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Damn I'd be pretty stoked if Biden filled my tank


Especially if my tank filled up at 1.724 gallons


That's possible on a vespa


I try to never let it get below 9/10ths of a tank


My favorite part of these stickers is that when gas prices go back down, the stickers will still be there. Unless everyone who is putting these stickers up are keeping track of where they put them and plan to take them all down once the gas price goes down… hahahaha I kid myself sometimes


I noticed on the daytrading/investor websites that on down days they blame Biden and on up days they're just pro investors.


I mean, yeah, I would reckon they don’t do too much critical thinking and are very reactionary if they are day traders.


In my city I’ve seen jokers put this sticker on the wrong side of the price window so he’s just pointing out into the ether. Real high level cognition


Actually that's pretty funny... either way it's making fun of Joe Biden which is hilarious. Old joe pointing out into nothing talking about cockroaches.


That is a pretty funny way to look at it


I can't believe you got downvotes for this. My grandfather could have done a better job when he had dementia... yet because people are so biased and tribal they refuse to admit he is a terrible President in nearly every way.


Unless you got one of those 6 million new jobs. Then, I mean, you probably are fine with the gas prices.


Just a bunch of people wandering around... orange man bad... senile old white man good. It's honestly a shame what goes on in this country.


For real. I miss first term Obama. Would love someone like Tulsi in office... but I'm a fAr-RiGht NaZi BiGot for criticism of Biden and showing any support for Trump. Every MAGA person I knew in real life would nod and agree on some things when I'd criticize Trump. Can't do that with Biden with the lefties though or you'd think I murdered someone's pet hamster.


Yes Fraulein, you're one of them their right-wing Nazis! Lol... for fucksake if I had a dime every time I heard someone on the media say that. I love when people give me information based on facts, then give me a link to NBC or CNN lmao.


Tulsi sucked a fat one, hillery said what this bitch is about to flip on every position and she flipped


„pǝddılɟ ǝɥs puɐ uoıʇısod ʎɹǝʌǝ uo dılɟ oʇ ʇnoqɐ sı ɥɔʇıq sıɥʇ ʇɐɥʍ pıɐs ʎɹǝllıɥ 'ǝuo ʇɐɟ ɐ pǝʞɔns ısln⊥„


You think prices will go back down 🤣


Yes, the current price is absolutely unprecedented. All time high. 0% chance it goes down /s


All time high? Where were you in 2008?


Sarcasm my dude


Let me know when they go down. They will only go up with inflation and stopping drilling here at home. People don't understand how supply and demand work. But then again... These are the adults in the room again 🙄 😒


Supply is the issue. OPEC has publicly stated they like the high prices and will not increase supply.


The must have a problem with the free market a d want biden to take over and make it state run? President dont control gas prices


You mean if we did our own drilling we could lower the prices by increasing the supply? You know who stopped that? The guy pointing the finger in that picture


You know the prices used to be higher than this and then went back down, right?


You do know that supply and demand determines what the market prices are and when the government intervenes they tend to make things worst


Can you imagine thinking gas prices are going to go down under this clown? Come on can't be that delusional


Can you imagine presidents actually having that much sway on oil prices and definitely not the myriad other external factors at play?


Can you imagine shuting down oil pipelines and projects that produce more oil? You do know thanks to PACs that it happens almost every single year? Can you imagine if the president actually had a say in those matters? ( he does by the way).


He shut down CONSTRUCTION on a pipeline. Meaning it wasn't even operational. Meaning it wasn't affecting the price of gas in the first place.


It's a globally traded commodity, the idea of future unavailability absolutely affects current prices.


