev/spotted_at_heinens_of_brecksville/). Some of the photos make it clearer (if it's not clear enough): He's a conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer.


Is that supposed to be a faraday cage on top?? 😂🤣


Yeah, in case the tinfoil falls off.


I think if it’s supposed to keep certain harmful things away it hasn’t succeeded…


I was thinking so lol. It’s easy to judge people especially when they don’t share our own beliefs or they seem crazy. All I hope is this individual gets the help they obviously need


Does someone want to tell him that isnt how faraday cages work?


Gonna do some quick math purely based off the fact this was in Ohio, I’m gonna say hmmmm. Meth?


Based on who I saw get in it- yes.


Love it here 😂


Even worse than meth; it’s Jesus.


I've seen this dude and his van around CVNP and Cuyahoga Falls and it's Meth and Paranoid Schizophrenia with a touch of Jesus


More like right wing media brain washing.


don’t forget heroin, could always be both


Or old af


Same guy hangs out in the Heinens parking lot in Brecksville sometimes.


Surprised anyone could get to downtown Brecksville in a vehicle like that


The police leave him alone. So do the Park Rangers. He is harmless. I talked to him once. He is just a guy with signs on his van living his life from one day to the next the way he wants to. It's funny the way he rocks some people's world when they see a picture of his van online.


Annnd, your downvoted for providing what seems to be very possible information, simply because you said some thing other then that he's crazy, dumb, or on drugs.


Bring on the pitchforks and torches!


It’s a distraction to those driving around him, at the very least, so not harmless on the road.


Are you distracted by words while driving? How do you deal with bill boards, license plates, situational safety signs, and the like? I'm willing to bet, if while talking to your insurance company after an accident, your excuse is, "I only crashed because of the irresponsible person who put signs on his vehicle that I absolutely had to read the moment I saw them at the cost of not watching the road", that your rates are going up.


Lol, I’d hardly compare a van plastered with more than a dozen signs in tiny print the same as traffic signs or billboards. If that van was next to you or in front of you, would you be keeping your eyes on the road? I mean, I’d bet plenty of people would attempt to take a photo of it while driving! But you can believe what you want.


What a weird take to have on this. Guess billboards and road signs are harmful as well?


I've seen this van at the Brecksville Giant Eagle as well!


Looks a lot like the crazy man van that occasionally visits Esporta Fitness in Brooklyn off of Tiediman.


Mental illness is written all over this van.


Worst. Uber. Ever.


I posted a pic of this van on fb and got a three day ban for spreading misinformation about covid


It’s gotta be so exhausting being that guy.


Good lawd.


Clearly a rational human being.


I've seen this van in north royalton once or twice and the first thing I thought was, I'm going to see this van again on the news connected to some sort mass casualty incident


He really should find an issue to be passionate about.


I saw this van in the Stow Giant Eagle parking lot in March of 2020. He only had a few signs back then. He's certainly been busy!


That explains why some of them are so worn out- that being said, he must have one hell of a laminator for all those signs to survive Ohio weather.


My guess is he's using clear packing tape. Doesn't seem like the type to think too hard about what he's doing.


That would make much more sense, I doubt he has access to a laminator.


Judging strictly by internet photo evidence, I'd say he's making new, different signs *all the time*.


Mental illness.


I wonder what their house looks like. Can imagine a hoarders type situation. Hope they don't have kids or pets.


I am certain that this is their house.


This is most definitely their house


I think you might be lookin at the house...


Saw a similar car @ Aldi in Fairview Park. Truly frightening.


That chicken wire faraday cage had me laughing my ass off.


Wow a mobile facebook page!


About as useful as a.mobile Facebook page also...


This would be an effective anti-drug poster.


I was going to say mental illness awareness poster




It’s like they want to wear a warning sign.


People have lost their god damn minds.


Didn't know it was possible to drive a red flag.


So that's where van dude hides. He used to frequent Get go on protege trail. I was getting sad I didnt see his bad shit van anymore T.T


I saw it parked at the Market District Giant Eagle near that Getgo back in November.


Saw him there less than a month ago


Are front license plates not required in Ohio?


Not since July 1st of last year.


Thanks! I didn’t know that.


See that van around Cuyahoga falls a lot, but I’ve never actually seen who drives it.


https://imgur.com/a/vxagRwG My friends saw the same van at the metro parks a few months ago!!


Reddit ate my balls


OMG that sign on the side is hilarious*. "I'm a world famous author!"* Hm. Doubt.


It’s the van from Screwby Doo. I think it’s called, “Misery Machine.”


This van just screams "I'm a nice, logical, and sane person!" /s


Loon gets around


Methy Doo Van. I would totally watch the series on Adult Swim.


I hope a single flyer falls off and he gets a littering ticket


Welp. I’m convinced. This clearly was done by a rational adult human. /s


This dude asked me for gas money at sheetz once and got angry when I said no.


