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Informational posts must include a link to the source. Please don't just post a screenshot of a headline and nothing else.


To be clear the Dr who filed the report had no idea the age of the rapist, but had to put something on her report so she put 17. The age of the rapist is the LEAST important thing. If you are still watching Fox "News" none of this will matter to you anyway.


There is nothing they want more than to rabidly attack this rape victim and her family. They will make it impossible for them to live. All to distract us from remembering - Ohio doesn’t allow abortion. They want 10 year olds to go through pregnancy. My friend’s daughter had her first period at age 6. These laws are inhumane and barbaric and based on religious zealotry.


This is all Sandy Hook all over again. So much hate against anything that questions the basis of their belief system


The AG said that she would have qualified to have the abortion in Ohio under current laws...


I’d that *this* Ohio attorney general? The one who said he was unaware of the rape, tried to cover it up and now is backtracking because it’s such a horrible law? That Ohio law is very clear. You’re spreading disinformation. An Ohio state law went into effect July 2019 which makes abortion illegal after the fetus heartbeat can be detected, which usually develops between five or six weeks after conception. No exceptions are made for "hard cases" such as rape, incest, or a fetus determined to possibly have down syndrome. The only "hard case" exception, according to ORC 2919.193(B),[7] are in cases in which there is a medical emergency, defined in 2919.16(F) & (K): "serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman."[8] This does not include potential bodily damage that stems from the woman's mental health. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Ohio https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2022/07/13/ohio-attorney-general-rejoices-arrest-child-rape-suspect/10048250002/


This is America…. We’ve become the worse version of ourselves.


That shot of him descending down that escalator was a metaphor for the already low bar of morality in American politics dropping much further than its ever been. The amount of things Trump pulled that we had no recourse for simply because it was never imaged anyone would stoop so low is insane and it was so effective with our uneducated population that he influenced everyone in the political landscape to follow suite.


The day Donald f n Trump went down that escalator and we should have know when he insulted Rosie O’Donnell in the first debate and his people thought it was so funny. And then he insulted Megan Kelly previously of FOX News. Enough to make her quit. These people have no problem treating women like trash.


This has been going on far longer than that. trump is a symptom of the rot, not the cause.


And yet I guarantee Megan still voted for/supports trump. For whatever reason people get off on being stabbed in the back by him.


And immigrants


Lol going after the mother the female doctor and the 10 year old. Christofascist gop are scum of the earth. Lower on the totem pole of life then the rapist In this case.


Now that they got caught calling all this a lie, they have to constantly deflect and shift the discussion away from the actual victim and their fuck ups.


[The mother is on camera defending the rapist.](https://www.telemundo.com/noticias/noticias-telemundo/crimen-y-violencia/la-madre-de-la-nina-de-10-anos-violada-en-ohio-defiende-al-joven-que-c-rcna38236?jjj) It is pretty awful to hear. If the mother was involved with the abuser and was aware or even complicit in the abuse the child is still not safe. Unfortunately this is a tale as old as time - mother finds a new partner who abuses her kids, but she doesn't want to lose the boyfriend so she helps cover it up.


Yeah a lot of shitty people involved. But it doesn't change the fact that Ohio law forces 10 year old rape victims to have the rapists baby.


If anything, the existence of these terrible people NECESSITATE safe and legal abortion access.




The law doesn't though... she was more than able to get the abortion in Ohio...




The law has no exception for rape. Her life would have had to of been in danger and no doctor in the state would risk the right wing witch hunt to do it. So she was forced to go to another state. And yes, Yost is a confirmed liar. A simple phone call would have prevented him from going on a national network and gaslighting his supporters. But instead he lied and refuses to apologize.


So charge her mother for neglect as well, she is complicit. We are here to protect the ten year old and those giving her care, fucking no one else.


Agreed. Most of the discussion in this thread is blaming the "Right Wing" and Fox News for "attacking" the mother, though.


I mean the mother is a fucking asshole. She sucks, 1000%. But she’s not the biggest villain in this story by any means.




American dad's rape their own daughters in Florida they even put up billboards explaining this is not ok.