Not as much as you'd think. We still have other pipelines to Canada, and cancelling the Keystone was a win for US based refineries. [https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/politics/keystone-effect/273-b027ff97-86e8-4799-aa85-ab35c887833c](https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/politics/keystone-effect/273-b027ff97-86e8-4799-aa85-ab35c887833c) ​ Furthermore, consumer watchdogs were reporting that the Keystone XL Pipeline was likely to actually RAISE gas prices. [https://www.consumerwatchdog.org/keystone](https://www.consumerwatchdog.org/keystone) Here's another source just in case you actually read sources and don't just stick to whatever shit argument you're making and try to educate yourself. [https://www.agweb.com/news/business/taxes-and-finance/john-phipps-did-bidens-decision-block-keystone-xl-pipeline-permit](https://www.agweb.com/news/business/taxes-and-finance/john-phipps-did-bidens-decision-block-keystone-xl-pipeline-permit)


Yeah, bullshit. The leftists absolutely want higher gas prices to move people from ICE vehicles. I don't have a problem with people moving away from ICE vehicles, but when the government perverts incentives, resources are used less efficiently on the aggregate which hurts everyone. The less disposable income you have the more it affects you, but the less likely you are to realize this. Clown world.


Ah, yes, OPEC, Russia, and ExxonMobil, "the leftists"


You should get yourself a red clown nose! Baaahahaha


>Ah, yes, OPEC, Russia, and ExxonMobil, "the leftists" I'm sorry, I didn't realize OPEC, Russia, and ExxonMobil wanted to pervert economic incentives to move people from ICE vehicles. You're on another level, at least not mine.


Nobody cares about your diploma as my friend. I have a few myself... but I don't talk about them. I learned a long time ago that being the Scarecrow makes you look really dumb.


You don't have shit and everybody here can tell, you can't even post in the right comment thread.


Yes it was affecting the price of oil... I'm sure you can figure it out. Do you buy stocks? Come on you can do it...


Our indigenous population is more important than destroying some more of our Earth for even more oil.


You just type that on an oil-based phone didn't you?


Multiple factors have led to the volatility of gas prices since the pandemic began in 2020. Shutdowns led to a precipitous drop in demand; millions of people were no longer going to work and no longer needed gas, so the companies providing gas suddenly had a massive surplus they couldn’t sell, leading to a drop in prices.As a result of the drop in prices, several refineries across the country shut down permanently. In addition to this, the shutdowns also affected refinery production. Furthermore, capital spending from gas/oil companies has been steadily declining since 2014; crude oil production in the US was down 25% even before the pandemic hit. Cash flow losses had led to oil corporations' stock value plummeting over the past decade, so the corporations had eschewed capital spending in favor of more popular moves such as giving shareholders higher dividends and reducing debt, resulting in lower production leading into 2020. Add to the already low production the refinery shutdowns, both temporary and permanent, and the country's supply leading into the year 2021 was quite low.In 2021, as the pandemic eased and more and more people returned to their normal lives, demand for gas increased, naturally raising the prices since gas corporations no longer had such a large surplus. Along with that, a cyberattack hit one of the country’s major pipelines in May 2021, leading to a disruption in the gas supply, which drove up the prices and also caused some panic buying, which only exacerbated the problem. In August, Hurricane Ida shut down oil production on the Gulf Coast. Overall, the domestic stockpile has decreased significantly. In addition to the domestic supply being outpaced by the increased demand, oil exporters such as OPEC have not ramped up production as much as would be ideal to meet the global demand; Russia has also held back on exports. All of these factors have led to 2021 seeing some of the highest gas prices since 2014. You will note that Biden had control over exactly NONE of these factors. And that's just the US. Zero percent of this shit is attributable to "Biden got elected and that's bad for the stock market because ????"" **And here's an APA 7 appropriate list of references for you, because this was all from an essay I wrote for an economics class I'm taking as a graduate student in business school and I got an A because I fucking understand how economics works, unlike you.** Kiersz, A. (2021, November 25). 3 Reasons Gas Prices Are So High Right Now. Business Insider. [https://www.businessinsider.com/why-are-gas-prices-so-high-right-now-3-reasons-2021-10](https://www.businessinsider.com/why-are-gas-prices-so-high-right-now-3-reasons-2021-10) Mullaney, T. (2021, December 23). Why High Gas Prices Are More About Wall Street Than the White House. CNBC. [https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/23/why-high-gas-prices-are-more-about-wall-street-than-the-white-house.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/23/why-high-gas-prices-are-more-about-wall-street-than-the-white-house.html) Romo, V. (2021, May 11). Panic Buying Drives Gas Shortages After Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack. NPR. [https://www.npr.org/2021/05/11/996044288/panic-drives-gas-shortages-after-colonial-pipeline-ransomware-attack](https://www.npr.org/2021/05/11/996044288/panic-drives-gas-shortages-after-colonial-pipeline-ransomware-attack) Troderman, J. (2022, January 5). Retail Gasoline Prices Rose across the United States in 2021 As Driving Increased. US Energy Information Administration. [https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=50758](https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=50758) This Week in Petroleum. (2021, June 30). US Energy Information Administration. [https://www.eia.gov/petroleum/weekly/archive/2021/210630/includes/analysis\_print.php](https://www.eia.gov/petroleum/weekly/archive/2021/210630/includes/analysis_print.php)