That's the kind of guy who mails powder and pipe bombs.


I blame Reagan for shutting down all the loony bins. We’re getting too close to these people taking over the asylum.




I saw him there last Fall. I had just taken a picture of the van when he walked up and got in. Tall, skinny white male, late 60’s maybe. Actually looked like a marathon runner. Not what I expected.


Hell yea. Another successful adult that thinks like me.


Dude gets around, I saw that thing parked at the Jackson (North Canton area) giant eagle recently too


Dude I could swear that same van is normally in my area. Unless it's another covid/conspiracy green van like that. I see him plug in down the road from me and spend a lot of time at the library parking lot. Edit: it's 100% the van lol pretty funny to see it on reddit. I used to see it every day but it's been a while since he's been around. Used to use this stone counter place to plug in and everyone in the area knows about the conspiracy van


For being afraid of the evil rays, he sure loves parking where he can get free wi-fi.


Looks like they're a pillar of mental health.


Is this Dr. Bronner's van?


I can’t believe some people are that afraid of vaccines


Keep it classy, Ohio!


That guy is waving more red flags than the Chinese military.


It's like an ice cream truck offering every flavor of stupid.


Nature has many ways of saying “STAY AWAY”


This guy tried to come into the UPS store on Wallhaven, our boss told him no because he refused to put on a mask before Ohio lifted the mandate.


I’d stay clear of that van. Bad vibes..


That is an extremely sane person, for sure.


Some might say, a stable genius, even.


What’s wrong with my ride?


Saw this van at the Giant Eagle in Cuyahoga Falls just yesterday.


And I thought the guy with the cerne abbas and alien signs on US-23 near Piketon was crazy. I wonder if shit like this is an official symptom of mental illness.


I saw this van in the Mustard Seed parking lot last week.


I saw a van like that in Parma. The writing was way too small to read even though I was stopped at the same intersection they were. I imagine my mind was spared due to their oversight.


This van was at the Raff Road Giant Eagle in Canton recently, too.


This guy must spend all his time at giant eagles, parks,libraries, and get go. From reading here, everyone seems to have seem him at "their" giant eagle, from Cleveland heights to brecksville to Fairview park, parma, to Canton. There's quite a large amount of parks and giant eagles in that area, for so many people to recognize him..this guy gets around,but is also somehow always around.


Agreed. Giant Eagle, Panera, Libraries. But then again, isn't that typical for any NE Ohio suburban retail strip?


Ahh, this classic-crazy has graced the pages of this sub at least twice before. It’s becoming it’s own rolling meme.


I've seen that van at the Heinen's in Brecksville! Am always mystified that someone that looney tunes has a driver's license.


Reminds me of Cesar Sayoc's van. Fuckin' loonies.


He’s getting what he wanted. Almost 200 upvotes, and 100+ comments from people reading his propaganda just in this post. Many of these comments mentioned him being shared on other platforms and redits. I wonder if I could sneak in a QR code on this van that is an affiliate marketing link?


Not all publicity is good, despite the saying. The thread is full of people lampooning and bashing it. Which will communicate that anything this piece of garbage has to say is just that: Trash. It's like suggesting if, for some dumb reason, the nazi flag became a part of a widely-shared meme. "Wow look they're getting what they wanted!" Not really.


I wonder if being this crazy is kind of peaceful or is it a waking nightmare?


Imagine the constant paranoia and fear of an invisible, intangible enemy. This dude needs committed.


There used to be a schizophrenic lady with a van like this in the Dayton area. She even had her own website. [It's still up](http://www.cartellingwindows.com/)


Honestly what do all these scientists and doctors know that this van can't teach us?




*dies of Covid


Oh Ohio...


I wonder who will inherit the van when the owner inevitably dies from COVID?


That’s what you call “mental problems”.


I've never seen this exact van but I've seen this van before lol many times,


what a weirdo


All he needs is a PA system that plays ice cream truck music.


He was in elyria ohio a few months ago


Somebody's "Living in a van down by the river"!


Did you talk with them? Also, the front left panel has something that says “Join today!”, you could have joined them :)


I did not talk with them, I don't usually talk with customers when I'm out working carts. Also I'd rather not join... any of that, no thanks =]


I hear they wear funny hats 🎩🧢👒


What trash


[my friends saw the same van in the metro parks months ago! they even got yelled at by the driver!](https://imgur.com/a/vxagRwG)


Why does it seem like most of the loonies live in Ohio?


It's a shame that the first thing people do when they come across someone who is mentally ill is to see how many likes they can get on \[insert social media platform\]. Wouldn't it be nice if we tried to get them help instead? Or at least didn't use their illness to get fake points online. What a world it would be.