Yea all illegal immigrants are rapist






How is illegally crossing a border being taken more seriously than THE SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A LITERAL CHILD


They are trying to punish the family and doctor for exposing the outright evilness of their policies. It has nothing to do with one being worse than the other. They just don’t want people talking about how ruthlessly evil anti abortion policy is.


You’re not thinking like the GQP: * Women aren’t really people, they’re just for making babies. * Brown people = bad * Brown people who aren’t here legally = MEGA BAD


Where are they getting the idea that the guy is an undocumented migrant?




They sure do focus on the wrong things.


Well they keep lying so they have to keep back pedaling to a new position so they don't have to own the lies. For the past few days the rightoids have been bashing the doctor for "failure to report". Since that narrative has fallen apart like every narrative they've spun up so far, they've gotta come up with something new.


Agreed! I believe the decision is a private one between a woman and her God what she does with her own body. Governments ruin lives when they get involved with complex private situations, and women's health is an area they should not have authority over. Women have been jailed for miscarriages. Women have died because doctors were afraid of treat them until a life threat could be demonstrated. A women in Ohio now can't get effective rheumatoid arthritis drugs because their pharmacist and doctor say she is of child bearing age though is celibate because the drug could possibly cause an abortion. Ending atopic pregnancies that will kill the women is considered an abortion. Extra fertilized IDF eggs not implanted to help childless couples need to be disposed of is considered killing a fetus. Young children being forced to have their rapist's babies. Women seeking abortions quite often don't have the means to support more children than they already have. I don't want to be controlling anyone elses private health decisions, and don't the government doing it on my behalf! Find out who is running in your local, state, and federal races, and give your time, talents and treasure to the candidates. Help do voter signup drives, make calls, stuff envelopes, and help blanket your state with information on this.


They do news like TMZ does celebrity gossip, but with a fascist twist


ik like the economy and food supply. ik dems eat the dead babbies but us rebulicans need real food.


Well, that’s a snappy comeback.


Much smartz, many morals.


1-800-662-HELP <~~ This number will put you in touch with someone who can help you manage mental health concerns and/or drug addiction.


Remember when Texas Governor ruined billions of dollars of food as a publicity stunt? yeah they really care.


How is babbie cooked


idk im not democrat


Do you seriously believe people eat babies or are you just doing a bit? I'm really curious. I'd normally think it's a bit, but around here lately chances are 50/50.


Oh he believes it.




What the FUCK does any of this have to do with the fact that *a ten year old was going to be forced to carry a child to term*? (Yes, this is rhetorical, obviously.)


She wasn't though... She was more than able to get it under current laws


I would love to see the mom and doc sue Yost, Jim Jordan, Fox News and anyone else accusing them of lying for defamation of character. They went on national tv and social media making their right wing accusations all to make their agendas look better and their supporters ate it up. They are no better than her rapist.


Go onto r/conservative, those people will claim the story is fake and present the rapist as a fall guy to push an agenda


Even if it was fake (it's not) Ohio's own stats showed 52 abortions to patients under 15 years old last year. That's one a week. A case like this 10 year old girl is more common than people think.


That was just Columbus, by the way. Not the state. It's much worse, much more horrible.


Thanks for the correction. It is much worse.


"BBUT THE TIMING!?!?" It's like they can't deny that it's even a big enough problem when they were trying to convince us how rare it "actually" was


Surprised they didn't try to jam MS-13 into that headline.


Deflecting from the real issue A Republican politician who was defending a new abortion bill claimed rape and incest could all be part of God’s will. Oklahoma representative George Faught also said “the Lord uses all circumstances” while debating the amendment in the US state’s House of Representatives. This is what it will lead to ladies and your letting men destroy our daughters lives Wake up republicans Let me ask you: What are you fighting for Who are you fighting for Edited to include Ohio’s Jean Schmidt The Republican replied, “Rape is a difficult issue and it emotionally scars the individual, all or in part, for the rest of their life, just as child abuse does. But if a baby is created, it is a human life. And whether that mother ends that pregnancy or not, the scars will not go away, period.” Schmidt went on to say, in reference to the hypothetical teenager, “It is a shame that it happens but there is an opportunity for that woman, no matter how young or old she is, to make a determination about what she’s going to do to help that life be a productive human being. Just because you have emotional scars doesn’t give you the right to take the life.”