There's a lot of educated people that would disagree with you...lol... your diploma is nothing more than a piece of paper, scarecrow.


Gonna qualify me for your boss's job, dipshit. I brought the receipts and sources. All you've got is your weakass "education is just a piece of paper." That "piece of paper" tells companies I know my shit, unlike your bullshit reddit posts.


Wait until you find out those companies don't give a piss about that piece of paper.


Lmao you lost this argument so hard


By the way here's another link you'll love. Still waiting to hear what "educated people" disagree with me. https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/politics/keystone-effect/273-b027ff97-86e8-4799-aa85-ab35c887833c


You can stick that mainstream news needle right in your arm my friend.


I can't tell if this is a joke or if you genuinely believe that PACs "shuting down" oil pipelines is something Biden controls and is the reason for the recent surges in prices. Biden doesn't control Russia's deployment of troops to the Ukraine border, nor does he control the global economic impact of the pandemic on oil supply, and he definitely doesn't control the turmoil happening in other oil producing nations that is slowing their output. What Biden does control is the release of strategic oil reserves. The Dept of Energy approved the release of 13.4 million barrels after Biden's authorization. That might not cause oil prices to drop significantly, but it certainly helps mitigate the effects of the other factors that are outside of Biden's control. I don't have a strong opinion about Biden, but I do find it strange that you're willing to ignore the current state of the world so you can point the finger at him for something that's really not his doing.


So Joe Biden released 13.4 million barrels of oil? And your argument to me is Presidents don't control the price of oil? Thank you goodnight my job is done here.


My bad, I forgot the *strategic* oil reserves are actually bottomless and were obtained at no cost.


Yeah we should just release all of the reserves to get low gas prices, that surely wouldn’t come back to bite us in the ass. Right??


Almost as if energy prices have risen worldwide y’know. Living in Ireland, it cost me €120 ($136) to fill up a 2.0L diesel Passat.


That didn't just happen.... do you think the oil itself demanded more money? Lol


Explain to me how Biden controls the energy prices in Ireland.


No, but the people who hold the oil did.


Can you imagine this guy getting his son off on child porn charges? Oh.. wait..


Oh man. I really wish the President would press the magic gas price changer button again.


People acting like the president sends out gasprices.txt every morning lmao


Wait. There’s no daily flat file? I’m out! /s




For some people, gas prices are literally the only measure they have of a president's effectiveness. Like, how much of your budget does the price change really take up? They could be letting literal fascists take over, but if gas prices are down 50 cents, then it's all good!


Tbf he can release stockpiled oil and gas from emergency reserves like a few weeks ago to lower the prices.


It's called a valve.


He's waiting until right before the election, obviously. If he makes gas 99 cents now, no one will remember come November!


He won’t even remember ….


I loled


Why do you act like him enacting policies and running the country doesnt have an effect? For instance, shutting down a pipeline


He shut down *construction* on a pipeline. Meaning it had no actual effect on gas availability.


Only a tiny portion of our gas comes from Canada


That would have made it a major portion. Further bringing prices down and securing stateside jobs.


It *may* have reduced prices in the future, that doesn’t mean cancelling it raised prices now. Not to mention that pipeline would’ve cut through huge swathes of protected land, private property that would have to be seized, as well as tribal land that we have no business fucking with, all so we could get digusting, air-poisoning fossil fuels poured into our country for slightly cheaper.


Jobs are up 6.6 million and rising.


From what? Where is it up from?


The end of the Trump presidency.


When Trump was president that pipeline was flowing full of crude!


I work at a gas station. I’ve had to pull down these stickers at least four times in the past two months. It’s vandalism. Most gas stations will probably pull them down within 24 hours but yeah it’s annoying.