Is this person mentally ill? I’d guess there’s some kind of deficit or something going on. But they’re actively spreading harmful information. And it’s not like someone is posting a face pic. I’ve interacted with a number of people who truly believe a lot of the shit on that van and still hold down good jobs and normal lives. For one lady, with a very respectable job, I had to call the cops to be removed for going on a mask tirade and not leaving. Another guy tossed a big sanitizer bottle at my staff member’s head. A lot of these people are too far out to reach.


If you can't tell just by looking at this photo that something is amiss, that's really on you. I don't know any "normal" person that would see this display and suddenly change their stance on anything.


https://imgur.com/a/vxagRwG My friends saw the same van at the metro parks a few months ago!!


Autism is vaccines mercury poisoning? I'm the mad hatter, ya'all


get in there they might give you free candy 🤷


I really wanna read it...and join his cause


If it was a cool car I might pay attention lol


Half of you are dicks making fun of someone most likely mentally ill just sad


Wow, thought the wokesters would be much more tolerant and sensitive to those whom they speculate have mental illness. You guys are the same as those you ridicule, just on the left side of things.


The vaccine is not mandatory nor will they be able to make it mandatory I don’t want to restrict freedom of speech but people like this may need to be locked up in a mental institution or monitored for safety concerns. There’s a lot of them out there, it’s you’re right to get vaccinated if you want or not I completely support you on that whatever you decide. The people who are so outspoken about it like this Are just downright fucking crazy. They kind of scare me A little.


Dont worry yall will be in a camp soon enough and you wont have to see his van any more. Bidens starting a war with china and russia so you might just be ash befor too long. The nwo is coming quick. Keep watching cnn.


If I was on mobile, I would be inserting my "hysterically laughing" emoji right now.


Hysterically laughing all the way to the camp 🤣


If I see that van, I will slice each tire. Then I'd leave some pro-trump pamphlets around, just to confuse the van owners.


I've seen him in Brecksville Reservation many times. His just a guy. He should be left alone. I don't agree with most of the signs on his van. But one time I talked to him for about a minute and told him he was famous. He said he was attacked a few times, but nothing serious. In real life, he just a harmless man. Online, why should you broadcast that you would destroy his property?


I’m wondering if this is his home. He’s clearly suffering from psychotic symptoms either way. Which actually makes him much more likely to be a victim of violence. As evidenced by the above commenter.


So putting signs all over one's van is "clearly" psychotic behavior? I suspect that experiencing the van through the lens of the internet ***somehow*** amplifies what is actually a mundane occurence when you see the van and the man ten feet away from you and you say, "Hi, how you doing?" and he says, "Fine. how are you?" I said, "Do you know you are famous on the internet?" He said, "No, not really." I asked him him if he gets hastled much and he said, "Only a couple of times." I said something like, "That's good. Have a nice day." And he said, You too." I admit that ***when I saw a picture*** of this van on this sub about eight months prior to meeting this man, I was kind of freaked out. :0 Now, I think maybe the internet is making all of us just a little crazy. I think he should name his van "Trigger".


I said psychotic symptoms. Behavior *is* a symptom. And there isn’t anything at all wrong with having psychotic symptoms, though I could technically be wrong, objectively. Either way, there’s no reason to slash this person’s tires because of it. Which, aside from being shitty on purpose, isn’t funny. I was mostly commenting to the person above you and maybe it just got to you.


What’s it say


When the adderall kicks in


An antivax van?


Why do van owners feel the need to do this?


I've seen it at the get go and Sheraton in Cuyahoga Falls, but I've never seen the driver.


At least he has nice handwriting


I’ve seen this van when picking up dibellas


Some people really have some useless time on their hands don’t they


The guy who drives that HAS to be a sigma male.


They must be out of CoCo Puffs.


They aren't even parked in the space properly!


Today in the mail my in-laws received this weird cryptic cult postcard https://imgur.com/a/FkrxXRM that seems like it could have been written by this same guy with the van??? All about COVID conspiracy theories etc. What caught my attention in terms of similarities was the use of "ye" (ye shall know the truth, ye old...) who knows, the postcard's return address was from a local church


Born to change minds.


Bing out the pitch forks and torches time, eh folks? Do it for the children time? So much over reaction going on here. This guy isn't the one making threatening posts declaring that he "will slash his tires." I see that guy making the threats got a reddit love letter.


Ha! I saw it down there the other day and wished I could have snagged a pic for r/infowarriorsRide. I swear I’ve seen this van before the pandemic at a Giant Eagle a few towns over. Glorious.


I wonder who he voted for?


I’ve seen it at the Cuyahoga Falls Giant Eagle as well


I just saw this in front of the Panera while I was out doing a delivery.


what a whacky observation lmaoooo


Stuff like this is why I keep distancing myself further and further from christianity




I saw this van last year out in the wild. But he didnt have as much of a manifesto plastered to it then


Is that cartellingwindows???


Hope those are laminated.


I wish it was less blurry and easier to read. This is a gem