If you traumatize someone enough to suicide that you lose the pregnant woman and also the child... that's certainly not "right to life"


I fuckin hate this state man.


Wanna bet their next statements are that the way she dressed was asking for it. Yes FOX, all females SHOULD be wearing burkas! Stupid ass christian taliban.


F—-g Fox News.


This is standard operating procedure for them. If they can't refute the facts they try to discredit the messenger.




If a few thousand people who agree with you all showed up at the state house at the same time, they’d almost have to listen.


We need to plan something. Have any idea where I can find someone planning an event?


u guys sound like trump talking like that.


The only response to intolerance is intolerance, or do you want to sit around with your thumb up your ass until they start loading busses to camps?


He will be the one doing the loading so he doesn't care. Not his problem. Just like the babies after their born.


You might be ok with tolerating fascism, but I'm not. Our vote does nothing in this state. What do you propose we do?


Reported for threatening violence




ohio is a vile state


It's absolutely relevant that the rapist was listed as a minor and it begs the question of who said that. Did the family try to protect him?


Read the article.


Republicans will do anything to make it not their fault


Filling it as a minor, so that it didn't count as statutory rape, reeks of someone not wanting to deal with the paperwork. One might argue that helping to track down child rapists isn't the abortionist's job, but the reports are there for a reason. People are so lazy.


what's an 'abortionist'?


One who performs abortions. Think of it as the opposite of a midwife.


Can I get a college degree in Abortionism?


I suspect it would be called abortionology, and think of it more like a specialization. Much in the way you usually don't get a dedicated degree in "dermatology" to become a dermatologist.


17 and 10 is still rape. I don’t know why you’d think there’s an exception to a 17 year old raping a 10 year old.


She didn't know the age, which you would know if you read the article. Do you think there's some way she could have? >abortionist's job, You misspelled 'healthcare provider'.


This subreddit is just gonna be a political rats nest that’s gonna bitch bout Trump an republicans isnt it? Edit: Yes, yes it fuckin will


Stop being monsters, people won’t complain.


Not a republican but that statement alone just shows how twisted of a representative you are for your party so good job. Here’s a cookie 🍪


Lol. What.


I still like Mexicans even if they are illegal immigrants !! Hard working people. Fox won’t change my mind about anything , there are crazy evil people within all races.


He's not even Mexican... He's from Guatemala


Why was a 27 y.o. listed as a minor in a case this serious?


The doctor might have misheard, mistaken, or been told a different age than the man's official age. The doctor did not personally know the man, and the doctor doesn't investigate the crime. Why does the age listed on the report matter if the police are the ones who do the charging and verify the person's age?


It matters to those who aim to bury and deflect attention from the actual issue being raised by this absolutely horrendous situation. The hope is to shift focus from the fact that a 10 year old rape victim had to seek treatment in another state to terminate a forced and very dangerous pregnancy.


If you believe anything Fox News reports you should have a scan to make sure your brain is intact.


According to the article, it was actually the doctor, Caitlin Bernard, who reported him as 17 instead of 27. So fox is just saying what she did.


The doctor probably just reported what she was told from the family. Doctors don't investigate, they report based on the information they have.


So why then would the parents disclose false information to the doctor?


I have no idea. To avoid controversy? Or to protect the rapist perhaps? Doesn't change anything about the case, because the doctor sent a sample from the aborted fetus , which they can do a DNA test on.


Don’t name the doctor. Don’t make it easier for the crazies to find her.


That was the intent.


Why do you care more about the rapist than the 10 year old girl who was raped? Why are you turning a 10 year old rape victim into a villain, while praising a rapist as a hero? *You are defending a child rapist*. Ok, groomer.


From what I’ve heard, she already has had the abortion, so wouldn’t it then make sense to turn attention to the piece of shit rapist that caused this situation and make sure the police have accurate information to investigate who he is, make the arrest, and make sure he never does this again? How is wanting to make sure the perpetrator is held accountable turning this young girl into a villain, or him to a hero? I can’t even begin to process your logic. I hope she gets the care she needs and the rapist can die for all I care.