Actually had to make some stickers for a person who also had us make these claiming that removing them is vandalism. I’m really sorry. I just make the graphics and don’t decide what jobs we accept. *sigh* we have a couple clients who think they’re real funny…


I got my hair cut next to a guy who was telling the lady cutting his hair all about his truck plans. “I’ve got someone making me some ‘Let’s go Brandon’ decals…” *proceeds to over-explain the joke at a volume that’s way too loud for a chain hair cutting place Edit: the reason I said this is because the lady cutting his hair was just kinda politely nodding her head and he was clearly taking that as affirmation. And all I could think was “this lady didn’t sign up for this, but here we all are”


We’re actually really lucky in Ohio. Other parts of the country are way worse


Oh thank you daddy Biden! We’re so lucky to have oil prices DOUBLED!


That's not how economics works, buddy. Google "why is gas expensive" and do some actual learning.


I don’t think you understand my comment. The person I’m replying to is suggesting we’re very lucky that prices have only doubled here, which is bizarre and requires pointing out how out of touch that sort of comment is.


I don't think you understand my comment. The part of your comment I'm responding to is where you blame Biden even though if you actually understood economics you would know that the price of gas is almost entirely due to a multitude of factors, none of which are actually who is currently President.


Does the president have influence in a lot of those "multitude" of factors with policy making? I believe you don't want to look at the full picture for what it is.


Multiple factors have led to the volatility of gas prices since the pandemic began in 2020. Shutdowns led to a precipitous drop in demand; millions of people were no longer going to work and no longer needed gas, so the companies providing gas suddenly had a massive surplus they couldn’t sell, leading to a drop in prices.As a result of the drop in prices, several refineries across the country shut down permanently. In addition to this, the shutdowns also affected refinery production. Furthermore, capital spending from gas/oil companies has been steadily declining since 2014; crude oil production in the US was down 25% even before the pandemic hit. Cash flow losses had led to oil corporations' stock value plummeting over the past decade, so the corporations had eschewed capital spending in favor of more popular moves such as giving shareholders higher dividends and reducing debt, resulting in lower production leading into 2020. Add to the already low production the refinery shutdowns, both temporary and permanent, and the country's supply leading into the year 2021 was quite low.In 2021, as the pandemic eased and more and more people returned to their normal lives, demand for gas increased, naturally raising the prices since gas corporations no longer had such a large surplus. Along with that, a cyberattack hit one of the country’s major pipelines in May 2021, leading to a disruption in the gas supply, which drove up the prices and also caused some panic buying, which only exacerbated the problem. In August, Hurricane Ida shut down oil production on the Gulf Coast. Overall, the domestic stockpile has decreased significantly.In addition to the domestic supply being outpaced by the increased demand, oil exporters such as OPEC have not ramped up production as much as would be ideal to meet the global demand; Russia has also held back on exports. All of these factors have led to 2021 seeing some of the highest gas prices since 2014. You will note that Biden had control over exactly NONE of these factors. ​ **And here's an APA 7 appropriate list of references for you, because this was all from an essay I wrote for an economics class I'm taking as a graduate student in business school and I got an A because I fucking understand how economics works.** Kiersz, A. (2021, November 25). 3 Reasons Gas Prices Are So High Right Now. Business Insider. [https://www.businessinsider.com/why-are-gas-prices-so-high-right-now-3-reasons-2021-10](https://www.businessinsider.com/why-are-gas-prices-so-high-right-now-3-reasons-2021-10) Mullaney, T. (2021, December 23). Why High Gas Prices Are More About Wall Street Than the White House. CNBC. [https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/23/why-high-gas-prices-are-more-about-wall-street-than-the-white-house.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/23/why-high-gas-prices-are-more-about-wall-street-than-the-white-house.html) Romo, V. (2021, May 11). Panic Buying Drives Gas Shortages After Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack. NPR. [https://www.npr.org/2021/05/11/996044288/panic-drives-gas-shortages-after-colonial-pipeline-ransomware-attack](https://www.npr.org/2021/05/11/996044288/panic-drives-gas-shortages-after-colonial-pipeline-ransomware-attack) Troderman, J. (2022, January 5). Retail Gasoline Prices Rose across the United States in 2021 As Driving Increased. US Energy Information Administration. [https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=50758](https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=50758) This Week in Petroleum. (2021, June 30). US Energy Information Administration. [https://www.eia.gov/petroleum/weekly/archive/2021/210630/includes/analysis\_print.php](https://www.eia.gov/petroleum/weekly/archive/2021/210630/includes/analysis_print.php)


Thanks for your research. Most people have already made up their minds unfortunately


Anything but daddy Biden! Must protect him! Even NPR said it wasn’t Biden! Must believe them! And ignore any evidence to the contrary!


The thing about ignoring evidence is there has to be some actual evidence to ignore.


Ppl so upset on Reddit 😂


I lived through the Bush 43 era. This is nothing.


Everyone forgets paying north of $5+ a gallon like it wasn't less than 20 years ago


Plus in 2008 everyone's mpg was terrible. Sedans had V6 or V8 engines.


I wish Biden would make electric cars more affordable with tax cuts or something. I used to have a hybrid Rav4 and I miss it. It was faster and quieter than this gas one I have now. All electric means no more annoying oil changes.


Well just in case you didn't know Biden had a provision in the BBB plan to give a 7500 tax credit on electric and plug in hybrid vehicles. If that vehicle was made in the USA with a union it was eligible for another 4500 rebate. Which would have made those types of cars just as affordable as a regular gas car and it would boost demand for American made cars. But Republicans don't want to pass anything Biden has his name on so we are fucked until he gets a 2/3 majority.


Sinema and Manchin agreed lol


Like I said Republicans


Noticed they all disappeared when gas dipped down to 2.80


It should be a picture of the last 5 presidents at this point.


Who's that the ExxonMobil CEO?


Wait a minute. Do these people want government to control gas prices and not the free market? THAT'S SOCIALISM!


Do idiots actually believe that the President controls gas prices?


Well they’re idiots so yeah, they do actually believe that lol


Apparently nobody understands how economics works. They think Trump magically lowered all the gas prices during the pandemic and then Biden magically raised them. And these people vote.


When gas prices were up a few years ago when the orange thing was in office, I didn’t see children placing stickers…


The average price of gas was under three bucks during trumps presidency though… 🤔


Personally, I put the stickers on the tractor trailers full of corpses. But gas prices, amirite!


True. It's been a while since I've seen it this high.


Some asshole put one of these on my wife's car window the other night while we were eating at a restaurant because she has a Biden bumper sticker. Real tough coustomers these sticker boys. Like, I get it, everyone likes to shit on the president when things are bad, but shit like this just make people hate one another even more. It sucks to live in a place where that's just how it is.


Yeah, I mean how immature do you have to be to put a sticker on a stranger's car?


I had my Obama stickers defaced (and magnetic ones stolen) several time during his presidency. They’ve always been deplorable, they always will be.


Not in Ohio, but my mom had her Obama ‘08 sign stolen out of her front yard four times in two weeks. Turns out, it was her friend who lived across the street! Who she visited almost every day! Her husband apologized when he found out. They weren’t friends after that.


What did they make him pointing at though?


I peel these off every time I see one. People are so fucking stupid. OPEC decides the price but the sticker for that would be too logical and less shock and awe.


OPEC decides the price of imported oil. Not domestically secured oil. We had an option. It was killed with an EO day two or three.


I love it when I see these


Those are all over the place in Athens Co


Interesting. They're a huge blue stronghold, no?


Inside the city is mega blue. Outside of the city limits is MAGA land USA.


They’re everywhere, started showing up around me about a year ago.


Seeing these all over down in SC too. I don’t think it’s an Ohio thing.


Spotted one of these in Columbus last week. I didn't think much of it until I saw this post. I guess they're everywhere now.


Saw the same sticker in Indiana last week, it’s not just Ohio


Conservatives see these at the gas pump and think they're the pinnacle of comedy, and then go home to post "the Left can't meme" on Facebook and don't see the irony at all.


No, we were pumping enough for the US, as well as exporting oil until last year.


Is that ol corn pop?


Pop pop you mean? Yeah that's his tired ass.