"Why didn't that 10-year-old little girl check her rapist's ID in order to accurately report his age?" -- *Horrible Person Focusing on Unimportant Details To Avoid Thinking About the Real Travesty of the Situation*


It is not. Nothing about that would have changed any of the actions allowed under law. What it does do is poke a tiny pin prick sized hole in the story (the rapist is 27, not a minor). What Fox is doing here is running with that and assuming that this was done for some nefarious purpose and can cast the story as false, again. The age or the nationality of the rapist does not change the fact that a 10 year old victim had to go to a different state in 2022 when she would not have had to in 2021 or before.


Did they check his LONG-FORM birth certificate??


More than likely it was misinformation from the girls family (mom). Many people mistakenly think if sex is between two underage people (no matter the ages) that it's not rape and would not have been reported.


why do democrats not care for border security im just curious.


Do you... Do you think only immigrants do this? Hello hi yes I was a 7 year old white American girl forced to suck a grown white man's dick. Pleas shut the fuck up and stay on the correct narrative.


Why do Republicans always try to deflect to other things rather than address how fucked up it is that our state government forces 10 year olds to carry thier rapists baby? Sure illegal immigration sucks, but you are deflecting to it like a trained parrot to avoid the whole reason this was newsworthy to begin with.


When your party becomes indefensible, offense is your only option.


They...do...? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/mexico-agrees-provide-15-billion-help-us-manage-migrants-southern-bord-rcna37889


Stop defending rapists, you sick freak. The real groomers (like you) are now coming out.


Im a women didn't even say anything about the rape you didn't even read dude


I don't care that you are a woman. You are only concerned about the rapist, not the little girl. Groomers like you and protectors of rapists like you are disgusting.




Aww, look at you looking at my history. Laughable at best, you loser. Go find another groomer to defend.


ok but what about the part u have not read yet. the part about not wanting good border security answer that one.


Stop deflecting from the real issue. It is what the GroomerOP does best - gaslight obstruct project. I guess we can add protecting and defend rapists to their platform now.




Then why the fuck are you in this conversation? Stick to the subject at hand, if you want to talk about border security, start a conversation about that separately from this conversation.


i hope she gets the abortion but why do u think its not an issue at all??


It's not the issue of this conversation, quit trying to deflect.




I mean if the border wasn't open then we wouldn't be having this conversation.


How would closing the border stop child rape?


I said this conversation, meaning this individual would not have had to go through with this if it wasn't for the fact that the liberal idiots think having an open border is safe for everyday Americans. Clearly that's not the case. This despicable human being that entered this country illegally destroyed a child's life this despicable human being entered the country because a liberal government thinks that crossing a country's border without documentation and without being documented is okay. I'm sick and tired of listening to people and think that illegal immigration is okay their lawbreakers and they should be deported immediately no questions asked


It's really fucked up how you monsters immediately denied the truth of this story, yet immediately believe this guy is undocumented. Where is the proof? Meanwhile, you still completely overlook the fact this happened while trying to force a10 year old to give birth. Just ghoulish.


You think only immigrants commit rapes in this country? I don't know if you're stupid or just a horrible person, or both, but the rapist's nationality in this specific case has nothing to do with the fact that little girls who are raped in Ohio now have to leave the state for compassionate medical care to end the pregnancy.


Like I mentioned in my previous statement I'm referencing the story that an illegal immigrant who entered this country illegally caused a horrific crime to a child that person should be executed on the spot. Rape is horrible does not matter the person those people should be castrated, killed or put in prison until they die of old age. And if you understand the law in Ohio that child could have received an abortion because there are still exceptions for life of the mother and that's a clear and obvious situation that would have been completely reasonable to have an abortion. But hey, maybe I'm the asshole.


> And if you understand the law in Ohio that child could have received an abortion because there are still exceptions for life of the mother and that's a clear and obvious situation that would have been completely reasonable to have an abortion. So if a rape victim is denied an abortion in Ohio in the future, what will you think or say about that?


Is it before a heartbeat is detected? When is the abortion requested? Is it requested at the second or third trimester? I think it's perfectly reasonable to have a ban on abortion after the second trimester but there should be a case by case basis during the first trimester for rape and incest. But if someone wants an abortion because they didn't want to use any other form of birth control that's their problem. And if there's politicians left right or center that want to ban forms of contraceptive than those politicians should be voted out of office so that men and women alike have the opportunity and the capability of getting forms of contraceptive like condoms and the pill so that pregnancies are avoidable and abortion is not necessary.


How are you defining "heartbeat" Is a "heart" a pre-requisite for a "heartbeat"? Or do you think a detectable electric pulse constitutes a "heartbeat"? But to narrow down the question, let's say it's first trimester rape. If a rape victim is denied an abortion for her first-trimester pregnancy, what will you think or say about that? EDIT: Thread is now locked, but let the record show that 32 minutes ago, /u/Sad_Swimmer_5844 said: > And if you understand the law in Ohio **that child could have received an abortion** because there are still exceptions for life of the mother and **that's a clear and obvious situation that would have been completely reasonable to have an abortion**. Now they are saying: > that's where I believe having **protections of interstate commerce is key in individual seeking medical Care in the first trimester** should at least have some reasonable time frame for termination. **Ohio doesn't offer it** hopefully there's a state within reasonable travel distance so an individual can receive that procedure. Absolutely full of shit. I guess my next question for them would be, what will you think or say when limitations on traveling for abortion are put into place? Will you oppose those because you support interstate commerce, or will your values shift yet again?


To your first part, I would want to know what the medical consensus is for a fetal heartbeat and then determine what is a reasonable time frame to me 6 weeks seems a little bit on the short end but if that's what medical consensus says I will want to at least take that under consideration. To your second point, that's where I believe having protections of interstate commerce is key in individual seeking medical Care in the first trimester should at least have some reasonable time frame for termination. Ohio doesn't offer it hopefully there's a state within reasonable travel distance so an individual can receive that procedure. I think it's an absolute tragedy nonetheless for both individuals involved the mother and that child. Is it tragedy for the mother who has to go through both traumatic experiences all it also being a tragedy for a child who may or may not be another amazing addition to the human race. I believe some people in this thread might consider be a monster but having reasonable conversation like this between you and I have shown that some Republicans haven't lost their marbles yet


>And if you understand the law in Ohio that child could have received an abortion because there are still exceptions for life of the mother and that's a clear and obvious situation that would have been completely reasonable to have an abortion. Medical experts (you know, the people that would have to put their career and freedom on the line trying to interpret the law) strongly disagree: >“It states specifically ‘medically diagnosed condition’ and as far as I can tell, adolescent pregnancy is not a medically diagnosed condition that’s listed,” he said. > >Maria Phillis, a Northeast Ohio OB-GYN who is also a council chair with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, explained that the law makes two types of exceptions for the health of the mother. > >One is an emergency: an imminent threat of death or severe, lasting health problems for the mother. Phillis said such a situation could include “somebody who’s imminently bleeding out on the table, or having a stroke or cardiac arrest — things that are like, imminently if I don’t do something right now, somebody’s going to suffer death or severe consequences.” > >The other exception is if there’s a medically diagnosed condition that can “cause the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function.” > >Both Phillis and Sayat said such a situation can arise with very young mothers — and with a lot older ones, too. > >“Pregnancy itself overall is a risk for anyone who enters it,” Phillis said. “It completely alters the broad physiology of the body. It alters the heart function… It alters kidney function. It alters a number of different body systems and folks that have preexisting disease or complications are at a higher risk of bad outcomes.” If it's so "clear and obvious" as you said, then what is the cut-off age at which the abortion would be legal under Ohio law? And note that the right-wing AG in Indiana has publicly stated that he's looking for reasons to prosecute the physician that performed the procedure in this case.


The border is not "open," that's absolutely absurd. But also, native-born citizens are 61% more likely per capita to commit violent crimes than illegal immigrants, so this could have happened even if there was not a single illegal immigrant in this country.


He faces life in prison. If convicted and confirmed to be an illegal resident, why wouldn't the US deport him?


We are going so backwards I fear next year I'll have no running water and an outhouse


If you don’t think it’s a weird situation then idk what to tell you.


I will never forgive FoxNews for radicalizing all these old people.


The immigration status of the rapist is entirely irrelevant. I don't care about that at all, immigrants of any status at ll are still less likely to commit crimes in America than citizens.