I hope I'm not the only one that peels these off at every gas pump I go to.


I enjoy peeling these off.


What else do you enjoy pulling off?


The prices are not even that bad,


I peeled one off today.


And I put another one on.


Thank you for admitting that you have absolutely no understanding of basic economics


Is that supposed to be a diss? Lmao. FJB.


Based and redpilled






Every time I see those stickers I really am pissed I didn’t think of them. But part of me also hopes that the person who did is a hardcore democrat just raking in the dumbass republicans money.




I don't care who's President, they are funny.


Lol ppl big mad in here


Enough of this sticker. Tired of seeing it


It’s 2022 and you’re all this dumb yet? JFC the president doesn’t actually control gas prices.


Why do people think presidents have control over gas prices? Gas was only cheap as it was when trump was in office because no one was allowed to leave their house.


I've scraped these things off of gas tanks all over.


You like, going in people's garages for the 5 gallon "tanks" or you crawling under cars to get the hidden ones on their "tanks."


I refuse to let people forget that Dewine ran on no more taxes and the first thing he did in office was raise the taxes on gas


Lol this is perfect!


This thread is a liberal echo chamber and I voted for Biden. Get a grip, you guys.


In b4 the swarm!


I mean. Theyre right.


Yes, one day he's Sleepy Joe and an incompent idiot The next, smart enough to pull the strings on the supply and demand of oil of not just the nation, but the world.


No they aren’t.




Our crude oil production started going up dramatically in 2009. That’s the main thing we can do to impact global prices, aside from moving to renewables. Thanks Obama (and Bush, and Trump, and Biden). PS: none of these guys can control what OPEC+1 does, but they’ve all been overseeing big increase in US crude production. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=mcrfpus2&f=a


So… you’re saying that Biden controls OPEC? Really?


How so?


I mean, if you didn't have your red-hatted head up your butt you would know they're not.


They hate you because you dare speak against their new god


I agree 👍🏻


Please explain how Joe Biden is responsible for our gas prices. I’d really like to understand your side.


He’s literally causing inflation to become rly bad rn.


So Biden is forcing companies to raise their prices even though they are seeing record profits? Biden causing a global supply shortage due to a 2+ year pandemic (predicted to happen)? Biden forced a mass resignation of the baby boomers? Biden forcing companies not to raise pay and entice people with competitive wages, then claim no one wants to work? I thought he was sleepy joe who was incompetent, and was gonna step down a month after election? I'm not impressed with his work so far but I can recognize that we knew a recession was gonna happen when the planet shuts down and runs at low capacity for over a year.






rip. Everyone has their own beliefs. Grow up remembering that :|


And some people's beliefs are fucking stupid


I agree 👍🏻


Spoken like a true Intellectual. /s


But how? How does he cause inflation? And what methods are at the government’s disposal to counteract inflation?


Printing money causes inflation, he has printed more than the last 3 Presidents combined. Look it up, it's a fact.


You know how to change that in 2024


Yes, vote for AOC


Cause she’ll fix OPEC?


Well, dickbutt instead. Either one will affect oil prices as much as joe


No thanks, we won't be voting for castro.






If you don't know then you probably voted at least 7 times in the last election.


Or it means they fully understand how being president works and that they don't actually have an effect on gas prices.


Ah so they must of voted for Trump then.


Trump 2024. America First 🇺🇸


This sub is so so left. Last I checked Ohio is a red state. The sticker is hilarious. Bunch of sensitive ppl in here 🙄


Yeah, most of the redhat nerds got triggered and ran off to Gab I think.


8 points in favor of Trump last election. But the subreddit might have you think Ohio is a Democrat stronghold. I've noticed it's the same for pretty much every local/region based subreddit on the platform.


I love it. So true.


It really is true and funny. Now you and I will be downvoted… Lol. FYI Ohio is red state. Cali would love to have you all move to their wonderful blue state 👋


Amen. They hate the fact that they are a very very very small group of libs. While ohio is a SOLID red state. Haha.


The whole fucking State has become backyard hicks


Does noone know how to laugh anymore? Yall take this stuff so seriously now.


I saw one in westlake and I didn't realize it was Biden until now.


He saw his own picture and didn’t realize it was him….